Level Up Your App's Real-Time Magic with Laravel Broadcasting

Asis SharmaAsis Sharma
3 min read

In today's fast-paced world, users expect web applications to be dynamic and responsive. Constant page refreshes can be a frustrating experience. Laravel Broadcasting provides a powerful solution for real-time updates in your Laravel application, enhancing user engagement and interactivity.

Real-World Examples of Broadcasting:

  • Live chat applications (e.g., Facebook Messenger)

  • Stock tickers displaying real-time market data

  • Collaborative editing tools (e.g., Google Docs)

  • Social media feeds with instant updates

Under the Hood: How Broadcasting Works

Laravel Broadcasting leverages WebSockets, a technology that enables persistent, two-way communication between the browser and server. Events are broadcasted over designated channels, allowing subscribed clients to receive the data in real-time. Choose your preferred driver (Pusher, Redis, etc.) to manage the real-time communication infrastructure.

Step-by-Step Tutorial:

  1. Configure Broadcasting:

    • Open your .env file and configure the broadcasting driver you'll use. For example, to use Redis:

    • If using a driver like Pusher, obtain your credentials from their website and set the corresponding environment variables (PUSHER_APP_ID, PUSHER_APP_KEY, PUSHER_APP_SECRET, and PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER).

  2. Create an Event:

    • Use the php artisan make:event command to generate a new event class. For example, to create an event for sending new messages:


        php artisan make:event NewMessageEvent
    • Implement the Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\ShouldBroadcast interface in your event class. This enables broadcasting for the event.

  3. Define Broadcast Channel:

    • In your event class, specify the channel(s) over which the event should be broadcasted. Use the broadcastOn method and return the appropriate channel object(s). For example, to broadcast the NewMessageEvent to a channel specific to a room:


        class NewMessageEvent implements ShouldBroadcast
            use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, SerializesModels;
            public $message;
            public function __construct($message)
                $this->message = $message;
            public function broadcastOn(): array
                return new PresenceChannel('chat-room.' . $roomId);  // Replace with your actual room ID
  4. Dispatching the Event:

    • In your code where you want to broadcast an event, use the Broadcast::channel facade to dispatch it on the appropriate channel(s). For example, when a new message is created:


        Broadcast::channel('chat-room.' . $roomId, new NewMessageEvent($message));
  5. Client-Side Setup (Using Laravel Echo):

    • Install the laravel/echo package using Composer:


        composer require laravel/echo
    • Include the Echo JavaScript library in your blade template:


        <script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>  // Assuming your compiled assets are in the 'js' directory
    • In your JavaScript code, create an Echo instance using your broadcasting driver's configuration (e.g., Pusher credentials):


        import Echo from 'laravel-echo';
        window.Echo = new Echo({
            broadcaster: 'pusher',  // Replace with your actual driver
            key: process.env.MIX_PUSHER_APP_KEY,
            cluster: process.env.MIX_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER,
            forceTLS: true
    • Listen for the broadcasted event on the corresponding channel and handle the received data:


        Echo.channel('chat-room.' . roomId)
            .listen('NewMessageEvent', (e) => {
                // Update your UI with the received message data (e.g., display the new message)

Additional Considerations:

  • Choose the appropriate broadcasting driver based on your application's requirements and scalability needs.

  • For private channels that require authentication, implement authorization logic in your event class using the authorizes

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Written by

Asis Sharma
Asis Sharma

I'm an ambitious and motivated software developer, eager to apply my knowledge and skills to contribute to the development of innovative and cutting-edge software solutions. I'm well-versed in a variety of programming languages, including Javascript, C++, and Node.js, and have a understanding of object-oriented programming and algorithms. I'm passionate about developing and I am eager to learn and collaborate with others.