Essentials of AWS SAA-CO3

S3 ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ’พ

1)S3 tiers
2)Life cycle rules
3)worm-Compliance, Governance, Legal Hold
4)S3 optimizing Techniques --->Multipart uploads,Byterange fetches
5)S3 Replication
6)bucket policy vs ACL policy
7)Static Web Hosting, client-side JS rendering

EC2 ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ

1)Buying options for EC2 instance(OnDemand,Reserved,spot,Dedicated)
2)networking in EN, ENI, EFA
3)Placement Group cluster, spread, partition
4)spot fleet
6)EBS volumes
7)Instance Store(Cachae)
8)Types of EBS volume
10)Efsx windows,Efsx lusture

Databases ๐Ÿ’พ

1)RDS- 2Special Features MultiAz, ReadReplica,RDS Proxy
2)Aurora-comes with Default multiAZ(Check benefits of aurora cluster)
3)DynamoDB-DynamoDB accelerator, Transaction, pitr, streams,Global tables
4)Document DB

Virtual Private Cloud(VPC) โ˜๏ธ

1)RT, NACL, and SG were created as Default
2)Nacl-Stateless,ip block
3)SG and NAT Gateway are Redudant to AZ
4)NAT Gateway
5)vpc endpoint
-Interface Endpoint
-Gateway Endpoint
6)VPC peering -No Overlapping CIDR and No Transitive Dependency
7)vpc site-to-site vpn
8)vpc private link
9)vpc Direct Connect
10)Transist Gateway-ip Multicast Possible King of IP cast
11)Note the Default Behaviour of SG, NACL(rules valuation, ingress and egress)

Route53(DNS service of AWS)๐ŸŒ

1)Domain Registers
2)Top-level Domain Name
3)NS records we can find the authorized DNS server
4)DNS server has --a record, SOA record
5)7 routing Policy--MultiValue routing Policy(Simple Routing Policy with Health Check)

Elastic Load Balancer๐Ÿคน

1)Application Load Balancer(Layer7)-Sticky sessions is also possible here
3)GateWay(Inline Virtual Appliance)
4)Classic(Layer 4 and Layer 7,X-forward-for(original ip ),Sticky session,504 Gateway error)
5)DeRegisteration Delay

Monitoring ๐Ÿง

1)Cloud Watch
--> Cloud watch agent produces cloud watch logs installed in it (5 min default update)
-->systemrics--CPU util, Network throughput
-->Cloudwatch insights-query using Sql
2)For containers and IOT Based logs best suited Monitoring Tools--Prometheus-to store logs,promql to query , Grafana-to visualize logs

Scaling ๐Ÿช„๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ

Auto Scaling:
-->scaling Strategies
step scaling, simple Scaling, Target Tracking
--> Warmup, cooldown gives time before and after the autoScaling

Scaling in RDS:

  1. -->Vertical scaling, storage alone increase without changing high config data Engine, Read Replicas
    -->Aurora Serverless

Scaling in Dynamo DB
1)auto Scaling is Default but you can configure it too(Schedule Scaling OnDemand Scaling)

Disaster Recovery ๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

  1. Pilot light

  2. warm standby(already partial running)

  3. Active(complete mirror)

Decoupling Workflow ๐ŸŒŸ

**1)SQS(**pull based message)-visiblity timieout,Message Retention(def 4 (upto 14days)
1)SQS Std
DLQ-Dead Letter Que

2)SNS(Push based Message)
1)Message Size (256KB) extend upto 2GB
2)Message Filter -Depends on Json Condition
By default, an Amazon SNS topic subscriber receives every message that's published to the topic. To receive only a subset of the messages, a subscriber must assign a filter policy to the topic subscription
3) if Delivery policy http/https it will retries

3) API gateway (you can create and maintain API')
-->Three types of API-Rest API,HTTP Api,WebSocket API
-->Three types of Endpoints-edge Endpoints,regional,Private Endpoints
-->It supports Versioning of API

4)AWS Batch
-->Automatically Provision and Scale according to job
-->Fargate vs EC2
-->Batch vs Lambda

1)Replacement for Message Broker Service
2) Support both Messages Queque

6)AWS StepFunction
1)state machine
workflow based on Event Driven
Types of Workflow
3) Workflow is Defined by AWS State Language

