Javascript Scope: Var, Let and Const

Variable shadowing:

In JavaScript, variable shadowing occurs when a variable with the same name as a variable in a higher scope is declared in a lower scope, potentially causing confusion;

let a = 10; 
if (true) { 
let a = 20; 

// Output: 20

Illegal shadowing:

This happens when attempting to shadow a variable using var within the same scope where it's already defined using let or const;

let b = "Hi"; 

{ var b = "Bye"; 

} // SyntaxError: Identifier 'b' has already been declared


JavaScript's behavior where variable and function declarations are moved to the top of their scope during compilation, without initializing them;


var a = 10; // Output: undefined

Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ):

A specific behavior for let and const variables, referring to the period between block scope start and variable declaration, causing a ReferenceError if accessed in this zone;


let a = 10; // ReferenceError: Cannot access 'a' before initialization


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Written by

Abhishek Dandriyal
Abhishek Dandriyal

Frontend Developer , I design and code user-friendly and responsive web applications and projects using,HTML5 , React /Redux MUI . I collaborate with backend developer, UI/UX designers, and project managers to deliver high-quality products that meet the clients' needs and expectations.