OOPs In Python

Tejas MoreTejas More
10 min read

What is OOPs?

OOPs simply means Object Oriented Programming.

It is a Fundamental Concept in Programming Languages like Python, Java ,JavaScript, C , C++ etc.

Definition :

Object Oriented Programming (oops) concept is a technique/pattern that uses Objects and Classes to implement real-world entities like inheritance ,polymorphism ,encapsulation etc.

Now, let's get to know this opps concepts with python one by one.

OOPs Concepts in Python

  • Objects

  • Inheritance

  • Polymorphism

  • Encapsulation

  • Abstraction


A class is a collection of objects.

Contains a blueprint on which objects are being created.

A logical entity that contains attributes/properties and methods/functions.

attributes are variables that belong to a class, they are always kept public.

methods are class functions within the class

how to create a class in python?

We Create a Class using a "class" keyword in python, followed by giving a name using CamelCase naming convention.

Let's Create an Empty Class

class MyFirstClass:    #MyFirstClass is name of the class


Object are nothing but , Instance of a class. An Entity that has a State and a Behavior associated with it.

State refers to the attributes of an object.

Behavior refers to the actions that object can take through methods/functions.

how to create a object in python?

Object Cannot be create without a Class in python programming. So let's use the class we create earlier.

obj = MyFirstClass()    #instantiation / initialization of object

Here we first, initialized out object with variable "obj". Now "obj" is the name of our object like wise we can create many object from a same class.

obj1 = MyFirstClass() 
obj2 = MyFirstClass() 
objn = MyFirstClass()

The Python "self "

Class methods must have an extra first parameter in the method definition or arguments.

Let's create some attributes and methods in our class.

class MyFirstClass:    #MyFirstClass is name of the class
    #Class Attributes
    city = "Mumbai"
    country = "India"

    #Class Methods
    def about(self,name):    #self is required to be mentioned
        return f"Hi,I am {name} from {self.city}, {self.country}"

Let's Create an object.

obj = MyFirstClass()        #instantiation /initialization  of object

Accessing Class Attributes and printing it.



print("City:", obj.city)
print("Country:", obj.country)


City: Mumbai
Country: India

Accessing Methods

show = obj.about("Tejas")    #passing arguments
print("About me:",show)
About me: Hi,I am Tejas from Mumbai, India.

The Python "__init__" Method

The init method in python is like constructor in C++ and Java.

It runs as soon as the object of the class is instantiated.

class MyFirstClass:    #MyFirstClass is name of the class
    #Class Attributes
    city = "Mumbai"
    country = "India"
    #python constuctor
    def __init__(self,skill):
        self.skill = skill

    #Class Methods
    def about(self,name):
        return f"Hi,I am {name} from {self.city}, {self.country}
                 skilled in {self.skill}."
#..rest.. same code>>

Accessing Instance Attributes

obj = MyFirstClass("Python")
show = obj.about("Tejas")
print("About me:",show)
print(obj.skill)        #Accessing Instance Attributes
About me: Hi,I am Tejas from Mumbai, India skilled in Python.


Inheritance in a phenomenon in which one class can be derive / inherit the properties from another class.

child class : a class that derives property from another class is called a derived class or child class.

parent class : the class from which the properties are being derived is called base or parent class.

Example : 1] A son inherits the genetical properties of his Dad.

2] Daughter inherits genetical properties of Mother.

The benefits of inheritance are ?

Code reusability : We don’t have to write the same code again and again.

Inheritance in python

Python Inheritance Syntax :

Class BaseClass:
Class DerivedClass(BaseClass):

Now , let's dive into some practical coding.

Creating Parent Class

class Person:
    def __init__(self,name,weight,height):
        self.name = name
        self.weight = weight
        self.height = height

    def PersonInfo(self,personID):
        personID = personID
        print(f"ID no. {personID} : Hi my name is {self.name} {self.lastname},\n my school name is {self.school_name} \n and my weight is {self.weight} & height is {self.height}.\n I study {','.join(self.subjects)} in my school.")

