
Ayodeji HamedAyodeji Hamed
20 min read


In modern software development, pull requests are essential for maintaining code quality and facilitating collaboration. They allow developers to submit changes for review before merging into the main codebase, ensuring that new contributions are vetted for potential issues.

However, managing pull requests can be challenging due to:

  1. Manual Testing: Testing every pull request manually is time-consuming and prone to errors.

  2. Delayed Feedback: Waiting for human reviewers to provide feedback can slow down the integration process.

  3. Inconsistent Deployment: Variations in testing environments can lead to inconsistencies.

  4. Resource Management: Overlooking the cleanup of testing resources can waste resources and cause conflicts.

Introducing PR_TestBot, an automated solution to streamline the pull request testing process. PR_TestBot triggers upon the creation, update, or reopening of a pull request, deploying Docker or Docker Compose applications in a containerized environment for testing. It provides real-time feedback and notifications at each step, ensuring stakeholders are informed. Additionally, it performs automated cleanups when pull requests are closed, managing resources efficiently.

Key Features of PR_TestBot

  • Automated Deployment: Instantly deploys Docker or Docker Compose applications from pull requests in a consistent, isolated environment.

  • Real-time Notifications: Keeps stakeholders informed about the deployment status through pull request comments.

  • Resource Cleanup: Automatically cleans up containers and resources upon pull request closure.

  • Detailed Logging: Sends detailed deployment logs via email to designated recipients.

PR_TestBot enhances productivity, ensures faster feedback, and maintains a clean development environment, improving the overall quality and reliability of the software.

The pr_testbot Application (

The script is the core of the pr_testbot application. It is a Flask-based web application that listens to GitHub webhook events and triggers deployments or cleanups based on the pull request actions.

Key Features

  • Webhook Listener: Listens to GitHub webhook events and verifies their signatures.

  • Authentication: Uses JWT for GitHub App authentication and fetches installation access tokens.

  • Deployment Trigger: Triggers the deployment script for pull request actions (opened, synchronized, reopened).

  • Cleanup Trigger: Triggers the cleanup script when a pull request is closed.

  • Notifications: Sends notifications to stakeholders via GitHub comments and emails detailed logs.

  • Error Handling and Logging: Provides comprehensive error handling and logging for debugging and reliability.

Code Overview

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
import subprocess
import requests
import re
import jwt
import time
import os
import hmac
import hashlib
import logging
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email import encoders

# Load environment variables from .env file

app = Flask(__name__)

# Configure logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Load configuration from environment variables
APP_ID = os.getenv('APP_ID')
SMTP_PORT = os.getenv('SMTP_PORT')

# Load the private key
with open(PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, 'r') as key_file:
    private_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(,

def verify_signature(payload, signature):
    """Verify GitHub webhook signature."""
    if not signature:
        return False
    mac =, msg=payload, digestmod=hashlib.sha256)
    return hmac.compare_digest('sha256=' + mac.hexdigest(), signature)

def get_jwt_token():
    """Create a JWT token for GitHub App authentication."""
    current_time = int(time.time())
    payload = {
        'iat': current_time,
        'exp': current_time + (10 * 60),  # 10 minute expiration
        'iss': APP_ID
    jwt_token = jwt.encode(payload, private_key, algorithm='RS256')
    return jwt_token

def get_installation_access_token(installation_id):
    """Get the installation access token."""
    jwt_token = get_jwt_token()
    headers = {
        'Authorization': f'Bearer {jwt_token}',
        'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'
    response =
    return response.json()['token']

@app.route('/webhook', methods=['POST'])
def webhook():
    # Verify payload signature
    signature = request.headers.get('X-Hub-Signature-256')
    if not verify_signature(, signature):
        return jsonify({'message': 'Invalid signature'}), 401

    data = request.json
    action = data.get('action')
    if 'pull_request' in data:
        pr_number = data['pull_request']['number']
        repo_name = data['repository']['full_name']
        repo_url = data['pull_request']['head']['repo']['clone_url']
        branch_name = data['pull_request']['head']['ref']
        installation_id = data['installation']['id']
        comment_url = f"{repo_name}/issues/{pr_number}/comments"
        access_token = None"Received webhook for PR #{pr_number} on branch '{branch_name}'")

        if action in ['opened', 'synchronize', 'reopened']:
                # Get installation access token
                access_token = get_installation_access_token(installation_id)

