JAVA for DevOps Engineer (One Stop Solution)

Java is a hybrid of both Compiled and Interpreted language, also it’s not an Interpreted language like JavaScript or Python. Here we use the Build tool to build Java applications so that we can deploy and manage them properly.
We will cover why Java is a hybrid of both compiled and interpreted language in a bit.
⭐Java is platform-independent but not JVM is...
Because “write once, run anywhere” concept only works on bytecode which is produced by Java compiler. However, platforms like Windows, macOS, Linus have its own version of JVM. So, Java maintains platform independence through its bytecode only.
How does Java work?
1. Writing the Java Code:
The developer writes source code in Java typically using a
file.It is a human-readable code that follows the syntax of the programming language for Java.
2. Compile to Bytecode:
Following the writing of code, it must be compiled. There is a tool called the Java Compiler (javac) that accepts the human readable
file and changes it into bytecode.Bytecode is a low-level, platform-independent representation of code that's stored in
3. Execution - Java Virtual Machine (JVM):
The compiled bytecode doesn’t run directly on the hardware like fully compiled languages (C, C++).
Instead, it interprets the bytecode into machine code and executes the application.
⭐That’s why JAVA is called as the hybrid of Compiled and Interpreted language.
It is a whole software development kit used to write, compile, and debug Java applications.
Includes JRE (Java Runtime Environment) + development tools (like compilers and debuggers).
The JRE provides everything needed to run the Java application like libraries and other dependencies, but not to develop them.
Contains JVM (Java Virtual Machine) + core libraries and other components to run Java applications.
This is the engine that runs our Java applications.
Takes the bytecode and translates it into machine code for execution.
So, to develop an application JDK is a must-have component. If we need to run a Java application, then we can use JRE alone.
Why do we need a
Application configurations are usually done through an
or anapplication.yml
files.Especially for applications coded with frameworks such as Spring Boot, the configuration settings of such applications like ports, and database connection strings are stored using this.
# Database settings
Use of Java Build Tools?
Java build tools are important in managing the complexities of building, packaging, testing, and deploying a Java application.
Build tools such as Maven, Gradle, and Ant automatically make these processes consistent and efficient throughout the entire lifecycle of software development.
What is pom.xml
& build.gradle
These pom.xml
(used with Maven) and build.gradle
(used with Gradle) are configuration files essential for managing dependencies, building, and packaging our code.
What’s in pom.xml
(for Maven)?
The Project Object Model (POM) file is an XML file that defines the configuration of a Maven project.
Key Sections of pom.xml
Project Information:
- Here it defines the project's metadata like name, version, description, etc.
- Dependencies are used to list external libraries (dependencies) that our project needs. Maven will automatically download these libraries from the Maven Central Repository or another repository.
Build Configuration:
- Here we need to mention the details how to build the project, including plugins for compiling, testing, packaging, etc.
- It specifies where Maven should look for dependencies if they are not found in the Maven Central Repository.
- Profiles are used to configure builds for different environments, like production or development.
<!-- Prod specific config -->
What’s in build.gradle
(for Gradle)?
Gradle uses a DSL (Domain Specific Language), and build.gradle
files can be written in Groovy or Kotlin. They are generally more concise and flexible than pom.xml
Key Sections of build.gradle
- It defines the plugins that extend Gradle's functionality. For example, the
plugin helps in building Java projects.
- It defines the plugins that extend Gradle's functionality. For example, the
plugins {
id 'java'
- Similar to Maven, this section manages the external libraries of our project needs. Gradle can fetch these libraries from repositories like Maven Central.
dependencies {
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator'
testImplementation 'org.testcontainers:junit-jupiter'
- Here it specifies where Gradle should look for dependencies. By default, Gradle uses Maven Central.
repositories {
Build Script:
- In this, we need to mention how our project should be built. We can add tasks for compilation, packaging, running tests, etc.
tasks.register('hello') {
doLast {
println 'Hello, World!'
Custom Tasks:
- Here we have a custom feature that allows us to define custom tasks to automate specific actions, giving it more flexibility than Maven in certain aspects.
task customTask {
doLast {
println 'Running custom task!'
Project Information:
- We can specify project details like
, etc., similar topom.xml
- We can specify project details like
group = 'com.example'
version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
Build Configuration:
- We can configure how to compile and package the project, including specifying Java versions, adding plugins, and more.
compileJava {
sourceCompatibility = '1.8'
targetCompatibility = '1.8'
Java applications typically use logging frameworks like Log4j, SLF4J, or Logback.
Why because Logging Frameworks provide more flexible configurations comparing build-in logging and frameworks give more advantages in logging format, optimized for performance and fine-grained control over log levels.
Difference between War and Jar files:
JAR (Java Archive):
JAR files are primarily used to package Java applications, libraries, or resources.
Contains only compiled
files and resources.Typically deploy or execute directly with the
java -jar
command.Example: A desktop application, API application or a library like
WAR (Web Application Archive):
WAR files are specifically used to package Java web applications.
Contains everything needed for a web application, including
files, JSP pages, HTML, CSS, JS, and configuration files likeweb.xml
to Tomcat by copying it to/path/to/tomcat/webapps/
Example: A web-based application or service like
running on a Tomcat server.
Version Manager of Java:
A version manager is a tool that allows us to easily install, manage, and switch between different versions of programming languages, frameworks, or tools.
SDKMAN: Tools that help manage multiple versions of Java, SDK and frameworks on our system.
SDKMAN supported platforms: Linux, macOS, WSL (Windows subsystem for Linux).
Install a specific version:
sdk install java 11.0.11-open
Switch to a different version:
sdk use java 8.0.292-open
List all available SDKs and their versions:
sdk list
Containerizing the Java application:
JAR (Java Archive):
Why JDK image because it includes all the tools required for compiling and packaging Java applications.
Copies all the files into the container directory.
Then clean and build the Java application based on the
Use the JRE image for the runtime stage, because we already built the JAR file also it can run the application without JDK.
Set the working directory in the container to
Now copy the built JAR file from the build stage
This line indicates that the application will listen on port 8080. This does not publish the port.
It executes the Java application using the
FROM techiescamp/jdk-17:1.0.0 AS build
# Copy the Java Application source code
COPY . /usr/src/
# Build Java Application
RUN mvn -f /usr/src/pom.xml clean install -DskipTests
FROM techiescamp/jre-17:1.0.0
# Copy the JAR file from the build stage (/app)
COPY --from=build /usr/src/target/*.jar ./java.jar
# Expose the port the app runs on
# Run the jar file
CMD ["java", "-jar", "java.jar"]
WAR (Web Application Archive):
Why Tomcat image because it contains a pre-configured Tomcat server, which is used to run Java web applications.
Remove any default web applications that come pre-installed with the Tomcat image.
Now copy all the files into the container directory.
This line indicates that the application will listen on port 8080. This does not publish the port.
No CMD is needed since the base image already has a CMD instruction
# Use Tomcat base image
FROM tomcat:9.0
# Remove the default web apps
RUN rm -rf /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/*
# Copy the WAR file into the Tomcat webapps directory
COPY target/myapp.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/
# Expose the port on which Tomcat listens
# No CMD is needed since the base image already has a CMD instruction
Thanks for sticking with me until the end! 😊
I know it was a lengthy read, but I hope you found it valuable and worth your time. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or thoughts to add, feel free to drop them in the comments. 👇📩
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Written by

Gerlyn M
Gerlyn M
Gerlyn is a DevOps engineer with a strong passion for Kubernetes and automation. He is always eager to learn and continuously strives to enhance his skills, aiming to become an expert in the field. He loves to share his knowledge with the community.