Linux For DevOps (Interview Preparation)

43 min read

What is Linux?

  • Operating System (OS): Linux is an open-source operating system, like Windows or macOS, but with unique features and flexibility.

  • Kernel: The core of Linux, which manages hardware (CPU, memory, devices) and software interactions.

  • Free and Open Source: Linux is freely available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute.

  • Unix-like: Linux is based on Unix, a powerful OS used in servers and research.

  • Popular for Servers and Developers: Many servers, developers, and companies (e.g., Google, Facebook) prefer Linux for its security, stability, and customization options.

    Why Use Linux?

    • Security: Linux is known for being secure, making it ideal for servers.

    • Customizable: You can control almost every part of Linux, tailoring it to your needs.

    • Community Support: A large community offers resources, support, and tools.

    • Variety of Distros: Linux has "distributions" (distros) like Ubuntu, Fedora, and CentOS, each with unique features.

What is an Operating System (OS)?

  • Definition: An OS is software that manages computer hardware and software resources. It provides an interface between the user and the computer hardware.

  • Functions of an OS:

    • Manages Hardware: Controls CPU, memory, storage, and peripheral devices.

    • Runs Applications: Allows you to install and run programs like browsers, games, and office software.

    • User Interface: Provides a way for users to interact with the computer, like through a graphical interface or command line.

  • Examples of OS:

    • Windows: Popular for personal computers.

    • macOS: Used in Apple computers.

    • Linux: Known for flexibility and security, widely used in servers.

    • Android and iOS: Operating systems for mobile devices.

      Why is the OS Important?

      • Without an OS, a computer would be hard to use, as it would have no way to understand commands or manage programs. The OS makes it easy to run multiple tasks and keep everything organized.

What is a Shell?

  • Definition: A shell is a program that allows users to interact with the operating system by typing commands. It interprets these commands and passes them to the OS to execute.

  • Purpose: It acts as a bridge between the user and the OS, enabling you to run scripts, manage files, and control processes.

  • Shell Types:

    • Command-Line Shell: Allows you to interact by typing commands (e.g., Bash, Zsh).

    • Graphical Shell: Provides a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for interaction (e.g., Windows Explorer in Windows OS).

  1. Bash (Bourne Again Shell)

    • Most Popular: Default shell on many Linux systems.

    • Features: Supports scripting, command history, and job control.

    • Example: Commonly used in Linux and macOS for scripting.

  2. Zsh (Z Shell)

    • Highly Customizable: Known for themes, plugins, and user-friendly features.

    • Features: Auto-completion, spelling correction, and more advanced scripting options.

    • Example: Often chosen by advanced users who want a modern shell.

  3. Ksh (Korn Shell)

    • Balanced Performance: Combines scripting power of Bourne shell with C shell-like features.

    • Features: Good for scripting with enhanced functionality over older shells.

    • Example: Used in some Unix systems, especially for older scripts.

  4. Tcsh (TENEX C Shell)

    • C-Like Syntax: Built on the C Shell (csh) and often used by developers familiar with C programming.

    • Features: Command-line editing and history, ideal for C programming-style scripting.

    • Example: Used mostly in certain Unix environments.

  5. Fish (Friendly Interactive Shell)

    • User-Friendly: Offers intuitive syntax and helpful features like syntax highlighting.

    • Features: Colorful display, auto-suggestions, easier scripting.

    • Example: Popular among new users and those who want interactive features.

Choosing a Shell

  • For Beginners: Bash or Fish, due to simplicity and wide availability.

  • For Advanced Users: Zsh or Ksh for more customization and scripting power.

    Linux File System Hierarchy :

  • / (Root): The top directory; everything starts here. All other directories are subdirectories of root.

Key Directories in the File System

  1. /bin: Essential command binaries for all users (e.g., ls, cp, mv).

    • Example: Commands you can run even when other directories aren't accessible.
  2. /boot: Contains files needed to start the system, like the Linux kernel and bootloader.

    • Example: The vmlinuz file, which is the Linux kernel.
  3. /dev: Contains device files, which represent hardware devices (e.g., disks, USB drives).

    • Example: sda represents the first hard drive.
  4. /etc: Configuration files for the system and applications.

    • Example: passwd file for user account settings.
  5. /home: Contains personal directories for each user.

    • Example: /home/safia is Safia's personal directory for files and settings.
  6. /lib: Libraries essential for system binaries in /bin and /sbin.

    • Example: Shared libraries, similar to .dll files in Windows.
  7. /media and /mnt: Temporary mount points for external drives or media.

    • Example: /media/usb where USB devices might be mounted.
  8. /opt: Optional software and packages installed manually.

    • Example: Used to store software not included by default, like custom programs.
  9. /proc: Virtual filesystem providing system information.

    • Example: /proc/cpuinfo for CPU details, /proc/meminfo for memory details.
  10. /root: The home directory for the root (administrator) user.

    • Example: Only accessible to the root user.
  11. /sbin: System binaries used by the root user for system maintenance (e.g., fsck, reboot).

    • Example: Commands restricted to system administrators.
  12. /srv: Data served by the system, such as web or FTP data.

    • Example: Used by web servers to store website data.
  13. /tmp: Temporary files, cleared on reboot.

    • Example: Used for temporary storage by applications.
  14. /usr: Contains user programs and utilities.

    • Subdirectories:

      • /usr/bin: General user commands.

      • /usr/local: Locally installed software not managed by the OS package manager.

  15. /var: Variable files, like logs, cache, and spool files.

    • Example: /var/log contains system logs, /var/tmp stores temporary files.

Basic Linux Commands

  1. ls - Lists files and directories.

    • Example: ls /home lists all files in the /home directory.
  2. cd - Changes the directory.

    • Example: cd /home/safia navigates to the safia directory.
  3. pwd - Displays the current directory path.

    • Example: pwd shows the full path of your current location.
  4. mkdir - Creates a new directory.

    • Example: mkdir projects creates a new folder named projects.
  5. rmdir - Removes an empty directory.

    • Example: rmdir old_folder deletes old_folder if it's empty.
  6. rm - Deletes files and directories.

    • Example: rm file.txt removes file.txt; rm -r folder removes folder and its contents.

File Handling Commands

  1. cp - Copies files or directories.

    • Example: cp file1.txt /backup/ copies file1.txt to the /backup directory.
  2. mv - Moves or renames files and directories.

    • Example: mv old_name.txt new_name.txt renames a file.
  3. cat - Displays file contents.

