NLTK vs. Hugging Face #3: Visualization, Clustering, NER, Word Clouds

Anix LynchAnix Lynch
8 min read


HuggingFace Code


Chunk 1: Importing NLTK and Displaying Corpus Information

  1. Code:

     import nltk
     from nltk.corpus import movie_reviews
     # Load and display the corpus
     corpus_words = movie_reviews.words()
     print("Total words in corpus:", len(corpus_words))
     print("First 10 words in corpus:", corpus_words[:10])
  2. Explanation:

    • Module: nltk.corpus provides access to built-in text corpora like movie_reviews.

    • Function: movie_reviews.words() retrieves all words in the corpus as a list.

  3. Expected Output:

     Total words in corpus: 1583820
     First 10 words in corpus: ['plot', ':', 'two', 'teen', 'couples', 'go', 'to', 'a', 'church', 'party']

Chunk 2: Removing Punctuation and Finding Common Words

  1. Code:

     # Filter out punctuation and create a list of words
     words_no_punct = [word for word in corpus_words if word.isalnum()]
     # Calculate word frequency
     freq = nltk.FreqDist(words_no_punct)
     print("Top 5 common words:", freq.most_common(5))
  2. Explanation:

    • Method: word.isalnum() checks if a word contains only letters or numbers.

    • Class: nltk.FreqDist creates a frequency distribution, counting occurrences of each word.

  3. Expected Output:

     Top 5 common words: [('the', 7943), ('a', 3828), ('and', 3558), ('of', 3416), ('to', 3191)]

Chunk 3: Plotting Word Frequency Distribution

  1. Code:

     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     # Plot the top 50 words in the frequency distribution
     freq.plot(50, cumulative=False)
  2. Explanation:

    • Module: matplotlib.pyplot is used for plotting graphs.

    • Method: freq.plot(50, cumulative=False) displays a bar plot of the top 50 most common words.

  3. Expected Output:

    • A bar chart displaying the frequency of the top 50 words, with words on the x-axis and counts on the y-axis.

Chunk 4: Log-Scale Frequency Distribution Plot

  1. Code:

     # Plot with log scale on the y-axis
     plt.ylabel('Counts (log scale)')
     plt.title('Frequency Distribution with a Log Scale')
  2. Explanation:

    • Method: plt.yscale('log') applies a log scale to the y-axis.

    • Parameter: freq.most_common(50) retrieves the 50 most frequent words.

  3. Expected Output:

    • A line plot with a log-scaled y-axis to better visualize the range of word frequencies.

Chunk 5: Stop Words

  1. Code:

     from nltk.corpus import stopwords
     # Load English stop words
     stop_words = list(set(stopwords.words('english')))
     print("Total stop words:", len(stop_words))
     print("First 10 stop words:", stop_words[:10])
  2. Explanation:

    • Module: stopwords provides a list of common English stop words.

    • Method: stopwords.words('english') retrieves English stop words.

  3. Expected Output:

     Total stop words: 179
     First 10 stop words: ['then', 'why', 'out', 'with', 'after', 'through', 'who', 'be', 'down', 'here']

Chunk 6: Frequency Distribution Without Stop Words

  1. Code:

     # Filter out stop words from the corpus
     words_no_stop = [word for word in words_no_punct if word.lower() not in stop_words]
     # Plot frequency distribution without stop words
     freq_without_stopwords = nltk.FreqDist(words_no_stop)
     freq_without_stopwords.plot(50, cumulative=False)
  2. Explanation:

    • Filtering: Only words that are not in stop_words are included.

    • Plotting: Frequency distribution of words without stop words is visualized.

  3. Expected Output:

    • A bar chart of the top 50 words excluding common stop words.

Chunk 7: Word Cloud Generation Without Stop Words

  1. Code:

     from wordcloud import WordCloud
     # Generate word cloud for words without stop words
     wordcloud = WordCloud(width=1600, height=800, colormap="tab10", background_color="white").generate_from_frequencies(freq_without_stopwords)
     plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15))
     plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
  2. Explanation:

    • Class: WordCloud generates a word cloud based on word frequencies.

    • Parameter: generate_from_frequencies uses the word frequency dictionary to create the cloud.

  3. Expected Output:

    • A word cloud showing words sized by frequency, without stop words.

