Linux Terminal Hacks: Increase Your Productivity Today :B8:

Working in the Linux terminal can be incredibly efficient and powerful, especially if you know the right tricks. Here are some essential Linux terminal hacks that can boost your productivity:
1. Navigating Directories Quickly
cd -: Switch to the previous directory.
cd -
2. History and Repetition
!!: Repeat the last command.
!n: Repeat the nth command from the history.
!string: Repeat the last command that starts with 'string'.
3. Efficient File Management
cp -r dir1/ dir2*: Copy all contents of dir1 to dir2 without copying the directory itself.
cp -r dir1/* dir2
rsync: Use rsync for efficient file transfers and backups.
rsync -avh source/ destination/
4. Find and Replace in Files
sed: Stream editor for filtering and transforming text.
sed -i 's/old-text/new-text/g' filename
5. Command Substitution
$(command): Capture the output of a command for use in another command.
echo "Today is $(date)"
6. Process Management
&: Run a command in the background.
long_running_command &
jobs: List background jobs.
7. Advanced Navigation
Ctrl + r: Search through command history interactively.
# Press Ctrl + r and start typing to search
Ctrl + a: Move the cursor to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl + e: Move the cursor to the end of the line.
Ctrl + w: Delete the word before the cursor.
Ctrl + u: Clear the line before the cursor.
8. Network Troubleshooting
netstat: Display network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships.
netstat -tuln
tcpdump: Capture and display packet headers and contents.
sudo tcpdump -i eth0
9. File Compression
tar: Create and extract tar.gz files.
tar -czvf archive.tar.gz directory/ tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz
10. Permissions and Ownership
chmod: Change file permissions.
chmod 755
chown: Change file owner and group.
sudo chown user:group file
11. Resource Monitoring
top/htop: Display and manage system processes.
top htop
12. Disk Usage
df: Display disk space usage.
df -h
du: Estimate file space usage.
du -sh *
13. Aliases
alias: Create shortcuts for long commands.
alias ll='ls -lah' alias gs='git status'
To make aliases permanent, add them to your ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
14. Quick Text Selection and Navigation
Up Arrow Key: Use the up arrow key to quickly repeat the last command you typed.
Tab Completion: Start typing a command or file name and press
to auto-complete.Copying and Pasting: Simply select the text to copy it. To paste, right-click.
Using these hacks can significantly improve your efficiency and productivity in the Linux terminal. Start incorporating these tips into your daily routine, and you'll find yourself navigating and managing your system like a pro.
Note:-B8 is blog post 8 of this series
B1 link :-
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Khushal Malik
Khushal Malik
I am an Devops Cloud Eng. with 2 years of experience