Applying OASIS-3 Data to TFF

10 min read

Pre-processing codes

import os
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
import torch
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue

def read_hcp(file_path,global_norm_path,per_voxel_norm_path,hand,count,queue=None):
    img_orig = torch.from_numpy(np.asanyarray(nib.load(file_path).dataobj)[8:-8, 8:-8, :-10, 10:]).to(dtype=torch.float32)
    background = img_orig == 0
    img_temp = (img_orig - img_orig[~background].mean()) / (img_orig[~background].std())
    img = torch.empty(img_orig.shape)
    img[background] = img_temp.min()
    img[~background] = img_temp[~background]
    img = torch.split(img, 1, 3)
    for i, TR in enumerate(img):,
                   os.path.join(global_norm_path, 'rfMRI_' + hand + '_TR_' + str(i) + '.pt'))
    # repeat for per voxel normalization
    img_temp = (img_orig - img_orig.mean(dim=3, keepdims=True)) / (img_orig.std(dim=3, keepdims=True))
    img = torch.empty(img_orig.shape)
    img[background] = img_temp.min()
    img[~background] = img_temp[~background]
    img = torch.split(img, 1, 3)
    for i, TR in enumerate(img):,
                   os.path.join(per_voxel_norm_path, 'rfMRI_' + hand + '_TR_' + str(i) + '.pt'))
    print('finished another subject. count is now {}'.format(count))

def main():
    hcp_path = r'D:\users\Gony\HCP-1200'
    all_files_path = os.path.join(hcp_path,'extract_S1200_data')
    queue = Queue()
    count = 0
    for subj in os.listdir(all_files_path):
        subj_path = os.path.join(all_files_path,subj)
            file_path = os.path.join(subj_path,os.listdir(subj_path)[0])
            hand = file_path[file_path.find('REST1_')+6:file_path.find('.nii')]
            global_norm_path = os.path.join(hcp_path,'MNI_to_TRs',subj,'global_normalize')
            per_vox_norm_path = os.path.join(hcp_path, 'MNI_to_TRs', subj, 'per_voxel_normalize')
            os.makedirs(global_norm_path, exist_ok=True)
            os.makedirs(per_vox_norm_path, exist_ok=True)
            count += 1
            print('start working on subject '+ subj)
            p = Process(target=read_hcp, args=(file_path,global_norm_path,per_vox_norm_path,hand,count, queue))
            if count % 20 == 0:
                p.join()  # this blocks until the process terminates
        except Exception:
            print('encountered problem with '+subj)
if __name__ == '__main__':

The read_hcp function is central to the process, reading fMRI images from HCP data, normalizing them in two ways, and saving them as tensor files for each time resolution (TR).

1. Data Loading and Slicing

  • Load fMRI data in .nii format using the nibabel library.

  • Trim unnecessary parts of the data (img_orig = torch.from_numpy(np.asanyarray(nib.load(file_path).dataobj)[8:-8, 8:-8, :-10, 10:])) to focus on the region of interest.

2. Background Masking

  • Create a mask using background = img_orig == 0 to distinguish between the background and actual data areas.

3. Normalization

  • Global Normalization: Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the data excluding the background, and normalize based on these values.

      img_temp = (img_orig - img_orig[~background].mean()) / (img_orig[~background].std())

    Assign the minimum value to the background area to differentiate it from the data in the normalized image (img).

  • Voxel-wise Normalization: Normalize each voxel by calculating the mean and standard deviation along the time axis (dim=3).

      img_temp = (img_orig - img_orig.mean(dim=3, keepdims=True)) / (img_orig.std(dim=3, keepdims=True))

4. Splitting and Saving by Time Resolution (TR)

  • Split the normalized image by time resolution using torch.split(img, 1, 3) and save each as a .pt file.

  • Save the results of global and voxel-wise normalization in separate files, creating .pt files for each TR to be loaded individually during model training.

5. Multiprocessing

  • Use Process for parallel processing when handling multiple subjects, and manage memory by cleaning up processes with p.join() every 20 datasets.

In summary, this code performs preprocessing in the order of data slicing → background masking → two types of normalization (global and voxel-wise) → splitting by TR and saving as .pt files.

