AWS CloudFormation Template -AWS Lambda Layer


In modern cloud computing environments, deploying and managing serverless applications is becoming increasingly prevalent due to its scalability and cost-effectiveness. #AWS CloudFormation, a service offered by #Amazon Web Services (AWS), empowers users to define and provision infrastructure resources in a structured and repeatable manner. One essential component of serverless applications is #Lambda layers, which allow code and libraries to be shared across multiple #Lambda functions, promoting code reuse and maintainability.

#AWS CloudFormation template written in #YAML format. CloudFormation is a service provided by #AWS that allows you to define and provision infrastructure resources in a declarative manner. This template is specifically designed to create an #AWS Lambda layer. Let me break down the key sections and components of this template:

  1. #AWSTemplateFormatVersion: Specifies the CloudFormation template version being used.

  2. Transform: Specifies that the template uses the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) for defining #serverless resources.

  3. Description: A brief description of the #CloudFormation template.

  4. Parameters: This section defines the input parameters that users can provide when deploying the stack. These parameters allow customization of the deployment.

  • EnvironmentName: A string parameter for specifying the environment name (e.g., "dev" or "production").

  • LambdaLayerName: A string parameter for specifying the name of the Lambda layer.

  • CodeS3Bucket: A string parameter for specifying the S3 bucket where the #Lambda artifact is stored.

  • CodeS3Key: A string parameter for specifying the #S3 key for the #Lambda artifact.

5. Mappings and Conditions: These sections are currently empty and can be used for more advanced configuration if needed.

6. Resources: This section defines the #AWS resources to be created. In this case, it creates an #AWS Lambda layer named BaseLine14xLambdaLayer. Key properties of this resource include:

  • Type: Specifies the resource type as AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion.

  • CompatibleRuntimes: Specifies the runtime compatibility for the Lambda layer (nodejs14.x in this case).

  • Content: Specifies the #S3 bucket and key where the Lambda layer content (code) is located.

  • Description: Describes the #Lambda layer with a combination of the EnvironmentName and LambdaLayerName.

  • LayerName: Specifies the name of the #Lambda layer.

  • LicenseInfo: Specifies the license information for the layer (MIT in this case).

7. Outputs: This section defines the stack outputs, which are values that can be used after the stack is deployed. It exports the ARN of the #Lambda layer as an output with a name derived from the EnvironmentName and LambdaLayerName parameters.

Users can deploy this #CloudFormation template by providing values for the specified parameters, and it will create the specified #AWS Lambda layer with the specified configuration.

Deployment Steps

Follow these steps to upload and create the #CloudFormation stack using the #AWS Management Console:

  1. Sign in to the #AWS Management Console: Log in to your AWS account if you haven’t already.

2. Navigate to #CloudFormation: Go to the #AWS CloudFormation service from the #AWS Management Console.

3. Click the “Create stack” button.

4. Upload the CloudFormation template file (YAML).

Yaml file :

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: Lambda layer

    Description: Environment name for the application
    Type: String
    ConstraintDescription: Specify either dev or production
    Description: Application Name
    Type: String
    Description: S3 Bucket in which the artifacts are stored
    Type: String
    MinLength: 3
    Description: S3 Key for the lambda artifact
    Type: String
    MinLength: 3
Mappings: {}
Conditions: {}

    Type: AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion
        - nodejs14.x
        S3Bucket: !Ref CodeS3Bucket
        S3Key: !Ref CodeS3Key
      Description: !Sub ${EnvironmentName}-${LambdaLayerName}
      LayerName: !Sub ${EnvironmentName}-${LambdaLayerName}
      LicenseInfo: MIT

    Description: Lambda layer arn.
    Value: !Ref BaseLine14xLambdaLayer
      Name: !Sub '${EnvironmentName}-${LambdaLayerName}-arn'

5. Specify Stack Details:

  • Enter a Stack name for your deployment.

  • Provide parameter values as needed.

  • Review and acknowledge the capabilities .

  • You can set additional stack options or tags if necessary.

6. Review and Create:

  • Review the stack details and configuration.

  • Click “Create stack” to initiate the deployment.

7. Monitor Stack Creation:

  • The CloudFormation stack creation process will begin.

  • Monitor the stack events in the AWS Management Console.


AWS #CloudFormation template serves as a valuable tool for streamlining the creation and management of #Lambda layers in #AWS serverless applications. By offering a structured and parameterized approach, it allows users to customize the #Lambda layer’s environment name, name, and associated #S3 artifacts. This template promotes best practices in serverless development by enabling code reuse and separation of concerns, ultimately leading to more maintainable and efficient serverless applications.

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Mahira Technology Private Limited
Mahira Technology Private Limited

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