Beginner's Guide to React.js Concepts

Table of contents
- Why Learn React.js?
- When Should You Learn React?
- Why Was React Created?
- Core Concepts
- Key Topics to Learn
- React Ecosystem
- Installation
- React Hooks
- Export Default vs. Export
- Virtual DOM, Fiber, and Reconciliation
- React Router
- Context API
- Redux
- Context API vs Redux
- React Component Basics
- Miscellaneous
- Component Types
- Memorize
- Advanced React.js Concepts

Why Learn React.js?
Hype and Trend: React.js is widely used in the industry, making it a valuable skill.
Job Opportunities: Proficiency in React can open doors to numerous job opportunities.
Build UI: React simplifies the process of building and managing complex user interfaces.
Ease of Management: React makes it easier to manage complex front-end architectures.
Single Page Application: React is designed to create single-page applications (SPAs) which offer a seamless user experience.
When Should You Learn React?
After Mastering JavaScript: It's essential to have a solid understanding of JavaScript before diving into React.
Project Requirements: Not all projects require React in the initial phase. Start using React when your project complexity demands it.
Why Was React Created?
React was created to address a Facebook notification issue where phantom messages were generated. React.js was developed to solve this problem by providing a reliable way to manage UI state and updates.
Core Concepts
State and UI
State Management: React handles the state using JavaScript.
UI Rendering: React uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update the UI.
Learning React
In-Depth Understanding: Go deep into React concepts by building projects.
React is a Library: React offers flexibility compared to frameworks which enforce a strict set of rules.
Framework: Military (Set of rules)
Library: Cool dude (Freedom)
Key Topics to Learn
Core of React
State and UI Manipulation: Manage the state and update the UI effectively.
JSX: Write HTML within JavaScript for a more intuitive syntax.
Component Reusability
Props: Pass data between components using properties (props).
Hooks: Use hooks to manage state and side effects within functional components.
Advanced Add-ons
Router: Use libraries like React Router for navigation.
State Management: Use tools like Redux, Redux Toolkit, and Context API for state management.
Class-Based Components: Understand legacy code that uses class components.
Backend as a Service (BaaS): Integrate with services like Firebase, Appwrite, or Supabase.
React Ecosystem
Running JavaScript
Browser Environment: JavaScript runs natively in browsers.
Node.js: Provides a server-side environment for running JavaScript.
Package Management
npm: Node package manager for installing and managing dependencies.
web-vitals: Tool for measuring the performance of your website.
Types of React
React-dom: For web applications.
React-native: For mobile applications.
Create React App
npx create-react-app appname
npm run start
npm create vite@latest
npm i
npm run dev
Virtual DOM: Efficiently update the UI using a virtual DOM.
React.StrictMode: Highlights potential problems in an application.
React-Script: Links
Returning Elements
Single Element: Always return a single element.
Fragment: Use fragments (
) to return multiple elements.
Naming Conventions
Function Names: Capitalize the first letter.
File Names: Start with a capital letter for better organization.
JSX Syntax
Variables: Use
to include evaluated expressions.Objects: Objects are also evaluated expressions.
evaluated expression: you can not write directly if-else condition statement in object
I can say that App.js is a method/function in a react and react convert it into Object in backend and then evaluate and after that give me page
props: you can reuse the component (reusable)
use key in loop for better performance
React Hooks
React hooks handle UI updation
React State update the UI
Hooks is a function
const [state, setState] = useState(initialState)
State: The current value.
useState: A function to create state variables.
Callback Function: Provided inside
.store and update data
Ex: counter update (Add, Remove), change bgcolor
Side Effects: Perform actions like data fetching, updating the document title, etc.
useEffect(fn, dependencies?)
Without dependencies: The effect runs after every render.
With dependencies: The effect runs only when any of the dependencies change.
With an empty array: The effect runs only once
Memoization: Optimize performance by memoizing functions.
if change is available then change else no change needed
- Unique IDs: Generate unique IDs for accessibility attributes.
Export Default vs. Export
export default: Used for exporting a single default export from a module. It allows you to import this export with any name.