→ Since OASIS-3 data is already preprocessed, adjustments will be made to check data format and dimensions, and modify the data loader section.

Responsible for loading datasets and creating training, validation, and test sets, returning them as data loaders.

import numpy as np
from import DataLoader,Subset
from data_preprocess_and_load.datasets import *
from utils import reproducibility

class DataHandler():
    def __init__(self,test=False,**kwargs):
        self.test = test
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.dataset_name = kwargs.get('dataset_name')
        self.splits_folder = Path(kwargs.get('base_path')).joinpath('splits',self.dataset_name)
        self.seed = kwargs.get('seed')
        self.current_split = self.splits_folder.joinpath('seed_{}.txt'.format(self.seed))

    def get_dataset(self):
        if self.dataset_name == 'S1200':
            return rest_1200_3D
        elif self.dataset_name == 'ucla':
            return ucla
            raise NotImplementedError

    def current_split_exists(self):
        return self.current_split.exists()

    def create_dataloaders(self):
        dataset = self.get_dataset()
        train_loader = dataset(**self.kwargs)
        eval_loader = dataset(**self.kwargs)
        eval_loader.augment = None
        self.subject_list = train_loader.index_l
        if self.current_split_exists():
            train_names, val_names, test_names = self.load_split()
            train_idx, val_idx, test_idx = self.convert_subject_list_to_idx_list(train_names,val_names,test_names,self.subject_list)
            train_idx,val_idx,test_idx = self.determine_split_randomly(self.subject_list,**self.kwargs)

        # train_idx = [train_idx[x] for x in torch.randperm(len(train_idx))[:10]]
        # val_idx = [val_idx[x] for x in torch.randperm(len(val_idx))[:10]]

        train_loader = Subset(train_loader, train_idx)
        val_loader = Subset(eval_loader, val_idx)
        test_loader = Subset(eval_loader, test_idx)

        training_generator = DataLoader(train_loader, **self.get_params(**self.kwargs))
        val_generator = DataLoader(val_loader, **self.get_params(eval=True,**self.kwargs))
        test_generator = DataLoader(test_loader, **self.get_params(eval=True,**self.kwargs))  if self.test else None
        return training_generator, val_generator, test_generator

    def get_params(self,eval=False,**kwargs):
        batch_size = kwargs.get('batch_size')
        workers = kwargs.get('workers')
        cuda = kwargs.get('cuda')
        if eval:
            workers = 0
        params = {'batch_size': batch_size,
                  'shuffle': True,
                  'num_workers': workers,
                  'drop_last': True,
                  'pin_memory': False,  # True if cuda else False,
                  'persistent_workers': True if workers > 0 and cuda else False}
        return params

    def save_split(self,sets_dict):
        with open(self.current_split,'w+') as f:
            for name,subj_list in sets_dict.items():
                f.write(name + '\n')
                for subj_name in subj_list:
                    f.write(str(subj_name) + '\n')

    def convert_subject_list_to_idx_list(self,train_names,val_names,test_names,subj_list):
        subj_idx = np.array([str(x[0]) for x in subj_list])
        train_idx = np.where(np.in1d(subj_idx, train_names))[0].tolist()
        val_idx = np.where(np.in1d(subj_idx, val_names))[0].tolist()
        test_idx = np.where(np.in1d(subj_idx, test_names))[0].tolist()
        return train_idx,val_idx,test_idx

    def determine_split_randomly(self,index_l,**kwargs):
        train_percent = kwargs.get('train_split')
        val_percent = kwargs.get('val_split')
        S = len(np.unique([x[0] for x in index_l]))
        S_train = int(S * train_percent)
        S_val = int(S * val_percent)
        S_train = np.random.choice(S, S_train, replace=False)
        remaining = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(S), S_train)
        S_val = np.random.choice(remaining,S_val, replace=False)
        S_test = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(S), np.concatenate([S_train,S_val]))
        train_idx,val_idx,test_idx = self.convert_subject_list_to_idx_list(S_train,S_val,S_test,self.subject_list)
        return train_idx,val_idx,test_idx

    def load_split(self):
        subject_order = open(self.current_split, 'r').readlines()
        subject_order = [x[:-1] for x in subject_order]
        train_index = np.argmax(['train' in line for line in subject_order])
        val_index = np.argmax(['val' in line for line in subject_order])
        test_index = np.argmax(['test' in line for line in subject_order])
        train_names = subject_order[train_index + 1:val_index]
        val_names = subject_order[val_index+1:test_index]
        test_names = subject_order[test_index + 1:]
        return train_names,val_names,test_names

