Three-tier EKS Project : A Full Guide 🚀


In this project we will deploy a 3-Tier Language-Vote-App using AWS EKS.
STEP 1 > Launch Instance Create AWS EC2 instance Type > T2.Large
Connect this instance through SSH
STEP 2 > Git Hub
CMD > git clone
STEP 3 > Build & Push API Image To Docker Hub
Now we will build API image. So first we will install docker for this use command >
CMD > sudo apt install -y
CMD > sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
CMD > sudo reboot
Now we will make Dockerfile, so go to API directory and write command >
CMD > vim Dockerfile
Now write code as shown below >
Use an official Golang runtime as a parent image
FROM golang:1.17 as build
Set the working directory inside the container
Copy the local package files to the container's workspace
COPY go.mod . COPY go.sum .
Download and install any required dependencies
RUN go mod download
Copy the rest of your application source code
COPY . .
Build the Go application
RUN go build -o main
Expose the port your application will listen on
Command to run your application
CMD ["/app/main"]
Now we have to build "Docker Image" from "Dockerfile", for this we use command as shown below >
CMD > docker build . -t voting-app-api:latest
visit docker hub on sign-up for docker account
If you want to push or pull docker than there will be a command for it CMD > docker login (in command prompt or terminal)
ID : docker login -u your Id
PASS : your Id
CMD > docker tag voting-app-api:latest papanihal360/voting-app-api:latest
CMD > docker push papanihal360/voting-app-api:latest
STEP 4 > Install AWS CLI v2 (run this command in home directory)
CMD > curl "" -o "" sudo apt install unzip unzip sudo ./aws/install -i /usr/local/aws-cli -b /usr/local/bin --update
CMD > aws configure
Now to control K8s Cluster on EKS we will need to install kubectl tool. To install kubectl use command (run this command in home directory) >
curl -o kubectl chmod +x ./kubectl sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin kubectl version --short --client
Now to make K8s Cluster on EKS we will need to install eksctl tool. To install eksctl use command (run this command in home directory) >
curl --silent --location "[$(uname]($(uname) -s)_amd64.tar.gz" | tar xz -C /tmp sudo mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin eksctl version
Now to setup EKS Cluster use command >
eksctl create cluster --name voting-app-eks-cluster --region us-west-2 --node-type t2.medium --nodes-min 2 --nodes-max 2
Now go cluster “Add-ons” → Click “Get more add-ons” → select "Amazon EBS CSI Driver"
Now click “Next” → again “Next” → Click “Create”. Now add 1 policy in Node IAM role. Go to node and click “IAM role” → click "Attach Policy" → search "AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy" and add this Policy.
Now check nodes, use command >
CMD > kubectl get nodes
We will get a refused error because we haven’t set up the context yet. Lets set up context, for this use command >
CMD > aws eks update-kubeconfig --name voting-app-eks-cluster --region us-east-1
CMD > kubectl get nodes
STEP 5: Setup & Run Mongo
Now we will create a Mongo stateful set yaml file but before that we will create a namespace so for this use command >
kubectl create namespace nihal
Now when we want to work within a specific namespace for our Kubernetes operations. We have to set our namespace as current, for this use command >
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace nihal
After running this command, any subsequent kubectl commands we execute will be scoped to the nihal namespace, unless we specify a different namespace explicitly in our commands. This can be particularly useful when we have multiple namespaces in our Kubernetes cluster and we want to ensure that our operations are isolated to a specific namespace.
CMD > kubectl create statefulset.yaml
mongo-stateful set yaml file
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata: name: mongo namespace: nihal spec: serviceName: mongo replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: role: db template: metadata: labels: role: db env: demo replicaset: rs0.main spec: affinity: podAntiAffinity: preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 100 podAffinityTerm: labelSelector: matchExpressions: - key: replicaset operator: In values: - rs0.main topologyKey: terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10 containers: - name: mongo image: mongo:4.2 command: - "numactl" - "--interleave=all" - "mongod" - "--wiredTigerCacheSizeGB" - "0.1" - "--bind_ip" - "" - "--replSet" - "rs0" ports: - containerPort: 27017 volumeMounts: - name: mongodb-persistent-storage-claim mountPath: /data/db volumeClaimTemplates: - metadata: name: mongodb-persistent-storage-claim spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce storageClassName: gp2 resources: requests: storage: 1Gi
Now to apply a Mongo stateful set with Persistent volumes, run the command >
CMD > #to apply mongo-statefulset manifest file kubectl apply -f mongo-statefulset.yaml
CMD > kubectl get pods
Now go to Aws console and click on nodes and storage. We will see now new 1Gb storage has been added to both nodes.