    • Example: cat file.txt shows the content of file.txt.
  4. nano / vim - Opens file in text editors.

    • Example: nano file.txt opens file.txt for editing in the nano editor.
  5. touch - Creates a new empty file.

    • Example: touch newfile.txt creates an empty file called newfile.txt.

System Monitoring Commands

  1. top - Shows real-time system processes.

    • Example: top displays active processes and resource usage.
  2. df - Checks disk space usage.

    • Example: df -h shows available and used disk space in a human-readable format.
  3. free - Displays available and used memory.

    • Example: free -h shows memory usage in a human-readable format.
  4. uptime - Shows how long the system has been running.

    • Example: uptime displays the system's uptime and load average.
  5. ps - Lists running processes.

    • Example: ps aux shows all running processes with detailed info.

File Permission Commands

  1. chmod - Changes file permissions.

    • Example: chmod 755 sets read, write, and execute permissions for the owner.
  2. chown - Changes file owner and group.

    • Example: chown user:group file.txt sets user as the owner of file.txt.

Networking Commands

  1. ping - Tests connectivity to another host.

    • Example: ping checks if Google is reachable.
  2. ifconfig - Displays or configures network interfaces.

    • Example: ifconfig shows IP and network configuration.
  3. wget - Downloads files from the internet.

System Management Commands

  1. sudo - Runs commands as a superuser.

    • Example: sudo apt update updates package lists on Debian-based systems.
  2. shutdown - Shuts down or restarts the system.

    • Example: shutdown now turns off the system immediately; shutdown -r now restarts it.
  3. reboot - Restarts the system.

    • Example: reboot immediately reboots the computer.

head and tail commands :

head Command

  • Purpose: Displays the first few lines of a file.

  • Default: Shows the first 10 lines if no number is specified.


  • Basic Syntax: head [options] [file]

Common Options:

  • -n NUM: Show the first NUM lines.

Practical Examples:

  • Show the first 10 lines of a file:

      head myfile.txt
  • Show the first 5 lines:

      head -n 5 myfile.txt

tail Command

  • Purpose: Displays the last few lines of a file.

  • Default: Shows the last 10 lines if no number is specified.


  • Basic Syntax: tail [options] [file]

Common Options:

  • -n NUM: Show the last NUM lines.

  • -f: Follow the file in real-time (useful for logs).

Practical Examples:

  • Show the last 10 lines of a file:

      tail myfile.txt
  • Show the last 5 lines:

      tail -n 5 myfile.txt
  • Follow a log file in real-time:

      tail -f /var/log/syslog

Installing Applications with apt

  • Install an Application:

    • Command: sudo apt-get install <app_name>

    • Example: To install Nginx:

        sudo apt-get install nginx
  • Update Package Index:

    • Command: sudo apt update

    • Purpose: Checks for the latest version of packages.

    • Example:

        sudo apt update
  • Upgrade Installed Packages:

    • Command: sudo apt upgrade

    • Purpose: Installs the latest versions of all installed packages.

    • Example:

        sudo apt upgrade

Checking Nginx Installation Directory

  • Check Nginx Files:

    • Command: cd /var/www/html

    • Purpose: Navigate to the default directory for web files served by Nginx.

Checking Linux Version

  • Command: lsb_release -a

  • Purpose: Displays detailed information about the Linux distribution.

  • Example:

      lsb_release -a

Booting Process

  • Definition: The booting process is the sequence of events that occurs when you turn on your computer until the operating system is fully loaded.

  • Steps:

    1. Power On: Press the power button.

    2. POST (Power-On Self Test): The system checks hardware components (RAM, CPU, etc.).

    3. Bootloader: The bootloader (like GRUB) loads the operating system.

    4. Kernel Loading: The OS kernel initializes the system and hardware.

    5. System Initialization: User-space processes and services start, leading to the login prompt.

Difference Between nmtui and nmcli

  • nmtui:

    • Type: Text User Interface (TUI).

    • Usage: Provides a graphical interface for managing network connections in the terminal.

    • Example: Run nmtui to open a menu-driven interface.

  • nmcli:

    • Type: Command-Line Interface (CLI).

    • Usage: Allows for managing network connections using command-line commands.

    • Example: Use nmcli d to show devices.

Difference Between | (Pipe) and &&

  • | (Pipe):

    • Function: Takes the output of one command and uses it as input for another command.

    • Example: ls | grep "txt" - Lists files and filters to show only .txt files.

  • &&:

    • Function: Executes the next command only if the previous command succeeded (returned a zero exit status).

    • Example: mkdir new_folder && cd new_folder - Creates a folder and changes into it only if the creation was successful.

What is a Server?

  • Definition: A server is a computer or system that provides resources, data, services, or programs to other computers, known as clients, over a network.

  • Types of Servers:

    • Web Server: Hosts websites and delivers web pages to users. (e.g., Apache, Nginx)

    • File Server: Stores and manages files for multiple users. (e.g., FTP servers)

    • Database Server: Provides database services and manages data storage. (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL)

    • Application Server: Hosts applications and allows users to access software remotely.

  • Functionality:

    • Receives requests from clients.

    • Processes those requests.

    • Sends back the appropriate responses or data.


  • When you access a website, your computer (client) sends a request to a web server, which processes the request and returns the website’s content to your browser.

What is SDLC?

  • Definition: The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a structured process used for developing software applications. It outlines the stages involved in software development from conception to deployment and maintenance.

Phases of SDLC:

  1. Requirement Gathering and Analysis:

    • Collect and analyze user requirements.

    • Document functional and non-functional requirements.

  2. Planning:

    • Define the project scope, resources, timeline, and budget.

    • Create a project plan.

  3. Design:

    • Create architectural and detailed design specifications.

    • Decide on technologies, system interfaces, and data structures.

  4. Implementation (Coding):

    • Write the actual code based on the design specifications.

    • Perform unit tests to ensure individual components work correctly.

  5. Testing:

    • Validate the complete system to ensure it meets requirements.

    • Identify and fix defects through various testing methods (e.g., integration, system, user acceptance testing).

  6. Deployment:

    • Release the software to the production environment.

    • Make it available for users.

  7. Maintenance:

    • Provide ongoing support and updates.

    • Fix any issues that arise after deployment.


  • If a company wants to develop a mobile app, they would follow the SDLC to ensure the app is built efficiently, meets user needs, and functions correctly.

What is the Waterfall Model?

  • Definition: The Waterfall Model is a linear and sequential approach to software development. Each phase must be completed before the next phase begins, resembling a waterfall flowing downwards through distinct stages.