Creating a Child Class

class Student(Person):
    def __init__(self,subjects,school_name,name, weight,height):
        self.subjects= subjects
        self.school_name = school_name
        Person.__init__(self, name, weight,height)     
        # invoking the __init__ method of the parent class

    def PersonInfo(self,personID):  
        # invoking the PersonInfo method of the parent class

Object Creation

#Object Creation

subjects = ['math','science','geographgy']
school_name = "ies vikarant"
name = 'Tejas'
weight = '82 Kg'
height = '6.1'

stu = Student(subjects,school_name,name,weight,height)
show = stu.PersonInfo(210)


ID no. 210 : Hi my name is Tejas , my school name is IES Vikarant and my weight is 82 Kg & height is 6.1. I study math,science,geographgy in my school.

Forget Superman we have "super()" Function

The super() function is a built-in function that returns the objects that represent the parent class.

Instead of Specifying name of the parent class just mention super() and don't declare self in it.

It is commonly used to invoke the parent class’s__init__method from the child class to ensure proper initialization.

class Student(Person):
    def __init__(self,subjects,school_name,name, weight,height):
        self.subjects= subjects
        self.school_name = school_name
        super().__init__(name, weight,height)     
        # invoking the __init__ method of the parent class

    def PersonInfo(self,personID):  
        # invoking the PersonInfo method of the parent class

Types of Inheritance

  • Single Inheritance:

    Single-level inheritance enables a child class to inherit characteristics from a single-parent class which we just saw above.

  • Multiple Inheritance

    Multiple-level inheritance is one child class inherits properties from more than one parent/base class.

    Structure :

      class Parent1:
      class Parent2:
      class Child(Parent1, Parent2):

    Let's Create an another class :

      class Son:
          def __init__(self,lastname):
              self.lastname = lastname

    Now ,add this to our child class :

  • Note: Making a small change , adding print to PersonInfo() method of Student class instead of Person class.

      class Student(Person,Son):    #Take Multiple Parent Classes
          def __init__(self,subjects,school_name,name, weight,height,lastname):
              self.subjects= subjects
              self.school_name = school_name
              Person.__init__(self, name, weight,height)       
                  # invoking the __init__ of the parent class Person
                  # invoking the __init__ of the parent class Son
          def PersonInfo(self,personID):  
              print(f"ID no. {personID} : Hi my name is {self.name} {self.lastname} \n , my school name is {self.school_name} \n and my weight is {self.weight} & height is {self.height}.\n I study {','.join(self.subjects)} in my school.")
  • Multilevel Inheritance

    Multi-level inheritance is when a child class inherit properties from an immediate parent class which in turn inherits properties from his parent class.

    Example : Son inherits genetics properties of his Father as well of his Grandfather.

    Here, class Person is inherited my class Son and

    Structure :

      class Grandparent:
      class Parent(Grandparent):
      class Child(Parent):
      class Son(Person):
          def __init__(self,lastname,name, weight,height):
              self.lastname = lastname
              Person.__init__(self, name, weight,height)

    Class Son is inherited by Class Student rest same.

      class Student(Son):
          def __init__(self,subjects,school_name,name, weight,height,lastname):
              self.subjects= subjects
              self.school_name = school_name      # invoking the __init__ of the parent class
          def PersonInfo(self,personID):  
      ID no. 210 : Hi my name is Tejas Coder,
       my school name is IES Vikarant 
       and my weight is 82 Kg & height is 6.1.
       I study math,science,geographgy in my school.
  • Hierarchical Inheritance: Hierarchical-level inheritance is when multiple child classes inherits properties from a same parent class.

    Structure :

      class Parent:
      class Child1(Parent):
      class Child2(Parent):

    Class Student is already there which inherits Class Person.

    Now, let's create a another child class that inherits Class Person.

      class Coder(Person):
          def __init__(self,prog_lang,skill, weight,height,lastname):
              self.prog_lang = prog_lang
              self.skill = skill
              Person.__init__(self,name, weight,height)  # invoking the __init__ of the parent class
          def PersonInfo(self):
              print(f"Hi my name is {self.name} I am skill in {self.skill} using {self.prog_lang} programming language")
  • **Hybrid Inheritance:**A combination of two or more types of inheritance.


Polymorphism Simply means many forms.

poly means many.

morph means forms.