                # Notify stakeholders (comment on the PR)
                notify_stakeholders(comment_url, "Deployment started for this pull request.", access_token)

                # Run the deployment script with the branch name, PR number, and repository URL
                container_name, deployment_link, log_file_path = run_deployment_script(branch_name, pr_number, repo_url, comment_url, access_token)

                # Notify stakeholders with the result
                if deployment_link:
                    deployment_message = f"Deployment successful. [Deployed application]({deployment_link})."
                    deployment_message = "Deployment failed. Please check the logs."
                notify_stakeholders(comment_url, deployment_message, access_token)

                # Send deployment log via email
                send_email(RECIPIENT_EMAIL, 'Deployment Log', 'Please find the attached deployment log.', log_file_path)

                return jsonify({'message': 'Deployment processed'}), 200
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error(f"Deployment failed: {e}")
                if access_token:
                    notify_stakeholders(comment_url, f"Deployment failed: {e}", access_token)
                return jsonify({'message': 'Deployment failed'}), 500

        elif action == 'closed':
                # Get installation access token
                access_token = get_installation_access_token(installation_id)

                # Pull request closed, trigger cleanup regardless of merge status
                log_file_path = run_cleanup_script(branch_name, pr_number, comment_url, access_token)

                # Notify stakeholders about the cleanup
                notify_stakeholders(comment_url, "Cleanup completed for this pull request.", access_token)

                # Send cleanup log via email
                send_email(RECIPIENT_EMAIL, 'Cleanup Log', 'Please find the attached cleanup log.', log_file_path)

                return jsonify({'message': 'Cleanup processed'}), 200
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error(f"Cleanup failed: {e}")
                if access_token:
                    notify_stakeholders(comment_url, f"Cleanup failed: {e}", access_token)
                return jsonify({'message': 'Cleanup failed'}), 500

    return jsonify({'message': 'No action taken'}), 200

def notify_stakeholders(comment_url, message, access_token, details=None):
    headers = {
        'Authorization': f'token {access_token}',
        'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'
    if details:
        table = "| Step | Status | Details |\n|------|--------|---------|\n"
        for step, detail in details.items():
            table += f"| {step} | {detail['status']} | {detail['message']} |\n"
        message += f"\n\n{table}"
    data = {'body': message}
    response =, headers=headers, json=data)
    if response.status_code != 201:
        logger.error(f"Failed to comment on PR: {response.json()}")

def run_deployment_script(branch_name, pr_number, repo_url, comment_url, access_token):
    log_file_path = f'/tmp/deployment_log_{branch_name}_{pr_number}.txt'
    details = {}
    with open(log_file_path, 'w') as log_file:
            result =['./', branch_name, str(pr_number), repo_url], check=True, capture_output=True, text=True)

            # Extract container name and deployment URL from the output
            container_name_match ='Container name: ([^\

s]+)', result.stdout)
            deployment_url_match ='Deployment complete: (http://[^\s]+)', result.stdout)
            container_name = if container_name_match else None
            deployment_url = if deployment_url_match else None

            details['Clone repository'] = {'status': 'Success', 'message': 'Repository cloned successfully.'}
            details['Checkout branch'] = {'status': 'Success', 'message': f'Checked out branch {branch_name}.'}
            details['Pull latest changes'] = {'status': 'Success', 'message': f'Pulled latest changes for branch {branch_name}.'}
            details['Build Docker image'] = {'status': 'Success', 'message': f'Docker image built successfully for container {container_name}.'}
            details['Run Docker container'] = {'status': 'Success', 'message': f'Container {container_name} running at {deployment_url}.'}

            notify_stakeholders(comment_url, "Deployment process details:", access_token, details)
            return container_name, deployment_url, log_file_path

