Yasir Yurduseven
1 min read
<title>Form Uygulamaları Deneme</title>
<!-- Since I am Turkish, the entire form is in Turkish; I hope you don't mind. -->
<form name="giris" action="giris.html" method="post">
<label>Kullanıcı Adı:</label><input type="text"></br></br>
<label>Şifre:</label><input type="password"></br></br>
<!-- I just learned that if you inspect and change the password field to text, the hidden text becomes visible, lmao :3 -->
<input type="checkbox" name="kutu1" checked="on">HTML5</br>
<input type="checkbox" name="kutu2">CSS</br>
<input type="checkbox" name="kutu3">JavaScript</br>
<input type="checkbox" name="kutu4">BootStrap</br></br>
<input type="radio" name="cinsiyet">Erkek</br>
<input type="radio" name="cinsiyet">Kadın</br>
<input type="radio" name="cinsiyet" checked="on">Belirtmemeyi Tercih Ediyorum</br></br>
<input type="file" name="dosya">
<p>Renk Seçin: <input type="color" name="renk"></p>
<p>Doğum Tarihi: <input type="date" name="dogumtarihi"></p>
<p>Doğum Günü: <input type="datetime" name="dogumgunu"></p>
<p>Ay ve Yıl: <input type="month" name="ay"></p>
<p>Hafta ve Yıl: <input type="week" name="hafta"></p>
<p>Randevu Saati: <input type="time" name="randevusaat"></p>
<p>Randevu Tarihi ve Saati: <input type="datetime-local" name="randevutarihivesaati"></p>
<p>E-posta: <input type="email" name="eposta"></p>
<p>Web Sayfanız: <input type="url" name="weburl"></p>
<p>Sayı(1-9): <input type="number" name="sec" min="1" max="9"></p>
<p>Aralık: <input type="range" name="secim" min="1" max="9"></p>
<p>Arama: <input type="search" name="arama"></p>
<p>GSM: <input type="tel" name="gsmno"></p>
<input type="submit" name="Gönder">
<input type="reset" name="Temizle">
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Written by
Yasir Yurduseven
Yasir Yurduseven
meslek lisesinde bilişim okuyorum okulda veya çevreden öğrendiklerimi burada paylaşmak istiyorum fikirlerinizi belirtirseniz aşırı mutlu olurum I am studying IT at a vocational high school, and I want to share what I learn at school or from my surroundings here. I would be extremely happy if you share your thoughts. I want to become an electrical and electronics engineer in the future, or a software developer.