Phases of the Waterfall Model:

  1. Requirement Analysis:

    • Gather and document all requirements from stakeholders.

    • Define what the software needs to accomplish.

  2. System Design:

    • Create a system architecture and design specifications based on requirements.

    • Plan system interfaces and data structures.

  3. Implementation (Coding):

    • Develop the software by writing code according to the design specifications.

    • Focus on individual components or modules.

  4. Integration and Testing:

    • Combine all modules and test the complete system for defects.

    • Ensure the software meets requirements through various testing methods.

  5. Deployment:

    • Release the software to users in a production environment.

    • Make the system available for real-world use.

  6. Maintenance:

    • Provide support and address any issues after deployment.

    • Implement updates or enhancements as necessary.


  • Linear Process: Each phase must be completed before moving to the next, making it easy to understand and manage.

  • Documentation: Emphasizes thorough documentation at each stage, which can aid in future maintenance.


  • Simple and easy to manage due to its structured approach.

  • Clearly defined stages make progress easy to track.


  • Inflexible to changes; difficult to go back to a previous phase once it's completed.

  • Late testing may lead to discovering issues late in the process, which can be costly to fix.


  • In a project to develop a banking application, requirements are gathered, the system is designed, coded, tested, deployed, and then maintained in a sequential manner.

What is the Agile Model?

  • Definition: Agile is a way to develop software in small, flexible steps, allowing teams to adapt to changes quickly.

Key Features:

  • Customer Feedback: Involve customers throughout the project to ensure their needs are met.

  • Short Cycles: Work is done in short periods called iterations or sprints (usually 2-4 weeks).

  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly check what works well and what can be improved.

Agile Steps:

  1. Planning: Decide what to build and list features.

  2. Development: Create the software in short bursts (sprints).

  3. Testing: Test features in the same sprint to catch issues early.

  4. Review: Show what has been built to customers and get feedback.

  5. Retrospective: Discuss what went well and what could be better for the next sprint.


  • Flexible: Can easily change based on customer needs.

  • Frequent Releases: Delivers working software often, keeping customers happy.

  • Team Collaboration: Encourages teamwork and communication.


  • If building a mobile app, the team works on one feature at a time, gets feedback, and adjusts plans based on that feedback.

User Management :

  • Definition: User management involves creating, modifying, and deleting user accounts and managing permissions and groups.

Key Commands for User Management:

  1. Add a New User:

    • Command: sudo adduser <username>

    • Description: Creates a new user account and prompts for a password and user information.

    • Example:

        sudo adduser safia
  2. Delete a User:

    • Command: sudo deluser <username>

    • Description: Removes a user account. Optionally, you can remove their home directory with --remove-home.

    • Example:

        sudo deluser safia
  3. Modify User Information:

    • Command: sudo usermod [options] <username>

    • Description: Modifies an existing user's properties, such as changing the username, home directory, or shell.

    • Example: Change a user's shell:

        sudo usermod -s /bin/bash safia
  4. Change User Password:

    • Command: passwd <username>

    • Description: Updates the password for a specified user.

    • Example:

        sudo passwd safia
  5. List All Users:

    • Command: cat /etc/passwd

    • Description: Displays a list of all user accounts on the system.

    • Example:

        cat /etc/passwd
  6. How to make a group :

    sudo groupadd <group_name>

  7. Check User Information:

    • Command: id <username>

    • Description: Shows the user ID (UID) and group ID (GID) of a user along with their groups.

    • Example:

        id safia
  8. Add User to a Group:

    • Command: sudo gpasswd -a <username> <groupname>

    • Description: Adds a user to a specified group.

    • Example:

        sudo gpasswd -a <username> <groupname>
  9. Delete a Group:

    • Command: sudo delgroup <groupname>

    • Description: Removes a specified group.

    • Example:

        sudo delgroup developers
  10. List Groups:

    • Command: cat /etc/group

    • Description: Displays a list of all groups on the system.

    • Example:

        cat /etc/group

Practical Example:

  • To add a new user named "safia," change her password, and then add her to the "sudo" group:

      sudo adduser safia
      sudo passwd safia
      sudo groupadd DevOps
      sudo gpasswd-a safia DevOps

File Permissions in Linux

  • Definition: File permissions control who can read, write, or execute a file or directory in Linux.

Types of Permissions:

  1. Read (r):

    • Allows the user to read the contents of a file or list the contents of a directory.
  2. Write (w):

    • Allows the user to modify the contents of a file or add/remove files in a directory.
  3. Execute (x):

    • Allows the user to execute a file (if it's a program or script) or access a directory.

User Types:

  1. Owner: The user who created the file.

  2. Group: A set of users that have shared permissions.

  3. Others: All other users on the system.

Viewing Permissions:

  • Command: ls -l

    • Description: Lists files and directories with detailed information, including permissions.

    • Example:

        ls -l
    • Output Example:

        -rwxr-xr-- 1 safia users  2048 Jan 01 10:00 example.txt
    • Breakdown of permissions:

      • - rwx r-x r--:

        • - (file type)

        • rwx (owner has read, write, execute)

        • r-x (group has read, execute)

        • r-- (others have read only)

Changing Permissions:

  • Command: chmod <permissions> <file>

    • Description: Changes the permissions of a file or directory.

    • Examples:

      • Numeric Mode:

        • Command: chmod 755 example.txt

        • Meaning: Owner can read, write, execute; group and others can read and execute.

      • Symbolic Mode:

        • Command: chmod u+x example.txt

        • Meaning: Adds execute permission for the owner (u for user).

Changing Ownership:

  • Command: chown <owner>:<group> <file>

    • Description: Changes the owner and/or group of a file or directory.

    • Example:

        sudo chown safia example.txt

Changing Group:

  • Command: chgrp <group> <file>

    • Description: Changes the group associated with a file.

    • Example:

        sudo chgrp users example.txt

Practical Example:

  • To give everyone read and execute permissions on a script named "":

      chmod a+rx

Numeric Mode in Linux File Permissions

  • Definition: Numeric mode uses numbers to set file permissions for the owner, group, and others.

