Python voice AI web phone using WebRTC

Kevin NaidooKevin Naidoo
9 min read

Recently I did a walk-through on how you can use SIP and voice AI to answer the phone with Python (read more here). This got me experimenting a bit more, I have a 6-year-old, and as you can imagine kids at that age love amusing funny voices.

What if I could build an AI voice phone just for fun? Something that she could interact with. This would be way cooler than those stuffed animal toys that keep repeating the same sentences over and over. Since this “toy” is powered by a full LLM, it could actually have an entire conversation and role-play as if it were an actual cartoon character!

Wait is this safe?? Yes, absolutely, as crazy as it is, OpenAI models are well grounded and safe generally. In addition, I put in a system prompt to make the model aware of the intended target audience and restrict it’s response to always be kid friendly, and finally, this will never be used without my supervision.

In this article, I will walk you through step-by-step how I achieved this and all the relevant technologies, and services needed.

WebRTC VoiceAI: How will this work?

WebRTC is a browser peer-to-peer standard that allows just about any modern browser to stream rich media content such as video or audio in real-time, similar to a voice or video call.

Thus, WebRTC is perfect for our little Voice AI character (Aka ZaZu the Monkey!). For the backend, we will use a WebSocket server built in Python, which is responsible for orchestrating the AI chain to transcribe the audio, prompt the model, and finally convert the model’s response back to audio and stream it back to the browser using WebRTC.

Now, since this is a fun app, I wasn’t going to spend a lot of time building my own transcription model, or TTS model for that matter. Instead, we’ll just use Assembly AI for transcription and OpenAI for everything else.

I initially tried to build this with VOSK instead of Assembly AI which is a decent open-source speech-to-text library, however, the transcription quality wasn’t that great and it wasn’t worth the time and effort to train a custom VOSK model. AssemblyAI has really good accuracy and costs just $0.37 per hour, which is insanely cheap!

You can view the full source code here:

⚠️ I omitted “try except” blocks throughout to make the code more readable, however, for a real production app, you should catch and handle errors more efficiently.

Setting up our web socket server

For the WebSocket server, we’ll go a bit old-school and use Flask. Flask has very good support for web sockets and is fairly easy to spin up a quick prototype. To get started, let’s install a few pip packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You will in addition need to install “FFMpeg” for your operating system. FFMpeg is a powerful audio manipulation library used by most modern audio tools on the market, and we’ll use it to alter the audio generated by OpenAI to sound more cartoonish.

Next, you’ll want to create a Python file: “” or whatever you prefer:

from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_sockets import Sockets
from gevent import pywsgi
from geventwebsocket.handler import WebSocketHandler
from audio_handlers import AudioHandler
from llm_adapters import OpenAILLM
import settings

app = Flask(__name__)
sockets = Sockets(app)

def dialer():
    return render_template("dialer.html", 
        sample_rate = settings.SAMPLE_RATE,
        socket_url = settings.SOCKET_URL

def audio_stream(ws):
    audio_handler = None
    llm = None

    while not ws.closed:
        message = ws.receive()

        if message is None:
        if isinstance(message, str):
            if "start call" in message:
                print("Call started", flush=True)
                llm = OpenAILLM()
                audio_handler = AudioHandler(llm, ws)
            elif "end call" in message and audio_handler:
                llm = None

        elif isinstance(message, bytes) or isinstance(message, bytearray):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    server = pywsgi.WSGIServer(("", WEBSOCKET_PORT), app, handler_class=WebSocketHandler)
    print(f"Server listening on ws://{WEBSOCKET_PORT}")

Let’s go through this step-by-step, first, we set up our socket server and two routes:

app = Flask(__name__)
sockets = Sockets(app)

def dialer():
    return render_template("dialer.html", 
        sample_rate = settings.SAMPLE_RATE,
        socket_url = settings.SOCKET_URL

def audio_stream(ws):

The dialer route just returns an HTML page: “dialer.html”. This contains our JavaScript WebRTC phone implementation. We’ll get to that in a bit.

The “/websocket/stream” is where all the magic happens. When the browser initiates a call, this endpoint is triggered, and a socket is opened. Since the socket will remain open until either party terminates the call, we can therefore constantly stream data back and forth in a consistent manner.

def audio_stream(ws):
    audio_handler = None
    llm = None

    while not ws.closed:
        message = ws.receive()

        if message is None:
        if isinstance(message, str):
            if "start call" in message:
                print("Call started", flush=True)
                llm = OpenAILLM()
                audio_handler = AudioHandler(llm, ws)
            elif "end call" in message and audio_handler:
                llm = None

        elif isinstance(message, bytes) or isinstance(message, bytearray):

In our “audio_stream” method we scan the incoming data to check if it’s raw bytes or a string. When the data is raw bytes, this means that we are receiving audio data and when the data is a string, this means we are receiving an event such as “start call” or “end call”.

When the call starts, we set up an audio_handler and llm. The “audio_handler” will transcribe audio and send it back to the user.

The “llm” will communicate with GPT4o-mini and generate an appropriate response to the user based on the transcription.

Building the LLM Adapter

The LLM adapter has two tasks it needs to perform:

  • Prompt the text model with the transcription and get back a generated response (invoke method).