7)AWS Appflow
Bidirectional Dataflow between Saas and AWS

BigData ๐Ÿšš๐Ÿšš

1)Redshift(Data Warehouse)
1)Datawarehouse, Relational Database compatible with Postgres SQL
2)16pb capacity
3)Redshift Spectrum

1)ETL Process
2)supports Three Kind of Storage
3)works based on cluster and Node
4) It supports hive spark

3)Kinesis(Streaming of Data)
1)Data stream -shread should be managed by us
2)Firehose-double AWS managed
3)kinesis Data Analytics-stream time analysis using SQL

4)Glue-->Athena-->Quicksight(end to end ETL to analysis Serverless process) mostly used s3 based Data source architecture

QuickSight- Gives the option to Create a DataLake by Different Data Sources and Help to Visualize it

5)Data Pipeline
managed etl, automatic retries, Data Driven

ControlPlane-Managed by AWS

Serverless Services ๐Ÿš€

1) Lamda
1)constraints of lamda -15 min,10gb ram
2)can run both in and out of VPC

2)Application Serverless Repo(For eg: Imagine Hugging Face)
Manifest file SAM template-->It is written in CloudFormation

3)ECS and EKS
Container Orchestration Tool

Serverless container tool to run Containers

5)AWS Event Bridge
Based on the Rule we could trigger different aws event

6)EKS Distro
To run user-managed EKS Deploymezt, Usage, Management

7)AWS X-ray
It was as an Application Insights tool

8)AWS AppSync
It is used to write Graphql-based API

Security ๐Ÿ”

1) Cloud Trail
All API calls that interact with AWS are Logged here

Prevent the DDos at Layer 3 and Layer 4 level

3)Shield Advanced
Access to the DDos Response team

  1. AWS WAF
    Layer 7 protection prevents SQL Injection and Cross Scripting

5)Guard Duty
Ml Based Detection Service

AI to find PII in S3

Vulnerability Scan
Host assessment, Network assessment

1)cmk is generated with full help of AWS
2)Import key Associated with CMK
3)User Creates CMK with by using Cloud HSM

9)Secret Manager
1)Rotation Possible
2)Can access the Service by Using API

10)Parameter Store

1)Up to 10,000 parameters are free
2)No rotation is possible

11)AWS Certificate Manager
1)Create Private and Public Sharing SSL certificates
2)It is a Free Service

12) Audit Manager
Continuous Auditing and Generated the Industry Standard Auditing Reports

13) AWS Artifacts
It is the Place to download your Compliance Reports

14) AWS Cognito(authenication Engine)
1)UserPools-Sign in or Signup Services
2)Identity Pools-Allow users to access other AWS services
3)Both Services can be used interlinked or independently too

15) AWS Detective
It uses GraphTheory, and MachineLearning Statistics to find the Root Cause

16) AWS NetworkFirewall
1)This Service implements a Physical firewall to VPC
2)Intrusion Prevention System
17)AWS Security Hub
1)where you can view all security alerts, cross accounts can also be possible.

Automation ๐Ÿช„

1)Cloud Formation
The Popular IAC for Building Architecture

2)Elastic Beanstalk
offload all the IT Needs

3)System Manager
1)SSM agent, Necessary IAM permission
2)Main Components
1)RunCommand-->Run Command without Using SSH and RDP
2)Parameter store
3)Session Manager

Caching ๐ŸŒโšก

Mostly Function On Layer 7 which works based on the Concept of Edge location

2)Elastic Cachae(Internal Caching)
1)Meme Cachae
2)Redis Cache
It can Act as Stand Alone Database

3)Global Acclerator(Deal with ip address Problem)
1)It is Based on TCP/UDP
2)Can used in front of Different Endpoints
3)Gives us Dual Stack 4 IP Addresses
MemeCached and DAX are not used For Backup

Governance ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿ—๏ธ

1)AWS Organization
1)Tool to Control Multi-Accounts
2)Consolidated Billing, Share RI capacity, OU

2)AWS Resource Access Manager
1)Outside the Org Sharing is Possible. Popular Things That can be shared by using this Service
1)Transit Gateway
2)vpc subnets
3)license Manager
4)Route53 resolver
5)Dedicated Host

3)AWS Config
1)Config History is Stored Here
2)Cross Account is Possible Scope is maintained Within the Region
3)Config Rules
1. Scheduled
2. Trigger
4) Is often will be coupled with SSM
5)Automated Docs
6)It is a Monitoring assessment tool