Permission Values:

  • Read (r): 4

  • Write (w): 2

  • Execute (x): 1

Calculating Permissions:

  • Combine the values to set permissions for each user type:

    • Owner (u): First digit

    • Group (g): Second digit

    • Others (o): Third digit


  • No Permissions: 000

    • Owner, group, and others have no permissions.
  • Read Only for Owner: 400

    • Owner can read; group and others have no permissions.
  • Read and Write for Owner: 600

    • Owner can read and write; group and others have no permissions.
  • Read, Write, and Execute for Owner: 700

    • Owner can read, write, and execute; group and others have no permissions.
  • Read and Execute for Group: 750

    • Owner has read, write, execute; group has read and execute; others have no permissions.
  • Full Permissions for Owner, Read for Group and Others: 744

    • Owner has read, write, execute; group has read; others have read.

Setting Permissions Using Numeric Mode:

  • Command: chmod <numeric_mode> <file>

  • Example: To set full permissions for the owner and read/execute for group and others:

      chmod 755 example.txt

Breakdown of 755:

  • Owner (7): Read (4) + Write (2) + Execute (1) = 7

  • Group (5): Read (4) + Execute (1) = 5

  • Others (5): Read (4) + Execute (1) = 5

Practical Example:

  • To set read and write permissions for the owner, and read permissions for group and others:

      chmod 644 document.txt

What is SSH?

  • SSH: A secure way to connect to another computer over the internet.

Connecting to an AWS Ubuntu Server via SSH

Step 1: Create a Server on AWS

  • Launch an EC2 Instance:

    • Go to the AWS Management Console.

    • Navigate to EC2 and click on "Launch Instance."

    • Select "Ubuntu Server" from the list of AMIs (Amazon Machine Images).

    • Choose your instance type (e.g., t2.micro) and configure settings as needed.

    • Make sure to create or select a key pair (this is important for SSH access).

Step 2: Connect to the Server Using SSH

  1. Copy the SSH DNS:

    • After the instance is launched, go to the EC2 Dashboard.

    • Select your instance, and look for the "Public DNS (IPv4)" in the details.

    • It should look something like:

  2. Prepare Your Local Environment:

    • Open your terminal.

    • Change to the directory where your key file (the .pem file) is located:

        cd ~/Downloads
  3. Set Permissions for Your Key File:

    • Run the following command to restrict permissions on your key file (replace <key_name> with the name of your .pem file):

        chmod 400 <key_name>.pem
  4. Connect to Your Instance:

    • Use the SSH command to connect to your instance. Replace <username> with ubuntu (for Ubuntu servers) and <ssh_dns> with the DNS you copied earlier:

        ssh -i <key_name>.pem ubuntu@<ssh_dns>

Example Command Sequence:

# Step 2: Navigate to the Downloads directory
cd ~/Downloads

# Step 3: Set permissions for your key file
chmod 400 my-key.pem  # Replace 'my-key.pem' with your actual key file name

# Step 4: Connect to the AWS instance
ssh -i my-key.pem  # Replace with your actual DNS


  • Make sure that your security group allows SSH access (port 22) from your IP address.

  • If prompted about the authenticity of the host, type "yes" to continue.

Connecting Server A to Server B Using SSH Key Pair

Step 1: Generate SSH Key Pair on Server A

  1. Open Terminal on Server A:

    • This command generates a public and private key pair.

    • Press Enter to accept the default file location (usually ~/.ssh/id_rsa).

  2. Navigate to the SSH Directory:

     cd .ssh
  3. Copy the Public Key to Clipboard:

    • Copy the output of this command (the public key).

Step 2: Add Public Key to Server B

  1. Log in to Server B:

    • Use your normal login method (username/password or other).
  2. Navigate to the SSH Directory on Server B:

     cd .ssh
  3. Open the authorized_keys File:

    • If the file doesn’t exist, you can create it:

        touch authorized_keys
    • Open the file using vim or any text editor:

        vim authorized_keys
  4. Paste the Public Key:

    • Press i to enter insert mode in vim.

    • Paste the copied public key into the file.

    • Save and exit vim by pressing Esc and typing :wq.

Step 3: Connect from Server A to Server B

  1. Return to Server A:

    • Open your terminal on Server A.
  2. Connect to Server B Using SSH:

    • Use the private key to connect:
    ssh -i id_rsa ubuntu@<server_B_dns>
  • Replace <server_B_dns> with the DNS or IP address of Server B.

Example Command Sequence:

On Server A:

# Generate SSH Key Pair
ssh-keygen 8

# Navigate to SSH Directory
cd .ssh

# Copy Public Key to Clipboard

On Server B:

# Navigate to SSH Directory
cd .ssh

# Create authorized_keys if it doesn't exist
touch authorized_keys

# Open authorized_keys with vim
vim authorized_keys

# (Paste the public key here, then save and exit)

Back to Server A:

# Connect to Server B using the private key
ssh -i id_rsa ubuntu@<server_B_dns>


  • Ensure the permissions are set correctly:

    • The .ssh directory should be 700 and the authorized_keys file should be 600.
  • If you encounter any issues, check that the SSH service is running on both servers and that the firewall allows SSH connections.

Using SCP to Transfer a File from Local to Server

Step 1: Prepare the Server

  1. Connect to Your Server:

    • Use SSH to connect to your server:
    ssh -i <private_key_name> ubuntu@<server_dns>
  • Replace <private_key_name> with your private key file and <server_dns> with your server’s DNS or IP address.
  1. Create a Directory on the Server:

    • Run the following command to create a new directory:
    mkdir safia
  1. Navigate to the Directory:

    • Change into the new directory:
    cd safia
  1. Get the Current Path:

    • Use the following command to print the working directory:
  • This should display something like /home/ubuntu/safia. Note this path as you'll need it for the SCP command.
  1. Exit the Server:

    • Use the following command to exit back to your local system:

Step 2: Transfer the File from Local to Server

  1. Open Your Local Terminal:

    • Ensure you are in the directory where your file (e.g., sample.csv) is located.
  2. Use SCP to Copy the File:

    • Run the following command to transfer the file to the server:
    scp -i <private_key_name> sample.csv ubuntu@<server_dns>:/home/ubuntu/safia
  • Replace <private_key_name> with your private key, sample.csv with your actual file name, and <server_dns> with your server's DNS or IP address.

Example Command Sequence:

On the Server:

# Step 1: Connect to the server
ssh -i my-key.pem

# Create a directory named 'safia'
mkdir safia

# Change into the directory
cd safia

# Get the current path
pwd  # Should output something like /home/ubuntu/safia

# Exit back to the local system

On the Local System:

# Step 2: Transfer the file using SCP
scp -i my-key.pem sample.csv


  • Make sure the scp command is available on your local machine (it's usually included with SSH).