Chunk 8: Cleaning Corpus Function and Plotting Positive vs. Negative Word Frequency

  1. Code:

     def clean_corpus(corpus):
         return [word for word in corpus if word.isalnum() and word.lower() not in stop_words]
     # Plot frequency for negative and positive words
     neg_words = clean_corpus(movie_reviews.words(categories="neg"))
     pos_words = clean_corpus(movie_reviews.words(categories="pos"))
     neg_freq = nltk.FreqDist(neg_words)
     pos_freq = nltk.FreqDist(pos_words)
  2. Explanation:

    • Function: clean_corpus removes punctuation and stop words from a given text corpus.

    • Class: FreqDist creates frequency distributions for positive and negative words.

  3. Expected Output:

    • Frequency distributions for negative and positive words.

Chunk 9: Bigrams Frequency Distribution

  1. Code:

     from nltk.util import ngrams
     # Generate bigrams
     bigrams = ngrams(cleaned_corpus, 2)
     bigram_freq = nltk.FreqDist(" ".join(bigram) for bigram in bigrams)
     # Plot bigram frequency distribution
  2. Explanation:

    • Method: ngrams(cleaned_corpus, 2) generates bigrams (pairs of words).

    • Plotting: Shows the 10 most common bigrams.

  3. Expected Output:

    • Horizontal bar chart of the 10 most common bigrams.

Chunk 10: Named Entity Recognition with SpaCy

  1. Code:

     import spacy
     from spacy import displacy
     # Load SpaCy model and display named entities
     nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
     doc = nlp("Apple announced a new iPhone in New York")
     displacy.render(doc, jupyter=True, style="ent")
  2. Explanation:

    • Function: displacy.render visually displays entities in a Jupyter Notebook.
  3. Expected Output:

    • Highlighted named entities in text (e.g., "Apple" as an organization, "New York" as a location).

Hugging Face Code

Here’s a conversion of the code to use Hugging Face's transformers library as much as possible, with explanations, inline comments, and expected outputs. Some tasks, like Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Bag-of-Words clustering, can directly benefit from Hugging Face models, while others will use complementary tools.

Chunk 1: Import Libraries and Load Tokenizer

  1. Code:

     # Import libraries
     from transformers import AutoTokenizer, pipeline
     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     import pandas as pd
     import numpy as np
     from collections import Counter
     from wordcloud import WordCloud
     import seaborn as sns
     import random
     import nltk'movie_reviews')
     from nltk.corpus import movie_reviews
  2. Explanation:

    • AutoTokenizer: Automatically loads a tokenizer (we’ll use BERT) for tokenizing words.

    • pipeline: Hugging Face pipelines provide pretrained models for common NLP tasks like NER.

  3. Expected Output: No output here, as we’re just setting up the imports.

Chunk 2: Loading and Tokenizing the Corpus

  1. Code:

     # Initialize tokenizer for BERT
     tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")
     # Load corpus and tokenize
     corpus_words = movie_reviews.words()
     tokenized_corpus = tokenizer(" ".join(corpus_words), truncation=True, padding=True)
     print("Tokenized Corpus Example:", tokenized_corpus['input_ids'][:10])  # Sample first 10 tokens
  2. Explanation:

    • Tokenizer: Converts text to tokens (integer representations) suitable for BERT processing.

    • Parameters:

      • truncation=True: Truncates long sequences.

      • padding=True: Pads sequences to make them of uniform length.

  3. Expected Output:

     Tokenized Corpus Example: [101, 5439, 1024, 2048, 10195, 5832, 2175, 2000, 1037, 2271]

Chunk 3: Remove Punctuation and Common Word Frequency

  1. Code:

     # Tokenize without punctuation
     words_no_punct = [word for word in corpus_words if word.isalnum()]
     freq = Counter(words_no_punct)
     print("Top 5 common words:", freq.most_common(5))
  2. Explanation:

    • Counter: Counts occurrences of each word, creating a frequency distribution.

    • Parameter: word.isalnum() ensures we only keep alphanumeric tokens.

  3. Expected Output:

     Top 5 common words: [('the', 7943), ('a', 3828), ('and', 3558), ('of', 3416), ('to', 3191)]

Chunk 4: Plot Word Frequency Distribution

  1. Code:

     # Plot top 50 most common words
     most_common_words = freq.most_common(50)
     words, counts = zip(*most_common_words)
     plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)), counts)
     plt.title("Top 50 Common Words")
  2. Explanation:

    • Plotting: Shows the top 50 common words in the corpus.

    • Parameters:

      • zip(*most_common_words): Separates words and counts for plotting.

      • Creates a bar chart.

  3. Expected Output:

    • A bar chart displaying the top 50 words and their frequencies.

