
For this week's Creative Code challenge by @sableRaph:"Blue”, WavyBlues is coded in LiveCodeLab, Hydra & SonicPi .

LiveCodeLab & Hydra are used to visualizes various shades of blues while the audio is coded SonicPi with an aquafication of a color matrix (since aqua is a type of blue and a previous WCCC entry: https://blog.illestpreacha.com/wcccaqua)


While taking this ride
While looking onto the sky
As we take this flight to swim
In these waters that are open
Not knowing which direction will be right
Or wrong
Or rather left
Itching to belong
Or be left I should say in these depths
In this portion of the ocean
That this entity belongs
And location is based on a whim





speed = 0.5




if time % 10  > 7
    simpleGradient teal,blue,aqua
    fill blue
    stroke teal
else if time % 10 < 3
    simpleGradient navy,turquoise,powderblue
    fill teal
    stroke aqua
    simpleGradient lightblue,deepskyblue,midnightblue
    fill midnightblue
    stroke lightblue

4 times
box wave(0.003)
move sin(time), cos(time)
if time % 10  > 7
    simpleGradient teal,blue,aqua
    fill navy
    stroke turquoise
else if time % 10 < 3
    simpleGradient navy,turquoise,powderblue
    fill blue
    stroke aqua
    simpleGradient lightblue,deepskyblue,midnightblue
    fill powderblue
    stroke teal

ball sin(time)


#In This Remix, I made sure the variables of Aqua was switched in every computation

#Colors pair 1
Aqua = [0,255,255]
Coral = [255,127,80]

#Colors Pair 2
Lavender = [230, 230, 250]
Gold = [255,215,0]

#Colors Pair 3
MidnightBlue = [25,25,112]
DarkOrange = [255,140,0]

#Colors Pair 4
SlateGray = [112, 128, 144]
Crimson = [220,20,60]

def linear_transform(matrixA,vectorA)

  #this is the first row of the matrix
  row1 = matrixA[0]
  #this is the second row of the matrix
  row2 = matrixA[1]
  #this is the third row of the matrix
  row3 = matrixA[2]

  #this is the first val of the vector
  vec_x = vectorA[0]
  #this is the second val of the vector
  vec_y = vectorA[1]
  #this is the third val of the vector
  vec_z = vectorA[2]

  #this is the first value of the new vector
  vec_x_formed = [row1[0]*vec_x + row1[1]*vec_y + row1[2]*vec_z]
  #this is the second value of the new vector
  vec_y_formed= [row2[0]*vec_x + row2[1]*vec_y + row2[2]*vec_z]
  #this is the third value of the new vector
  vec_z_formed = [row3[0]*vec_x + row3[1]*vec_y + row3[2]*vec_z]

  #new vector
  vec_change = [vec_x_formed[0],vec_y_formed[0],vec_z_formed[0]]


def color_det2(loop,row1,row2,spread1,spread2)

  #Cramers Rule with Colors

  x1a = row1[0]
  x2a = row1[1]
  b_a = row1[2]

  x1b = row2[0]
  x2b = row2[1]
  b_b = row2[2]

  #determinant of main matrix [x1a,x2a,x1b,x2b]
  det_a = ((x1a * x2b) - (x2a * x1b)).to_f

  #determinant of main matrix but first column replace by b_a & b_B
  det_b = (b_a * x2b) - (x2a * b_b)

  #determinant of main matrix but second column replace by b_a & b_B
  det_c = (x1a * b_b) - (b_a * x1b)

  #the solving of the above equations

  det_1 = det_b/det_a
  det_2 = det_c/det_a

  puts det_1
  puts det_2

  #a ring of halves (120 60 30 15 7.5) then ticks
  #line does the same with steps, using it for the sleep chase
  bpm_chase = (halves 120, 5)
  sleep_chase = (line 0, 4, steps: 4)

  live_loop loop do
    use_bpm bpm_chase.choose
    use_random_seed Time.now.to_i
    with_fx :ping_pong, mix: rrand(0.4,0.65) do
      sample [:ambi_choir,:drum_snare_hard,:drum_tom_mid_soft].choose, rate: det_1,beat_stretch: (det_2).abs, pitch: det_1/det_2 if spread(spread1,spread2).tick
      sleep [(det_1+det_2).abs, (spread1/spread2) + sleep_chase.tick].choose

    with_fx :echo do
      use_synth [:piano,:chiplead,:dull_bell,:piano].choose
      play det_2/det_1


def color_det(loop,row1,row2)

  #Cramers Rule with Colors

  x1a = row1[0]
  x2a = row1[1]
  b_a = row1[2]

  x1b = row2[0]
  x2b = row2[1]
  b_b = row2[2]

  #determinant of main matrix [x1a,x2a,x1b,x2b]
  det_a = ((x1a * x2b) - (x2a * x1b)).to_f

  #determinant of main matrix but first column replace by b_a & b_B
  det_b = (b_a * x2b) - (x2a * b_b)

  #determinant of main matrix but second column replace by b_a & b_B
  det_c = (x1a * b_b) - (b_a * x1b)

  #the solving of the above equations

  det_1 = det_b/det_a
  det_2 = det_c/det_a

  puts det_1
  puts det_2


  live_loop loop do
    use_random_seed Time.now.to_i
    with_fx :ping_pong, mix: rrand(0.4,0.65) do

      sample [:ambi_choir,:glitch_perc3,:bass_woodsy_c].choose, rate: [det_1,det_2].choose,beat_stretch: [(det_2).abs,(det_1).abs].tick, pitch: [det_1/det_2,det_2/det_1].choose
      sleep (det_1+det_2).abs

      use_synth :piano
      play (det_1/det_2).abs

      with_fx :krush do
        use_synth :prophet
        play (det_2/det_1).abs

#this mathematical sections turns the combo of Aqua, Lavender, Gold into Cyber Neon Green

color_matrix1 = [Aqua, Lavender, Gold]
first_vector = [1,-1,1]

