How to Get Started with Ansible Vault

Arpit ZelawatArpit Zelawat
4 min read

Goal: With this short blog, my aim is to give the reader all the information he needs to successfully implement Ansible Vault in his DevOps project.

Assumption: This blog assumes that you already have a working knowledge of ansible concepts, such as roles, variables, inventory, playbooks etc.

What is Ansible Vault?

According the official documentation:

Ansible Vault encrypts variables and files so you can protect sensitive content such as passwords or keys rather than leaving it visible as plaintext in playbooks or roles.

Let me expand on the 'encrypted variable and files' part. You can keep all your sensitive information inside a single encrypted file, or you can encrypt individual variables/strings, and use them right inside your playbook or vars files.

Choosing between encrypted variables or encrypted files

Encrypted Files


  • Easy to manage/share a file

  • Easy to exclude encrypted files using .gitignore

  • Easy to change rekey / change password.


  • Every time you need to update the contents of your encrypted file, you have to decrypt it, make your changes, and the encrypt it again.

  • Updating your encrypted files, creates unnecessary changes to your git repository.

Encrypted Variables


  • Easy to update. You don't have to update a file containing other variables, but just your intended variable.

  • Doesn't create unnecessary changes to your git repository.


  • Difficult to rekey / change password. If you have 20 encrypted variables, then you have to re-encrypt all 20 variables to change your password.

  • Impossible to exclude them out of your git repository. Encrypted variables are used within your playbook/vars files. Excluding these files means excluding your playbook/vars from the repository.

Personally, I prefer encrypted files as they are easy to manage and can be excluded from the repository, even though, they are a hassle to update.

The ansible-vault command line tool

Here's an oversimplified syntax of the ansible-vault command line tool:

ansible-vault <password source> <command>

There are three ways to provide password to the ansible-vault tool:

  • A password prompt using the --ask-vault-pass option.

  • A password file provided by the --vault-password-file path/to/password/file option.

  • Third party secrets manager

There are 7 commands for the tool, namely create, decrypt, edit, view, encrypt, encrypt_string, and rekey. Lets look at them.

Create an encrypted variable

Just execute one of the following commands to create an encrypted variable:

ansible-vault encrypt_string --ask-vault-pass 'mysupersecretpassword' --name 'password_vars'


ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-password-file path/to/password/file 'mysupersecretpassword' --name 'password_vars'

You'll get an output similar to this:

password: !vault |

You can use this encrypted string directly in your YAML files.

Create an encrypted file

This command will create new file named vault.yml :

ansible-vault create vault.yml

This command will encrypt an existing file named vault.yml :

ansible-vault encrypt vault.yml

View an encrypted file

ansible-vault --ask-vault-pass view vault.yml

Edit an encrypted file

ansible-vault --ask-vault-pass edit vault.yml

Set environment variable $EDITOR to nano if you don't want to use vi.

Decrypt a file

ansible-vault --ask-vault-pass decrypt vault.yml

Change password for a file

ansible-vault rekey vault.yml

Using ansible vault in an ansible playbook

Let's implement what we have learned so far using an example.

In this example we'll try to ping a server using an ansible playbook. But since the server's IP address and user name is sensitive information, we'll keep them encrypted. We'll keep the IP address in an encrypted file and the username as an encrypted variable.

Lets start by creating a password file:

echo 'my_vault_password' > .vault_pass

Make sure you don't upload the password in a git repository:

echo '.vault_pass' >> .gitignore

There are two ways to use this vault password file:

  1. Passing it as an argument --vault-password-file

     ansible-vault view --vault-password-file .vault_pass vault.yml
  2. Setting path to this file in environment variable

     export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=path/to/.vault_pass

To encrypt the username ubuntu:

ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-password-file .vault_pass 'ubuntu' --name 'vault_ansible_user'

You'll get an output similar to the one below. Save it.

vault_ansible_user: !vault |

Now, let's create an encrypted file vault.yml to store our server's IP address.

ansible-vault create --vault-password-file .vault_pass vault.yml

Paste the following content inside the editor:


Next, we'll define the inventory.yml file.

      ansible_host: "{{ vault_ansible_host }}"
      ansible_user: vault_ansible_user: !vault |

Finally, we'll write our playbook.yml.

- name: Playbook
  hosts: server
    - vault.yml
    - name: ping task

Here's my directory structure:

├── .vault_pass
├── inventory.yml
├── playbook.yml
└── vault.yml

To run the playbook, execute the following command:

ansible-playbook --vault-password-file .vault_pass -i inventory/hosts.yml playbook.yml

This is how to use ansible vault. For more information, please refer the official documentation. Thank you!

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Written by

Arpit Zelawat
Arpit Zelawat

Hi! My name is Arpit, and I'm a Software Engineer turned Product Manager. I use this platform to share my learnings in various different fields of interest.