Building a Real-world Kubernetes Operator: Part - 3

Anurag RajawatAnurag Rajawat
10 min read


This part continues from the previous section where we developed the controllers. Here, we'll fix the NimbusPolicy deletion issue and make a few other improvements.

There's another issue with NimbusPolicy: if you manually delete or update it, the SecurityIntentBinding controller neither recreates it nor discards those manual changes.

Right now, the SecurityIntentBinding controller only creates or updates the NimbusPolicy when it gets an event related to SecurityIntentBinding. Ideally, it should manage the entire lifecycle of a NimbusPolicy, similar to how a ReplicaSet controller manages Pods.

There are two ways to fix these:

  • Manual Lifecycle Management (Not Recommended): This involves manually handling the creation, deletion, and updates of NimbusPolicy objects. However, this approach can quickly become cumbersome and error-prone. Kubernetes already provides built-in mechanisms for managing resources, so this method is generally discouraged.

  • Leveraging Kubernetes' OwnerReferences: Kubernetes way, by utilizing a built-in Kubernetes feature called OwnerReferences.

Let's get into business.

Owners and Dependents

The Kubernetes documentation provides a clear explanation of ownership and dependencies between resources.

In the context of our operator, let's break down the concept of owner and child resources.

Recall that in our design, a SecurityIntentBinding resource manages a NimbusPolicy resource. Therefore, SecurityIntentBinding acts as the owner, while NimbusPolicy is the child resource.

With this understanding, we'll configure our SecurityIntentBinding controller to be aware of its owned objects, specifically NimbusPolicy resources. This ensures that any changes to the SecurityIntentBinding are reflected in the corresponding NimbusPolicy. Additionally, the controller will recreate any deleted NimbusPolicy and discard any manual changes made directly to them.

Edit the securityintentbinding_controller.go file in the internal/controller directory as follows:

// SetupWithManager sets up the controller with the Manager.
func (r *SecurityIntentBindingReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
    return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).

Configured the controller to own NimbusPolicy i.e., it will manage its complete lifecycle.

Edit the nimbus_policy.go file in pkg/builder as follows:

import (
    ctrl ""

func BuildNimbusPolicy(ctx context.Context, k8sClient client.Client, securityIntentBinding intentv1alpha1.SecurityIntentBinding) (*intentv1alpha1.NimbusPolicy, error) {
    if err := ctrl.SetControllerReference(&securityIntentBinding, nimbusPolicy, k8sClient.Scheme()); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return nimbusPolicy, nil

Set the SecurityIntentBinding as the owner of the NimbusPolicy.This tells the controller, "Hey, you're responsible for handling thisNimbusPolicy".

Let's verify whether things are working as intended.

Create sample intent and binding:

$ k apply -f pkg-mgrs-intent-and-binding.yaml created created

check operator logs:

2024-07-13T23:08:02+05:30       INFO    reconciling SecurityIntent      {"controller": "securityintent", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "SecurityIntent", "SecurityIntent": {"name":"package-mgrs"}, "namespace": "", "name": "package-mgrs", "reconcileID": "7dcbcd8f-70a7-419f-be5c-4b775bdba124", "securityIntent": "package-mgrs"}
2024-07-13T23:08:02+05:30       INFO    reconciling SecurityIntentBinding       {"controller": "securityintentbinding", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "SecurityIntentBinding", "SecurityIntentBinding": {"name":"package-mgrs-binding","namespace":"default"}, "namespace": "default", "name": "package-mgrs-binding", "reconcileID": "8452da71-11a4-4e62-a60f-9d27ca74e6fc", "": "package-mgrs-binding", "securityIntentBinding.namespace": "default"}
2024-07-13T23:08:02+05:30       INFO    reconciling SecurityIntentBinding       {"controller": "securityintentbinding", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "SecurityIntentBinding", "SecurityIntentBinding": {"name":"package-mgrs-binding","namespace":"default"}, "namespace": "default", "name": "package-mgrs-binding", "reconcileID": "fea993ee-101f-4285-a730-251b45799160", "": "package-mgrs-binding", "securityIntentBinding.namespace": "default"}

Check the resources and their detail:


$ k get securityintentbinding
NAME                   AGE
package-mgrs-binding   4m16s