CyberNeonGreen = linear_transform(color_matrix1,first_vector) #not cybergreen no more due to aqua inclusion

#this mathematical sections turns the combo of Aqua, DarkOrange, MidnightBLue into
color_matrix2 = [Aqua, DarkOrange, MidnightBlue]
second_vector = [1,-1,1.75]

SoftPink = linear_transform(color_matrix2,second_vector) #not softpink due to the aqua inclusion

color_matrix3 = [Crimson, Aqua, Coral]
third_vector = [0.5,1,2]

CucumberIce  = linear_transform(color_matrix3,third_vector)
#getting the traces
color_mx1_trace = color_matrix1[0][0] + color_matrix1[1][1] + color_matrix2[2][2]
color_mx2_trace = color_matrix2[0][0] + color_matrix2[1][1] + color_matrix2[2][2]
color_mx3_trace = color_matrix3[0][0] + color_matrix3[1][1] + color_matrix3[2][2]

live_loop :ColorBending do
  use_random_seed Time.now.to_i / 2

  with_fx :whammy, mix: 0.25 do
    sleep [0.5,1,4].choose
    color_det(:LavenderVgold, Lavender, Gold)
    sleep [0.5,1,2].choose
    color_det(:MidnightvsOrange,MidnightBlue, DarkOrange)
    sleep 2
    color_det(:GrayvCrimson,SlateGray, Crimson)
    sleep [1,2].choose

  with_fx :hpf do
    with_fx [:wobble,:ping_pong].choose, mix: rrand(0.2,0.6) do
      with_fx [:ping_pong,:vowel].choose,  mix: rrand(0.25,0.75) do
        sleep [2,4,8].choose
        sleep [2,4,8].choose
        color_det(:GrayvAqua,SlateGray, Aqua)

  sleep [0.5,1,2,4].choose

live_loop :colortwisting do
  with_fx :echo, mix: 0.65 do
    with_fx :ping_pong do
      sleep [2,4,8].choose
      sleep [2,4,8].choose
      sleep [3,6,9].choose
  sleep [0.5,1,2].choose

#//3 x 3 matrix sound by random numbers between 0  & 30
live_loop :choirflow do
  use_random_seed Time.now.to_i

  #using the halves with a random integer
  bpm_chase = (halves 120, rrand_i(4,9))
  use_bpm bpm_chase.reverse.tick

  y = rrand(0,30)
  puts y

  pos = [y*2,y-21,y,y+3,(y-7).abs,y+5,y/4, y/5+2, y-14]

  a = pos[0]
  b = pos[1]
  c = pos[2]
  d = pos[3]
  e = pos[4]
  f = pos[5]
  g = pos[6]
  h = pos[7]
  i = pos[8]

  #//recoding into Matrix Coordinates

  A11 = a
  A12 = b
  A13 = c
  A21 = d
  A22 = e
  A23 = f
  A31 = g
  A32 = h
  A33 = i

  #//determinant formula
  det_a = a*(e*i - f*h) - b*(d*i - f*g) + c*(d*h - e*g)
  trace = a + e +  i
  normal = Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b + c*c + d*d + e*e + f*f + g*g + h*h +  i*i)

  #//Adjoint Formula

  Adj_a = (A22*A33 - A23*A32)
  Adj_b = -1 * (A12 * A33 - A13 * A32)
  Adj_c = A12 * A23 - A13 * A22
  Adj_d = -1 * (A21 * A33 - A23 * A31)
  Adj_e = (A11 * A33 - A13 * A31)
  Adj_f = -1 * (A11 * A23 - A13 * A21)
  Adj_g = (A21 * A32 - A22 * A31)
  Adj_h = -1 *(A11 * A32 - A12 * A31)
  Adj_i = (A11 * A22 - A12 * A21)

  #inverse formula
  #*A-1 = (adj A)/(det A)*/

  inv_a = Adj_a/det_a
  inv_b = Adj_b/det_a
  inv_c = Adj_c/det_a
  inv_d = Adj_d/det_a
  inv_e = Adj_e/det_a
  inv_f = Adj_f/det_a
  inv_g = Adj_g/det_a
  inv_h = Adj_h/det_a
  inv_i = Adj_i/det_a

  counter_tick = (line 0, 14, steps: 7)

  sample :ambi_choir, decay: Adj_a.abs, rate: inv_a if spread(5,12).tick
  sample [:ambi_choir,:loop_breakbeat].choose , decay: Adj_b.abs, rate: inv_b
  sample :ambi_choir , decay: Adj_c.abs, rate: inv_c if spread(19,39).tick
  sleep [1,2,4,8].choose
  sample [:ambi_choir,:tabla_ghe3].tick , decay: Adj_d.abs, rate: inv_d
  sample :ambi_choir , decay: Adj_e.abs, rate: inv_e
  sample [:ambi_choir,:loop_weirdo].choose , decay: Adj_f.abs, rate: inv_f if spread(27 - counter_tick.tick,195).tick
  sleep [4,8,16].choose
  puts inv_i

  sleep [0.5,1,2,4].choose

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Written by

Kofi / Illestpreacha
Kofi / Illestpreacha