Git Overview

3 min read

Git Commands

Logout- Remove your user settings

  •   # Unset global configurations
      git config --global --unset
      git config --global --unset
      git config --global --unset credential.helper
      # Clear cached credentials (if using cache helper)
      git credential-cache exit

Removes the file or directory from staging area without deleting it from your local filesystem

  •   git rm --cached <file or dir to be remove from staging>

Setting up global config for 1st time

  •   git config --global ""
      git config --global "Your Name"

Initialize Repository

  •   git init

Determine current branch

  •   git branch

Switch Between Branches

  •   git checkout main

Rename Branch

  •   # Rename branch name from master to main
      git branch -m master main

Create a New Branch

  •    git checkout -b blog-post-title

Delete the Feature Branch

  •   git branch -d feature

Add Your Content

  •   git add <file-name>

Status of current state of the working directory & staging area

  •   git status

Commit Your Changes

  •   git commit -m "message"


  •   git remote add origin <remote repo address>

Check Current URL

  •   git remote -v

Update remote repo URL if, it has changed & can also add PAT token -> login

  •   git remote set-url origin <remote-url>
      # example aading PAT token
      git remote set-url origin https://<PAT-token>

Push to Remote Repository

  •   # orgin(default)- remote repo name
      # main- remote repo branch name
      git push origin main
      #upstream reference
      git push -u origin main

Version and Commit Changes in Repository

  •   git log

Merge Options

  1. Cherry-Pick: Include Specific Changes from One Branch Without Merging All Changes

     git cherry-pick
  2. Merge: Merge Commit that Combines the Histories of the Branches

     git merge <branch-name>
  3. Rebase: Reapply Commits on Top of Another Base Commit, Resulting in a Linear History

     git rebase <branch-name>

Types of authentication to push changes to remote repo

  • SSH (Secure Shell) Authentication:

    • Uses public-private key pairs.

    • Provides secure, password-less access.

    • URL format:

  • HTTPS with Personal Access Token (PAT):

  • OAuth (Open Authorization):

    • Token-based authentication without directly exposing credentials.

    • Often used with third-party services like GitHub Apps.

  • GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) Signing:

    • Signs commits and tags with GPG keys for authenticity verification.
  • Kerberos Authentication:

  • Credential Manager (Windows/Mac/Linux):

    • Stores and manages credentials securely using system-specific managers like Windows Credential Manager, macOS Keychain, or git-credential-libsecret for Linux.

Git Large File Storage (LFS)

  • Git LFS (Large File Storage): An open-source Git extension for handling large files.

  • Purpose: Manages large files like audio, videos, datasets, and graphics efficiently.

  • How it Works:

    • Replaces large files in Git with small text pointers.

    • Stores actual file content on a remote server (e.g., GitHub or GitHub Enterprise).

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๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi there! Welcome to my DevOps adventure! ๐Ÿš€ I'm Kalpesh, a DevOps Engineer, and I'm thrilled to share my journey in the dynamic world of DevOps and Cloud Technologies. ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿ”ง Tech Arsenal: CI/CD Automation: Streamlining workflows for seamless deployments. Containers & Orchestration: Docker & Kubernetes. Cloud Platforms: Azure, AWS. Version Control: Git. Configuration Management: YAML, Linux commands. ๐Ÿš€ My Journey: I've had the privilege to work on diverse projects, including a notable deployment for PepsiCo. My expertise spans CI/CD automation, containerization, cloud services, and scripting to enhance system performance and reliability. ๐Ÿ’ก Why Follow Me? Join me as I delve into: Cutting-edge DevOps practices. Automation techniques. Cloud innovations. Tips & tricks for aspiring DevOps professionals. ๐Ÿค Connect & Collaborate: Let's build, learn, and innovate together. Whether you're a fellow tech enthusiast, a professional looking to share insights, or someone eager to learn, let's connect and grow in this vibrant community. ๐Ÿ“ข Follow my LinkedIn & Hashnode blog for insights, tutorials, and updates. Together, we'll embrace the ever-evolving DevOps landscape!