$ k get securityintentbinding package-mgrs-binding -o yaml
kind: SecurityIntentBinding
  annotations: |
  creationTimestamp: "2024-07-13T17:38:02Z"
  generation: 1
  name: package-mgrs-binding
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "4227"
  uid: ab7d399c-67ef-401a-87f9-e94257970f34
  - name: package-mgrs
      app: web
      env: prod


$ k get nimbuspolicy
NAME                   AGE
package-mgrs-binding   4m36s

$ k get nimbuspolicy -o yaml
kind: NimbusPolicy
  creationTimestamp: "2024-07-13T17:38:02Z"
  generation: 1
  name: package-mgrs-binding
  namespace: default
  - apiVersion:
    blockOwnerDeletion: true
    controller: true
    kind: SecurityIntentBinding
    name: package-mgrs-binding
    uid: ab7d399c-67ef-401a-87f9-e94257970f34
  resourceVersion: "4228"
  uid: 9996fe62-311c-42e7-b4ae-e2624d9d605f
  - action: Enforce
    id: pkgMgrs
      app: web
      env: prod

Check the metadata.ownerReferences field; it has an entry for its owner with its kind, name, and uid.

Let's delete the resources we created earlier:

$ k delete -f pkg-mgrs-intent-and-binding.yaml "package-mgrs" deleted "package-mgrs-binding" deleted

Check if the owned NimbusPolicy has been deleted.

$ k get nimbuspolicy
No resources found in default namespace.

Things are working as expected. Try manually editing the NimbusPolicy, then delete it and check if the changes are discarded and if it gets recreated.

That's how to add the owner and dependents. Easy, isn't it?

Short name

Shouldn't we give short names or aliases to resources so we have to type less? Just like we do for other core resources, for example, deploy for deployment, rs for replicaset, and sts for statefulset.

Edit the Kubebuilder markers in securityintent_types.go file in api/v1alpha1 directory as follows:

// +kubebuilder:resource:scope=Cluster,shortName=si

// SecurityIntent is the Schema for the securityintents API
type SecurityIntent struct {

Similarly, edit other files:

  • securityintentbinding_types.go
// +kubebuilder:resource:shortName=sib

// SecurityIntentBinding is the Schema for the securityintentbindings API
type SecurityIntentBinding struct {
  • nimbuspolicy_types.go
// +kubebuilder:resource:shortName=np

// NimbusPolicy is the Schema for the nimbuspolicies API
type NimbusPolicy struct {

We gave si for SecurityIntent, sib for SecurityIntentBinding, and np for NimbusPolicy.

Finally, install the updated CRDs:

make manifests install

Try kubectl get si/sib/np.


We've addressed edit and deletion issues, and even added short names for our resources. But there's one more step!

Have you noticed that running kubectl get [kind] [name] or kubectl get [kind] [name] -o yaml doesn't show the current state of your resources? Let's explore why.

This information is missing because we haven't defined the .status subresource. The .status subresource is a dedicated field within Kubernetes resources where you can store details about their current/observed state.

So let's add it to all resources.


Since we're only concerned with the action (Enforce / Audit) and status (Created) of a SecurityIntent resource, we can add these fields by modifying the securityintent_types.go file located within the api/v1alpha1 directory as follows:

// SecurityIntentStatus defines the observed state of SecurityIntent
type SecurityIntentStatus struct {
    Action string `json:"action"`
    Status string `json:"status"`

You can add additional fields as needed to suit your specific requirements.

Let's update the SecurityIntent controller to update the status subresource accordingly.

Edit the securityintent_controller.go in internal/controller directory as follows:

func (r *SecurityIntentReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
    logger.Info("reconciling SecurityIntent", "securityIntent", req.Name)
    if err = r.updateStatus(ctx, &securityIntent); err != nil {
        logger.Error(err, "failed to update SecurityIntent status", "", req.Name)
        return ctrl.Result{}, err

func (r *SecurityIntentReconciler) updateStatus(ctx context.Context, existingSecurityIntent *intentv1alpha1.SecurityIntent) error {
    existingSecurityIntent.Status = intentv1alpha1.SecurityIntentStatus{
        Action: existingSecurityIntent.Spec.Intent.Action,
        Status: consts.StatusCreated,
    return r.Status().Update(ctx, existingSecurityIntent)

Here we're leveraging Status part of the client, with the Update method. The status subresource ignores changes to the spec field, so it’s less likely to conflict with any other updates and can have separate permissions.


