MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline Explained: Best Practices and Use Cases

Abdullah ataAbdullah ata
5 min read

MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline Explained

MongoDB’s aggregation pipeline is a powerful framework used to perform complex data processing tasks. It enables you to transform and analyze data within MongoDB collections by applying a series of operations, or "stages," to the documents in a collection. Each stage in the pipeline processes the documents and passes the results to the next stage, allowing for multi-step data transformations and aggregations.

Key Components of Aggregation Pipeline

  1. Pipeline Stages:

    • $match: Filters documents based on specified criteria. Similar to querying with find(), but applied within the pipeline to narrow down the data set before further processing.

    • $group: Groups documents by a specified field and performs aggregate operations like sum, average, count, etc., on grouped data.

    • $sort: Orders documents based on specified fields, which is useful for organizing data before or after aggregation.

    • $project: Reshapes each document by including or excluding fields, or creating new computed fields.

    • $lookup: Performs a left outer join with another collection, allowing you to combine documents from multiple collections.

    • $unwind: Deconstructs an array field from the documents, creating separate documents for each element in the array.

    • $limit: Limits the number of documents passed to the next stage in the pipeline.

    • $skip: Skips a specified number of documents, useful for pagination.

Use Cases for MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline

  • Data Aggregation and Reporting:

    • Example: Calculate total sales, average order value, or sales by region.

    • Use Case: E-commerce platforms often need to generate sales reports, analyze customer spending patterns, and identify high-performing products.

  • Data Transformation:

    • Example: Reshape data for reporting or visualization.

    • Use Case: Transform data from a raw format into a format suitable for charts and graphs in business intelligence dashboards.

  • Real-Time Analytics:

    • Example: Analyze user activity logs to provide real-time insights.

    • Use Case: Monitor and analyze user behavior on a website to make real-time adjustments or provide immediate feedback.

  • Data Enrichment:

    • Example: Combine data from multiple collections to provide more comprehensive results.

    • Use Case: Use $lookup to join user profiles with their activity logs to generate detailed user reports.

  • Data Filtering and Cleaning:

    • Example: Remove duplicate records or filter out irrelevant data.

    • Use Case: Clean and preprocess data before performing deeper analysis or generating reports.

  • Complex Aggregations:

    • Example: Perform multi-stage aggregations that involve grouping, sorting, and filtering data.

    • Use Case: Complex analytics where you need to calculate metrics across different dimensions and time periods.

Let's dive into some code examples.

import mongoose, { Schema } from "mongoose";

const subscriptionSchema= new mongoose.Schema(
            tyoe: Schema.Types.ObjectId,          
            tyoe: Schema.Types.ObjectId,

    ,{timestamps : true}


export const SubScription = mongoose.model("Subscription",subscriptionSchema);

This is simple MongoDB Scheme Model

const channel = await User.aggregate([ 
        $match:{username: username.toLowerCase()}
            from : "subscriptions",
            localField : "_id",
            from : "subscriptions",
            localField : "_id",


         $project:{          //give Project to send particular data

Start with your model name and use the Aggregate function.

Aggregation Pipeline Stages:

  1. $match:

     { $match: { username: username.toLowerCase() } }
    • Purpose: Filters the documents in the User collection to find the user whose username matches the provided username, converted to lowercase.

    • Result: This stage isolates the specific user document(s) that will be processed in the subsequent stages.

  2. $lookup (First Instance):

         $lookup: {
             from: "subscriptions",
             localField: "_id",
             foreignField: "channel",
             as: "subscribers"
    • Purpose: Performs a left outer join with the subscriptions collection. It matches the User document’s _id with the channel field in the subscriptions collection.

    • Result: Adds a new field called subscribers to the user document, containing an array of subscription documents where the user is a channel.

  3. $lookup (Second Instance):

         $lookup: {
             from: "subscriptions",
             localField: "_id",
             foreignField: "subscriber",
             as: "SubscribedTo"
    • Purpose: Performs another left outer join with the subscriptions collection. This time, it matches the User document’s _id with the subscriber field in the subscriptions collection.

    • Result: Adds a new field called SubscribedTo to the user document, containing an array of subscription documents where the user is a subscriber.

  4. $addFields:

         $addFields: {
             subscriberCount: { $size: "$subscribers" },
             subscribedToCount: { $size: "$SubscribedTo" },
             isSubscribed: {
                 $cond: {
                     if: { $in: [req.user._id, "$subscribers.subscriber"] },
                     then: true,
                     else: false
    • Purpose: Adds new fields to the user document:

      • subscriberCount: Counts the number of subscribers by calculating the size of the subscribers array.

      • subscribedToCount: Counts the number of channels the user is subscribed to by calculating the size of the SubscribedTo array.

      • isSubscribed: Determines if the current user (from req.user._id) is subscribed to the user’s channel. If the user’s ID is found in the subscribers.subscriber array, isSubscribed is set to true; otherwise, it is set to false.

  5. $project:

         $project: {
             fullname: 1,
             username: 1,
             subscriberCount: 1,
             subscribedToCount: 1,
             isSubscribed: 1,
             avatar: 1,
             coverImage: 1,
             email: 1
    • Purpose: Specifies which fields to include in the output documents.

    • Result: The resulting documents will include the fields fullname, username, subscriberCount, subscribedToCount, isSubscribed, avatar, coverImage, and email, while excluding any other fields.

What the Code is Doing

  1. Finds a Specific User: It filters the User collection to find a user by username.

  2. Gathers Subscription Data:

    • Retrieves the list of subscribers for the user (i.e., users who have subscribed to this user’s channel).

    • Retrieves the list of channels the user is subscribed to (i.e., channels this user has subscribed to).

  3. Calculates and Adds Metrics:

    • Calculates how many users are subscribed to this user’s channel (subscriberCount).

    • Calculates how many channels this user is subscribed to (subscribedToCount).

    • Checks if the current user is among the subscribers of this user’s channel (isSubscribed).

  4. Projects Relevant Data:

    • Outputs a document with the user’s basic information and the calculated metrics.

This pipeline provides a comprehensive view of a user’s subscription statistics and relationship status, enriching the user document with relevant subscription information.

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Written by

Abdullah ata
Abdullah ata

👋 Hi there! I’m a passionate developer from Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, Hand in the MERN stack. With a knack for creating dynamic and responsive web applications, I love turning ideas into reality through code.