Getting Started with Git: Essential Commands for Beginners

Abhishek DubeyAbhishek Dubey
9 min read


This guide will walk through Git basics, covering essential commands for setting up, tracking files, committing changes, and working with version history.

Setting Up Git

Configure User Information

git config --global ""
git config --global "My name"

Explanation: This sets your email and name globally, which Git will use to identify your commits.

Why It Works

These commands configure Git to store your identity, which will appear with each commit. This information is stored in a configuration file at ~/.gitconfig for global settings or in .git/config for specific repositories.

How It Works

When you run git config, Git interacts with the file system to write these settings into the configuration file. This is done using the OS’s file handling functionalities to read and write plain text.

Initializing a Repository

Create a Directory and Initialize Git

mkdir checks
cd checks
git init


Initialized empty Git repository in /home/user/checks/.git/

Explanation: git init creates an empty repository in the current directory, which Git will use to track file changes.

Why It Works

git init creates a hidden .git directory in the current folder, marking it as a Git repository. This directory contains all necessary files and subdirectories, such as HEAD, config, objects, and refs, to track versions and commits.

How It Works

  • File System Interaction: Git creates the .git directory and multiple subdirectories, leveraging OS functions to create, write, and organize files.

  • Programming Logic: Git uses hashes (SHA-1 checksums) to track files and changes, storing these in the objects directory. Each time a new change is committed, Git generates a new hash to uniquely identify the snapshot of the project’s files.

Basic Commands for Navigation and File Tracking

Listing Files in a Directory

ls -la


total 12
drwxrwxr-x 3 user user 4096 Nov 8 18:16 .
drwxr-xr-x 18 user user 4096 Nov 8 18:16 ..
drwxrwxr-x 7 user user 4096 Nov 8 18:16 .git

Explanation: This command lists all files, including hidden ones like the .git directory, indicating Git is now tracking this directory.

Adding Files to Git

Copying a File and Adding to Staging Area

cp ../ .
ls -l


total 4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 657 Nov 8 18:26

Adding a File to Git

git add
git status


On branch master
No commits yet
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
    new file:

Explanation: git add stages, preparing it for the next commit.

Why It Works

git add stages files by copying a reference of the files into the “staging area.” The staging area is essentially a snapshot of the files marked to be included in the next commit.

How It Works

  • In-Memory Data Management: Git creates an in-memory copy of file references in the staging area.

  • File System: Git creates a blob (binary large object) in the .git/objects directory for each file in its current state. Each blob is identified by a unique hash based on the file’s content, allowing Git to store multiple versions without redundancy.

Why It Works

git status shows:

  • Tracked Files: Files that Git is actively monitoring in the repository. It will show whether these files have been modified, staged, or committed.

  • Untracked Files: New files in the working directory that haven’t been added to Git yet.

  • Staging Area Status: Lists changes that are staged and ready for the next commit.

How It Works

When you run git status, Git goes through the following backend processes:

  1. Comparing Working Directory and Staging Area:

    • Git examines each tracked file to see if it matches the version stored in the staging area. If it detects any differences, it flags these files as "modified" in the output.
  2. Comparing Staging Area and Latest Commit:

    • Git compares the files in the staging area against the last committed snapshot (stored in .git/objects). If there are differences, it marks them as "staged changes" ready for commit.
  3. Checking for Untracked Files:

    • Git scans for new files in the working directory that aren’t in the staging area or the .git/objects directory. These files are shown as "untracked" and are not yet under version control.

Committing Changes

Creating a Commit

git commit

On running this, Git will open a text editor for you to enter a commit message, such as "Initial commit."


[master (root-commit) 49d610b] Initial commit
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644

Explanation: git commit saves the changes to the repository. This example used a text editor for the message.

Why It Works

Committing creates a permanent snapshot of the current project state, storing the information as a new commit object in the .git/objects directory. Each commit has a unique identifier based on the hash of its contents and a pointer to the parent commit.

How It Works

  • Snapshot Creation: Git doesn’t store differences between commits; instead, it creates a full snapshot of each version in the .git/objects directory. Commits are linked to parent commits, forming a linked list-like structure called the commit history.

  • File System: Git generates new directories and files within .git/objects to store these snapshots, leveraging the OS’s file I/O operations.

  • Hashing: Git uses SHA-1 hashing to create a unique ID for each commit, referencing the exact state of the project.

Viewing History and Changes

Checking Commit History

git log


commit d8e139cc4f7dcd13b75cff67cfb68527e24c59c5 (HEAD -> master)
Author: My name <>
Date:   Thu Jul 11 17:19:32 2019 +0200

    Initial commit

Explanation: git log displays a list of commits, showing author, date, and commit message.

Viewing Detailed Differences

git log -p

Output: Shows patches, or code changes, made in each commit.

Explanation: git log -p helps track exact changes across commits, especially useful for code review.

Why It Works

Git can display history and differences because each commit is a fully independent snapshot with metadata that links it to previous commits, forming a chain of changes.

