How to obtain a Testnet Faucet on Lisk

Table of contents
What will we do?
What you will learn?
What are Testnets Faucets?
What do we need a Faucets?
Gas [for those interested]
Exploring faucet locator website
Alternatively: Bridging a Lisk
Let's get our hands dirty
Check your Progress
What will we do?
In this tutorial, we'll explore how to obtain a Testnet faucet on Lisk, allowing you to access test tokens for your development needs. Whether you're building Decentralized applications or experimenting with smart contracts, having access to test tokens is essential for testing and debugging your code.
Metamask or Any Ethereum Wallet
Access to Faucet Locator
Sepolia ETH if you want to use Lisk Bridge (Optional)
What you will learn?
What are Testnet Faucets?
Why do we need a Faucet?
Gas Fee
Where to find faucets?
How to bridge your Sepolia ETH to Lisk Sepolia?
What are Testnet Faucets?
Faucets provide us with small amounts of test tokens that can be used for interacting with the blockchain, making transactions, deploying smart contracts, or testing them.
Why do we need a Faucet?
Interacting with any Ethereum/Lisk app would require some native token to pay for the gas fees so that the nodes include your transaction in the block. These fees are:
To tackle the problem, protocols run a separate testnet chain where developers can play around and deploy their smart contracts and interact with them. Also, these testnets can be used for running network updates before the actual blockchain to get vulnerabilities.
Gas (For those interested):
Gas fee refers to the unit that measures the amount of computational effort required to execute specific operations on the Ethereum network. It is a virtual fuel used to power the smart contracts.
Base Fee - The base fee is the price paid by the sender to reserve the inclusion of transactions in the block. It depends upon the previous block size and increases by 12.5% per block if the target block size is exceeded. This fee is burned upon the mining of the block.
Priority Fee - A priority fee is paid to the miners as a tip to include the transaction in the block. For transactions that need to get preferentially executed ahead of other transactions in the same block, a higher tip will be necessary to attempt to outbid competing transactions.
Transaction Fee - It is the fee used to make transactions on the Ethereum network. It is the overall fee paid by the user.
Transaction fee = Base fee + recommended Priority fee
This Transaction fee is what we call the Gas fees.
Exploring Faucet Locator Website
As a helpful resource, I have created a faucet locator website where you can easily find and access Testnet faucets for Lisk Sepolia and Stylus. Just visit a Lisk Faucet Locator and select the desired network.
Alternatively: Bridging Sepolia ETH to Lisk
If you wanna do it as a pro and also have some Sepolia ETH, I'll also walk you through bridging Sepolia ETH to Lisk Sepolia. This process involves transferring test tokens from the Sepolia Lisk Testnet to the Lisk Sepolia Testnet, allowing you to access Lisk’s ecosystem.
Let's get our hands dirty
Get the Sepolia ETH - Make sure you have the Metamask Wallet with Sepolia ETH to start with the next steps.
Lisk Bridge - Visit the Lisk Sepolia Bridge Ethereum wallet when prompted. Once your wallet is connected, click on the Wallet button showing the address.
Depositing funds
How to deposit funds from Ethereum Sepolia to Lisk Sepolia:
Visit the Lisk Bridge and make sure you are on the Deposit tab.
Connect your wallet by clicking Connect Wallet.
Switch your network to Ethereum Sepolia in your wallet.
Choose the amount of ETH you'd like to deposit.
- If you haven't changed the network yet, switch it to Sepolia on your Metamask or wallet. If you don't see it, click on Show Test Networks.After connecting to the Metamask it will show you your wallet address
- Enter the amount of ETH you wish to bridge to Lisk, then click on Move funds to Lisk Sepolia. Ensure you leave some ETH to cover the gas fee, as discussed earlier.
- After signing the transaction, It will take you directly to your metamask It will take approximately 2-5 minutes to bridge on the Testnet.
- After the transaction is confirmed, your funds will be successfully reflected in your wallet on Lisk Sepolia Network. An it will be pop up a success message
- After the transaction is being confirmed you can check your dashboard for history.
- You can do the same to bridge the Sepolia to Lisk Stylus or XAI or vice versa.
Check your Progress
Congratulations on completing the tutorial! Here's a summary of what you've achieved:
You've gained insight into the significance of Testnet faucets and learned how to obtain them on Lisk.
You've also learned about the importance of gas fees and how they are calculated.
Additionally, you've acquired practical skills in bridging Sepolia ETH to Lisk Sepolia, expanding your access to the Lisk ecosystem.
I encourage you to continue exploring and experimenting with Lisk. Keep building, learning, and innovating in the exciting world of Web3 development!
Report any bugs or want to contribute? Faucet Locator.
Thank you for Reading :)
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Written by

Olajide Rokibat
Olajide Rokibat
Am a Passionate software developer with a knack for problem-solving and a love for elegant code. Experienced in full-stack development, I thrive in collaborative environments where creativity and innovation are valued.