        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            log_file.write(f"Deployment script failed with error: {e.stderr}")
            logger.error(f"Deployment script failed with error: {e.stderr}")
            details['Deployment script'] = {'status': 'Failed', 'message': e.stderr}
            notify_stakeholders(comment_url, "Deployment process details:", access_token, details)
            return None, None, log_file_path

def run_cleanup_script(branch_name, pr_number, comment_url, access_token):
    log_file_path = f'/tmp/cleanup_log_{branch_name}_{pr_number}.txt'
    details = {}
    with open(log_file_path, 'w') as log_file:
  ['./', branch_name, str(pr_number)], check=True, stdout=log_file, stderr=log_file)
  "Cleanup script executed successfully.")
            details['Cleanup script'] = {'status': 'Success', 'message': 'Cleanup script executed successfully.'}
            notify_stakeholders(comment_url, "Cleanup process details:", access_token, details)
            return log_file_path
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            log_file.write(f"Cleanup script failed with error: {e.stderr}")
            logger.error(f"Cleanup script failed with error: {e.stderr}")
            details['Cleanup script'] = {'status': 'Failed', 'message': e.stderr}
            notify_stakeholders(comment_url, "Cleanup process details:", access_token, details)
            return log_file_path

def send_email(to_address, subject, body, attachment_path, retries=3, retry_delay=5):
    from_address = SMTP_USERNAME
    msg = MIMEMultipart()
    msg['From'] = from_address
    msg['To'] = to_address
    msg['Subject'] = subject

    msg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'plain'))

        with open(attachment_path, 'rb') as attachment:
            part = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')
            part.add_header('Content-Disposition', f'attachment; filename= {os.path.basename(attachment_path)}')
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Failed to attach file: {e}")
        return False

    attempt = 0
    while attempt < retries:
            with smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_SERVER, SMTP_PORT, timeout=10) as server:
                server.login(from_address, SMTP_PASSWORD)
                server.sendmail(from_address, to_address, msg.as_string())
      "Email sent successfully")
                return True
        except (smtplib.SMTPException, ConnectionError) as e:
            attempt += 1
            logger.error(f"Failed to send email, attempt {attempt} of {retries}: {e}")

    logger.error("All attempts to send email failed")
    return False

if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=5000)

The Deployment Script (

The script handles the deployment process for the PR_TestBot. It clones the repository, checks out the specific branch, and deploys the application using Docker or Docker Compose.

Key Features

  • Repository Cloning: Clones the repository and checks out the specific branch.

  • Deployment: Detects if a Docker Compose file is present and uses Docker Compose for deployment, otherwise uses Docker.

  • Port Allocation: Allocates a random available port for the Docker container if Docker Compose is not used.

  • Output: Outputs the deployment link for the deployed application.

Code Overview


# This script is used to deploy a Docker or Docker Compose application for a specific branch and PR.

# Check if the script is run as root
if [[ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]]; then
  sudo -E "$0" "$@"

# Check if the branch name is provided
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  echo "Branch name not provided."
  exit 1

# Check if the PR number is provided
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
  echo "PR number not provided."
  exit 1

# Check if the repository URL is provided
if [ -z "$3" ]; then
  echo "Repository URL not provided."
  exit 1

# Variables
REMOTE_HOST=$(curl -s
TIMESTAMP=$(date +%s)

# Remove existing directory if it exists to avoid conflicts
if [ -d "$REMOTE_DIR" ]; then
  rm -rf "$REMOTE_DIR"

echo "Cloning the repository..."
# Clone the repository and checkout the branch
if ! git clone --branch "$BRANCH_NAME" "$REPO_URL" "$REMOTE_DIR"; then
  echo "Failed to clone the repository or checkout branch $BRANCH_NAME"
  exit 1

echo "Changing directory to $REMOTE_DIR..."
# Navigate to the project directory
if ! cd "$REMOTE_DIR"; then
  echo "Failed to change directory to $REMOTE_DIR"
  exit 1

if [ -f "$COMPOSE_FILE_YML" ] || [ -f "$COMPOSE_FILE_YAML" ]; then
  echo "Found docker-compose file, using Docker Compose for deployment..."
  # Deploy using Docker Compose
  if ! docker-compose up -d; then
    echo "Docker Compose up failed"
    exit 1

