Dynamic class definition in Python

7 min read

By Peter Gleeson

Here’s a neat Python trick you might just find useful one day. Let’s look at how you can dynamically define classes, and create instances of them as required.

This trick makes use of Python’s object oriented programming (OOP) capabilities, so we’ll review those first.

Classes and objects

Python is an object-oriented language, meaning it lets you write code in the object oriented paradigm.

The key concept in this programming paradigm is classes. In Python, these are used to create objects which can have attributes.

Objects are specific instances of a class. A class is essentially a blueprint of what an object is and how it should behave.

Classes are defined with two types of attribute:

  • Data attributes — variables available to a given instance of that class
  • Methods — functions available to an instance of that class

The classic OOP example usually involves different types of animal, or food. Here, I’ve gone more practical with a simple data visualization theme.

First, define the class BarChart.

class BarChart:
    def __init__(self, title, data):
        self.title = title
        self.data = data
       def plot(self):
        for k in self.data.keys():
            print("-"*self.data[k]+" "+k)

The __init__ method lets you set attributes upon instantiation. That is, when you create a new instance of BarChart, you can pass arguments that provide the chart’s title and data.

This class also has a plot() method. This prints a very basic bar chart to the console when it is called. It could feasibly do more interesting things in a real application.

Next, instantiate an instance of BarChart:

data = {"a":4, "b":7, "c":8}bar = BarChart("A Simple Chart", data)

Now you can use the bar object in the rest of your code:

bar.data['d'] = bar.plot()
A Simple Chart
---- a
------- b
-------- c
----- d

This is great, because it allows you to define a class and create instances dynamically. You can spin up instances of other bar charts in one line of code.

new_data = {"x":1, "y":2, "z":3}
bar2 = BarChart("Another Chart", new_data)
Another Chart
- x
-- y
--- z

Say you wanted to define several classes of chart. Inheritance lets you define classes which “inherit” properties from base classes.

For example, you could define a base Chart class. Then you can define derived classes which inherit from the base.

class Chart:
    def __init__(self, title, data):
        self.title = title
        self.data = data
    def plot(self):
class BarChart(Chart):
    def plot(self):
        for k in self.data.keys():
            print("-"*self.data[k]+" "+k)
class Scatter(Chart):
    def plot(self):
        points = zip(data['x'],data['y'])
        y = max(self.data['y'])+1
        x = max(self.data['x'])+1
        for i in range(y,-1,-1):
            line = str(i)+"|"
            for j in range(x):
                if (j,i) in points:
                    line += "X"
                    line += " "

Here, the Chart class is a base class. The BarChart and Scatter classes inherit the __init__() method from Chart. But they have their own plot() methods which override the one defined in Chart.

Now you can create scatter chart objects as well.

data = {'x':[1,2,4,5], 'y':[1,2,3,4]}
scatter = Scatter('Scatter Chart', data)
Scatter Chart
4|     X
3|      X 
2|  X
1| X

This approach lets you write more abstract code, giving your application greater flexibility. Having blueprints to create countless variations of the same general object will save you unnecessarily repeating lines of code. It can also make your application code easier to understand.

You can also import classes into future projects, if you want to reuse them at a later time.

Factory methods

Sometimes, you won’t know the specific class you want to implement before runtime. For example, perhaps the objects you create will depend on user input, or the results of another process with a variable outcome.

Factory methods offer a solution. These are methods that take a dynamic list of arguments and return an object. The arguments supplied determine the class of the object that is returned.

A simple example is illustrated below. This factory can return either a bar chart or a scatter plot object, depending on the style argument it receives. A smarter factory method could even guess the best class to use, by looking at the structure of the data argument.

def chart_factory(title, data, style):
    if style == "bar":
        return BarChart(title, data)
    if style == "scatter":
        return Scatter(title, data)
        raise Exception("Unrecognized chart style.")
chart = chart_factory("New Chart", data, "bar")

Factory methods are great when you know in advance which classes you want to return, and the conditions under which they are returned.

But what if you don’t even know this in advance?

Dynamic definitions

Python lets you define classes dynamically, and instantiate objects with them as required.

Why might you want to do this? The short answer is yet more abstraction.

Admittedly, needing to write code at this level of abstraction is generally a rare occurrence. As always when programming, you should consider if there is an easier solution.

However, there may be times when it genuinely proves useful to define classes dynamically. We’ll cover a possible use-case below.

You may be familiar with Python’s type() function. With one argument, it simply returns the “type” of the object of the argument.

type(1) # <type 'int'>
type('hello') # <type 'str'>
type(True) # <type 'bool'>

But, with three arguments, type() returns a whole new type object. This is equivalent to defining a new class.

NewClass = type('NewClass', (object,), {})
  • The first argument is a string that gives the new class a name
  • The next is a tuple, which contains any base classes the new class should inherit from
  • The final argument is a dictionary of attributes specific to this class

When might you need to use something as abstract as this? Consider the following example.

Flask Table is a Python library that generates syntax for HTML tables. It can be installed via the pip package manager.

You can use Flask Table to define classes for each table you want to generate. You define a class that inherits from a base Table class. Its attributes are column objects, which are instances of the Col class.

from flask_table import Table, Col
class MonthlyDownloads(Table):
    month = Col('Month')
    downloads = Col('Downloads')

data = [{'month':'Jun', 'downloads':700},
        {'month':'Jul', 'downloads':900},
        {'month':'Aug', 'downloads':1600},
        {'month':'Sep', 'downloads':1900},
        {'month':'Oct', 'downloads':2200}]

table = MonthlyDownloads(data)print(table.__html__())

You then create an instance of the class, passing in the data you want to display. The __html__() method generates the required HTML.

Now, say you’re developing a tool that uses Flask Table to generate HTML tables based on a user-provided config file. You don’t know in advance how many columns the user wants to define — it could be one, it could be a hundred! How can your code define the right class for the job?

Dynamic class definition is useful here. For each class you wish to define, you can dynamically build the attributes dictionary.

Say your user config is a CSV file, with the following structure:

Table1, column1, column2, column3
Table2, column1
Table3, column1, column2

You could read the CSV file line-by-line, using the first element of each row as the name of each table class. The remaining elements in that row would be used to define Col objects for that table class. These are added to an attributes dictionary, which is built up iteratively.

for row in csv_file:
    attributes = {}
    for column in row[1:]:
        attributes[column] = Col(column)
        globals()[row[0]] = type(row[0], (Table,), attributes)

The code above defines classes for each of the tables in the CSV config file. Each class is added to the globals dictionary.

Of course, this is a relatively trivial example. FlaskTable is capable of generating much more sophisticated tables. A real life use-case would make better use of this! But, hopefully, you’ve seen how dynamic class definition might prove useful in some contexts.

So now you know…

If you are new to Python, then it is worth getting up to speed with classes and objects early on. Try implementing them in your next learning project. Or, browse open source projects on Github to see how other developers make use of them.

For those with a little more experience, it can be very rewarding to learn how things work “behind-the-scenes”. Browsing the official docs can be illuminating!

Have you ever found a use-case for dynamic class definition in Python? If so, it’d be great to share it in the responses below.

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