Check whether persistent volumes are created or not
CMD > kubectl get pvc
Now we will create a mongo-service yaml file, write command >
CMD > kubectl create mongo-service.yaml
mongo-service yaml file
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: mongo namespace: nihal labels: role: db env: demo spec: ports:
- port: 27017 targetPort: 27017 selector: role: db
Now to apply a mongo-service yaml file, run the command >
CMD > kubectl apply -f mongo-service.yaml kubectl get svc -n nihal
Now let’s go inside the mongo-0 pod and we have to initialise the Mongo database Replica set >
CMD > kubectl get pods kubectl exec -it mongo-0 -- mongo
In the terminal run the following command >
rs.initiate(); sleep(2000); rs.add("mongo-1.mongo:27017"); sleep(2000); rs.add("mongo-2.mongo:27017"); sleep(2000); cfg = rs.conf(); cfg.members[0].host = "mongo-0.mongo:27017"; rs.reconfig(cfg, {force: true}); sleep(5000);
Note: Wait until this command completes successfully, it typically takes 10-15 seconds to finish and completes with the message: bye Load the Data in the database by running this command >
CMD > use langdb
Now paste given below data in the terminal >
db.languages.insert({"name" : "csharp", "codedetail" : { "usecase" : "system, web, server-side", "rank" : 5, "compiled" : false, "homepage" : "", "download" : "", "votes" : 0}}); db.languages.insert({"name" : "python", "codedetail" : { "usecase" : "system, web, server-side", "rank" : 3, "script" : false, "homepage" : "", "download" : "", "votes" : 0}}); db.languages.insert({"name" : "javascript", "codedetail" : { "usecase" : "web, client-side", "rank" : 7, "script" : false, "homepage" : "", "download" : "n/a", "votes" : 0}}); db.languages.insert({"name" : "go", "codedetail" : { "usecase" : "system, web, server-side", "rank" : 12, "compiled" : true, "homepage" : "", "download" : "", "votes" : 0}}); db.languages.insert({"name" : "java", "codedetail" : { "usecase" : "system, web, server-side", "rank" : 1, "compiled" : true, "homepage" : "", "download" : "", "votes" : 0}}); db.languages.insert({"name" : "nodejs", "codedetail" : { "usecase" : "system, web, server-side", "rank" : 20, "script" : false, "homepage" : "", "download" : "", "votes" : 0}});
Now to see data in proper way use command given below >
CMD > db.languages.find().pretty();
Now to exit from mongo-0 pod use command >
CMD > exit #exit from conatiner
To confirm run this in the terminal >
kubectl exec -it mongo-0 -- mongo --eval "rs.status()" | grep "PRIMARY|SECONDARY"
Now we will create a mongo-secret yaml file, write command >
CMD > kubectl create mongo-secret.yaml
mongo-secret yaml file
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: mongodb-secret namespace: nihal data: username: c3VkaGEK
password: eWFkYXYK
In mongo-secret.yaml file we will write encryted password so how we can make encrypted password. Write echo 'sudha' | base64 and enter and we get our encryted username or password. Now how we can decode it? For this write echo 'encrypted username or password' | base64 --decode and we will get our real username or password. Now to apply a mongo-secret yaml file, run the command >
CMD > kubectl apply -f mongo-sercet.yaml
STEP 6: Setup & Run API Now we will create a API deployment yaml file so for this use command >
CMD > kubectl create api-deployment.yaml
api-deployment yaml file
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: api namespace: nihal labels: role: api env: demo spec: replicas: 2 strategy: type: RollingUpdate rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 25% selector: matchLabels: role: api template: metadata: labels: role: api spec: containers: - name: api image: sudhajobs0107/voting-app-api:latest #change image name imagePullPolicy: Always env: - name: MONGO_CONN_STR value: mongodb://mongo-0.mongo,mongo-1.mongo,mongo-2.mongo:27017/langdb?replicaSet=rs0 - name: MONGO_USERNAME valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: mongodb-secret key: username - name: MONGO_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: mongodb-secret key: password ports: - containerPort: 8080 livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /ok port: 8080 initialDelaySeconds: 2 periodSeconds: 5 readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /ok port: 8080 initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 5 successThreshold: 1
Now to apply a api deployment file, run the command
#to apply manifest file
CMD > kubectl apply -f api-deployment.yaml
#to check pods