  # Extracting services and ports from docker-compose
  SERVICES=$(docker-compose config --services)
  for SERVICE in $SERVICES; do
    PORT=$(docker-compose port $SERVICE 80 | awk -F: '{print $2}')
    echo "Service $SERVICE running on port $PORT"
    echo "Deployment complete: http://$REMOTE_HOST:$PORT"
  echo "No docker-compose file found, using Docker for deployment..."
  # Function to find a random available port in the range 4000-7000
  find_random_port() {
      while true; do
          # Generate a random port between 4000 and 7000
          PORT=$((4000 + RANDOM % 3001))

          # Check if the port is available
          if ! lsof -i:$PORT >/dev/null; then
      echo $PORT

  # Get an available random port

  # Unique container name based on branch, port, and PR number

  # Build the Docker image with a unique tag
  if ! docker build -t $CONTAINER_NAME .; then
    echo "Docker build failed"
    exit 1

  echo "Running Docker container $CONTAINER_NAME on port $PORT..."
  # Run the Docker container with the random port and unique container name
  if ! docker run -d -p $PORT:80 --name $CONTAINER_NAME $CONTAINER_NAME; then
    echo "Docker run failed"
    exit 1

  # Save container name and port information to a file for cleanup

  # Output the container name and deployment link
  echo "Container name: $CONTAINER_NAME"
  echo "Deployment complete: http://$REMOTE_HOST:$PORT"

The Cleanup Script (

The script handles the cleanup process for the PR_TestBot. It stops and removes Docker containers or Docker Compose services created during deployment.

Key Features

  • Service Detection: Detects if Docker Compose services are used and stops them accordingly.

  • Container Cleanup: Stops and removes individual Docker containers if Docker Compose is not used.

  • Logging: Provides feedback on the cleanup process for each container or service.

Code Overview


# This script is used to clean up the Docker containers created for a specific branch and


# Check if the script is run as root
if [[ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]]; then
  sudo -E "$0" "$@"

# Check if the branch name is provided
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  echo "Branch name not provided."
  exit 1

# Check if the PR number is provided
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
  echo "PR number not provided."
  exit 1

# Variables

# Stop and remove Docker Compose services if docker-compose file exists
if [ -f "$REMOTE_DIR/docker-compose.yml" ] || [ -f "$REMOTE_DIR/docker-compose.yaml" ]; then
  echo "Found docker-compose file, stopping Docker Compose services..."
  docker-compose -f "$REMOTE_DIR/docker-compose.yml" down || docker-compose -f "$REMOTE_DIR/docker-compose.yaml" down
  # Find and read all container info files for the given branch and PR
  for CONTAINER_INFO_FILE in /tmp/container_info_${BRANCH_NAME}_${PR_NUMBER}_*.txt; do
    if [ -f "$CONTAINER_INFO_FILE" ]; then
      # Read the container name and port from the file
      while read -r CONTAINER_NAME PORT; do
        if [ -n "$CONTAINER_NAME" ]; then
          # Stop and remove the container
          docker stop "$CONTAINER_NAME"
          docker rm "$CONTAINER_NAME"
          echo "Container $CONTAINER_NAME cleaned up successfully."

          # Remove the container info file
          rm "$CONTAINER_INFO_FILE"
          echo "No container found for branch $BRANCH_NAME with PR $PR_NUMBER."
      done < "$CONTAINER_INFO_FILE"
      echo "No container information file found for branch $BRANCH_NAME with PR $PR_NUMBER."


  1. Server: A running server (e.g., AWS EC2, DigitalOcean Droplet, or any other cloud provider) with Ubuntu.

  2. GitHub Repository: A repository with Docker or Docker Compose configuration.

  3. Security Group/Firewall:

    • Open port 22 (SSH).

    • Open port 5000 (Flask).

    • Open ports 4000-7000 (for Docker container deployment).

  4. SSH Key Pair: Access to the server via SSH.

  5. Software on the Server:

    • Docker

    • Docker Compose

    • Python 3 and pip

    • snapd

    • screen

    • ngrok

  6. Environment Variables:


    • APP_ID







  7. ngrok Authtoken: An ngrok account with an authtoken.

