Writeup Wallet from Dockerlabs

2 min read

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Let's start our reconnaissance with a quick nmap scan:

nmap -p- --open -sV -sC -sS --min-rate=5000 -n -Pn -oN Nmap1

-p- - Search for ports

--open - List open ports

-sS - A quick scan mode

-sC - Use a set of reconnaissance scripts

-sV - Find the version of the open service

--min-rate=5000 - Makes the reconnaissance even faster by sending no fewer than 5000 packets

-n - No DNS resolution

-Pn - No ping

-oN - Save file name

Port 80 is open:

This is the website:

Pressing the Get A Quote button shows this:

We have a new URL that we need to add to /etc/hosts

nano /etc/hosts

Now, once we save the /etc/hosts file, we can visit our website

We register on the website.

We use GoBuster to scan the website:

gobuster dir -u http://panel.wallet.dl/ -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x php,html,txt

Let's visit the /about page.

We find the version of the website. Wallos 1.11.0

Let's try to find more information about this Wallos


Now let's follow the exploit.

Open Burp Suite and intercept the request.

I download the revshell from GitHub

and I rename it to shell.php.jpeg

I create a subscription and i upload the shell.php.jpeg

Now if we follow the Exploit we need to do like this:

delete .jpeg and add *GIF89a; before <?php

Then we need to delete .jpeg and add GIF89a; before <?php

and once we press the Forward button, we get this pop-up.

and this is the final step of the exploit:

We need to follow the exploit and we find our shell.php

script /dev/null -c bash
stty raw -echo; fg
reset xterm
export TERM=xterm
export SHELL=bash
sudo -l

We visit the GTFOBins website and find this:

sudo -u pylon /usr/bin/awk 'BEGIN {system("/bin/sh")}'

I found this .zip file

I have to transfer the file to my attacking machine to decode it with base64

Watch my video to see how I easily escalate privileges.

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I'm passionate about ethical hacking and constantly strive to improve my skills. I regularly solve CTF challenges to practice and expand my knowledge in cybersecurity.