Building an API using flask! 🥳

Hack UnitedHack United
3 min read

Hello readers! it's time to build an API today, yay!

Building a Speedy API with Python Flask

Ever wanted to tap into the power of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) but felt intimidated by the complexity? Well, fret no more! Python's Flask framework (yeah, you can use fastapi or django too, for the fans) allows you to create functional APIs in a surprisingly short amount of time. This blog will guide you through crafting a basic yet effective API using Flask.

1. Gearing Up: Installation and Imports

First things first, let's install Flask using pip:

pip install Flask

Now, create a Python file (e.g., (I'd say > ) and import the necessary modules:

from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
  • Flask: The core framework for building web applications and APIs.

  • jsonify: Converts Python data structures into JSON format, a common format for API responses.

  • request: Provides access to information sent by the client's HTTP request.

2. Building the Foundation: The Flask App

We'll initialize a Flask application instance:

app = Flask(__name__)

This creates an app object that will handle incoming requests and manage our API's functionalities.

3. Defining the API Endpoint: The Route

You can have as many routes as you want /api/route1 /api/route2 etc.

An API endpoint is a specific URL that triggers a function within your application. Let's create a route that responds to GET requests at the root path (/):

def hello_world():
  return jsonify({'message': 'Hello from your Flask API!'})
  • @app.route('/'): This decorator tells Flask that the following function (hello_world) should handle requests to the root path (/).

  • def hello_world(): This function defines the logic executed when a request hits the specified route.

  • return jsonify({'message': 'Hello from your Flask API!'}): We use jsonify to convert a dictionary containing a message into JSON format and return it as the API response.

4. Running the API

Now, save your file and navigate to your project directory in the terminal. Run the following command to start the Flask development server:


This will typically start the server on (localhost port 5000). Open this URL in your web browser, and you should see the JSON response:

{"message": "Hello from your Flask API!"}

Congratulations! You've built your first basic API using Flask.

5. Expanding Your API (Optional)

This is just the beginning. You can extend your API to handle more complex functionalities:

  • Different Routes: Create separate routes for various actions, like adding, retrieving, or deleting data (eg: '/bake-cake', '/join-hack-united') etc.

  • Parameters: Allow users to specify parameters in the URL to filter or customize responses.

  • Data Processing: Implement functions to process data received from requests (e.g., user input) before returning a response.

This is a super simple setup for setting up apis using python, you can read out the docs and make something even better and complex! and if you do, make sure to share it on the discord server at

Happy Flask-ing!

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Hack United
Hack United