Setting up the Test Server

  1. Launch an AWS EC2 Instance:

    • Select t2.micro instance type with an Ubuntu AMI.
  2. Configure Security Group:

    • Open ports 22 (SSH), 5000 (Flask), and any other necessary ports.
  3. Connect to the Instance:

     ssh -i /path/to/your-key.pem ubuntu@your-ec2-instance-public-dns
  4. Install Required Software:

     sudo apt update
     sudo apt install docker-compose python3 python3-pip snapd screen
     sudo snap install ngrok
  5. Set Up Docker and Docker Compose:

    • Enable and start Docker:
    sudo systemctl enable docker
    sudo systemctl start docker
    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
    newgrp docker
  1. Set Up ngrok:

     ngrok authtoken your-ngrok-authtoken
  2. Clone Your Repository:

     git clone
     cd your-repo
  3. Set Up Environment Variables:

    • Create a .env file with the necessary variables.
  4. Install Python Dependencies:

     pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run Flask App and ngrok in Screen Sessions:

    screen -S flask
    # Press Ctrl+A, then D to detach
    screen -S ngrok
    ngrok http 5000
    # Press Ctrl+A, then D to detach

Your test server is now ready to deploy and test pull requests using PR_TestBot.

Detailed Steps to Install PR_TestBot on GitHub

Step 1: Create a GitHub App

  1. Go to GitHub Settings:

    • Navigate to your GitHub account settings by clicking on your profile picture in the top-right corner and selecting "Settings".
  2. Developer Settings:

    • In the left-hand sidebar, scroll down and click on "Developer settings".
  3. GitHub Apps:

    • Click on "GitHub Apps" in the left sidebar.
  4. Create a New GitHub App:

    • Click the "New GitHub App" button.
  5. Configure the GitHub App:

    • App name: Enter a name for your app (e.g., PR_TestBot).

    • Homepage URL: Enter your homepage URL or the URL of your repository.

    • Webhook URL: Set this to your ngrok URL (e.g.,

    • Webhook Secret: Enter a secret key (make note of this for later).

    • Repository Permissions:

      • Contents: Read-only

      • Issues: Read & write

      • Pull requests: Read & write

      • Commit statuses: Read & write

    • Subscribe to Events:

      • Check the box for "Pull request".
    • Where can this GitHub App be installed?: Choose "Any account".

  6. Create GitHub App:

    • Click the "Create GitHub App" button.
  7. Generate a Private Key:

    • After creating the app, generate a private key and save the .pem file. This will be used for authentication.

Step 2: Install the GitHub App on Your Repository

  1. Install GitHub App:

    • After creating the app, you will see an option to install it. Click on the "Install App" button.
  2. Select Repository:

    • Choose "Only select repositories" and select the repository where you want to install the app (e.g., your-repo-name).
  3. Complete Installation:

    • Click the "Install" button to complete the installation.

Step 3: Set Up the Server

Follow the instructions in the "Setting up the Test Server" section of your documentation to prepare the server.

Step 4: Clone the Repository

  1. Clone Your Repository:

     git clone
     cd pr_testbot
  2. Set Up Environment Variables:

    • Create a .env file in the project directory with the following content:


Step 5: Set Up and Activate a Virtual Environment

  1. Installvirtualenv:

     sudo apt install python3-virtualenv
  2. Create a Virtual Environment:

     virtualenv venv
  3. Activate the Virtual Environment:

     source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install Python Dependencies:

     pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 6: Run the Flask App and ngrok

  1. Start the Flask Application in a Screen Session:

     screen -S flask
     source venv/bin/activate
     # Press Ctrl+A, then D to detach
  2. Start ngrok in a Screen Session:

     screen -S ngrok
     ngrok http 5000
     # Press Ctrl+A, then D to detach
  3. Copy the ngrok URL:

    • After starting ngrok, copy the generated URL (e.g.,

Step 7: Update GitHub App Webhook URL

  1. Update Webhook URL:

    • Go back to the GitHub Developer settings and navigate to your GitHub App settings.