CMD > kubectl get pods
CMD > kubectl get all
Now we will create a api-service yaml file, write command >
CMD > kubectl create api-service.yaml
api-service yaml file
#Imperative command to create service to expose frontend deployment #kubectl expose deploy api \ --name=api \ --type=LoadBalancer \ --port=80 \ --target-port=8080 apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: api labels: app: api spec: selector: app: api ports: - protocol: TCP port: 80 targetPort: 8080 type: LoadBalancer
Now we can apply api-service yaml file or directly expose, run the command >
CMD > kubectl apply -f api-service.yaml
CMD > kubectl get svc
Now we will see 1 Load Balancer will be created in your AWS account
Now set the environment variable >
{ API_ELB_PUBLIC_FQDN=$(kubectl get svc api -ojsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}") until nslookup $API_ELB_PUBLIC_FQDN >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 2 && echo waiting for DNS to propagate...; done curl $API_ELB_PUBLIC_FQDN/ok echo }
STEP 7: Setup & Run Frontend Now we will make Dockerfile for frontend, so go to frontend directory and write command >
CMD > vim Dockerfile
Use Node.js 16 image
FROM node:16 as build
WORKDIR /app COPY package*.json ./ RUN npm install --legacy-peer-deps COPY . . RUN npm run build
Stage 2: Serve the React app using NGINX
FROM nginx:alpine
Remove the default NGINX welcome page
RUN rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/*
Copy the built React app from the previous stage
COPY --from=build /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html
Expose port 80 (default HTTP port)
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
Now we have to build "Docker Image" from "Dockerfile", for this we use command as shown below >
CMD > docker build . -t voting-app-frontend:latest
CMD > docker tag voting-app-frontend:latest papanihal360/voting-app-frontend:latest
CMD > docker push papanihal360/voting-app-frontend:latest
CMD > Now we will create a Frontend deployment yaml file so for this use command >
CMD > kubectl create frontend-deployment.yaml
api-deployment yaml file
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: frontend namespace: nihal labels: role: frontend env: demo spec: replicas: 2 strategy: type: RollingUpdate rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 25% selector: matchLabels: role: frontend template: metadata: labels: role: frontend spec: containers: - name: frontend image: papanihal360/voting-app-frontend:latest #change image name imagePullPolicy: Always env: - name: REACT_APP_APIHOSTPORT value: #Here add your API_EXTERNAL_IP manually ports: - containerPort: 80
Now to apply a frontend deployment file, run the command >
CMD > kubectl apply -f frontend-deployment.yaml
CMD > kubectl get pods
kubectl get all
Now we will create a frontend-service yaml file, write command >
CMD > kubectl create frontend-service.yaml
frontend-service yaml file
#Imperative command to create service to expose frontend deployment #kubectl expose deploy frontend \ --name=frontend \ --type=LoadBalancer \ --port=80 \ --target-port=80 apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: frontend labels: app: frontend spec: selector: app: frontend ports: - protocol: TCP port: 80 targetPort: 80 type: LoadBalancer
Now we can apply frontend-service yaml file or directly expose, run the command >
CMD > kubectl apply -f frontnend-service.yaml CMD > kubectl get svc -n nihal
Next, set the environment variable >
{ FRONTEND_ELB_PUBLIC_FQDN=$(kubectl get svc frontend -ojsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}") until nslookup $FRONTEND_ELB_PUBLIC_FQDN >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 2 && echo waiting for DNS to propagate...; done curl -I $FRONTEND_ELB_PUBLIC_FQDN }
Now generate the Frontend URL for browsing. In the terminal run the following command >
After the voting application has loaded successfully, vote by clicking on several of the +1 buttons. This will generate AJAX traffic which will be sent back to the API via the API’s assigned ELB. Query the MongoDB database directly to observe the updated vote data. In the terminal execute the following command:
CMD > kubectl exec -it mongo-0 -- mongo langdb --eval "db.languages.find().pretty()"
Our 3-Tier-Language-Vote-App Project is completed 😄
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Aspiring to excel as an AWS DevOps Engineer, combining theoretical expertise with practical project implementation.