  • Ensure that your server's firewall allows incoming connections on port 22 (the default SSH/SCP port).

  • After executing the SCP command, you should see the progress of the file transfer. Once completed, the file sample.csv will be available in the /home/ubuntu/safia directory on your server.

Using SCP to Transfer a File from Server to Local

Step 1: Prepare the File on the Server

  1. Connect to Your Server:

    • Use SSH to connect to your server:
    ssh -i <private_key_name> ubuntu@<server_dns>
  • Replace <private_key_name> with your private key file and <server_dns> with your server’s DNS or IP address.
  1. Check for the File:

    • If the file you want to copy is already on the server, you can skip the next step.

    • If not, create a new file for practice:

    vim filename.txt
  • In vim, press i to enter insert mode and write some content in the file.

  • After writing, press Esc, type :wq, and hit Enter to save and exit.

  1. Confirm the File Exists:

    • Use the following command to list files and ensure filename.txt is created:
    ls -l
  1. Exit the Server:

    • Use the following command to exit back to your local system:

Step 2: Transfer the File from Server to Local

  1. Open Your Local Terminal:

    • Ensure you are in the directory where you want to save the file.
  2. Use SCP to Copy the File:

    • Run the following command to transfer the file from the server to your local machine:
    scp -i <private_key_name> ubuntu@<server_dns>:/home/ubuntu/filename.txt .
  • Replace <private_key_name> with your private key, and <server_dns> with your server's DNS or IP address.
  1. Verify the File Transfer:

    • Use the following command to list files and check if filename.txt is in your local directory:
    ls -l

Example Command Sequence:

On the Server:

# Step 1: Connect to the server
ssh -i my-key.pem

# Create a new file named 'filename.txt'
vim filename.txt

# (Write some content, then save and exit vim)

# Confirm the file exists
ls -l

# Exit back to the local system

On the Local System:

# Step 2: Transfer the file using SCP
scp -i my-key.pem .

# Verify the file transfer
ls -l


  • Ensure that the scp command is available on your local machine (it's usually included with SSH).

  • Make sure your server's firewall allows incoming connections on port 22 (the default SSH/SCP port).

  • After executing the SCP command, you should see the progress of the file transfer. Once completed, the file filename.txt will be available in your current local directory.

Updating and Upgrading with APT

1. Update Package List

  • This command refreshes the local package index with the latest available versions from the repositories:

      sudo apt update

2. Upgrade Installed Packages

  • This command upgrades all installed packages to their latest versions without removing any packages:

      sudo apt upgrade

3. Full Upgrade (optional)

  • This command intelligently handles changing dependencies and will remove obsolete packages if necessary:

      sudo apt full-upgrade

Example Command Sequence:

# Update package list
sudo apt update

# Upgrade installed packages
sudo apt upgrade

# Full upgrade (optional)
sudo apt full-upgrade

Managing Services with systemctl

1. Check Status of a Service

  • To check the status of a specific service (e.g., nginx):

      sudo systemctl status nginx

2. Start a Service

  • To start a service:

      sudo systemctl start nginx

3. Stop a Service

  • To stop a service:

      sudo systemctl stop nginx

4. Restart a Service

  • To restart a service:

      sudo systemctl restart nginx

5. Enable a Service at Boot

  • To enable a service to start on boot:

      sudo systemctl enable nginx

6. Disable a Service at Boot

  • To disable a service from starting at boot:

      sudo systemctl disable nginx

Example Command Sequence for Systemctl:

# Check the status of nginx
sudo systemctl status nginx

# Start the nginx service
sudo systemctl start nginx

# Stop the nginx service
sudo systemctl stop nginx

# Restart the nginx service
sudo systemctl restart nginx

# Enable nginx to start on boot
sudo systemctl enable nginx

# Disable nginx from starting on boot
sudo systemctl disable nginx


  • Always ensure to run update and upgrade commands periodically to keep your system secure and up to date.

  • Use systemctl to manage services efficiently, which is important for maintaining server applications and services.

Differences Between sudo apt and sudo apt-get

Featuresudo aptsudo apt-get
User InterfaceUser-friendly, more readable outputMore command-line oriented, less user-friendly
FeaturesCombines functionalities of apt-get and apt-cacheProvides basic package management commands
Commands AvailableIncludes commands like apt update, apt upgrade, apt install, etc.Includes commands like apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, apt-get install, etc.
Progress BarDisplays a progress bar for operationsNo progress bar; only displays text output
Package ManagementRecommended for interactive use, simpler for usersRecommended for scripting and advanced usage
CompatibilityCompatible with most commands from apt-getA long-standing tool; widely used in scripts

Key Points:

  • Usage: While both commands can be used for package management, sudo apt is designed to be more user-friendly for interactive use, whereas sudo apt-get is better suited for scripts and automated tasks.

  • Recommendation: For everyday use, sudo apt is recommended because of its simplicity and additional features. For scripting or advanced usage, sudo apt-get remains a powerful tool.

Example Commands:

  • Using apt:

      sudo apt update        # Update package list
      sudo apt upgrade       # Upgrade installed packages
      sudo apt install <package_name>  # Install a package
  • Using apt-get:

      sudo apt-get update        # Update package list
      sudo apt-get upgrade       # Upgrade installed packages
      sudo apt-get install <package_name>  # Install a package

Both commands ultimately achieve similar goals but do so with different levels of user interaction and output.

The purge command in the context of APT (Advanced Package Tool) is used to completely remove a package from your system, including its configuration files. Here’s a concise overview:

Using apt purge

What Does It Do?

  • The purge command removes the specified package along with any configuration files that may have been created during its installation.

  • This is different from remove, which only removes the package but keeps its configuration files.

Basic Syntax

sudo apt purge <package_name>

Example Command

  • To purge a package, for example, nginx, you would run:
sudo apt purge nginx

Steps to Use apt purge

  1. Open Terminal: Access your terminal.

  2. Run the Purge Command:

     sudo apt purge <package_name>
  3. Confirm Removal: Follow any prompts to confirm the removal.

  4. Clean Up Unused Dependencies (optional):

    • After purging, you can remove any unused dependencies with:
    sudo apt autoremove


  • Use purge when you want to ensure that no traces of the package, including configuration files, remain on your system.

  • This is particularly useful when you are troubleshooting or reinstalling software and want a clean state.

    grep :

  • The grep command in Linux is used to search for specific patterns or text within files. It’s very powerful for finding information in large files or across multiple files.

    What Does It Do?

    • grep searches for a specified string or pattern within files and outputs the matching lines.

