A-Z: The Engine of Innovation

Most people think of cryptocurrencies as just digital money. But that's like saying the internet is just email. The real power lies in what you can build on top of these systems. Accelerator-Z is one of those things – it's a way to fund and grow new projects within the Zenon Network ecosystem.

When I first heard about Accelerator-Z, I thought it was just another grant program. But it's actually much more interesting than that. It's like Y Combinator for a specific blockchain network (one made by aliens, and perfectly aligned with the Bitcoin ethos) but with some crucial differences.

Decentralized Funding Model

The first thing that makes Accelerator-Z unusual is how projects get funded. In a typical accelerator, a small group of partners decides which startups to back. With Accelerator-Z, it's the community that votes. Anyone who holds Zenon's cryptocurrency (ZNN) can have a say in which projects get funded.

This decentralized funding model is implemented through the Network of Momentum's (NoM) on-chain governance system. Pillar nodes, which are validators in the Zenon Network, cast votes on proposals.

This might sound like a recipe for chaos, but it's surprisingly effective. The people voting have skin in the game – they own part of the network, so they're incentivized to back projects that will increase its value. It's like if Y Combinator's decisions were made by all of Silicon Valley instead of just a few partners.

Phased Funding Approach

The second interesting thing about Accelerator-Z is how it handles the funding process. Most accelerators give startups a lump sum upfront. Accelerator-Z breaks funding into phases. A project might get a small amount to build a prototype, then more to launch a beta, and so on. Each phase has to be approved by another community vote.

This iterative funding model solves a problem that plagues many grant programs: the temptation for founders to take the money and run. With Accelerator-Z, founders have to keep delivering to keep getting funded. It aligns incentives in a way that traditional grant programs often struggle with.

The phased approach also allows for more granular control over the allocation of resources. Each proposal can have multiple phases, and the community can evaluate progress at each stage before committing additional funds.

Zenon Fabric: The Funding Pool

Accelerator-Z is bootstrapped by the Zenon Fabric, a substantial pool of ZNN and QSR (the dual-coin system of Zenon) set aside for ecosystem development. As of the latest information, the AZ embedded contract contains:

  • 766,260 ZNN

  • 7,021,959 QSR

This significant funding pool ensures that Accelerator-Z can support a wide range of projects across various stages of development.

Types of Projects Supported

Accelerator-Z is designed to support a diverse range of projects that can add value to the Zenon ecosystem. Some of the key areas include:

  1. Design

  2. DeFi applications

  3. Gaming and GameFi

  4. Internet of Things (IoT) solutions

  5. Payment integrations

  6. Decentralized storage solutions

  7. Decentralized social networks

  8. NFT platforms

  9. Developer tools and SDKs

  10. Marketing ... and more!

This broad scope allows Accelerator-Z to foster innovation across multiple fronts, potentially leading to a rich and diverse ecosystem built on the Zenon Network.

The Application Process

The process for applying to Accelerator-Z is straightforward but thorough:

  1. Optional: Create a proposal on the Zenon forum for community discussion (Recommended)

  2. Submit a formal proposal through the Syrius wallet (one ZNN cost to prevent spam)

  3. If approved, implement the project in phases

  4. Submit deliverables for each phase for community review

  5. Receive funding upon successful completion of each phase

This process ensures transparency and allows for community input at multiple stages.

Reaching Consensus

One of the trickiest parts of any decentralized system is figuring out how decisions get made. With Accelerator-Z, this comes down to how votes are counted and when a decision is considered final. It's not enough to just count votes - you need a way to ensure that enough people participated to make the decision legitimate.

This is where the concept of quorum comes in. In Accelerator-Z, a vote isn't just about whether more people said yes than no. It's also about whether enough people voted at all. Here's how it's implemented in the code:

func checkAcceleratorVotes(context vm_context.AccountVmContext, id types.Hash, numPillars uint32) bool {
    breakdown := definition.GetVoteBreakdown(context.Storage(), id)

    ok := true
    // Test majority
    if breakdown.Yes <= breakdown.No {
        ok = false
    // Test enough votes
    if breakdown.Total*100 <= numPillars*constants.VoteAcceptanceThreshold {
        ok = false

    acceleratorLog.Debug("check accelerator votes", "votes", breakdown, "status", ok)
    return ok

This function does two crucial things. First, it checks if there are more 'yes' votes than 'no' votes. But it doesn't stop there. It also checks if the total number of votes meets a certain threshold compared to the total number of pillars (validators) in the network.