Polymorphism refers to the methods/functions with the same name that can be executed on many objects or classes.

For Example : 1] A same Person can be a Employee ,Father, Son and Husband ,etc.

3] len() function in python.

len() can be applied on string, list , tuple, dictionary etc. to count the length.

3] A human speaks , Dog barks, Cat meow's and a bird tweets this all can be considered in a talking part.

Likewise , we can use same method/function for various purposes using method overriding.

class Speak:                    #main class
    def __init__(self,name):
        self.name = name
    def talk(self):
        print(self.name,": Speaks Hello")
class Cat(Speak):
    def talk(self):
        print(self.name,":Meow!")  #talk() method is mentioned here so python will override it.
class Person(Speak):
    pass    #talk not here so,python will search talk() method in parent class.
class Dog(Speak):
    def talk(self):
#object creation
cat = Cat("kitty")
person = Person("Tejas")
dog = Dog("Tommy")

Here, in class Cat & Dog talk()method is mentioned so python will override it.

In Class Person , either talk() nor __init__ method is present so, python will search them it's in parent class.

kitty :Meow!
Tejas : Speaks Hello
Tommy :Bark


Encapsulation is the idea of wrapping data and the methods together within one unit.

Encapsulation helps to protect the data by putting restrictions on accessing variables and methods directly and can prevent the accidental modification of data.

Example : A Capsule Containing Multi-Medicine.

Explaining OOP Encapsulation In Java With Examples

Encapsulation in Python

Access Modifiers

# public data member
    var1 = None

# protected data member
    _var2 = None

# private data member
    __var3 = None

Keeping Access Modifiers Private we can achieve encapsulation in python.

class Encap:
    def __init__(self):
        self.pu = "Hi , hru"        #public member of class
        self.__privt = "Hi, i am private"        
        #private member of classen = Encap()
#object Creation
en = Encap()
Hi , hru

Trying To access private class members from outside.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\tejas\Desktop\My Env\Rough Episodes\Rough Path\encap.py", line 9, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Encap' object has no attribute '__privt'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\tejas\Desktop\My Env\Rough Episodes\Rough Path\encap.py", line 9, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Encap' object has no attribute 'privt'

here ,variable privt is private so cannot be accessed outside the class nor by the child class. BUT can be accessed within the class.

class Child(Encap):
    def display(self):
ch = Child()
Hi , hru    

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\tejas\Desktop\My Env\Rough Episodes\Rough Path\encap.py", line 16, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\tejas\Desktop\My Env\Rough Episodes\Rough Path\encap.py", line 9, in display
AttributeError: 'Child' object has no attribute '_Child__privt'

Accessing within the class

class Encap:
    def __init__(self):
        self.pu = "Hi , hru"
        self.__privt = "Hi, i am private"

    def display(self):
en = Encap()
# print(en.pu)
# print(en.__privt)
Hi, i am private


Abstraction is the concept of hiding complex logic / implementation and showing only the essential features of an object.

Example : A mobile Phone hides complex hardware and software section and only show case user friendly essential features.

In python abstraction is not explicitly implemented.

We can use abc library or @abstractmethod decorator for it.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class Car(ABC):         #abstract class is python
    @abstractmethod         #abstract method
    def mileage(self):

class Tesla(Car):
    def mileage(self):
        print("Mileage is 40 km")

class Audi(Car):
    def mileage(self):
        print("Mileage is 30 km")

class Tata(Car):
    def mileage(self):
        print("Mileage is 50 km")

T = Tesla()
A = Audi()
t = Tata()

Mileage is 40 km
Mileage is 30 km
Mileage is 50 km


  • An Abstract class can contain the both method normal and abstract method.
class Car(ABC): #abstract class is python
    @abstractmethod         #abstract method
    def mileage(self):

    #normal method
    def display():
  • An Abstract cannot be instantiated; we cannot create objects for the abstract class.
c = Car()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\tejas\Desktop\My Env\Rough Episodes\Rough Path\abs.py", line 28, in <module>
    c = Car()
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class Car with abstract method mileage

Going Great !

Will See You In Next Part

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Written by

Tejas More
Tejas More