    • It’s case-sensitive by default but can be made case-insensitive with options.

Basic Syntax

    grep [options] "pattern" filename


  1. Search for a Specific Word in a File

     grep "word" filename.txt
    • This finds and displays all lines containing "word" in filename.txt.
  2. Case-Insensitive Search

     grep -i "word" filename.txt
    • The -i option makes the search case-insensitive, so it matches "word", "Word", "WORD", etc.
  3. Search Across Multiple Files

     grep "word" *.txt
    • Searches for "word" in all .txt files in the current directory.
  4. Display Line Numbers

     grep -n "word" filename.txt
    • The -n option shows line numbers for each matching line.
  5. Recursive Search in Directories

     grep -r "word" /path/to/directory
    • The -r option searches for "word" recursively through all files in the specified directory.
  6. Inverted Search (Exclude Matching Lines)

     grep -v "word" filename.txt
    • The -v option inverts the search, displaying lines that do not contain "word".

Example Commands Summary

    grep "pattern" filename.txt         # Basic search for "pattern" in a file
    grep -i "pattern" filename.txt      # Case-insensitive search
    grep -n "pattern" filename.txt      # Show line numbers with results
    grep -r "pattern" /path/to/dir      # Recursive search in a directory
    grep -v "pattern" filename.txt      # Exclude lines containing "pattern"

Practical Example

Suppose you have a file named log.txt and want to find all entries that mention "error" (case-insensitive) and see the line numbers:

    grep -i -n "error" log.txt


  • grep is an essential tool for log analysis, finding specific data in files, and filtering outputs.

  • You can combine grep with other commands or use it in scripts for more complex searches.

awk :

  • The awk command in Linux is a powerful text-processing tool used for pattern scanning, data extraction, and manipulation of file contents. It processes each line of input text and applies specified actions to the parts that match given patterns.

    What Does It Do?

    • awk reads text line-by-line, splits each line into fields based on a delimiter (default is whitespace), and allows you to perform actions on each line or field.

    • Commonly used for filtering text, extracting columns, and performing calculations.

Basic Syntax

    awk 'pattern { action }' filename


  1. Print Specific Columns

     awk '{ print $1 }' filename.txt
    • Prints the first column ($1) of each line in filename.txt.

    • $1, $2, etc., represent columns. $0 represents the entire line.

  2. Filter and Print Columns Based on Pattern

     awk '/pattern/ { print $1, $3 }' filename.txt
    • Searches for lines containing "pattern" and prints the first and third columns.
  3. Use a Different Field Separator

     awk -F ":" '{ print $1 }' /etc/passwd
    • The -F ":" option sets : as the field separator. This example prints the first field in each line of /etc/passwd.
  4. Perform Calculations

     awk '{ print $1, $2 * $3 }' filename.txt
    • Multiplies the second and third columns for each line and prints the first column followed by the result.
  5. Print Line Numbers with Lines

     awk '{ print NR, $0 }' filename.txt
    • NR is the line number. This prints each line with its line number.

Example Commands Summary

    awk '{ print $1 }' filename.txt                 # Print first column
    awk '/pattern/ { print $1, $2 }' filename.txt   # Filter lines with "pattern" and print columns 1 and 2
    awk -F "," '{ print $1, $2 }' filename.csv      # Use comma as delimiter in CSV file
    awk '{ print NR, $0 }' filename.txt             # Print line numbers with lines
    awk '{ print $1, $2 + $3 }' filename.txt        # Add columns 2 and 3, print with column 1

Practical Example

Suppose you have a file data.txt with this content:

    safia 90 85
    puja 78 95
    naziya 88 82

To calculate and print the total score for each person:

    awk '{ print $1, $2 + $3 }' data.txt


    safia 175
    puja 173
    naziya 170


  • awk is ideal for data extraction and manipulation, especially in structured text.

  • You can combine awk with other commands for advanced data processing.

sed :

  • The sed (Stream Editor) command in Linux is a powerful tool for performing text transformations, such as find and replace, deleting lines, or inserting text in files. It processes text line-by-line, applying specified operations.

    What Does It Do?

    • sed reads each line of input and performs specified actions like substituting text, deleting lines, or inserting text.

    • It’s often used for quick, inline text manipulations.

Basic Syntax

    sed 'command' filename

Examples of sed Commands

  1. Substitute Text (Find and Replace)

     sed 's/oldtext/newtext/' filename.txt
    • Replaces the first occurrence of "oldtext" with "newtext" in each line.

    • To replace all occurrences on each line, add the g flag:

        sed 's/oldtext/newtext/g' filename.txt
  2. Replace Text in Place (Directly Modify the File)

     sed -i 's/oldtext/newtext/g' filename.txt
    • The -i option modifies the file directly without needing to save it to a new file.
  3. Delete Specific Lines

     sed '3d' filename.txt
    • Deletes the third line of filename.txt.

    • To delete a range of lines, specify the range:

        sed '2,4d' filename.txt
      • This deletes lines 2 to 4.
  4. Print Only Matching Lines

     sed -n '/pattern/p' filename.txt
    • The -n option suppresses default output, so only lines containing "pattern" are printed.
  5. Insert Text Before a Line

     sed '3i\New line of text' filename.txt
    • Inserts "New line of text" before line 3.
  6. Replace Only Lines That Match a Pattern

     sed '/pattern/s/oldtext/newtext/' filename.txt
    • Replaces "oldtext" with "newtext" only on lines that contain "pattern".

Example Commands Summary

    sed 's/old/new/' filename.txt                # Replace first occurrence of "old" with "new" per line
    sed 's/old/new/g' filename.txt               # Replace all occurrences of "old" with "new" per line
    sed -i 's/old/new/g' filename.txt            # Replace "old" with "new" in file directly
    sed '3d' filename.txt                        # Delete the third line
    sed '2,4d' filename.txt                      # Delete lines 2 to 4
    sed -n '/pattern/p' filename.txt             # Print only lines with "pattern"
    sed '3i\Inserted line' filename.txt          # Insert text before line 3
    sed '/pattern/s/old/new/' filename.txt       # Replace "old" with "new" only on lines containing "pattern"

Practical Example

Suppose you have a file greetings.txt:

    Hello World
    Hello Universe
    Goodbye World

To replace "Hello" with "Hi" on lines containing "World":

    sed '/World/s/Hello/Hi/' greetings.txt


    Hi World
    Hello Universe
    Goodbye World

Final Notes

  • sed is particularly useful for batch editing text files, such as log files or configuration files.