How It Works

  • Linked List Structure: Each commit points to its parent, creating a linked list structure. The git log command traverses this chain, printing each commit.

  • Diff Calculation: git log -p calculates diffs between snapshots by comparing content stored in the blobs within the .git/objects directory. Git uses hashing to efficiently compare versions and compute the minimal set of changes.

Working with .gitignore

Creating and Using a .gitignore File

echo ".DS_STORE" > .gitignore
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "Add .gitignore file, ignoring .DS_STORE files"


[master abb0632] Add .gitignore file, ignoring .DS_STORE files
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 .gitignore

Explanation: .gitignore excludes specific files from tracking, keeping the repository clean.

Why It Works

The .gitignore file specifies patterns for files and directories that should not be tracked. Git reads this file and automatically excludes matching files from version control.

How It Works

  • Pattern Matching: Git uses simple pattern-matching logic (e.g., wildcards like * for matching) to identify files that fit the .gitignore criteria.

  • OS Interaction: .gitignore is a regular text file on the OS level, but Git interprets its contents when executing commands like git add and git status.

Renaming and Deleting Files

Renaming Files

git mv
git status


On branch master
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
    renamed: ->

Deleting Files

git rm
git commit -m "Remove unused file"

Explanation: git mv renames, while git rm deletes files from the repository and staging area.

Why It Works

Git manages renaming and deletion through commands that track changes in the staging area. A renamed file maintains its history, while a deleted file is marked as removed from tracking.

How It Works

  • File System Operations: Git renames or removes files at the OS level and marks these changes in the .git/objects for future commits.

  • In-Memory Management: Git records file movements and deletions in the staging area to later apply them in a commit, ensuring that the repository history reflects these changes.

Skipping the Staging Area

Committing All Changes Directly

git commit -a -m "Quick commit with staging"


[master 033f27a] Quick commit with staging
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

Explanation: git commit -a stages all modified files automatically before committing.

Why It Works

The -a flag stages all modified files automatically, skipping the explicit git add step.

How It Works

  • Automation of Staging: Git programmatically stages any files detected as modified by comparing them to their last committed state in .git/objects.

  • Temporary Staging Area: Git uses an in-memory staging area to track modifications for files that are about to be committed.

Undoing Changes Before Committing

Reverting Changes to a File

git checkout --
git status


On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean

Explanation: git checkout <file> discards changes in a specific file, returning it to the last committed state.

Why It Works

These commands discard uncommitted changes by resetting files to their last committed state.

How It Works

  • In-Memory and File System Rollback: git checkout fetches the last committed version from .git/objects and overwrites the working directory file.

  • Staging Area Modification: git reset only affects the staging area, unmarking changes but not altering files in the working directory.

Amending Commits

Modifying the Last Commit

git commit --amend

Git opens a text editor to edit the commit message. This can be used to correct small mistakes in the last commit.

Why It Works

Amending allows you to modify the latest commit, including its message or the files included.

How It Works

  • Rewrites Last Commit: Git replaces the last commit in the .git/objects directory with a new commit, preserving the old commit’s parent and updating the branch pointer.

  • Temporary Data Storage: During amending, Git stores temporary data in memory to allow modifications to the commit message or content without creating a new commit.

Git’s OS and Programming Functionality

  1. SHA-1 Hashing: Git relies heavily on SHA-1, a cryptographic hash function, to create unique IDs for files and commits. This hashing system is critical for data integrity.

  2. Object Database Structure: Git’s .git/objects directory organizes files using the hash as the directory and file name, making it easy for Git to retrieve specific versions or files quickly.

  3. Compression and Delta Storage: To optimize storage, Git compresses file contents and calculates deltas (changes) for more efficient storage, especially for large repositories.

  4. File System Interface: Git interacts directly with the OS file system to manage the .git folder, files, and directory structures. This integration allows Git to handle massive repositories with minimal overhead.

In the next section, we will study all these features by coding our own basic version.

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Written by

Abhishek Dubey
Abhishek Dubey

👋 Hey there! I’m Abhishek Dubey, a passionate technologist and travel enthusiast driven by the belief that technology has the power to bridge gaps and build connections that transform lives. With over 10 years in coding, my journey spans from hands-on roles in the stone industry to spearheading projects that merge innovation with real-world applications. Currently, I’m the mastermind behind Sampresha, a platform designed for avid travelers who feel underserved by mainstream travel platforms. Sampresha aims to create inclusive experiences by tapping into my love for exploration and deep industry insight. I'm also building BuyMyShare, a centeralized real estate tailored for middle class . When I’m not writing code or brainstorming the next big feature, you’ll find me sharing insights on development, building community-driven solutions, and exploring new trends in full-stack and Reading something interesting , Drawing or Pottery. I love making tech accessible, whether that’s through speaking sessions, or guiding new devs. Let’s connect, share, and build together on this incredible journey of tech and innovation! 🚀