PHP for DevOps Engineer

PHP is a server-side scripting language mainly for web development. It is an Interpreted language so it does not require a compiler.
PHP runs on the server rather than the client’s browser because PHP interprets the .php
code into HTML and send it to the client’s browser.
⭐ Other client-side languages like javascript run in the user’s browser.
How does PHP work?
Client Request: When a user requests a PHP webpage, that browser sends a request to the web server.
Web Server Processes Request: The web server (like Apache or Nginx) receives the request and recognizes that it’s a required PHP webpage. Then it hands over the file to the PHP interpreter.
PHP Interpreter Executes Code: The PHP interpreter processes the PHP code within the PHP file.
Generate HTML: After processing the PHP file, it generates HTML (or other web-compatible output) as the response content.
Send Response to Browser: The web server sends the generated HTML back to the client's browser, which renders the content.
Use of Dependency Manager?
Dependency manager is an important tool that helps us manage libraries and packages required for our PHP application.
There are multiple Dependency managers but the most widely used dependency manager for PHP is Composer.
Composer makes it simple to manage our project's dependencies through a single
file.You can add dependencies using the
composer require monolog/monolog
This command updates the composer.json
file and installs the package.
- To install the dependencies listed in
composer install
- To update all dependencies to their latest versions
composer update
Example for composer.json
"name": "my-php-project",
"description": "A simple PHP project.",
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "2.3.0",
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^7.0"
PHP applications typically use logging libraries like Monolog, Built-in error_log() function, Log to a Database or Laravel Logging (if using Laravel).
Using these tools, we can set up robust logging mechanisms for our PHP application, making it easier to monitor and debug our application.
Environment variables:
In PHP, configuration settings are typically placed in a file named
. But nowadays environment-specific configurations are kept in a.env
file for managing environment variables.Especially for applications coded with frameworks such as Laravel, the configuration settings of such applications like ports, and database connection strings are stored using this
Containerizing the PHP application:
Use the official PHP 8.0 image installed with the Apache web server.
Set the working directory in the container to
Install PHP extensions required by the application.
Copy the files into the container directory.
Enables the Apache
module, commonly used for URL rewriting in PHP applications.This line indicates that the application will listen on port 9000. This does not publish the port.
This command runs Apache in the foreground to keep the container running.
# Use the official PHP image as a parent image
FROM php:8.0-apache
# Set working directory
WORKDIR /var/www
# Install PHP extensions
RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql mbstring exif pcntl bcmath gd
# Copy application files
COPY . /var/www
# Enable Apache modules
RUN a2enmod rewrite
# Expose port 9000
# Start php-fpm server
CMD ["apache2-foreground"]
Thanks for sticking with me until the end! 😊
I know it was a lengthy read, but I hope you found it valuable and worth your time. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or thoughts to add, feel free to drop them in the comments. 👇📩
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Written by

Gerlyn M
Gerlyn M
Gerlyn is a DevOps engineer with a strong passion for Kubernetes and automation. He is always eager to learn and continuously strives to enhance his skills, aiming to become an expert in the field. He loves to share his knowledge with the community.