Using Lasso Model to Predict Chess game Outcome in R

Origin of Chess Game

The Ancient Roots

Did You Know?

The longest recorded chess game lasted 269 moves and took 20 hours and 15 minutes to complete.

The origins of chess can be traced back to ancient India, around the 6th century AD. It evolved from a game called Chaturanga, which translates to "four divisions" - a reference to the four components of the Indian military: infantry, cavalry, elephants, and chariots. These components were represented by the pawn, knight, bishop, and rook, respectively.

Over centuries, Chaturanga spread to Persia, where it transformed into Shatranj. The game further evolved as it traveled through the Arab world and eventually reached Europe in the 10th century. The modern rules of chess, including the queen's increased power, emerged during the 15th century.

The Art of Opening (Opening_eco)

The opening phase of a chess game is crucial, as it sets the stage for the middle game and endgame. Chess players spend countless hours studying and practicing various openings, seeking to gain an advantage over their opponents.

An opening is a sequence of moves played at the beginning of a chess game. There are numerous openings, each with its own distinct characteristics and strategies. Some of the most popular openings include:

  • The Ruy Lopez C60: A classic opening characterized by the moves e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5.

  • The Sicilian Defense B20: A sharp and tactical opening, often leading to complex and dynamic positions.

  • The Queen's Gambit D06: The Queen’s Gambit is the most popular chess opening starting with 1.d4. It begins with the moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4..

  • The King's Indian Defense E60: Looking for a proven and sound way to play for the win against the Queen’s Gambit from move 1? Then the King's Indian Defense (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6) is the chess opening you are looking for

By understanding the nuances of different openings, players can gain a significant advantage in the early stages of the game. However, it's important to remember that opening theory is just one aspect of chess. Tactical skill, strategic thinking, and positional understanding are equally important for success.

Did you know?

The current world chess champion is a computer program called Stockfish. It can calculate billions of positions per second.

What is Lasso Regression?

Lasso regression is a type of linear regression model that include a regularization technique called L1 regularization. This technique adds a penalty term to the loss function, which encourages the model to shrink the coefficients of less important features towards zero. As a result, Lasso regression can perform feature selection automatically and prevent overfitting especially when dealing with high dimensional dataset.The regression cannot handle categorical and non-numeric variables as our independent variable so we convert the categorical data to dummy variables.

To use the Lasso Regression in R, we make use of the multinom_reg() function in the tidymodels package and specify our model parameters.The parameter “mixture = 1” specify that we want to use Lasso Regression from the function and also we would tune the penalty because of the hyperparameter.

Further explaination would be made about how to tune Lasso Model in the Case Study

Did you know?

Lasso Regression model can be used for both regression and classification problems