For SecurityIntentBinding, we need the status, the names of bound security intents, the count of those bound intents, and the generated nimbuspolicy name. Let's add these fields to the SecurityIntentBindingStatus struct in the securityintentbinding_types.go file in the api/v1alpha1 directory as follows:

// SecurityIntentBindingStatus defines the observed state of SecurityIntentBinding
type SecurityIntentBindingStatus struct {
    Status              string   `json:"status"`
    BoundIntents        []string `json:"boundIntents,omitempty"`
    CountOfBoundIntents int32    `json:"countOfBoundIntents,omitempty"`
    NimbusPolicy        string   `json:"nimbusPolicy,omitempty"`


In NimbusPolicy, we need the status, the names of generated security policies, and their count. Let's add these fields too. Edit the nimbuspolicy_types.go file in the api/v1alpha1 directory as follows:

// NimbusPolicyStatus defines the observed state of NimbusPolicy
type NimbusPolicyStatus struct {
    Status                string   `json:"status"`
    GeneratedPoliciesName []string `json:"policiesName,omitempty"`
    CountOfPolicies       int32     `json:"policies,omitempty"`

Finally, update the SecurityIntentBinding controller to update the status subresource for both resources.

Edit the securityintentbinding_controller.go file in internal/controller directory as follows:

func (r *SecurityIntentBindingReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
    nimbusPolicy, err := r.createOrUpdateNimbusPolicy(ctx, securityIntentBinding)
    if err != nil {
        return ctrl.Result{}, err

    if nimbusPolicy != nil {
        if err = r.updateNpStatus(ctx, nimbusPolicy); err != nil {
            logger.Error(err, "failed to update NimbusPolicy status", "nimbusPolicy.Name", nimbusPolicy.Name, "nimbusPolicy.Namespace", nimbusPolicy.Namespace)
            return ctrl.Result{}, err

        if err = r.updateSibStatusWithBoundNpAndSisInfo(ctx, &securityIntentBinding, nimbusPolicy); err != nil {
            logger.Error(err, "failed to update SecurityIntentBinding status", "", req.Name, "securityIntentBinding.namespace", req.Namespace)
            return ctrl.Result{}, err

    return ctrl.Result{}, nil

func (r *SecurityIntentBindingReconciler) updateNpStatus(ctx context.Context, nimbusPolicy *intentv1alpha1.NimbusPolicy) error {
    nimbusPolicy.Status = intentv1alpha1.NimbusPolicyStatus{
        Status: StatusCreated,
    return r.Status().Update(ctx, nimbusPolicy)

func (r *SecurityIntentBindingReconciler) updateSibStatusWithBoundNpAndSisInfo(ctx context.Context, existingSib *intentv1alpha1.SecurityIntentBinding, existingNp *intentv1alpha1.NimbusPolicy) error {
    existingSib.Status.Status = StatusCreated
    existingSib.Status.NimbusPolicy = existingNp.Name
    existingSib.Status.CountOfBoundIntents = int32(len(existingNp.Spec.NimbusRules))
    existingSib.Status.BoundIntents = r.getBoundIntents(ctx, existingSib.Spec.Intents)
    return r.Status().Update(ctx, existingSib)

func (r *SecurityIntentBindingReconciler) getBoundIntents(ctx context.Context, intents []intentv1alpha1.MatchIntent) []string {
    var boundIntentsName []string
    for _, intent := range intents {
        var currIntent intentv1alpha1.SecurityIntent
        if err := r.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: intent.Name}, &currIntent); err != nil {
        boundIntentsName = append(boundIntentsName, currIntent.Name)
    return boundIntentsName

After updating the types and controllers, let's quickly install and verify the changes.

make manifests generate install

to run:

make run

create the same intent and binding as before:

$ k apply -f pkg-mgrs-intent-and-binding.yaml created created

verify the status subresource:

  • SecurityIntent

      $ k get si package-mgrs -o wide
      NAME           AGE
      package-mgrs   69s
      $ k get si package-mgrs -o yaml
      kind: SecurityIntent
      # Fields removed for brevity
        action: Enforce
        status: Created
  • SecurityIntentBinding

      $ k get sib package-mgrs-binding -o wide
      NAME                   AGE
      package-mgrs-binding   2m21s
      $ k get sib package-mgrs-binding -o yaml
      kind: SecurityIntentBinding
      # Fields removed for brevity
        - package-mgrs
        countOfBoundIntents: 1
        nimbusPolicy: package-mgrs-binding
        status: Created
  • NimbusPolicy

      $ k get np package-mgrs-binding -o wide
      NAME                   AGE
      package-mgrs-binding   4m11s
      $ k get np package-mgrs-binding -o yaml
      kind: NimbusPolicy
      # Fields removed for brevit
        status: Created

As you can see, the status field is now populated by the controllers, so things are working as expected.

