Solving LinkedIn Queens Game using backtracking

5 min read

As a weekend project I thought of solving LinkedIn’s Queens game programmatically. (Well idea was to make it solve using ChatGPT, but too many un-knows and thought of solving using classic, vanilla backtracking)

For those of you who haven't played (or don't even know) Queens game:

How to play

Goal: Place exactly 1 Q in each row, column, and color region.

Rule: Q cannot touch each other, not even diagonally.

The idea was:
  • Take a screenshot containing the puzzle

  • Our code should automatically detect the puzzle grid

  • Crop or rebuild the puzzle cleanly

  • Convert the puzzle to 2D array

  • (solve the classic n-queens problem using backtracking)

  • Add/Modify the Queens constraints to the N Queens problem

  • Using the solution, regenerate the image with Queens placed

Enter OpenCV: Detecting and Processing the Puzzle Image

I knew the first step was to process the puzzle image using OpenCV. I have zero to none knowledge in OpenCV, so I started with basic questions to GPT like:

How to load image
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np

# Reading an image
original = cv.imread("<file_name">)
cv.imshow("original", original)
How to draw a line, circle, rectangle, text on the same image

# Drawing a line
line = cv.line(original, (original.shape[1]//2, original.shape[0]//2), (0,0) , (0,255,0), thickness=2)
cv.imshow("line", line)

# Drawing other shapes
circle =, (line.shape[1]//2, line.shape[0]//2), 50, (0,0,255), thickness=2)
rect = cv.rectangle(circle, (10,10), (circle.shape[1]//2, circle.shape[0]//2), (255,0,0), thickness=2)
text = cv.putText(rect, "Hi", (rect.shape[1]//2, rect.shape[0]//2), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255,255,255), thickness=2)

cv.imshow("all shapes", text)
Cropping image
# its essentially selecting the pixels we need from the entire image
cropped = original[0:original.shape[1]//2, 0:original.shape[0]//2]
cv.imshow("cropped", cropped)
How to detect contours

by default OpenCV reads images as BGR, as opposed to traditional RGB

# Its best to convert image to grayscale
# and add a bit of blur for better contour detections
# since our image is mostly a grid we dont need blur

# by default OpenCV reads images as BGR
# as opposed to traditional RGB
gray = cv.cvtConvert(original, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
contours, _ = cv.findContours(gray, cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
Combining the basics
  • Read the image

  • Convert to Grayscale

  • Find contours, sort them and pick the largest (I picked second largest since the 1st was always the bounding box of original image)

  • Crop to just the puzzle

  • Again find contours, because now our image only contains the puzzle grid

  • Get the number of cells

  • Iterate over each cell and take average color and assign a number for each color

original = cv.imread(file_name)
cv.imwrite("solution/original.png", original)

gray = cv.cvtColor(original, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

contours, _ = cv.findContours(gray, cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
contours = sorted(contours, key=cv.contourArea, reverse=True)

# fix the 1 here!!!
x, y, w, h = cv.boundingRect(contours[1])

# Crop the grid area from the image
grid = original[y:y+h, x:x+w]

cv.imwrite("solution/grid.png", grid)

gray = cv.cvtColor(grid, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
cv.imwrite("solution/gray-grid.png", gray)

contours, _ = cv.findContours(gray, cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
contours = sorted(contours, key=cv.contourArea)

total_cells = len(contours) - 2
grid_size = int(math.sqrt(total_cells))
if total_cells != grid_size**2:
    print("Unable to detect full grid! Aborting")

cell_width = w // grid_size
cell_height = h // grid_size

colors = []

board = []
color_index = 1
color_map = {}
reverse_color_map = {}
padding = 10
for i in range(grid_size):
    row = []
    for j in range(grid_size):
        # Calculate cell coordinates
        cell_x = j * cell_width
        cell_y = i * cell_height

        padding = 15
        cell = grid[cell_y+padding:cell_y+cell_height-padding, cell_x+padding:cell_x+cell_width-padding]