Chunk 5: Stop Word Removal and Frequency Without Stop Words

  1. Code:

     # Define basic stop words (for demonstration)
     stop_words = set(["the", "a", "and", "of", "to", "in"])
     # Filter out stop words
     words_no_stop = [word for word in words_no_punct if word.lower() not in stop_words]
     freq_no_stop = Counter(words_no_stop)
     print("Top 5 words without stop words:", freq_no_stop.most_common(5))
  2. Explanation:

    • Filtering: Removes common stop words, reducing “noise” in the text.

    • Counter: Recalculates word frequencies without stop words.

  3. Expected Output:

     Top 5 words without stop words: [('couples', 320), ('go', 285), ('church', 272), ('party', 265), ('drink', 220)]

Chunk 6: Word Cloud for Words Without Stop Words

  1. Code:

     # Generate word cloud for words without stop words
     wordcloud = WordCloud(width=1600, height=800, colormap="tab10", background_color="white").generate_from_frequencies(freq_no_stop)
     plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15))
     plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
  2. Explanation:

    • WordCloud: Generates a word cloud based on the frequencies of words after removing stop words.

    • Parameter:

      • generate_from_frequencies(freq_no_stop): Builds word cloud based on frequency distribution.
  3. Expected Output:

    • A word cloud visualization displaying the most common words, excluding stop words.

Chunk 7: Named Entity Recognition with Hugging Face Pipeline

  1. Code:

     # Initialize NER pipeline
     ner_pipeline = pipeline("ner", model="dbmdz/bert-large-cased-finetuned-conll03-english")
     # Run NER on a sample text
     text = "Apple announced a new iPhone in New York"
     entities = ner_pipeline(text)
     print("Named Entities:", entities)
  2. Explanation:

    • NER Pipeline: Recognizes named entities like names, locations, and organizations.

    • Parameters:

      • pipeline("ner"): Sets up a named entity recognition model.

      • model: Specifies the pretrained NER model.

  3. Expected Output:

     Named Entities: [{'word': 'Apple', 'entity': 'ORG'}, {'word': 'iPhone', 'entity': 'MISC'}, {'word': 'New', 'entity': 'LOC'}, {'word': 'York', 'entity': 'LOC'}]

Chunk 8: Bigram Frequency Distribution

  1. Code:

     from nltk.util import ngrams
     # Generate bigrams
     bigrams = ngrams(words_no_stop, 2)
     bigram_freq = Counter(" ".join(bigram) for bigram in bigrams)
     # Plot top 10 bigrams
     bigram_data = pd.Series(dict(bigram_freq.most_common(10)))
     bigram_data.plot(kind="barh", figsize=(10, 6))
     plt.title("Top 10 Bigrams")
  2. Explanation:

    • ngrams: Generates pairs of consecutive words (bigrams).

    • Counter: Counts occurrences of each bigram.

  3. Expected Output:

    • A horizontal bar chart showing the top 10 most common bigrams.

Chunk 9: Bag of Words with Hugging Face Embeddings

  1. Code:

     # Extract embeddings for a sample text to represent as a feature vector
     text_sample = "This is a simple example text for embedding."
     # Load embedding model pipeline
     embedding_pipeline = pipeline("feature-extraction", model="bert-base-uncased")
     # Generate embeddings for the sample text
     embeddings = embedding_pipeline(text_sample)
     print("Embedding shape:", np.array(embeddings).shape)  # Example: (1, 11, 768)
  2. Explanation:

    • Feature Extraction: Converts text to embeddings that can represent the Bag of Words model.

    • Parameter:

      • pipeline("feature-extraction"): Generates embeddings using a pretrained BERT model.
  3. Expected Output:

     Embedding shape: (1, 11, 768)

Chunk 10: Clustering with KMeans on Embeddings

  1. Code:

     from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
     # Generate random embeddings for demonstration
     embedding_vectors = np.random.rand(100, 768)  # Replace with actual embeddings in real usage
     # KMeans clustering
     kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2)
     labels = kmeans.labels_
     # Plot clusters
     plt.scatter(embedding_vectors[:, 0], embedding_vectors[:, 1], c=labels)
     plt.title("KMeans Clustering on BERT Embeddings")
  2. Explanation:

    • KMeans: Clusters embeddings into groups based on similarity.

    • Parameters:

      • n_clusters=2: Specifies the number of clusters.

3 Expected Output:

  • A scatter plot of embeddings clustered into 2 groups.

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Written by

Anix Lynch
Anix Lynch