VoteAcceptanceThreshold        uint32 = 33

For example, with 100 pillars and a VoteAcceptanceThreshold of 33%, at least 33 votes must be cast in total. Suppose there are 25 'yes' votes and 10 'no' votes, making 35 votes in total. Quorum is reached since 35 > 33 and 25 > 10, satisfying both the participation and majority conditions. Thus, the decision is considered legitimate and supported.

This solves a problem that plagues many voting systems: low turnout. If only a tiny fraction of the community votes, is the result really representative? By requiring a certain level of participation, Accelerator-Z ensures that decisions have broad support, not just a majority of a small group. It's a small piece of code, but it embodies a deep principle of democratic systems. It's not just about the majority rule; it's about ensuring broad participation and consensus. This approach has trade-offs, of course. It makes it harder to push through decisions quickly. A project might have majority support but still fail if not enough people vote. But that's a feature, not a bug. In a system dealing with real money and real projects, you want decisions to be deliberate and well-supported. It's details like this that make Accelerator-Z more than just a funding mechanism. It's a laboratory for experimenting with decentralized governance. Every vote, every funded project, every line of code is teaching us something about how to make decisions collectively in a digital age.

Challenges and Potential Pitfalls

Of course, this model isn't without its challenges. Voting systems can be gamed. Community decisions can be swayed by hype rather than substance. And there's always the risk that the loudest voices will drown out the most innovative ideas.

There's also the challenge of ensuring that technical proposals are properly evaluated. To address this, the Zenon community has discussed the possibility of bringing in technical advisors to help assess the feasibility and potential impact of highly technical proposals.

The Bigger Picture

But despite these potential pitfalls, I can't help but be excited by what Accelerator-Z represents. It's an experiment in decentralized innovation funding. And like many experiments, it might fail. But it might also show us a new way to fuel technological progress.

The beauty of Accelerator-Z is that it's not just funding projects – it's also dogfooding its own philosophy. The Zenon Network is using its own technology to solve the problem of how to grow its ecosystem. It's a bit like if Y Combinator used the startups it funded to run its application process or manage its investments.

This self-reinforcing loop is what makes Accelerator-Z so fascinating. Every successful project it funds makes the Zenon Network more valuable, which in turn gives Accelerator-Z more resources to fund the next round of projects. It's the kind of virtuous cycle that every platform dreams of creating.

The Future of Innovation Funding

Will Accelerator-Z produce the next Google or Facebook? Probably not. But it might produce the next big thing in decentralized finance, or distributed computing, or whatever other applications emerge on top of blockchain networks.

And even if it doesn't, the lessons learned from this experiment will be valuable. How do you design voting systems that reward long-term thinking? How do you balance the wisdom of the crowd with the need for expert curation? These are questions that anyone interested in innovation should be thinking about.

In the end, the most important thing about Accelerator-Z might not be the projects it funds, but the model it's pioneering. It's showing us a new way to harness collective intelligence to drive innovation. And in a world where the pace of technological change is constantly accelerating, new models for funding and growing ideas are exactly what we need.

So keep an eye on Accelerator-Z. Not because it's going to make you rich (though it might), but because it's a glimpse into a possible future of innovation. A future where the lines between users, developers, and investors are blurred, and where good ideas can come from anywhere and be funded by everyone.

That's a future worth accelerating towards.

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Alien Trap Society
Alien Trap Society

Welcome to the Alien Trap Society (ATS) — a visionary collective at the heart of the Zenon Network's evolution. Our community thrives on innovation, creativity, and a relentless drive to expand and enrich the Network of Momentum. In ATS, every member contributes to a leaderless revolution, where collective efforts not only transcend boundaries but also actively shape the future of decentralized technology.