How to Deploy Your Application on AWS EKS and Make it Internet Accessible: Step-by-Step

10 min read

In this blog, I will explain how to deploy the 2048 game on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). This will be a step-by-step tutorial with explanations to make it beginner-friendly.

Why EKS?

EKS is a managed Kubernetes services on AWS and is preferred over manually configuring Kubernetes on AWS instances for the following reasons:

  • Managed Control Plane: EKS takes care of managing the Kubernetes control plane components, such as the API server, controller manager, and etcd.

  • Automated Updates: EKS automatically updates the Kubernetes version, eliminating the need for manual intervention and ensuring that the cluster stays up-to-date with the latest features and security patches.

  • Scalability: EKS can automatically scale the Kubernetes control plane based on demand, ensuring the cluster remains responsive as the workload increases.

  • AWS Integration: EKS seamlessly integrates with various AWS services, such as AWS IAM for authentication and authorization, Amazon VPC for networking, and AWS Load Balancers for service exposure.

  • Security and Compliance: EKS is designed to meet various security standards and compliance requirements, providing a secure and compliant environment for running containerized workloads.

Why Not Self-Managed Kubernetes on AWS Instances?

It is possible to create normal EC2 instances on AWS and manually install and configure Kubernetes on it. While this offers full control over the cluster's configuration and infrastructure, enabling customization and optimization, it can get very complicated and error-prone.

It also requires a lot of manual maintenance, making it complex and less efficient. It requires additional efforts to main security and compliance of the cluster. And it obviously lacks automation.

Due to all these reasons, EKS is considered a better option to deal with Kubernetes on AWS.

Understanding the Demo

The goal of this demo is to create a Kubernetes Cluster on EKS, deploy the 2048-game on its worker node and make the application accessible to the users outside of AWS. We will be using a public ECR image to build the app.

We will then create a service on top of the deployment for service-discovery mechanism. The service can be of 3 types:

  1. ClusterIP mode - It will be accessible only from within the cluster.

  2. NodePort mode - It will be accessible by people who have access to the private subnet of the cluster.

  3. Load Balancer mode - It will be accessible from anyone outside AWS. They just need to be able to access the Load Balancer and it will route the traffic to the application in the private subnet.

Here, the Load Balancer mode serves our purpose, but it is more simple and efficient to use the AWS' ALB instead of others. We can create an AWS ALB using Ingress.

So, we will create an Ingress resource on top of the service(can be either ClusterIP or NodePort). The Ingress resource will specify the annotations specific to AWS ALB and configure how the traffic should be routed. But it doesn't create the Load Balancer itself. For this, we should create an Ingress Controller on the Cluster.

The Ingress controller will look for the Ingress resource and create an AWS ALB on the cluster. Now, the people outside AWS can access the ALB and according to the rules in the Ingress resource definition, the traffic will be securely routed to the application deployed on the EKS Cluster.

Pre Requisites

  1. Install kubectl which is a command line tool used to interact with Kubernetes API.

    Verify installation - kubectl version --client

  2. Install eksctl which is another command line tool to create and manage EKS resources by communicating with its API. It is very important because, creating an EKS cluster using the AWS console can be tedious and time-consuming as it includes many steps to configure. Using command line in such scenarios are efficient.

    Verify installation - eksctl version

  3. Install AWS CLI, which is a command line tool to create and manage resources on AWS through its API

    Verify installation - aws --version

  4. After installing AWS CLI, configure your account on the command line using your AWS account credentials - AWS Access key, Secret Access key

    aws configure

Lets get started with the Demo

  1. Create an EKS cluster using eksctl on the command line

eksctl create cluster --name demo-cluster --region ap-south-1 --fargate
  • You can modify the --name , name of the cluster and --region as per your preferences.

  • You can create two types of worker nodes on the EKS cluster - EC2 instance type or Fargate. In the former, just normal EC2 instances will be created, which requires manual interference. But, Fargate is completely serverless i.e., the resources to run the task will automatically created and manged without any manual interference.

  • So we will be using Fargate type of instances in this demo.

  • The creation of this cluster can take 15-20 mins.

  • Verify if it is created by checking the AWS console

It can be noticed that the cluster automatically used the latest version of Kubernetes, even if we didn't specify it.

  • Another advantage of EKS is that we can view the resources on the console and not just the CLI. If we used self-managed Kubernetes, then we will have to configure dashboards separately to get this feature.

  • It can also be noticed that two fargate instances are created in the cluster.

  • The default fargate profile will allow deploying in default and kube-system namespace only.

    In this demo, we will be creating a new fargate profile and deploy our application in the new namespace.

  1. Update the kube-config

  • A kubeconfig is a configuration file used by kubectl, the Kubernetes command-line tool, to communicate with a Kubernetes cluster. It contains information about clusters, users, namespaces, and authentication mechanisms.

  • This enables you to use tools like kubectl to interact with and manage the Kubernetes cluster hosted on Amazon EKS directly from your local machine.

      aws eks update-kubeconfig --name demo-cluster --region ap-south-1

    Make sure to match the name of the cluster and the region.

  1. Create a new fargate profile

  • We will be deploying this application in a new namespace which we are going to create now by creating a new fargate profile.

      eksctl create fargateprofile \
          --cluster demo-cluster \
          --region ap-south-1 \
          --name alb-sample-app \
          --namespace game-2048

    As we can see, a new fargate profile alb-sample-app is created in a new namespace game-2048

4. Understanding the Kubernetes Manifest

  1. Creating a namespace-

    • Previously, we just created a fargate profile which will allow deployment in the game-2048 namespace, but we haven't created the namespace itself.

