Building a Ping-Pong Game with Turtlesim

Jishnu SureshJishnu Suresh
3 min read

Applying what you have learned through hands-on projects is one of the best ways to solidify your understanding. I decided to build a ping-pong game using the Turtlesim simulator, and I’d like to share my experience. Let’s call this project “turtlesim-pingpong.” Turtlesim is a simulator designed for learning basic ROS concepts. You can learn more about Turtlesim here.


Ping-pong, also known as table tennis, typically involves two players who try to keep a ball on a table. In our simulation, the players and the ball are represented by turtles created in the simulator.


  • Basic understanding of ROS concepts such as messages, topics, publishers, and subscribers.

How It Works

We have three nodes: the ball and the two players (left and right).

  1. Initialization: When the simulator starts, it spawns turtle1 by default. We need to kill this turtle (using the /kill service) and spawn three different turtles for the players and the ball.

  2. Interaction Diagram: The interaction between the nodes is illustrated below.

  3. Ball Node: The logic for the ball is in This node checks for collisions with the wall, changes direction, and handles interactions with the bats (pong nodes).

  4. Pong Nodes: There are two pong nodes (left and right players/bats). They are controlled individually using the /cmd_vel topic through rqt (using the robot_steering_controller plugin).

  5. Topic Communication:

    • The ball node publishes its position via the ball/pose topic.

    • The left and right bat nodes subscribe to this topic to control their interactions accordingly.

    • The up and down movements of the bats are controlled by publishing data to the left_pong/cmd_vel and right_pong/cmd_vel topics using the robot_steering_controller.

Let’s Code It Up!

Create a Workspace

The first step for all ROS-based projects is to create a workspace to manage our codebase. This is simply a base directory with a src folder inside it.

    mkdir -p turtlesim-ping-pong/src

Create a ROS Package

ROS supports both Python and CMake for creating packages. For this project, we will use Python as it is more beginner-friendly. More information can be found here.

    cd turtlesim-ping-pong/src
    ros2 pkg create --build-type ament-python turtlesim_pingpong

Writing the Nodes

The main nodes for this project are the ball and the controller. Create separate files for each node within the newly created package directory (turtlesim-ping-pong/src/turtlesim_pingpong/turtlesim_pingpong/). Let's name these files and The code for these nodes can be found on my GitHub repository.

Register the Entry Points for the Nodes

The entry points for the nodes are configured using the package.xml and files. Ensure these configurations are correctly set up.

Write the Launch File

Launch files help in starting the entire project with a single command. These files are placed in a separate launch folder within the package.

    mkdir launch

Next, create a new launch file named in the launch folder.

Build & Launch the Project

From the root folder run the following command to build the package. It creates an optimized build along with 3 additional directories build , install , log .

    colcon build

Source the build using below command. It helps in including the newly build packages to the current ROS run time environment.

    source install/setup.bash

In order to run the project, we use the ros2 launch command

    ros2 launch turtlesim_pingpong

To control the turtlesim-pingpong using rqt_robot_steering, install the rqt_robot_steering plugin if you haven't already with sudo apt-get install ros-humble-rqt-robot-steering, and launch rqt by running rqt in the terminal. In rqt, open the rqt_robot_steering plugin and set the topic name to /right_pong_node/cmd_vel (for left side player open a separate rqt window) for both the left and right player turtles to control them.

That’s it, to conclude. I hope to share more of my ROS projects in future.

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Written by

Jishnu Suresh
Jishnu Suresh

I am a passionate young engineer from India. I love working with tech, learn and write about my experiences.