We can use the multinom_reg() function to compute the Lasso regression model when the mixture = 1

```{r Model Specification}
chess_mod <- 
  multinom_reg(penalty = tune(),
             mixture = 1) |> 
  set_engine("glmnet") |> 


Advantages of Lasso Regression Model

  1. Feature Selection

    Lasso regression identifies and select the most relevant features from a large pool of potential predictors and is easier to interprete and less prone to overfitting

  2. Interpretability

    Lasso models often result in sparse solutions and this makes it easier to understand the underlying relationship between the feature and the target variable

  3. Handling High-Dimensional Data

    Lasso regression can handle large datasets with a large number of features, even when the number of features exceeds the number of observations. Lasso model also reduces the computational cost of model training and Prediction

  4. Regularization

    The L1 Regularization helps to prevent overfitting by shrinking the coefficient of less important features towards 0.

Metrics of Evaluating the Lasso Regression Model

There are various metrics to evaluate the Lasso Regression Model when we have to solve a regression model such as MAE,RSQUARED,MSE, e.t.c. and when used for classification problems have some merics we use to evaluate the model such as Accuracy,Brier_class,ROC_AUC, e.t.c.

We would focus on three metrics we use to evaluate the model in R to better understand the case study at the end of this article

  1. Brier class

    While the Brier score is primarily used for probabilistic predictions, especially in binary classification, it can be adapted to evaluate the performance of Lasso regression models, particularly when the target variable is binary

    • The Brier score measures the mean squared difference between the predicted probability and the actual outcome (0 or 1).

    • A lower Brier score indicates better model performance

  2. ROC-AUC

    While Lasso regression is primarily a regression technique, it can be adapted for binary classification by setting a threshold on the predicted probabilities. Once you have probability predictions, you can calculate the ROC-AUC to evaluate the model's performance.

  3. Mean Squared Error (MSE)

    MSE is a common metric used to evaluate the performance of regression models, including Lasso regression. It measures the average squared difference between the predicted and actual values. A lower MSE indicates a better-fitting model.

What is Weighted Log Odds

Have you been in a situation where you have to chose from varieties of options then you considered the odds of chosing the right and best options?

Odds are simply a way to express the probability of an event occurring.

Odds are a way to express the probability of an event occurring. They represent the ratio of the probability of the event happening to the probability of it not happening.

For example:

  • If the odds of an event are 3 to 1, it means that the event is 3 times more likely to happen than not happen.

  • If the odds are 1 to 2, it means the event is 2 times more likely not to happen than to happen.

Did you know?

While odds and probability are related, they are not the same.

Odds vs. Probability:

While odds and probability are related, they are not the same. Probability is a number between 0 and 1, representing the likelihood of an event. Odds, on the other hand, are a ratio of probabilities.

Log odds is simply taking the log of the event occuring or not occuring.

We can compute log odds in R using the bind_log_odds() function in the tidylo package in R
chess |> 
  count(opening_eco,winner) |> 
  bind_log_odds(winner, opening_eco,n)

Interpretation of the result of bind_log_odds()
The result of the log odds is telling us the odds for which the opening_eco drives the data into black winning, white winning or draw

We can also Plot the Graph of the top opening_eco that has the biggest odds for the occurence of the winning event

Interpretation of the Plot
From the diagram above,we can see how the top opening_eco moved the game towards the winning direction of the players. We would discuss more of this in the case study.

Case Study - A Lasso Regression Model to Predict the Outcome of a Chess Game

About the Data

This Data is gotten from Lichess from Kaggle and it has over 20,000 games collected from a selection of users on the site with the following variables

  • Game ID;

  • Rated (T/F);

  • Start Time;

  • End Time;

  • Number of Turns;

  • Game Status;

  • Winner;

  • Time Increment;

  • White Player ID;

  • White Player Rating;

  • Black Player ID;

  • Black Player Rating;

  • All Moves in Standard Chess Notation;

  • Opening Eco (Standardised Code for any given opening, list here);

  • Opening Name;

  • Opening Ply (Number of moves in the opening phase)

Now Lets Draw Some Insight from the Dataset using R

#Loading Necessary Libraries

#Reading in the Dataset
chess <- read_csv("Chess Project/chess.csv")


Let’s go do some Exploratory Data Analysis

#Does the Player Rating affect the outcome of  the game?
chess |> 
  select(white_rating,black_rating,winner) |> 
  pivot_longer(-winner) |> 
  ggplot(aes(value,fill = name)) +
  geom_histogram(alpha = 0.6, position = "identity") +
  facet_wrap(vars(winner)) +
    x = "Ratings",
    y = "Count",
    fill = NULL 

Winner Outcome and Players Ratings
We can Observe that the rating for the black and white doesn't affect the outcome of the game i.e Either Black wins or White wins. As we have seen in the plot, When the white rating was at it peak, the black dominated the game and when the black rating was at it peak, the white dominated the game and we see that the draw also showed a no strong breakout as both white and black has a fair amount of equal rating, Does the player rating really not affect the game as we are seeing from the histogram? Lets observe that better plotting the Black and white Ratings against eachother

Does the Player rating not really affect the Outcome of the game?

chess |> 
  ggplot(aes(white_rating,black_rating, color = winner)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.6) +
    title = "Black Rating vs White Rating",
    color = "is winner?",
    y = "Black Rating",
    x = "White Rating"
  ) +
    plot.title = element_text(
      hjust = 0.5,