    • So, this YAML script creates a namespace game-2048

  2. Creating a Deployment-

    • This YAML file pulls an image of the game from a public ECR registry and deploys in the game-2048 namespace.

    • It creates a Deployment resource named deployment-2048 specifies how the game application should be deployed and managed.

    • It ensures that there are 5 replicas (pods) of the game running at all times.

    • The container listens on port 80 for incoming traffic.

  3. Creating a Service-

    • The Service resource named service-2048 exposes the game application to other pods within the game-2048 namespace.

    • It defines a NodePort type service, meaning it exposes the game application on a specific port on each node in the Kubernetes cluster.

  4. Creating an Ingress Resource-

    • The Ingress resource named ingress-2048 enables external access to the game application from the internet.

    • It uses annotations specific to AWS ALB (Application Load Balancer) to configure how traffic should be routed.

    • The Ingress is configured to route HTTP traffic coming to the root URL ("/") to the service-2048 within the game-2048 namespace.

Overall, this manifest sets up a scalable deployment of the "2048" game application within the Kubernetes cluster, accessible both internally and externally through a NodePort service and an ALB Ingress respectively.

5. Deploying the Application Using the Manifest

  • The above Manifest File is present in the URL -

  •   kubectl apply -f
  • When you execute this command, Kubernetes will fetch the configuration file from the specified URL, parse its contents, and then create or update the Kubernetes resources defined in the file within your cluster.

  • This enables you to deploy the 2048-game application and its supporting infrastructure to your Kubernetes cluster in one step.

  • Check if the pods are created - kubectl get pods -n game-2048

    The -n game-2048 gets the pods in the game-2048 namespace.

  • Check if the service is created - kubectl get svc -n game-2048

    This service is of the type NodePort just like mentioned in the YAML file. We will be exposing this service using the ALB controller.

  • Check the Ingress Resource - kubectl get ingress -n game-2048

    The ingress resource has no address yet because there is no ingress-controller. Except that, the port is mentioned and host i.e., accessible from anyone anywhere.

6. Configure IAM OIDC

  • Configure IAM OIDC provider for provisioning of identity for the ALB-controller(which is a pod, any controller is a pod)

      eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --cluster demo-cluster --approve
  • When you execute this command, eksctl will automatically associate the IAM OIDC provider with the specified EKS cluster.

  • This association is necessary for certain AWS services (such as IAM roles for service accounts) to authenticate with the EKS cluster using OIDC.

7. Configure IAM role for the cluster to interact with ALB

  • Download IAM policy(provided by ALB-controller) to interact with ALB

          curl -O
  • Create an IAM policy using downloaded file

  •       aws iam create-policy \
          --policy-name AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy \
          --policy-document file://iam_policy.json
  • When you execute this command, it will create an IAM policy with the specified name and attach the policy document defined in the JSON file to it.

  • file://iam_policy.json: This flag specifies the JSON file containing the IAM policy document. The file:// prefix indicates that the policy document is stored locally.

  • Create a Service account and an IAM role by attaching the IAM policy

  •        eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
        --cluster=demo-cluster \
        --namespace=kube-system \
        --name=aws-load-balancer-controller \
        --role-name AmazonEKSLoadBalancerControllerRole \
        --attach-policy-arn=arn:aws:iam::<your-aws-account-id>:policy/AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy \

    When you execute this command, eksctl will create an IAM role with the specified name and attach the specified IAM policy to it. Then, it will create a Kubernetes service account with the specified name and associate it with the IAM role.

8. Create an Ingress Controller(ALB Controller)

  •   helm repo add eks

    When you execute this command, Helm will download and index the charts available in the specified repository. After adding the repository, you can use the helm search command to search for available charts in the repository, and helm install to install charts from the repository onto your Kubernetes cluster.

  •   helm repo update eks
  •   helm install aws-load-balancer-controller eks/aws-load-balancer-controller -n kube-system \
        --set clusterName=demo-cluster \
        --set serviceAccount.create=false \
        --set \
        --set region=ap-south-1 \
        --set vpcId=vpc-0b154a80b7424ef11

    Get VPC ID from the 'Networking' tab of the EKS cluster

  • Verify if the ALB controller is deployed- it is deployed as pods only

    It is deployed in the kube-system namespace, which is the default namespace, but it has the ability to look for the ingress resources in other namespaces.

  • Now that we have deployed an ALB controller, it should look for the existing ALB resources and launch an Application Load Balancer in the public subnet of the VPC.

  • Check the ingress resource - kubectl get ingress -n game-2048

    Now, the ADDRESS field of the resource is populated. This means that the ALB controller has created an ALB.

  • Check it in the AWS Console

    Yayy!! The ALB is deployed using which the application is accessible from the internet.

  • Copy the DNS of the ALB and paste it in your browser

    YAYYY!! We deployed the game using EKS.

  • It was accessible from the browser as we had configured while creating the ingress resource to allow HTTP traffic

  1. Clean-up

    • It is important to delete all the resources to avoid charges

    • Delete the EKS Cluster

        eksctl delete cluster --name demo-cluster --region ap-south-1
    • Also manually delete the VPC, which was created by EKS

    • Finally delete the ALB too.

    • We are done now!

Thank you All!

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Hi to the fellow tech enthusiasts out there! πŸ‘‹ I am an aspiring Cloud and DevOps Engineer ☁️ With strong foundation in containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes🐳 Capable of building resilient, secure and cost optimized infrastructure on AWS cloud - AWS SAA certified.β˜οΈπŸ”’ Currently learning to build CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, github-actions, AWS CodePipeline, and many more.πŸ› οΈπŸ”„ Exploring other tools like Ansible for configuration management and Terraform for Infrastructure as Code(IaC).πŸ§©πŸ“œ Let's connect, learn and grow together! 🌟🀝