Local Currency Bitcoin Tracking with QuickNode

In the era of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin was the pioneer, leading to the growth of the Web3 ecosystem with a range of amazing tools. However, tracking investments can become challenging and costly if you have multiple wallets and data spread across different exchanges.
But don't worry, QuickNode is here to help. With QuickNode, you can easily retrieve data without needing to know how to code. We provide all the tools you need to achieve your goals efficiently!
What You Will Need
- A Sheet on Google Drive.
What We Will Do
A Sheet on Google Drive.
Create an account on QuickNode.
Activating the BTC Blockbook JSON-RPC.
What is QuickNode?
QuickNode is your ally in the Web3 space, allowing you to search for NFTs across multiple blockchains and create token-gated communities. By harnessing the power of various nodes, you can simplify and enhance your Web3 infrastructure with ease.
Obtaining information from QuickNode
To obtain this valuable information, create an RPC by clicking on 'Endpoints' in QuickNode's dashboard.
In this case, I select the Bitcoin RPC.
After that ,select the mainnet network.
As a result, you will see these plugins to activate. Please navigate to "Indexed Data" and activate the "BTC Blockbook JSON-RPC"
In addition, you will find the RPC with the plugin activated, providing the necessary information to track your Bitcoin transactions
Please click on the "Copy" button to obtain the RPC url.
Manipulating our data on Google Sheets
Before starting to manipulate our data, please create 1 sheet with this name:
- BitcoinPortfolio
You can name the tab associated with the sheet differently; in my case, I named it "BitcoinUSD".
After that, please search for the "Extensions" tab and click on "App scripts"
Additionally, please create these file names (functions), and copy the code from each file in the next step.
function FETCHBALANCEHISTORY(address, fromX, to, fiatCurrency, groupBy) {
var headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
var payload = {
"method": "bb_getbalancehistory",
"params": [
"from": fromX.toString(),
"to": to.toString(),
"fiatcurrency": fiatCurrency.toString(),
"groupBy": groupBy
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
var options = {
'method': 'post',
'contentType': 'application/json',
'payload': JSON.stringify(payload),
'headers': headers
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
var data = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
// Check if the response contains data
if (data && data.result && data.result.length > 0) {
let resultArray = [];
data.result.forEach(function(item) {
new Date(item.time * 1000), // Convert UNIX timestamp to a readable date
item.received ,
item.received / 100000000 ,//Done
(item.received / 100000000) * item.rates.usd, //Done
item.sent/ 100000000 ,
(item.sent / 100000000) * item.rates.usd,
item.sentToSelf/ 100000000 ,
(item.sentToSelf / 100000000) * item.rates.usd
return resultArray; // Return the array
} else {
return [['No data available']]; // Return a 2D array with a message if no data is found
function putValuesBelow(address, fromX, to, fiatCurrency, groupBy) {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var range = sheet.getActiveCell(); // Get the currently active cell
var values = FETCHBALANCEHISTORY(address, fromX, to, fiatCurrency, groupBy); // Call the FETCHBALANCEHISTORY function
var numRows = values.length;
var numCols = values[0].length;
// Place values into cells below the active cell
sheet.getRange(range.getRow() + 1, range.getColumn(), numRows, numCols).setValues(values);
// Simply return the headers as an array of arrays
return [
'Timestamp', 'Transactions','Bitcoin Rate USD',
'Sats Received', '[Received] SATS to BTC',"[Received] BTC-USD",
'Sats Sent','[Sent] SATS TO BTC', '[Sent] BTC-USD',
'Sats SentToSelf','[SentToSelf]SATS TO BTC','[SentToSelf] BTC-USD',
Finally, you need to run each code by clicking on the "Run" button.
Run in the following sequence:
As a result, Google Apps Script will prompt you to log in to your account to set the desired permissions.
Now, Google Apps Script will prompt you to approve the permissions.
After that, Google Apps Script will run your code. Don't worry if you see a red message; this happens because the code is running without any data.
Furthermore, let's add headers to provide a better description of our data.
Moreover, you will see the headers, so you won't need to write each one every time.
To retrieve the values from your Bitcoin transactions, you need to follow these steps:
Bitcoin Address.
The starting Unix timestamp (in seconds) of the time range for which balance history is requested).
- You can get the date in Unix in the next site: https://www.epochconverter.com/
The ending Unix timestamp (in seconds) of the time range for which balance history is requested.
Fiat Currency (You can choose one of the following currencies: USD, MXN, AED, ARS, AUD, BDT, BHD, BMD, BRL, BTC, CAD, CHF, CLP, CNY, CZK, DKK, ETH, EUR, GBP, HKD, HUF, IDR, ILS, INR, JPY, KRW, KWD, LKR, MMK, MYR, NGN, NOK, NZD, PHP, PKR, PLN, RUB, SAR, SEK, SGD, THB, TRY, TWD, UAH, VEF, VND, ZAR).
The time interval (in seconds) for grouping the balance data.
That sounds great! Now, you can see transactions in one place and in an easy way! You can use the data in a more convenient manner for you.
Explaining the data
TimeStamp - The timestamp associated with the period group by 3600 seconds (60 minutes).
Bitcoin Rate USD - The rate associated with that period of time.
Sats Received , [Received] SATS to BTC, [Received] BTC-USD.
Sats Sent , [Sent] SATS TO BTC , [Sent] BTC-USD.
Sats SentToSelf, [SentToSelf] SATS TO BTC, [SentToSelf] BTC-USD.
You can learn more about how to query the service here: https://www.quicknode.com/docs/bitcoin/bb_getbalancehistory
I'm proud of you! You've learned how to retrieve your Bitcoin transactions in Google Sheets in a simple manner. You can improve this workflow and add more features!
If you want a specific feature, you can reach us through the links below.
We are here to support you ❤️ .
We ❤️ Feedback!
If you have any feedback or questions on this guide, let us know.
Or, feel free to reach out to us via Twitter or our Discord community server.
We’d love to hear from you!
Author: Irwing Tello
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ADjtsHVreT
Twitter: https://twitter.com/irwingtello
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/irwingtello/
Email: irwing@dfhcommunity.com
Website: dfhcommunity.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@irwingtellomx
You can support my work here:
BTC: 34kXK9CpTJP1PyHKw2kUD2bt6rtGcG5CHY
EVM Address: 0x8B98F8Ff69d2A720120eD6C71A9Bc5072b8Eb46D
Solana: Ey9oVFHW79giacRZaKxigYjeihMsY7ox8jxc7Hp1sJmS
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Written by

Irwing Tello
Irwing Tello
As a driven professional with a passion for technology and business, I excel at developing and implementing innovative strategies that drive value for end-users. With a background in blockchain and a strong commitment to sharing my knowledge and experience with others, I am always seeking new opportunities to promote technology and help others understand its potential to improve lives. My core activities include staying up-to-date with the latest technological advancements, participating in projects that contribute to society, building a diverse network of friends and colleagues from different countries, and fostering a supportive and inclusive community that encourages individuals to reach their full potential. Whether through public speaking engagements or hands-on collaboration with others, I am dedicated to spreading my enthusiasm for technology and driving positive change in the world.