Getting Started with Actix for Rust Developers - A Crow's Perspective (Part 2)

5 min read

Welcome back, feathered friends! In Part 1, we covered the basics of setting up an Actix web server, handling requests and responses, using middleware, and managing errors. In this part, we'll dive deeper into more advanced features and best practices to help you build more robust and scalable applications.

Table of Contents

  1. Advanced State Management

  2. Working with Databases

  3. WebSockets in Depth

  4. Testing Your Actix Applications

  5. Deployment Best Practices

  6. Conclusion

1. Advanced State Management

In Part 1, we touched on state management using Mutex. However, there are more advanced techniques for handling state, especially in a multi-threaded environment.

Using Arc and RwLock

For read-heavy workloads, consider using Arc and RwLock:

rustCopy codeuse actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer, Responder};
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};

struct AppState {
    counter: RwLock<i32>,

async fn increment(data: web::Data<Arc<AppState>>) -> impl Responder {
    let mut counter = data.counter.write().unwrap();
    *counter += 1;
    format!("Counter: {}", counter)

async fn get_counter(data: web::Data<Arc<AppState>>) -> impl Responder {
    let counter =;
    format!("Counter: {}", counter)

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let data = web::Data::new(Arc::new(AppState {
        counter: RwLock::new(0),

    HttpServer::new(move || {
            .route("/increment", web::get().to(increment))
            .route("/counter", web::get().to(get_counter))


  • Arc: Arc (Atomic Reference Counted) ensures that the state can be shared across multiple threads.

  • RwLock: RwLock allows multiple readers or one writer at a time, improving concurrency for read-heavy workloads.

2. Working with Databases

Actix integrates seamlessly with various databases. Here, we’ll use Diesel, a powerful ORM for Rust.

Setting Up Diesel

Add Diesel to your Cargo.toml:

tomlCopy code[dependencies]
diesel = { version = "1.4.8", features = ["postgres"] }
dotenv = "0.15"
actix-web = "4"
actix-rt = "2.4"

Run the following commands to set up Diesel:

shCopy codecargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
diesel setup

Creating a Model

Define your database schema in src/

rustCopy codetable! {
    users (id) {
        id -> Int4,
        name -> Varchar,
        email -> Varchar,

Create a model in src/

rustCopy codeuse super::schema::users;
use diesel::prelude::*;

#[derive(Queryable, Insertable)]
#[table_name = "users"]
struct User {
    id: i32,
    name: String,
    email: String,

Using Diesel in Actix

Set up a simple Actix Web server to interact with the database:

rustCopy codeuse actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer, HttpResponse, Responder};
use diesel::prelude::*;
use diesel::pg::PgConnection;
use dotenv::dotenv;
use std::env;

mod models;
mod schema;

use models::User;

pub fn establish_connection() -> PgConnection {

    let database_url = env::var("DATABASE_URL").expect("DATABASE_URL must be set");
    PgConnection::establish(&database_url).expect(&format!("Error connecting to {}", database_url))

async fn get_users() -> impl Responder {
    use schema::users::dsl::*;
    let connection = establish_connection();
    let results = users.load::<User>(&connection).expect("Error loading users");


async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    HttpServer::new(|| {
            .route("/users", web::get().to(get_users))


  • Database Connection: The establish_connection function sets up a connection to the PostgreSQL database using environment variables.

  • Route Setup: The /users route fetches and returns all users from the database in JSON format.

3. WebSockets in Depth

WebSockets enable real-time communication in web applications. Actix provides robust support for WebSockets, allowing you to build interactive applications easily.

Advanced WebSocket Example

rustCopy codeuse actix::{Actor, StreamHandler, Handler, Message};
use actix_web::{web, App, HttpRequest, HttpServer, Responder, Error};
use actix_web_actors::ws;

struct MyWebSocket {
    count: usize,

impl Actor for MyWebSocket {
    type Context = ws::WebsocketContext<Self>;

impl StreamHandler<Result<ws::Message, ws::ProtocolError>> for MyWebSocket {
    fn handle(&mut self, msg: Result<ws::Message, ws::ProtocolError>, ctx: &mut Self::Context) {
        match msg {
            Ok(ws::Message::Text(text)) => {
                self.count += 1;
                ctx.text(format!("Message {}: {}", self.count, text))
            Ok(ws::Message::Ping(msg)) => ctx.pong(&msg),
            _ => (),

async fn websocket(req: HttpRequest, stream: web::Payload) -> Result<impl Responder, Error> {
    ws::start(MyWebSocket { count: 0 }, &req, stream)

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    HttpServer::new(|| {
            .route("/ws/", web::get().to(websocket))


  • Stateful Actor: The MyWebSocket struct now includes a count field to track the number of messages.

  • StreamHandler Implementation: The handle function processes different types of WebSocket messages, incrementing the count and responding with the count and message text.

4. Testing Your Actix Applications

Testing is crucial for building reliable applications. Actix supports testing through integration tests and unit tests.

Integration Tests

Create a test file tests/

rustCopy codeuse actix_web::{test, App, web, HttpResponse};

async fn greet() -> HttpResponse {
    HttpResponse::Ok().body("Caw! Welcome to my web server!")

async fn test_greet() {
    let app = test::init_service(App::new().route("/", web::get().to(greet))).await;
    let req = test::TestRequest::with_uri("/").to_request();
    let resp = test::call_service(&app, req).await;


  • Test Service: test::init_service initializes the Actix application for testing.

  • Test Request: test::TestRequest creates a test request.

  • Call Service: test::call_service sends the test request to the application.

  • Assertions: assert! verifies the response status.

5. Deployment Best Practices

Deploying Actix applications requires some best practices to ensure performance and reliability.

Building for Release

Always build your application in release mode for optimized performance:

shCopy codecargo build --release

Using a Reverse Proxy

Deploy your Actix application behind a reverse proxy like Nginx or Apache to handle SSL termination, load balancing, and more.

6. Conclusion

By now, you should have a solid understanding of Actix's capabilities and how to use it to build scalable, high-performance web applications in Rust. From setting up your project and handling requests to managing state, working with databases, implementing WebSockets, testing, and deploying, Actix offers a comprehensive toolkit for web development.

Keep experimenting, and don't be afraid to explore new features and patterns. The Rust ecosystem is constantly evolving, and there’s always something new to learn.

Happy coding, and may your code be as robust as a crow's nest in a storm!

That's it for now, fellow Rustaceans. Keep those beaks sharp, and may your code always be cleaner than a freshly preened feather. Caw-caw for now!

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i sleep and write, with the obvious {kaw kaw}'s