4)AWS Budget
1)Cost Budget
2)Usage Budget

5)Directory Service
1)AD connector-Aws env<->onperm AD
2)Simple AD-Linux smb AD
3)Managed Microsoft AD<->fully Migrate your AD to AWS

6)AWS Cost Explorer
1)Visualize and Analyze your usage
2)Can Forecast for 12 Months

7)AWS Trusted Advisor
1)Best Practice Auditing Tool
2)Works on Account Level
3)Basic, Develop,Business,Enterprise

8)AWS Control Tower
1)Multi Account Governance
2)Shared Accounts (Managed Account,Archived Account, Audit account)
3)Account Factory
4) Guard Rails

9) License Manager
This is where Software Licences are Stored

10) AWS Health
1)By using this we can Monitor the Health of AWS resources and Accounts
2)Integrate with Event Bridge to do Some Valuable Actions
eg:EC2 Hardware Reboot

11)AWS Proton
1)Automate the management of the IAC code
2)It maintains Provision of resources--> configure the CI/CD-->Deploy the Code
3)It supports Terraform and Cloud Formation too

12) AWS Well Architecture Tool
1)It measures with AWS best-practice architecture
2)It Helps to Document the Workload and Architecture

Migration โ˜๏ธ๐Ÿšš๐Ÿšš

1) Snow Family
1)Snow Cone-8tb storage 4Gb Ram 2VCPU,(IOT ,Computing)
2)Snow Ball Edge-It also comes with GPU capabilities
3)Snow Mobile-Truck

2)Storage Gateway
1)usually in this architecture we will run a Provided VM in Onperm
2) Specially used for Hybrid Solutions
3)Three types-File, Volume,Tape

3)AWS DataSync
1)Agent-Based Solution
2)OneTime Migration
3)Encrypted in Transit

4)AWS Transfer Family
1)If we need to follow certain robust file Transfering Protocol such as (SFTP,FTP, FTPS)

5)AWS Migration Hub
GUI tool to see the progress of both SMS and DMS

6)App Discovery Servcie
1)Two Kind Agentless-OVA file,AgentBased

7)AWS DataMigration Service(AWS DMS)
1)Schema Conversion Tool (Multiple DB to one, Supports Any Kind of Schema Conversion)
2)Three Migration Categories
1)Full Load
2)Full Load with CDC(It is most Persistant Kind of Migration)
3)CDC only

Frontend Web and Mobile ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ“ฑ

1)AWS Amplify
1)Tool to build full-stack web and Mobile Application
2)Two types
Host-react,vue, Supports Server Side Rendering
Studio-Analyse Visual process, Ready to use components

2)AWS Device Farm
Testing with Mobile and Tab
Two Types
2)Remote access(eg:it similar to android studio Stimulator)
3)AWS Pinpoint

1) Bulk messaging Service we can deliver messages via Different mediums such as SNS or email

2) Machine Learning Can be used to analyze User Patterns

ML Based Services ๐Ÿง ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ

1)AWS Comprehend
Natural Language Processing--eg Sentimental Analysis
2)AWS Kendra
Intelligent Search Service
3)AWS Textract
Extract text from Scanned Documents
4)Amazon Forecast
uses ML to forecast with the time-stream Data as input
5)AWS Fraud Detector
It is used to detect anomalies in your AWS Service Usage
6)AWS Transcribe
Audio, video file -Text
7)AWS Lex
Used to build virtual Agents and ChatBots
8)AWS Poly
Text->speech you can provide an accent using this

9)AWS Rekognition
Image Recognition, Content Moderation

10)AWS SageMaker
--> Where you train and Deploy your ML model NOTEBOOK-code for Training
-->create a model---->create a EndpointConfiguration --->Create a Endpoint
--> By using SageMakerNeo we can Design a model That effectively runs on that computer's Architecture
11)AWS Translate

It supports translating text between multiple languages for various applications, including websites, apps, and content localization

Media ๐Ÿ“บ๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿ’ป

1)AWS Transcoder
Media file - Converted to optimized file format

2)AWS Kinesis VideoStream
To stream Video from multiple Devices at LiveTime


I have Composed this Blog with all the Services that is Important to Crack the AWS Solution Architect Associate . Make Sure to give a Spin around this Blog Before racing it to the Examination๐Ÿ’ช. Hope it Helps๐Ÿ–– . wish you Great luck for your Examination . Continue Exploring๐Ÿ˜Ž

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Written by

Koushal Akash RM
Koushal Akash RM