  • Remember to use -i cautiously, as it edits files directly.

Difference between Sed and Awk

  • sed and grep are both text-processing commands in Linux, but they serve different purposes.

    1. Purpose

    • grep: Primarily used for searching text. It looks for lines that match a specific pattern or string and outputs those matching lines.

    • sed: Primarily used for editing text. It’s a stream editor that can substitute, delete, insert, or transform text in files.

2. Basic Usage

  • grep Example: To find lines containing the word "error" in a file:

      grep "error" filename.txt
    • This will print lines containing "error" without modifying the original file.
  • sed Example: To replace the word "error" with "warning" in a file:

      sed 's/error/warning/g' filename.txt
    • This will replace "error" with "warning" in each line where it appears (without changing the file unless -i is added).

3. Main Functions

  • grep:

    • Searches for specific text patterns.

    • Displays only lines that match the pattern.

    • Useful for filtering data based on specific keywords.

  • sed:

    • Edits text (like replace, delete, or insert).

    • Can modify files directly if used with -i (in-place).

    • Useful for making quick text transformations, like find and replace across multiple lines.

4. Common Flags

  • grep:

    • -i: Case-insensitive search.

    • -v: Invert match (show lines that do NOT match the pattern).

    • -n: Show line numbers for matching lines.

  • sed:

    • -i: Edit file in-place (modifies the original file).

    • s: Substitution (replace text).

    • /pattern/d: Delete lines matching a pattern.

5. Practical Comparison Example

Suppose you have a file log.txt with the following lines:

    Error: File not found
    Warning: Disk space low
    Info: Operation successful
    Error: Network timeout
  • Using grep to Find Lines with "Error":

      grep "Error" log.txt


      Error: File not found
      Error: Network timeout
  • Using sed to Replace "Error" with "Alert":

      sed 's/Error/Alert/g' log.txt


      Alert: File not found
      Warning: Disk space low
      Info: Operation successful
      Alert: Network timeout

Summary Table

PurposeSearch/filter linesEdit/transform text
Primary FunctionPattern matching and displayText substitution, deletion, insertion
Modifies FileNoYes (with -i flag)
Typical Use CaseFind lines containing specific textFind and replace, delete, or insert text
Examplegrep "word" filenamesed 's/old/new/g' filename


  • The find command in Linux is a powerful tool used to search for files and directories in a specified directory hierarchy. It allows you to locate files based on various criteria such as name, type, size, modified date, and permissions.

    Basic Syntax

      find [path] [options] [expression]
    • path: Starting directory for the search (e.g., /home, . for the current directory).

    • options: Specifies search criteria (e.g., -name, -type).

    • expression: What you want to find or do with the results.

Examples of find Commands

  1. Find Files by Name

     find /path/to/search -name "filename"
    • Searches for files named "filename" in the specified directory.
  2. Find Files by Partial Name (Case-Insensitive)

     find /path/to/search -iname "filename"
    • -iname makes the search case-insensitive, so it finds "filename", "FileName", etc.
  3. Find Files by Extension

     find /path/to/search -name "*.txt"
    • Finds all .txt files in the directory and subdirectories.
  4. Find Files by Type

    • Regular files:

        find /path/to/search -type f
    • Directories:

        find /path/to/search -type d
    • Finds files (-type f) or directories (-type d).

  5. Find Files by Size

     find /path/to/search -size +50M
    • Finds files larger than 50 MB.

    • Common size suffixes: k (KB), M (MB), G (GB).

  6. Find Files Modified in the Last X Days

     find /path/to/search -mtime -7
    • Finds files modified in the last 7 days.

    • -mtime +7 finds files modified more than 7 days ago.

  7. Find Files by Permissions

     find /path/to/search -perm 755
    • Finds files with the exact permission 755.
  8. Find and Execute a Command on Each File

     find /path/to/search -name "*.log" -exec rm {} \;
    • Finds all .log files and deletes them using rm.

    • {} is a placeholder for each found file, and \; ends the command.

Practical Examples

  1. Find All .conf Files in /etc Directory

     find /etc -name "*.conf"
    • Lists all configuration files in /etc.
  2. Find and List Large Files

     find / -type f -size +1G
    • Finds files larger than 1 GB on the entire system.
  3. Find Recently Created or Modified Files

     find . -type f -ctime -1
    • Finds files created or changed within the last 24 hours in the current directory.
  4. Find Empty Directories

     find /path/to/search -type d -empty
    • Finds all empty directories.

Summary Table

TaskCommand Example
Find files by namefind /path -name "filename"
Find files by extensionfind /path -name "*.ext"
Find directories onlyfind /path -type d
Find large filesfind /path -size +100M
Find modified files (last X days)find /path -mtime -X
Find files by permissionfind /path -perm 755
Find and delete filesfind /path -name "*.tmp" -exec rm {} \;


  • . indicates the current directory.

  • -exec is very useful for actions like moving, copying, or deleting files automatically.

  • Combine find with other commands (e.g., grep, xargs) for advanced searches.

Differences between find and grep Command

find and grep are both Linux commands used for searching, but they serve different purposes and are suited to different types of tasks. Here’s a breakdown of their differences:

1. Purpose

  • find: Used to search for files and directories within a directory structure based on criteria like name, size, type, permissions, or modification date.

  • grep: Used to search within files for specific text patterns. It reads the content of files and prints lines that match the specified pattern.

  • find: Works at the file system level. It searches for files and directories but does not look inside the contents of files.

  • grep: Works at the text/content level. It searches within files to find lines that match the given pattern.

3. Typical Use Cases

  • find:

    • Locating files or directories based on attributes like name, size, or permissions.

    • Searching for files modified within a specific timeframe.

    • Running commands on files found (e.g., deleting old files, changing permissions).

  • grep:

    • Finding occurrences of a particular word or phrase within a file.

    • Filtering output to show only lines containing specific patterns.

    • Searching for patterns in logs, configurations, or text files.

4. Basic Usage

  • find: Searches for files and directories.

      find /path/to/search -name "filename"
    • Finds files named "filename" in the specified directory and subdirectories.
  • grep: Searches within files for text patterns.

      grep "pattern" filename.txt
    • Finds lines containing "pattern" within filename.txt.

5. Practical Comparison Example

Suppose you have a directory with multiple files, and you want to locate a specific file and search for a keyword within it.