Key Code Analysis

  1. Dataset Selection (get_dataset method):

    • Selects the dataset class based on self.dataset_name. Returns rest_1200_3D for 'S1200' and ucla for 'ucla'.

    • To adapt this code for the OASIS-3 dataset, modify the get_dataset() method to return a class or function that handles OASIS-3 data.

  2. Dataset Splitting (create_dataloaders method):

    • Checks for existing dataset split files with self.current_split_exists(), and loads them with load_split() if they exist.

    • If not, uses determine_split_randomly() to randomly split into training, validation, and test sets, saving the split information with save_split().

  3. Using the Subset Class:

    • Wraps the split indices in Subset to create train_loader, val_loader, and test_loader, which deliver data in batches to the model.
  4. Data Loader Configuration (get_params method):

    • Configures data loaders based on batch size, number of workers, and CUDA usage. Optimizes data loading speed with pin_memory and persistent_workers options if using CUDA.
  5. Data Loader Return:

    • Returns training_generator, val_generator, and test_generator, which deliver training, validation, and test data to the model in the Trainer class.

Applying OASIS-3 Data

  • Add Dataset Class:

    • Define a class for handling OASIS-3 data in the data_preprocess_and_load/ file, and modify the get_dataset() method to return this class.
  • Modify Split Criteria:

    • Adjust determine_split_randomly() and convert_subject_list_to_idx_list() methods to generate indices based on OASIS-3's unique identifiers (e.g., sub-XXXX).
  • Ensure Data Structure for Trainer Class:

    • The forward_pass() method in the Trainer class passes input_dict['fmri_sequence'] to the model, so OASIS-3 data must be structured similarly.

      • Ensure input_dict contains a key like 'fmri_sequence' and restructure data to match the expected dimensions (e.g., [batch_size, channels, depth, height, width]).

        • batch_size: Number of samples in a mini-batch

        • channels: Number of channels per scan

        • depth: Depth of brain images along the z-axis (e.g., number of slices)

        • height, width: Height and width of each slice

      • 1. File Loading and Dimension Checking
        • Load .nii files using the nibabel library and check data dimensions.
            import nibabel as nib

            # .nii 파일 로드
            file_path = 'path/to/your/data.nii'
            img = nib.load(file_path)
            data = img.get_fdata()
            print("Data shape:", data.shape)

Interpreting Dimension Check Results:

  • fMRI data is typically in [depth, height, width, time] format, where depth, height, and width are spatial dimensions, and time is the TR (time resolution) axis.

  • If the result is (64, 64, 36, 120), it means the fMRI data consists of depth=64, height=64, width=36, and time=120.

2. Convert to Model Input Format

  • Restructure data to match the model's input format, [batch_size, channels, depth, height, width] or [batch_size, time, depth, height, width].
            import torch

            # 데이터 차원 변환 (예: [time, depth, height, width] → [time, 1, depth, height, width])
            data = torch.from_numpy(data).permute(3, 0, 1, 2).unsqueeze(1)  # [time, 1, depth, height, width]
            print("Transformed shape:", data.shape)
  • permute(3, 0, 1, 2) converts [depth, height, width, time] to [time, depth, height, width], and unsqueeze(1) adds a channel dimension to create [time, 1, depth, height, width].
3. Prepare Data for Storage and Use
  • Prepare the transformed data to be passed to the model as fmri_sequence. If you want to save it in .pt format for later use, you can use
            # 변환된 데이터 저장
  , 'path/to/')
4. Loading Data in the Trainer Class
  • If saved as .pt files, modify the data loading section in the Trainer class to load .pt files with torch.load() and pass them as fmri_sequence.

