Cryptography: Hashing Basics (TryHackMe)

2 min read

In this article, I will write a write-up for Hashing Basics that covers Hash Functions, Insecure Password Storage for Authentication, Using Hashing for Secure Password Storage, Recognising Password Hashes, Password Cracking, and Hashing for Integrity Checking.

  1. What is the SHA256 hash of the passport.jpg file in ~/Hashing-Basics/Task-2? 77148c6f605a8df855f2b764bcc3be749d7db814f5f79134d2aa539a64b61f02

  2. What is the output size in bytes of the MD5 hash function? 16

  3. If you have an 8-bit hash output, how many possible hash values are there? 256

  4. What is the 20th password in rockyou.txt? qwerty

there’s a hint to this command head -n 20 rockyou.txt since using without the number only shows the first 10 passwords

  1. Manually check the hash “4c5923b6a6fac7b7355f53bfe2b8f8c1” using the rainbow table above. inS3CyourP4$$

  2. Crack the hash “5b31f93c09ad1d065c0491b764d04933” using an online tool. tryhackme

  3. Should you encrypt passwords in password-verification systems? Yea/Nay Nay

  4. What is the hash size in yescrypt? 256

  5. What’s the Hash-Mode listed for Cisco-ASA MD5? 2410

  6. What hashing algorithm is used in Cisco-IOS if it starts with $9$? scrypt

  7. Use hashcat to crack the hash, $2a$06$7yoU3Ng8dHTXphAg913cyO6Bjs3K5lBnwq5FJyA6d01pMSrddr1ZG, saved in ~/Hashing-Basics/Task-6/hash1.txt. 85208520

  8. Use hashcat to crack the SHA2-256 hash, 9eb7ee7f551d2f0ac684981bd1f1e2fa4a37590199636753efe614d4db30e8e1, saved in saved in ~/Hashing-Basics/Task-6/hash2.txt. halloween

  9. Use hashcat to crack the hash, $6$GQXVvW4EuM$ehD6jWiMsfNorxy5SINsgdlxmAEl3.yif0/c3NqzGLa0P.S7KRDYjycw5bnYkF5ZtB8wQy8KnskuWQS3Yr1wQ0, saved in ~/Hashing-Basics/Task-6/hash3.txt. spaceman

  10. Crack the hash, b6b0d451bbf6fed658659a9e7e5598fe, saved in ~/Hashing-Basics/Task-6/hash4.txt. funforyou

  11. What is SHA256 hash of libgcrypt-1.11.0.tar.bz2 found in ~/Hashing-Basics/Task-7?09120c9867ce7f2081d6aaa1775386b98c2f2f246135761aae47d81f58685b9c

  12. What’s the hashcat mode number for HMAC-SHA512 (key = $pass)? 1750

    you can check the Hashcat website and GitHub that shows the hash-modes and examples

  13. Use base64 to decode RU5jb2RlREVjb2RlCg==, saved as decode-this.txt in ~/Hashing-Basics/Task-8. What is the original word?

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