  • Using find to Locate the File by Name:

      find /directory -name "target_file.txt"
    • Finds target_file.txt within /directory.
  • Using grep to Search for a Pattern in a File:

      grep "keyword" target_file.txt
    • Searches within target_file.txt for lines containing "keyword".

6. Combination of find and grep

You can use both commands together to find files and search within them:

    find /path -name "*.log" -exec grep "error" {} \;
  • Finds all .log files in /path and searches each for the term "error".

Summary Table

PurposeSearch for files and directoriesSearch within file content
ScopeFile and directory names, paths, propertiesText or patterns within file content
Primary Use CaseLocating files by attributesFinding lines with specific text patterns
Can Modify FilesYes (with -exec option)No (read-only)
Examplefind /path -name "*.txt"grep "text" filename.txt


  • Use find when you need to locate files or directories.

  • Use grep when you need to search for specific text within files.

Mounting a Volume (Basic Storage Device) :

Step 1:

  • Attach EBS Volume to EC2 Instance

    1. Open EC2 Dashboard: Go to EC2 Dashboard in AWS and select Instances.

    2. Navigate to Elastic Block Store:

      • In the left panel, click on Elastic Block Store > Volumes.

      • Choose an Available Volume. Make sure it’s in the same Availability Zone as your EC2 instance.

    3. Attach Volume:

      • Select the volume, click Actions > Attach Volume.

      • Select your EC2 instance from the dropdown list and specify the device name (usually /dev/xvdf or similar).

      • Click Attach to link the volume to your EC2 instance.

Step 2:

Format and Mount the Volume on EC2

  1. Log in to Your EC2 Instance:

    • Use SSH to connect to your EC2 instance.
  2. Format the Volume:

    • Format the attached volume as an ext4 file system.

    • mkfs - make a file system

    • -t - type

    • ext4 - external file system

        sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/xvdf
    • List block storage devices to verify the device.

  3. Create a Mount Directory:

    • Switch to root and create a directory to mount the volume.

        sudo su
        mkdir /mnt/new_volume
  4. Mount the Volume:

    • Mount the volume to the newly created directory.

        mount /dev/xvdf /mnt/new_volume
  5. Verify the Mount:

    • Use df -h to check if the volume is mounted successfully.

        df -h
    • You should see /dev/xvdf mounted at /mnt/new_volume.

Optional: Make Mount Persistent

To ensure the volume mounts automatically on reboot, add it to the /etc/fstab file.

  1. Get the UUID of the Volume:

     sudo blkid /dev/xvdf
  2. Edit the fstab File:

     sudo vim /etc/fstab
  3. Add an Entry:

    • Add the following line (replace UUID=xxxx-xxxx with your actual UUID):

        UUID=xxxx-xxxx /mnt/new_volume ext4 defaults,nofail 0 2

Now your EBS volume is set up and will persist through reboots.

Physical VS volumes group VS logical volumes in linux :

In Linux, Logical Volume Manager (LVM) provides a flexible way to manage disk storage. With LVM, you can create Physical Volumes (PVs), group them into Volume Groups (VGs), and divide them into Logical Volumes (LVs) that you can resize or manage dynamically. Here’s a breakdown of each component and the steps for using LVM.

Components of LVM

  1. Physical Volume (PV):

    • Represents actual physical storage devices (e.g., disks or partitions) in LVM.

    • Example: /dev/xvdf, /dev/xvdg, /dev/xvdh in AWS.

  2. Volume Group (VG):

    • Combines multiple physical volumes into a single storage pool.

    • Provides more flexibility, as the space can be allocated dynamically to logical volumes.

  3. Logical Volume (LV):

    • Created within a volume group and acts as a usable partition.

    • LVs can be resized easily, unlike traditional partitions.

    • You can mount LVs to directories like a typical filesystem.

  4. LVM (Logical Volume Manager):

    • A tool to manage PVs, VGs, and LVs, making it easier to handle dynamic storage requirements.

Steps for Setting Up LVM with AWS Volumes

Step 1: Create and Attach Volumes in AWS

  1. Go to your EC2 Dashboard in AWS.

  2. In Elastic Block Store, create and attach three volumes (e.g., /dev/xvdf, /dev/xvdg, /dev/xvdh) to your EC2 instance.

Step 2: Set Up LVM in Linux

  1. Switch to Root User:

     sudo su
  2. Create Physical Volumes:

    • Initialize the attached volumes for LVM.
        pvcreate /dev/xvdf /dev/xvdg /dev/xvdh
  • Check the list of physical volumes:
  1. Create a Volume Group:

    • Combine the physical volumes into a single volume group.
        vgcreate tws_vg /dev/xvdf /dev/xvdg /dev/xvdh
  • List all volume groups:
  1. Create a Logical Volume:

    • Allocate space for a logical volume (e.g., 10 GB) within the volume group.

    • if you Adding Volume With an existing volume (optional)

        lvcreate -L 10G -n tws_lv tws_vg
        lvextend -L +5G /dev/tws_vg/tws_lv
  1. Display Volume Information:

    • To view detailed information for each component:

      • Physical Volumes:

      • Volume Groups:

      • Logical Volumes:


Step 3: Format and Mount the Logical Volume

  1. Format the Logical Volume:

     mkfs.ext4 /dev/tws_vg/tws_lv
  2. Create a Mount Point and Mount the LV:

     mkdir /mnt/tws_volume
     mount /dev/tws_vg/tws_lv /mnt/tws_volume
  3. Verify the Mount:

     df -h
    • This will display the mounted logical volume and its storage details.

Summary Table

TaskCommand Example
Create Physical Volumespvcreate /dev/xvdf /dev/xvdg /dev/xvdh
List Physical Volumespvs
Create Volume Groupvgcreate tws_vg /dev/xvdf /dev/xvdg /dev/xvdh
List Volume Groupsvgs
Create Logical Volumelvcreate -L 10G -n tws_lv tws_vg
Display Volume Info (PV)pvdisplay
Display Volume Info (VG)vgdisplay
Display Volume Info (LV)lvdisplay
Format Logical Volumemkfs.ext4 /dev/tws_vg/tws_lv
Mount Logical Volumemount /dev/tws_vg/tws_lv /mnt/tws_volume
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Hi! My name is Safia Khatoon. I am complete my Bachelors in Technology from RTC Institute Of Technology. My specialisation in Computer Science and Engineering.I love contributing to Open Source with the help of the skills I gain. Also, I'm working on my YouTube Channel as well where I teach about DevOps tools and make technical content. You can have a look at it through my profile. Feel free to reach out to me! I'd be happy to connect with you.