        # Get the average color of the cell
        avg_color = cell.mean(axis=0).mean(axis=0)
        avg_color = avg_color.astype(int)
        avg_color = tuple(avg_color)

        # Append the color in RGB format
        # row_colors.append(tuple(avg_color))
        if avg_color not in color_map:
            color_map[avg_color] = str(color_index)
            reverse_color_map[str(color_index)] = avg_color
            color_index += 1




Solving the N-Queen problem

Here is the solution to classic N Queen problem using backtracking generated using ChatGPT

def is_safe(board, row, col, n):
    # Check this row on left side
    for i in range(col):
        if board[row][i] == 'Q':
            return False

    # Check upper diagonal on left side
    for i, j in zip(range(row, -1, -1), range(col, -1, -1)):
        if board[i][j] == 'Q':
            return False

    # Check lower diagonal on left side
    for i, j in zip(range(row, n), range(col, -1, -1)):
        if board[i][j] == 'Q':
            return False

    return True

def solve_nqueens_util(board, col, n):
    # If all queens are placed
    if col >= n:
        return True

    # Consider this column and try placing queens in all rows one by one
    for i in range(n):
        if is_safe(board, i, col, n):
            board[i][col] = 'Q'

            # Recur to place the rest of the queens
            if solve_nqueens_util(board, col + 1, n):
                return True

            # If placing queen at board[i][col] doesn't lead to a solution, then backtrack
            board[i][col] = '.'

    return False

def solve_nqueens(n):
    board = [['.' for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(n)]

    if not solve_nqueens_util(board, 0, n):
        return "No solution exists"

    return board

def print_board(board):
    for row in board:
        print(" ".join(row))

# Example usage:
n = 8
solution = solve_nqueens(n)
if solution != "No solution exists":

Adding constraints for Queens

Our new is_safe method becomes:

def is_safe(original_board, board, row, col, queens_in_colors, n):
    # Check this row on left side
    for i in range(col):
        if board[row][i] == 'Q':
            return False

    # Check upper diagonal on left side
    if col - 1 >= 0 and row - 1 >= 0:
        if board[row-1][col-1] == "Q":
            return False

    if col - 1 >= 0 and row + 1 < n:
        if board[row+1][col-1] == "Q":
            return False

    for i in range(row):
        if board[i][col] == "Q":
            return False

    # same color shouldnt have one
    current_color = original_board[row][col]
    if queens_in_colors[current_color]:
        return False

    return True

Re-generating the Image with the Solution

Finally, its time to regenerate the image with Q placed on the cells

solved_board = solve_n_queens(board)

if len(color_map) != grid_size:
    print("Too many colors detected! Aborting")

# recreating grid
output_image = np.ones((h,w,3), dtype="uint8")

border_size = 1
letter_height = 10

for i in range(grid_size):
    for j in range(grid_size):
        cell_x = j * cell_width
        cell_y = i * cell_height
        color_pick = reverse_color_map.get(board[i][j])
        color = (int(color_pick[0]), int(color_pick[1]), int(color_pick[2]))

        output_image = cv.rectangle(output_image, (cell_x + border_size, cell_y + border_size), (cell_x + cell_width - border_size, cell_y + cell_height - border_size), color, thickness=-1)
        output_image = cv.line(output_image, (cell_x, cell_y), (cell_x + cell_width, cell_y ), (0,0,0), thickness=1)
        if solved_board[i][j] == "Q":
            output_image = cv.putText(output_image, "Q", (cell_x + cell_width // 2 - letter_height, cell_y + cell_height // 2 + letter_height), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0,0,0), lineType=cv.LINE_AA, thickness=2)

cv.imwrite("solution/solve.png", output_image)

Final Output

GitHub link to the entire code

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Tinkerer of code. Engineer at LinkedIn. With over 9 years of experience in the tech industry, I specialize in building robust mobile applications using Xamarin, web apps with React, and creating scalable backend solutions with .NET Core APIs (and a bit of Spring Boot). Every day brings a new inspiration, and I love the challenge of bringing ideas to life through innovative, practical solutions.