Printer Columns

I feel like we're still missing something. Do you know what it is?

When we run kubectl get [kind] [name] -o wide, we don't see extra info. I know we can get that info by running kubectl get [kind] [name] -o yaml. Think about other core Kubernetes resources. For example:

$ k get deploy -o wide
httpd   10/10   10           10          104s   httpd        httpd:2.4.53-alpine   app=httpd

These are called additional printer columns. They help the API server decide which columns to show when we use the kubectl get command. Let's add these columns based on what we need.


Add the Kubebuilder print column markers in the securityintent_types.go file located in the api/v1alpha1 directory as follows:

// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Status",type="string",JSONPath=".status.status"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Age",type="date",JSONPath=".metadata.creationTimestamp"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Action",type="string",JSONPath=".spec.intent.action",priority=1

// SecurityIntent is the Schema for the securityintents API
type SecurityIntent struct {

Make sure to specify the correct JSONPath field value, or you'll get unexpected results.

The priority field decides what to show in wide view when you run kubectl get [kind] [name] -o wide.


Similarly, edit the securityintentbinding_types.go file in the api/v1alpha1 directory as follows:

// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Status",type="string",JSONPath=".status.status"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Age",type="date",JSONPath=".metadata.creationTimestamp"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Intents",type="integer",JSONPath=".status.countOfBoundIntents"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="NimbusPolicy",type="string",JSONPath=".status.nimbusPolicy"

// SecurityIntentBinding is the Schema for the securityintentbindings API
type SecurityIntentBinding struct {

Here, we're not using the priority field, so the standard view and the wide view will look the same. Since the names of bound security intents can be long, we're not showing their names in any view. You can get their details when you describe SecurityIntentBinding.


Edit the nimbuspolicy_types.go file located in api/v1alpha1 directory as follows:

// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Status",type="string",JSONPath=".status.status"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Age",type="date",JSONPath=".metadata.creationTimestamp"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Policies",type="integer",JSONPath=".status.policies"

// NimbusPolicy is the Schema for the nimbuspolicies API
type NimbusPolicy struct {

This time we don't need to make any changes in any controller, just install the updated CRDs.

make manifests install

Run the operator:

make run

Apply the intent and binding:

$ k apply -f pkg-mgrs-intent-and-binding.yaml created created

verify the output:

  • SecurityIntent

      $ k get si
      NAME           STATUS    AGE
      package-mgrs   Created   44s
      $ k get si -o wide
      NAME           STATUS    AGE   ACTION
      package-mgrs   Created   46s   Enforce
  • SecurityIntentBinding

      $ k get sib
      NAME                   STATUS    AGE   INTENTS   NIMBUSPOLICY
      package-mgrs-binding   Created   87s   1         package-mgrs-binding
      $ k get sib -o wide
      NAME                   STATUS    AGE   INTENTS   NIMBUSPOLICY
      package-mgrs-binding   Created   92s   1         package-mgrs-binding

    You know why there's no difference between these views.

  • NimbusPolicy

      $ k get np
      NAME                   STATUS    AGE     POLICIES
      package-mgrs-binding   Created   2m28s   
      $ k get np -o wide
      NAME                   STATUS    AGE     POLICIES
      package-mgrs-binding   Created   2m33s

    I know you're wondering why the POLICIES column is empty. Stay tuned!

That's it for this part. In the next part, we'll write tests for our controllers. Stay tuned!

You can find the complete code here. Please feel free to comment or criticize :)


In this article, we address the lifecycle management of the NimbusPolicy resource in our Kubernetes operator via OwnerReferences. We configure our SecurityIntentBinding controller to manage NimbusPolicy, ensuring it handles creation, deletion, and updates effectively. Additionally, we add short names and status subresources for better usability, and enhance resource visibility using printer columns. This guide not only improves resource management but also enhances kubectl output for a streamlined operator experience.


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Written by

Anurag Rajawat
Anurag Rajawat

Anurag is a developer fueled by creating clean, efficient code. He's a quick learner who thrives in collaborative environments, constantly seeking out new technologies to conquer the next challenge.