    • Update the "Webhook URL" with your ngrok URL followed by /webhook (e.g.,

Step 8: Test PR_TestBot

  1. Create a Pull Request:

    • Make a change in a branch of your repository and create a pull request to trigger the bot.
  2. Monitor the Deployment:

    • The bot should automatically deploy the code, notify stakeholders, and provide detailed status updates.

By following these steps, you will have PR_TestBot installed on GitHub, with the ability to deploy Docker or Docker Compose applications, provide notifications, and manage resources efficiently.

A Simple Demonstration of the pr_testbot in Action with Screenshots, Using the pr_testbot_test Repository

Step 1: Cloning the Repository and Creating a Pull Request

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone the pr_testbot_test repository to your local machine.

     git clone
     cd pr_testbot_test
  2. Create a New Branch: Create and switch to a new branch to make your changes.

     git checkout -b feature-test
  3. Make Changes: Make some changes to the code. For example, update the README file.

  4. Commit and Push Changes: Commit and push your changes to GitHub.

     git add .
     git commit -m "Test changes for pr_testbot"
     git push origin feature-test
  5. Open a Pull Request: Open a pull request from the feature-test branch to the main branch.

    • Go to the repository on GitHub.

    • Click the "Compare & pull request" button.

    • Provide a title and description for your pull request and click "Create pull request".

Step 2: Deployment Triggered by Pull Request

Once the pull request is created, the pr_testbot is triggered and starts the deployment process.

  1. Webhook Received: The pr_testbot receives the webhook event for the new pull request.

  2. Deployment Started: The bot posts a comment on the pull request indicating that the deployment has started.

  3. Deployment Log: The bot performs the deployment, clones the repository, checks out the branch, and deploys the application.

  4. Deployment Success: Once the deployment is successful, the bot posts another comment with the deployment link.

Step 3: Receiving Deployment Logs via Email

After the deployment, the bot sends detailed logs of the deployment process via email to the configured recipient. The email contains the following information:

  • Repository URL: The URL of the repository from which the branch was cloned.

  • Branch Name: The name of the branch that was deployed.

  • Deployment Steps: Detailed steps of the deployment process including cloning, checking out the branch, building the Docker image, and running the container.

  • Deployment Status: The status of each step, indicating success or failure.

  • Deployment URL: The URL of the deployed application if the deployment was successful.

Example Email with Deployment Logs:

Step 4: Closing the Pull Request

  1. Merge or Close the Pull Request: Once the changes are reviewed, the pull request can be merged or closed.

  2. Cleanup Triggered: When the pull request is closed, the pr_testbot triggers the cleanup process.

  3. Cleanup Log: The bot performs the cleanup, stopping and removing Docker containers or Docker Compose services.

  4. Cleanup Success: The bot posts a final comment indicating that the cleanup has been completed successfully.

Step 5: Receiving Cleanup Logs via Email

Similar to the deployment logs, the bot also sends detailed logs of the cleanup process via email to the configured recipient. The email contains the following information:

  • Repository URL: The URL of the repository from which the branch was cloned.

  • Branch Name: The name of the branch that was cleaned up.

  • Cleanup Steps: Detailed steps of the cleanup process, including stopping and removing Docker containers or Docker Compose services.

  • Cleanup Status: The status of each step, indicating success or failure.

Example Email with Cleanup Logs:

This demonstration shows how the pr_testbot automates the deployment and cleanup processes for pull requests, ensuring that applications are tested in a consistent environment and resources are cleaned up after use. The detailed comments and logs provided by the bot help stakeholders track the status of deployments and cleanups effectively.

Other Ways to Test

Forking the Repository:

  1. Fork the Repository: Fork the pr_testbot_test repository to your GitHub account.

    • Navigate to the repository URL:

    • Click on the "Fork" button in the top-right corner of the page.

  2. Clone the Forked Repository: Clone the forked repository to your local machine.

     git clone
     cd pr_testbot_test
  3. Follow Steps 2-5: Create a new branch, make changes, commit, push, and open a pull request following the same steps as described above.

