Day 8 Task: Shell Scripting Challenge

3 min read
Complete Script:
# Day 8 Task: Shell Scripting Challenge
# This script demonstrates the use of comments, echo, variables, built-in variables, and wildcards in bash scripting.
# Task 1: Comments
# Comments help explain what each part of the script does.
# They are not executed by the bash shell. This line is a comment.
# Task 2: Echo
# Echo is used to print messages to the terminal.
echo "Hello, welcome to Day 8 of the Bash Scripting Challenge!" # Prints a greeting message
# Task 3: Variables
# Declaring and assigning variables in bash.
echo "My name is $name and I am $age years old." # Prints the values stored in variables
# Task 4: Using Variables
# Here we use two variables (numbers) and calculate their sum.
num1=15 # First number
num2=30 # Second number
sum=$((num1 + num2)) # Calculate the sum of num1 and num2
echo "The sum of $num1 and $num2 is: $sum" # Print the result
# Task 5: Using Built-in Variables
# Bash provides several built-in variables that store useful information.
echo "Script name: $0" # $0 stores the name of the script
echo "Number of arguments passed: $#" # $# shows how many arguments were passed
echo "Current directory: $PWD" # $PWD gives the current working directory path
# Task 6: Wildcards
# Wildcards allow pattern matching in filenames.
# We'll list all files with the '.txt' extension in the current directory.
echo "Listing all .txt files in the current directory:"
ls *.txt # Lists all files with the '.txt' extension in the current directory
# End of script
Explanation of Each Task
Task 1: Comments
- Comments are lines that begin with
. They are ignored by the shell and are used to add explanations or disable code.
# This is a comment explaining the next line of code.
Task 2: Echo
- Echo prints text to the terminal. In the script, we used echo to display a greeting message:
echo "Hello, welcome to Day 8 of the Bash Scripting Challenge!"
Task 3: Variables
- Variables are used to store data. You can declare variables in bash by assigning them values without spaces around the equal sign (
- We can access variables by prefixing them with
echo "My name is $name and I am $age years old."
Task 4: Using Variables
- Arithmetic Operations in bash can be done by wrapping the operation in
$(( ))
. In this case, we are adding two numbers stored innum1
sum=$((num1 + num2))
- We then print the result:
echo "The sum of $num1 and $num2 is: $sum"
Task 5: Using Built-in Variables
Built-in Variables are predefined variables that store useful information.
holds the name of the script.$#
gives the number of arguments passed to the script.$PWD
holds the current working directory.
echo "Script name: $0"
echo "Number of arguments passed: $#"
echo "Current directory: $PWD"
Task 6: Wildcards
- Wildcards like
allow you to match patterns in filenames. Here, we list all files in the current directory with a.txt
ls *.txt
This command lists all files that match the pattern *.txt
(any file ending with .txt
How to Run the Script
Create the script file:
- Open a terminal and create a new file called
- Open a terminal and create a new file called
- Copy the script into this file and save it.
Make the script executable:
- To run the script, you need to give it executable permissions:
chmod +x
Run the script:
- Execute the script using:
Remember, scripting is like solving puzzles—you'll get better with practice, and the possibilities are endless. Keep experimenting, building, and having fun with your scripts!
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