Creating an e-commerce platform with Laravel

David GostinDavid Gostin
4 min read

Creating an e-commerce platform with Laravel involves several key steps. Here's a high-level outline to guide you through the process, from setting up the initial project to implementing essential e-commerce features.

1. Setting Up the Laravel Project

  • Install Laravel: Start by installing Laravel using Composer.

      composer create-project laravel/laravel ecommerce-platform
  • Configure Environment: Set up your .env file with the necessary configurations:

    • Database credentials

    • Email service provider for notifications and order confirmations

    • Stripe or PayPal API keys for payment processing

2. Setting Up the Database and Models

  • Database Design: Define tables for users, products, categories, orders, order_items, payments, etc.

  • Migrations: Create migrations for each table.

      php artisan make:migration create_products_table
      php artisan make:migration create_orders_table
  • Models and Relationships:

    • Create models for each main entity: Product, Order, User, Cart, etc.

    • Define relationships in the models:

        // Product.php
        public function category() {
            return $this->belongsTo(Category::class);
        // Order.php
        public function user() {
            return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
        public function items() {
            return $this->hasMany(OrderItem::class);

3. Authentication and User Management

  • Authentication: Use Laravel Breeze, Jetstream, or Laravel UI to scaffold authentication features.

      composer require laravel/breeze
      php artisan breeze:install
      php artisan migrate
  • Roles and Permissions: Set up roles (e.g., customer, admin) using Laravel's built-in authorization features or a package like spatie/laravel-permission.

4. Building the Product and Category Management System

  • Admin Panel: Create a backend admin dashboard where admins can:

    • Add, edit, delete products

    • Organize products by category

  • Product Model and Controller:

      php artisan make:model Product -mcr
  • Image Uploads: Implement a file upload feature for product images using Laravel’s Storage facade.

5. Shopping Cart Implementation

  • Session-Based Cart: Create a shopping cart system that stores items in the session.

  • Add/Update/Remove Items: Define routes and methods for adding, updating, and removing items from the cart.

  • Cart Model: Optional, you can create a Cart model and persist cart data in the database if you want to save user carts across sessions.

6. Checkout and Order Processing

  • Order Form: Create a checkout page where users enter their shipping and payment details.

  • Order and Order Items Models: Define an Order model and associated OrderItem model.

  • Order Confirmation: After successful payment, save the order details in the database and send an email confirmation to the user.

7. Payment Integration

  • Stripe or PayPal: Integrate a payment gateway like Stripe or PayPal.

    • Install the Stripe package:

        composer require stripe/stripe-php
    • Create routes and controllers to handle payment processing.

  • Payment Controller: Implement logic to create a payment intent and complete the payment.

  • Order Status: Update the order status to "completed" after successful payment.

8. Order Management and User Dashboard

  • Order Tracking: Allow users to view their past orders and track current orders.

  • Admin Order Management: Create an order management dashboard for admins to view, manage, and update orders.

  • Notifications: Set up notifications for order confirmation, shipment updates, etc.

9. Product Search and Filtering

  • Search Feature: Implement a search bar to allow users to search for products by name, description, or category.

  • Filtering: Add filters for categories, price range, and product attributes.

  • Sorting: Enable sorting options for price, popularity, or newest products.

10. Frontend Design

  • Laravel Blade Templates: Use Blade templating for the frontend.

  • UI Framework: Consider using Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, or custom CSS to style your e-commerce platform.

  • Product Pages: Create detailed product pages with images, descriptions, reviews, and an “Add to Cart” button.

11. Testing and Deployment

  • Testing: Use PHPUnit and Laravel’s built-in testing features to test key functionalities.

  • Deployment: Deploy the application using services like Laravel Forge, DigitalOcean, or AWS.

12. Advanced Features (Optional)

  • Discounts and Coupons: Implement a system for discounts and coupon codes.

  • Product Reviews and Ratings: Allow users to leave reviews and rate products.

  • Wishlist: Enable users to add products to a wishlist.

  • Inventory Management: Set up automatic inventory tracking and notifications for low stock.

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Written by

David Gostin
David Gostin

Full-Stack Web Developer with over 25 years of professional experience. I have experience in database development using Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. I have extensive experience with API and SQL development using PHP and associated frameworks. I am skilled with git/github and CI/CD. I have a good understanding of performance optimization from the server and OS level up to the application and database level. I am skilled with Linux setup, configuration, networking and command line scripting. My frontend experience includes: HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, jQuery, React, Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS. I also have experience with Amazon EC2, RDS and S3.