Creating a Pull Request from a Different Branch:

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone the repository to your local machine.

     git clone
     cd pr_testbot_test
  2. Create a New Branch: Create and switch to a new branch to make your changes.

     git checkout -b new-feature-branch
  3. Make Changes: Make some changes to the code.

  4. Commit and Push Changes: Commit and push your changes to GitHub.

     git add .
     git commit -m "New feature branch changes"
     git push origin new-feature-branch
  5. Open a Pull Request: Open a pull request from the new-feature-branch to the main branch on GitHub.

These methods provide flexibility in testing the pr_testbot with various scenarios, ensuring it functions correctly across different use cases.

Security Considerations

When implementing and using the pr_testbot, it is crucial to keep security at the forefront. Here are some key security considerations:

  1. Webhook Security:

    • Signature Verification: Ensure that all incoming webhooks from GitHub are verified using the provided signature to prevent unauthorized access.

    • Secret Management: Store webhook secrets securely and avoid hardcoding them in your scripts.

  2. Environment Variables:

    • Secure Storage: Use secure methods to store environment variables such as AWS Secrets Manager, HashiCorp Vault, or similar services.

    • Access Control: Limit access to environment variables to only those processes and users that absolutely need them.

  3. Authentication Tokens:

    • Short-lived Tokens: Use short-lived tokens for authentication wherever possible and rotate them regularly.

    • Encryption: Ensure that all tokens and sensitive data are encrypted both in transit and at rest.

  4. Server Security:

    • Firewall Rules: Configure firewall rules to allow only necessary traffic to and from your server.

    • Regular Updates: Keep your server and all dependencies updated with the latest security patches.

  5. Docker Security:

    • Image Vulnerabilities: Regularly scan your Docker images for vulnerabilities using tools like Docker Bench for Security or Clair.

    • Least Privilege: Run containers with the least privilege necessary and avoid running containers as root.

Future Plans for the pr_testbot

The current implementation of pr_testbot focuses on deploying Docker applications. Future plans for the pr_testbot include extending its capabilities to support a variety of deployment tools and environments. Here are some future enhancements:

  1. Terraform:

    • Integrate Terraform to provision and manage infrastructure as code.

    • Allow deployment scripts to apply Terraform configurations and manage cloud resources dynamically.

  2. Ansible:

    • Add support for Ansible to automate IT tasks such as configuration management, application deployment, and orchestration.

    • Enable the deployment script to run Ansible playbooks for setting up and managing environments.

  3. Kubernetes:

    • Support for deploying applications to Kubernetes clusters.

    • Enable the deployment script to apply Kubernetes manifests and manage Kubernetes resources.

  4. CI/CD Integration:

    • Integrate with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, or GitHub Actions to automate the entire deployment pipeline.

    • Provide feedback and status updates directly within these CI/CD platforms.

  5. Extensible Plugin System:

    • Develop a plugin system that allows users to easily add support for other deployment tools and technologies.

    • Enable community contributions to extend the capabilities of the pr_testbot.

Link to the pr_testbot repo on GitHub


The pr_testbot is a powerful automation tool designed to streamline the deployment and cleanup processes for pull requests. Key features of the pr_testbot include:

  • Automated deployments triggered by pull request actions.

  • Detailed notifications and logs sent via GitHub comments and emails.

  • Secure handling of webhook events and authentication tokens.

  • Flexible deployment options with support for Docker and Docker Compose.


The pr_testbot provides an efficient and secure way to manage deployments and cleanups for pull requests, ensuring consistency and reliability in testing environments. With planned future enhancements, the pr_testbot aims to become a versatile tool capable of handling various deployment technologies and integrating seamlessly into modern CI/CD pipelines.

By leveraging the pr_testbot, development teams can focus more on building and improving their applications, knowing that their deployment processes are automated and secure.

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Written by

Ayodeji Hamed
Ayodeji Hamed

๐Ÿš€ Welcome to my tech playground on Hashnode! I'm Hamed Ayodeji, a DevOps/Cloud Engineer with a passion for all things innovative and cutting-edge in the world of technology. Join me as I explore the latest trends, share insights, and embark on exciting coding adventures. Let's connect, learn, and grow together in this ever-evolving digital landscape! #DevOps #CloudEngineering #Innovation