Introduction to Web Technologies

In todays world we all have access of any kind of information which became possible due to the term called or say named as internet. The internet works on the basis of web protocols. Protocols means set of rules decided that how a device will communicate with each other. In this blog i m going to cover some introduction to web technologies and other basics historical things related to web and internet.
The internet, sometimes called simply "the Net," is a worldwide system of computer networks - a network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get information from any other computer. It was conceived by the Advanced Research Projects Agency(ARPA) of the U.S. government in 1969 and was first known as teh Advanced Research Projects Agency(ARPA). The original aim was to create a network that would allow users of a reserach computer at one university to be able to "talk to" research computers at other universities. ARPA nets design provides a benefit, in which messages can be routed or rerouted in one or more direction, the network can remain to the function while the its parts can be destroyed by a military attack and any other disaster. Today, the internet is public, cooperative, and self-sustaining facility accessible to hundreds of millions of people worldwide.
WWW(World Wide Web)
The world wide web (WWW) is a documentation format for how the results are going to be displayed when a person access to internet. We all know inernet can be accessed by browser apps. Diifferent web pages are available on internet with different designs and layouts but the all are having same basic languages like HTML(not a language but hyber text markup language),CSS and javascript. Including this now a days there are different frameworks available like reactjs, vuejs, nxtjs,bootstrap and lots of frameworks are available. Now talking about history WWW i.e world wide web was created by Tim-Berners-Lee of the European Particle Physics Labs(CERN) in Switzerland in 1989.
How internet works...
As You can see in above image when a user (client) request to server through web-browser first the search goes to network where the protocols were chekced by ISP(Internet Service Provider) then it goes to search engines server i.e request then server search for results and it goes back to browser where a user can see whatever infomation user want to get. This is basic working of how internet works.
Versions of Web
Till now there were many versions of web.
Web 1.0 : Provides read-only content and static HTML websites. There was no scope for user interaction or content contribution to the websites. Therefore, Web 1.0 is also called read-only web. Some examples of web 1.0 are Geocities and Hotmail.
Web 2.0 : It enables people to collaborate and share information on the Internet. It provides transition from static HTML Web pages to dynamic web pages. Web 2.0 allows you to create Rich Internet Applications (RIA's) that are delivered through a web-browser. These RIA applications facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-oriented design, and interactions among people on WWW. An RIA application is delievered by using either a Web browser, through a browser plug- in (for instance flash player) or vertual machines. Web 2.0 enables people to contribute information through blogs or websites, such as Flickr, Youtube, and Digg.
Web 3.0 : Enables people to personalise a web page on a website, for instance iGoogle. This is latest version of web. Which is under development, and considered as a set of standards that can turn the entire web into one big database. It is also known as Semantic Web, by TIm Berners-Lee, the man who invented the WWW. The motto of giving the name of Semantic Web to Web 3.0 is to create a place where search engines and software agents can perform the search process in a better way.
so that's all about introduction of web technologies in upcoming blog i will try to cover in depth of web technologies. till than thank you for reading and giving time to my blog.
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Narendra Jalamkar
Narendra Jalamkar
I am a software developer. Exploring tech world. I just post my thoughts about tech and anythings which i m curious about.