  • Take the generated response and convert it to audio so that we can stream it back to the browser (text_to_audio method).

from openai import OpenAI
import settings

class OpenAILLM:
    def __init__(self):
        self.llm = OpenAI()
        self.messages = [

    def invoke(self, message):
        self.messages.append(("user", message))
        messages = self.messages.copy()

        chat_completion =
            model= settings.OPENAI_GPT_MODEL,
            messages=[{"role": m[0], "content": m[1]} for m in messages]

        response = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
        self.messages.append(("assistant", response))

        return response

    def text_to_audio(self, text, audio_file_path):
        response =


Note: we also have some memory built in so that the LLM has context for the entire conversation. To maintain memory, we simply just append all messages to a list of “messages” and then use the conversation API to send a batch of messages.

Building the Audio Manager

The Audio Manager can be found in: “”:

import os
import uuid
import settings
import assemblyai as aai
import ffmpeg

aai.settings.api_key = settings.ASSEMBLYAI_API_KEY

class AudioHandler(aai.RealtimeTranscriber):
    def __init__(self, llm, ws):
            on_error=lambda x : print(x, flush=True),
        self.llm = llm = ws

    def stop(self):

    def on_data(self, transcript: aai.RealtimeTranscript):
       if isinstance(transcript, aai.RealtimeFinalTranscript) and transcript.text:
            response = self.llm.invoke(transcript.text)
            if response != "":

    def respond_to_user_prompt(self, transcript):
        tmp_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        tmp_file = f"/tmp/_{tmp_id}.mp3"
        cartoonified_version = f"/tmp/modified_{tmp_id}.mp3"

        self.llm.text_to_audio(transcript, tmp_file)        

        ffmpeg.input(tmp_file).filter('asetrate', 33050).output(cartoonified_version).run()

        audio_data = None

        with open(cartoonified_version, "rb") as f:
            audio_data =

        if os.path.exists(tmp_file):
        if os.path.exists(cartoonified_version):

        if audio_data:

The audio manager class extends Assembly AI’s RealtimeTranscriber, we override the “on_data” method to grab the finished transcription and then use both OpenAI Whisper and FFMpeg to generate a cartoonish voice (You probably should use a voice cloning API for better performance).

    def __init__(self, llm, ws):
            on_error=lambda x : print(x, flush=True),
        self.llm = llm = ws

In the constructor, we set up a few configs:

  • on_data: This method will allow us to receive the full transcription and perform any other post-processing needed.

  • sample_rate: Measured in hertz and basically the number of audio samples carried per second. Assembly AI supports a wide variety of sample rates, but we want to keep a consistent sample rate between the different services (OpenAI Whisper only supports 16Khz, hence our sample rate is 16000).

  • disable_partial_transcripts: for this application, we don’t need phrases or parts of speech, all we care about is the full transcript. Turning this setting on will minimize the network requests between us and Assembly AI, thus improving performance.

Once we get a transcription back from Assembly AI, we then need to:

  • Prompt the LLM to generate a response.

  • Send the response to the OpenAI TTS model.

  • Receive the audio from OpenAI TTS and then use FFMpeg to alter the audio so that it sounds similar to a cartoonish voice. OpenAI does not support custom voices, so we are stuck with human voices and therefore need to alter the pitch to sound similar to a cartoon character.

Silent pauses are a pain!

One of the major pain points is the “silent pause” which occurs for a few milliseconds (or seconds in some instances) after the user stops speaking, this is the time taken for the audio transcriber to detect the end of a sentence and also all the AI queries back and forth to generate the final response back to the caller.

This can be annoying since it’s not a fluid conversation that you would typically have with a real person.

Nonetheless, it works pretty decently if you can stomach the annoying pauses.

A few approaches I will look at to improve the code when I get some more time:

  • Rebuild in a faster language, I actually already done this partially in Golang. It does make a difference but could still do with more optimizations.

  • Run my own model near the WebSocket server. PHI-3 is fairly good and fast, running this model with Ollama and then fine-tuning could really improve both the speed and accuracy of the AI queries.

  • Train my own Whisper model, similar to the above. Might be better off using my own audio model instead of Assembly AI, and running this on a local network to minimize the latency between servers.


While this “toy app” is not much at this stage, it’s useful enough to amuse my kid 😀 and a great base for me to build upon a more commercial offering later on. I see Voice AI growing in the next few years and being very useful in environments such as call centers or for building custom business context-aware agents.

Latency and annoying pauses can be a stumbling block, however, in recent times both OpenAI and Google have been releasing real-time models, meaning that you can just directly stream audio to the model without the need for a transcription layer.

OpenAI real-time models are a bit overpriced, but Gemini 2 from Google which is still in beta might just be the catalyst to drive more competition in this space and ultimately drop prices. ElevenLabs as well is another SaaS provider to keep an eye on, their conversational AI looks very interesting!

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Written by

Kevin Naidoo
Kevin Naidoo

I am a South African-born tech leader with 15+ years of experience in software development including Linux servers and machine learning. My passion is web development and teaching. I often love experimenting with emerging technologies and use this blog as an outlet to share my knowledge and adventures. Learn about Python, Linux servers, SQL, Golang, SaaS, PHP, Machine Learning, and loads more.