      size = 16,
      face = "bold",
      color = "gray20"

Black Rating vs White Rating Plot Interpretation
We can see from here that at the peak of both player ratings, the outcome was fairly distributed but we can also observe that the rating really does affect the outcome of the game to some extent, we see that when the Black Rating was above 2500, the winner was always black and likewise for White also. There are some circumstances where the Rating compared to the opponent was Low but the Player still won. We would see the variable importance of this two variables when we have fitted out model to predict the outcome

Now Let’s Look at the log odds and how it can help us understand out data more accutately and see which opening eco decided the outcome of the game

chess |> 
  count(opening_eco,winner) |> 
  bind_log_odds(winner, opening_eco,n)

Weighted Log Odds Interpretation
Now we can see how much these opening eco affected the outcome(winner) of the game, e.g The odds of black winning when the opening eco is A00 is 2.07 and also the odds of white winning when the opening eco is A00 is -3.00 ao we can see from this very practical example how the weighted log odds has helped us understand how the game can be affected with each opening ecos. We would also explore more of this when we are modeling our lasso regression model.

Now let’s take the top 15 opening ecos and see how they affected the outcome

chess |> 
  count(opening_eco,winner) |> 
  bind_log_odds(winner, opening_eco,n) |> 
  group_by(winner) |> 
  slice_max(log_odds_weighted, n = 5) |> 
  ggplot(aes(log_odds_weighted,fct_reorder(opening_eco,log_odds_weighted),fill = winner)) +
  geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
  facet_wrap(vars(winner),scales = "free") +
    x = "Weighted Log Odds",
    y = NULL

Weighted Log Odds Plot Interpretation
From the plot above, we can see that the top 3 opening ecos that moved the outcome to black are C22,A52, and B43. And also the top 3 opening eco that moved the outcome to white are A41,B17 and D21. We can also see that the top 3 opening ecos that moved the outcome to be draw are A04,D56 and C92. We can go into more strategic explaination of this by studying these opening ecos and see how one opening eco(King’s Indian Defense E06) can defend against another opening eco(Queen’s Gambit D06). You can read more about this in the link here

Lets Proceed to Modeling our Data using Lasso Regression for Classification

# Wespend our data budget here by splitting our data into testing and trainins sets
index <- chess |> 
  mutate(victory_status = as_factor(victory_status),
         wwinner = as_factor(winner)) |> 
  initial_split(strata = winner)

chess_train <- training(index)
chess_test <- testing(index)
#Creating some Resampling Folds for Validation

chess_folds <- vfold_cv(chess_train, strata = winner)

#Create a Recipe for the Data Preprocessing
chess_rec <- 
  recipe(winner ~  victory_status + white_rating + black_rating + opening_eco + opening_name + moves, data = chess_train) |> 
  update_role(opening_name, new_role = "id") |> 
  step_normalize(all_numeric()) |> 
  step_tokenize(moves) |> # To split out moves into separate observations
  step_tokenfilter(moves, max_tokens = 100) |> 
  step_tfidf(moves) |> 

chess_rec |> prep() |> bake(new_data = NULL)
#Create the lasso Regression Model with "mixture = 1"
chess_mod <- 
  multinom_reg(penalty = tune(),
               mixture = 1) |> 
  set_engine("glmnet") |> 

#Create a grid to select possible values of the penalty regularization
chess_grid <- 
  grid_regular(penalty(range = c(-5,0)), levels = 20)

#Put the recipe and the model into a Workflow object for better documentation
chess_wf <- workflow(chess_rec,chess_mod)

#Create the model by using the tune_grid() function

chess_res <- 


We have now fitted our Model with the training set resample folds and we can observe the metrics before fitting it finally with our training set and evaluating it on our testing set


Summary of the Model Performance Plot
Looking at the performance of the model with the roc_auc we see that some features was dropped due to the regularization and also we can see that the roc_auc was quite high and the accuracy also did well with >70% accuracy for the classification of the classes

Lets check for the penalty term with the best performance and fit it finally

chess_final <- 
  chess_res |> 
  select_by_one_std_err(metric = "roc_auc",


Penalty Value for the final model
We can see that the best penalty term for the model is 0.00127 and we would be using this as our penalty for the final model
#Finalize the workflow with the penalty term and last_fit it
final_res <- 
  chess_wf |> 
  finalize_workflow(chess_final) |> 


#we can check for the important variables in our model
extract_workflow(final_res) |> 
  extract_fit_parsnip() |> 
  vip(aestheticcs = list(fill = "midnightblue")

Final Result Interpretation
We can see that the metric after the final modeling is still like what we have when we used resamples and also our roc_auc.

Lets take a look at the confusion matrix and see how well our model was able to predict the outcome

#Print out the confusion matrix
collect_predictions(final_res) |> 

#Plot the confusion matrix using autoplot()
collect_predictions(final_res) |> 
  conf_mat(winner,.pred_class) |> 

Interpreting the confusion Matrix
From the confusion matrix, we observe that it was really easy for our model to predict if the game would be a draw and also the model was able to decide the winner to be either black or white fairly well too.

Lastly lets take a look at the ROC_AUC

collect_predictions(final_res) |> 
  roc_curve(winner,.pred_black:.pred_white) |> 
             color = .level)) +
  geom_abline(slope = 1,color = "gray50",
              lty = 2, alpha = 0.7) +
  geom_path(size = 1.5,alpha = 0.8) +
    color = NULL
  ) +

ROC_AUC Plot Interpretation
Also from this roc_auc plot we can see the draw path was very close to 1 just as we have observed in the previous confusion matrix and we can see from the roc_auc also that it was easy for out model to predict the draw class the easiest.

Yes We did It!.

You can access the code here on my github accountand also follow me on linkedin for more R tips

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Written by

Adeniran Emmanuel
Adeniran Emmanuel