Model Architecture

1. Pre-training Phase

  • In the pre-training phase, fMRI data is normalized using Voxel norm and Global norm, then reconstructed through a 3D CNN encoder and transformer.
  • AutoEncoder Class

      class AutoEncoder(BaseModel):
          def __init__(self, dim, **kwargs):
              super(AutoEncoder, self).__init__()
              self.task = 'autoencoder_reconstruction'
              # 3D CNN 인코더
              self.encoder = Encoder(**kwargs)
              self.determine_shapes(self.encoder, dim)  # 인코더 차원 결정
              kwargs['shapes'] = self.shapes
              # Bottleneck을 통해 Transformer에 입력
              self.into_bert = BottleNeck_in(**kwargs)
              # Transformer (BERT 모델 사용)
              self.transformer = Transformer_Block(self.BertConfig, **kwargs)
              # Bottleneck에서 다시 3D CNN 디코더 입력으로 변환
              self.from_bert = BottleNeck_out(**kwargs)
              # 3D CNN 디코더
              self.decoder = Decoder(**kwargs)
          def forward(self, x):
              batch_size, Channels_in, W, H, D, T = x.shape
              x = x.permute(0, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4).reshape(batch_size * T, Channels_in, W, H, D)
              # 3D CNN 인코더
              encoded = self.encoder(x)
              # Bottleneck (인코더 → 트랜스포머 입력 차원)
              encoded = self.into_bert(encoded)
              # Transformer (시간적 특징 학습)
              encoded = self.transformer(encoded)['sequence']
              # Bottleneck (트랜스포머 → 디코더 입력 차원)
              encoded = self.from_bert(encoded)
              # 3D CNN 디코더
              reconstructed_image = self.decoder(encoded)
              reconstructed_image = reconstructed_image.reshape(batch_size, T, self.outChannels, W, H, D).permute(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1)
              return {'reconstructed_fmri_sequence': reconstructed_image}
  • 3D CNN Encoder (Encoder Class):

      class Encoder(BaseModel):
          def __init__(self, **kwargs):
              super(Encoder, self).__init__()
              # 첫 번째 다운샘플링 블록
              self.down_block1 = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
                  ('conv0', nn.Conv3d(self.inChannels, self.model_depth, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)),
                  ('sp_drop0', nn.Dropout3d(self.dropout_rates['input'])),
                  ('green0', GreenBlock(self.model_depth, self.model_depth, self.dropout_rates['green'])),
                  ('downsize_0', nn.Conv3d(self.model_depth, self.model_depth * 2, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1))]))
              # 두 번째 다운샘플링 블록
              self.down_block2 = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
                  ('green10', GreenBlock(self.model_depth * 2, self.model_depth * 2, self.dropout_rates['green'])),
                  ('downsize_1', nn.Conv3d(self.model_depth * 2, self.model_depth * 4, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1))]))
              # 세 번째 다운샘플링 블록
              self.down_block3 = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
                  ('green20', GreenBlock(self.model_depth * 4, self.model_depth * 4, self.dropout_rates['green'])),
                  ('downsize_2', nn.Conv3d(self.model_depth * 4, self.model_depth * 8, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1))]))
              # 최종 특징 추출 블록
              self.final_block = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
                  ('green30', GreenBlock(self.model_depth * 8, self.model_depth * 8, self.dropout_rates['green']))]))
          def forward(self, x):
              x = self.down_block1(x)
              x = self.down_block2(x)
              x = self.down_block3(x)
              x = self.final_block(x)
              return x

    This Encoder class represents the part labeled as 3D CNN Encoder in the diagram, and it spatially reduces fMRI data to extract high-dimensional features.

    Transformer Block (Transformer_Block class):

      class Transformer_Block(BertPreTrainedModel, BaseModel):
          def __init__(self, config, **kwargs):
              super(Transformer_Block, self).__init__(config)
              self.cls_pooling = True
              self.bert = BertModel(self.BertConfig, add_pooling_layer=self.cls_pooling)
              self.cls_embedding = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.BertConfig.hidden_size, self.BertConfig.hidden_size), nn.LeakyReLU())
          def forward(self, x):
              # Transformer 입력
              inputs_embeds = self.cls_embedding(x)
              outputs = self.bert(inputs_embeds=inputs_embeds)
              sequence_output = outputs[0][:, 1:, :]
              pooled_cls = outputs[1]
              return {'sequence': sequence_output, 'cls': pooled_cls}

    The part corresponding to the Transformer in the diagram learns temporal patterns.