export: Used for exporting multiple named exports from a module. The import must use the exact exported names.
Virtual DOM, Fiber, and Reconciliation
Virtual DOM
createRoot: Create a virtual DOM.
Reconciliation: Determine which parts of the DOM need to be changed.
React Router
Third-Party Library: Use for client-side navigation.
useParams: Fetch data from the URL.
Loader: Advanced alternative to
for better performance.
Context API
Prop Drilling Solution
Context Provider: Create and use providers to manage context.
useContext: Fetch context data within components.
**Ex:**change the theme (mode)
State Management
react-redux: Official React bindings for Redux.
redux-toolkit (RTK): Simplified Redux setup.
zustand: Alternative state management solution.
Context API vs Redux
Comparison of Redux and Context API for State Management and Prop Drilling
Redux is our state management library which is used to manage your state
Context API is just a dependency injection mechanism
Redux keeps your state in central store. so, now you can access the state from the central store (global state).
Redux offers middleware to help track and manage state effectively.
Popular middleware includes Redux Thunk, Redux Saga, and RTK Query for handling asynchronous operations.
In redux, loggers help us to track the state
Using plugins you track the state in the browser
Context API included with react while redux is an external library
Context API easy to setup while redux hard to setup
Context API is used for small apps while redux is used for complex apps
React Component Basics
NavLink and Link
Link: Prevents full page reload.
NavLink: Adds functionality for active links.
- Dynamic Content: Change content dynamically within a layout.
npx vs npm:
runs packages without installing them globally.package.json: Lists dependencies installed in
.App.js: Main application component.
index.js: Entry point of the application.
npm run build: Creates an optimized production build.
React.js is a component based language. it divide the website into different component and we can reuse created component.
Component Types
Functional Components
- Modern, preferred approach.
Class Components
- Used in legacy code.
Data Types
Primitive: Numbers, strings, booleans, null, undefined (immutable).
Non-Primitive: Objects, functions, arrays (mutable).
Primitive Data Passing: Values are passed by value.
Non-Primitive Data Passing: New value is created on each pass, causing re-renders.
By mastering these concepts, you'll be well-equipped to build robust and efficient applications using React.js.
Advanced React.js Concepts
Context API
Basics of Context API
Context is an Object: Used to manage global state without prop drilling.
Update State: Use
to update items within the context.Delete State: Use
to remove items from the context.
JSON Handling
- JSON.parse(): Convert JSON strings to JavaScript objects.
Key Usage in Map
- Performance: Use unique keys when working with
to improve rendering performance.
Redux Toolkit
State Management: Redux is an independent state management library.
Integration with React: Use
to connect Redux with React.
Core Principles
Immutable State: Never modify/mutate your state directly in Redux.
Complex Setup: Traditional Redux requires more setup compared to Redux Toolkit (RTK).
Redux Toolkit (RTK)
Simplified Setup: RTK provides a streamlined setup process.
Storage: RTK offers a built-in way to handle state storage.
- Data Flow: Redux is an enhanced version of the Flux architecture.
- Single Source of Truth: Every app has a single store, which holds the entire state of the application.
Create Slice
Properties: Requires
, andreducers
.Reducers: Objects containing functions that define how to handle state changes.
useSelector: Access state from the Redux store.
useDispatch: Dispatch actions to the Redux store.
Utility Functions
- nanoid: Generate unique IDs.
Initial State: Every slice has an initial state.
Reducers: Define state change logic.
State and Action: Functions receive
parameters from RTK.
- Object: The payload is an object that carries data.
- access of current-state / initial-state
- access of we pass the data / action.payload
Reducers and Store: Dispatch actions to reducers to update the store.
it use reducers and change value/data into store
By understanding and organizing these advanced React.js concepts, you can create efficient and maintainable applications.
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Written by

Mayur Rogheliya
Mayur Rogheliya
I am passionate about learning, sharing knowledge, and growing through meaningful connections. My journey is all about embracing new challenges, evolving with every step, and collaborating with others to build something impactful.