How to Build a Face Verification Application with Python


Below we'll demonstrate the use of face verification API in Python by showing you how to enroll a person into the database and then verify if this person appears in another photo.
Setting up the Environment
Install the required libraries by running the following command in your terminal:
pip3 install requests
Enrolling the Person
Create a Python file and import the necessary libraries:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import json
API_TOKEN = "your_token"
Define a function to add a person to the database:
def add_person(name, image_path, collections = ""):
if image_path.startswith("https://"):
files = {"photos": image_path}
files = {"photos": open(image_path, "rb")}
response =
headers={"token": API_TOKEN},
data={"name": name, "store": "1", "collections": collections},
if response.status_code == 200:
person = response.json()
print("Added person", name, "with UUID", person["uuid"])
return person["uuid"]
print("Can't add person", name, ":", response.text)
return None
Now you can add people to the database one by one:
person_name = "person name"
# path to image can be local file name or URL
path_to_image = "path_to_image"
# enter the collection name to create the collection and add person to it
collection_name = ""
person_uuid = add_person(person_name, path_to_image, collection_name)
Improving Accuracy of Verification
If you upload more than one image of a person, the face verification engine will be able to verify people with better accuracy. To do that, create a function that can add faces to a person.
def add_face(person_uuid, image_path):
if image_path.startswith("https://"):
files = {"photo": image_path}
files = {"photo": open(image_path, "rb")}
response =
url="" % person_uuid,
headers={"token": API_TOKEN},
data={"store": "1"},
Now, add more photos to this person to improve face verification accuracy. While having a single image of a person is acceptable, adding 3-5 more images will significantly improve face verification accuracy.
add_face(person_uuid, "path_to_another_image")
Verification Process
Define a function to verify an individual:
def verify_person(person_uuid, image_path):
url = "" % person_uuid
headers = {"token": API_TOKEN}
if image_path.startswith("https://"):
files = {"photo": image_path}
files = {"photo": open(image_path, "rb")}
response =, headers=headers, files=files)
result = json.loads(response.text)
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
print("Can't recognize people:", response.text)
return None
Replace the path_to_image_for_recognition with the actual image file path.
Complete Code
Here you can find the complete version of the code we used above. You can just copy and paste it into your file, replace parameters, and it will work.
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}, 100)
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Developing a face verification application from the ground up can be a complex task. However, the emergence of face verification APIs has significantly simplified the process for developers. These APIs offer pre-built functionalities, allowing integration of facial recognition features into various applications without requiring in-depth knowledge of computer vision algorithms. This streamlines development and accelerates the creation of face verification applications.
Learn more here: How to Build a Face Verification Application with Python
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Integrate facial recognition into your website, app, or software using our cloud API. Accurately recognize and compare human faces. Identify people who have been previously tagged in images. Detect age, gender, and emotions in photos.