  • 3D CNN Decoder (Decoder class):

      class Decoder(BaseModel):
          def __init__(self, **kwargs):
              super(Decoder, self).__init__()
              self.decode_block = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
                  ('upgreen0', UpGreenBlock(self.model_depth * 8, self.model_depth * 4, self.shapes['dim_2'], self.dropout_rates['Up_green'])),
                  ('upgreen1', UpGreenBlock(self.model_depth * 4, self.model_depth * 2, self.shapes['dim_1'], self.dropout_rates['Up_green'])),
                  ('blue_block', nn.Conv3d(self.model_depth, self.model_depth, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)),
                  ('output_block', nn.Conv3d(in_channels=self.model_depth, out_channels=self.outChannels, kernel_size=1, stride=1))
          def forward(self, x):
              x = self.decode_block(x)
              return x

    In the diagram, the 3D CNN Decoder section corresponds to the Decoder class, which reconstructs the original fMRI data form based on features extracted by the Encoder.

2. Fine-tuning Phase

  • In the fine-tuning phase, the pre-trained encoder and transformer are used for new prediction tasks (e.g., gender classification).
  • A new CLS token is added to summarize the features of the entire sequence, which is then passed to the prediction head for making predictions.
  • Encoder_Transformer_finetune Class

      class Encoder_Transformer_finetune(BaseModel):
          def __init__(self, dim, **kwargs):
              super(Encoder_Transformer_finetune, self).__init__()
              self.task = kwargs.get('fine_tune_task')
              # Pre-trained 3D CNN 인코더 사용
              self.encoder = Encoder(**kwargs)
              self.determine_shapes(self.encoder, dim)
              kwargs['shapes'] = self.shapes
              # Transformer 입력을 위한 Bottleneck
              self.into_bert = BottleNeck_in(**kwargs)
              # Pre-trained Transformer 사용
              self.transformer = Transformer_Block(self.BertConfig, **kwargs)
              # Fine-tuning을 위한 분류 또는 회귀 헤드
              if kwargs.get('fine_tune_task') == 'regression':
                  self.final_activation_func = nn.LeakyReLU()
              elif kwargs.get('fine_tune_task') == 'binary_classification':
                  self.final_activation_func = nn.Sigmoid()
                  self.label_num = 1
              self.regression_head = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.BertConfig.hidden_size, self.label_num), self.final_activation_func)
          def forward(self, x):
              batch_size, inChannels, W, H, D, T = x.shape
              x = x.permute(0, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4).reshape(batch_size * T, inChannels, W, H, D)
              # 3D CNN 인코더를 통해 특징 추출
              encoded = self.encoder(x)
              # Transformer 입력을 위한 Bottleneck 적용
              encoded = self.into_bert(encoded)
              encoded = encoded.reshape(batch_size, T, -1)
              # Transformer 통과 (CLS 토큰 포함)
              transformer_dict = self.transformer(encoded)
              CLS = transformer_dict['cls']
              # Fine-tuning을 위한 분류 또는 회귀 예측
              prediction = self.regression_head(CLS)
              return {self.task: prediction}
  • Fine-tuning Task Head (regression_head):

    • The regression_head is the final prediction layer for new tasks during the fine-tuning phase.

    • If fine_tune_task is binary classification, Sigmoid is used for binary classification, and if it is regression, LeakyReLU is used.

Architecture Summary

  • Pre-training Phase: The AutoEncoder class, consisting of Encoder, Transformer_Block, and Decoder, is used to learn the reconstruction of fMRI data with a 3D CNN encoder, transformer, and 3D CNN decoder.

  • Fine-tuning Phase: The Encoder_Transformer_finetune class utilizes the pre-trained encoder and transformer to perform final prediction tasks, summarizing sequence information with a new CLS token to make the final prediction.

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I'm currently learning Python and studying RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation).