How Inheritance Works in Java Programming

Sridhar KSridhar K
7 min read


Inheritance is a core concept in Java that allows a class to inherit the properties and methods of a base class, enabling code reusability and hierarchical classification. This allows a child class to inherit and extend the functionality of a parent class.

Inheritance is followed in order to reduce code redundancy. Code redundancy is nothing but the repetition of lines of code in a program. Hence, inheritance is a main pillar that allows us to write and manage our code effectively.

Inheritance can be achieved through the extends keyword. A child class should use the extends keyword in order to acquire the parent class's data members and member functions.

Example for Inheritance

Fig. 1: A Simple Example of Inheritance

The Robot class serves as the parent class, defining fundamental behaviors for all robot types. It includes methods such as talk(), walk(), and charge().

There are three specialized child classes inheriting from Robot:

Chef Robot Class:

  • Inherits methods: talk(), walk(), charge().

  • Child specific method: cook().

  • Description: The ChefRobot class extends Robot, inheriting basic functionalities for communication, movement, and power management. It specializes further with the cook() method, allowing it to prepare meals autonomously.

Doctor Robot Class:

  • Inherits methods: talk(), walk(), charge().

  • Child Specific method: surgery().

  • Description: The DoctorRobot class extends Robot, inheriting essential capabilities for communication, mobility, and energy replenishment. It is equipped with the surgery() method, enabling it to perform intricate medical procedures with precision.

Teacher Robot Class:

  • Inherits methods: talk(), walk(), charge().

  • Child Specific method: teach().

  • Description: The TeacherRobot class extends Robot, inheriting core functionalities including communication, locomotion, and power management. It introduces the teach() method, allowing it to deliver educational content and interact with students effectively.

These child classes demonstrate the concept of inheritance in object-oriented programming, where common functionalities are inherited from a parent class (Robot), and specialized behaviors are defined in each child class (ChefRobot, DoctorRobot, TeacherRobot). This approach promotes code reusability, modularity, and extensibility in software design.

Code for Inheritance

Parent Robot Class

public class Robot { // Parent Class
    public void talk() {
        System.out.println("Robot is talking"); // talk method
    public void walk() {
        System.out.println("Robot is walking"); // walk method
    public void charge() {
        System.out.println("Robot is charging"); // charge method

Code Snippet of Robot (parent) class

This is a Robot class with the methods of talk()walk()charge() .

Child Chef Robot class:

class ChefRobot extends Robot{ // extends keyword is used 
    //to implement inheritance
    public void cook() {
        System.out.println("Chef robot is cooking");

Code Snippet of ChefRobot (child) class

ChefRobot class is a child class of Robot Class. This class has a child specific method cook() .

Child Doctor Robot class:

class DoctorRobot extends Robot{//extends keyword is used to implement 
    public void surgery() { // child specific method
        System.out.println("Doctor robot is doing a surgery");

Code Snippet of DoctorRobot (child) Class

DoctorRobot class which is a child class of Robot Class. This class has a child specific method surgery().

Child Teacher Robot class:

class TeacherRobot extends Robot{ // extends keyword is used 
    //to implement inheritance
    public void teach() { // Child specific method
        System.out.println("Teacher robot is teaching");

Code snippet of TeacherRobot (child) Class

TeacherRobot class is a child class of Robot Class. This class has a child specific method teach().

Robot App Class:

public class RobotApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Robot r1=new Robot();// creating an object for Robot Class
        r1.walk(); // calling walk method of Robot Class; // calling talk method of Robot Class
        r1.charge(); // calling charge method of Robot Class

        ChefRobot cr=new ChefRobot();// creating am object for chef robo
        cr.walk(); // calling walk method of ChefRobo class; // calling talk method of ChefRobo class
        cr.charge(); // calling charge method of ChefRobo class
        cr.cook(); // calling child specific cook method of ChefRobo class

        DoctorRobot dr=new DoctorRobot();// creating an object for doc robo
        dr.walk();// calling walk method of DoctorRobo class;// calling talk method of DoctorRobo class
        dr.charge();// calling charge method of DoctorRobo class;// calling child specific method of DoctorRobo class

        TeacherRobot tr=new TeacherRobot();// creating an object for teacher robo
        tr.walk(); // calling walk method of TeacherRobo class; // calling talk method of TeacherRobo class
        tr.charge(); // calling charge method of TeacherRobo class
        tr.teach();// calling child specific method of TeacherRobo class

Code Snippet of RobotApp (implementation) Class

The RobotApp class demonstrates the usage of inheritance and polymorphism in Java through different types of robots inheriting from the Robot class.

  1. Robot Class Usage:

    • An object r1 of type Robot is created and used to call methods walk(), talk(), and charge(), which are defined in the Robot class itself.
  2. ChefRobot Class Usage:

    • An object cr of type ChefRobot is created and used to call inherited methods walk(), talk(), charge() from the Robot class.

    • Additionally, the cook() method, specific to ChefRobot, is called using cr.cook().

  3. DoctorRobot Class Usage:

    • An object dr of type DoctorRobot is created and used to call inherited methods walk(), talk(), charge() from the Robot class.

    • The surgery() method, specific to DoctorRobot, is called using

  4. TeacherRobot Class Usage:

    • An object tr of type TeacherRobot is created and used to call inherited methods walk(), talk(), charge() from the Robot class.

    • The teach() method, specific to TeacherRobot, is called using tr.teach().

Each robot type demonstrates the concept of inheritance, where they inherit common behaviors (walk(), talk(), charge()) from the Robot class and implement their own specific behaviors (cook(), surgery(), teach()).

This approach promotes code reuse, enhances maintainability, and allows for specialized functionalities tailored to different types of robots in a modular and organized manner.

Expected Output:

Fig. 7: Snapshot of output of the program.

Note Private data members of a class can never be inherited by a child class. In other words Private data members of a class will never participate in inheritance.


public class Parent {
    // Public field that can be inherited
    String eye_color = "Grey";
    // Private field that cannot be inherited
    private int atm_pin = 1234;
public class Child extends Parent {
    // Inherits eye_color field from Parent class
    // Does not inherit atm_pin as it is private in Parent class
public class ParentApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating an instance of the Child class
        Child c = new Child();
        // Accessing inherited field from Parent class
        System.out.println(c.eye_color); // This will print "Grey"
        // Trying to access private field from Parent class (will cause an error)
        System.out.println(c.atm_pin); // ERROR: because private data members can never be inherited

The eye_color field in the Parent class is declared with default visibility (package-private), making it accessible within the same package and inheritable by subclasses in the same package.

The atm_pin field in the Parent class is private, meaning it is not accessible outside the Parent class, including in subclasses. Therefore, attempting to access atm_pin from an instance of Child will result in a compilation error.

Advantages of Inheritance

  1. Code Reusability: Inherited methods and attributes can be reused in derived classes, reducing redundancy and promoting cleaner, more maintainable code.

  2. Extensibility: Derived classes can extend the functionality of base classes by adding new methods and attributes without modifying the existing code, thus supporting incremental development.

  3. Polymorphism: Inheritance facilitates polymorphic behavior, where objects of derived classes can be treated as objects of their base class. This allows for flexibility in designing and implementing different behaviors for related objects.

  4. Organization and Structure: Inheritance hierarchies provide a natural way to organize and structure code, making it easier to understand and maintain complex systems.

  5. Promotes Code Consistency: By defining common attributes and behaviors in a base class, inheritance helps enforce consistency across derived classes, ensuring that they adhere to the same interface and behavior.

In summary inheritance enhances code reusability, promotes extensibility, facilitates polymorphism, improves code organization, and promotes consistency in object-oriented design.

Interested in learning about the types of inheritance? Feel free to read my blog on the topic: Understanding Different Types of Inheritance in Java.


In conclusion, inheritance is a fundamental feature of object-oriented programming that promotes code reuse, extensibility, and polymorphic behavior. It allows for efficient organization of code and enhances software design by facilitating hierarchical relationships among classes. Adopting inheritance can lead to more maintainable and scalable software systems.

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Written by

Sridhar K
Sridhar K

I am a fresher Software developer with a strong foundation in Java, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I have experience with various libraries and frameworks, including Spring Boot, Express.js, Node.js, Hibernate, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. I am eager to leverage my technical skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to a dynamic development team. I am committed to continuous learning and am excited to begin my career in a challenging developer role.