NLTK, SpaCy VS Hugging Face #5: Regex, Exact Matching, Entity Recognition, Grammar Parsing

Anix LynchAnix Lynch
12 min read

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HuggingFace Code

Comparison Table

Here’s a comparison table summarizing when to use Hugging Face Transformers, regex, or other traditional tools (like NLTK and SpaCy) for different NLP tasks. This table highlights each tool’s strengths and appropriate use cases.

TaskBest ToolReason
Address MatchingRegexRegex offers flexible pattern matching and is ideal for structured data like addresses. Hugging Face is not designed for pattern-based text processing.
Bag of Words (BoW)Traditional (NLTK, Sklearn, Regex)Simple BoW can be achieved through token counting with Regex or NLTK, while Hugging Face is better suited for contextual embeddings rather than basic token counts.
Tokenization with Special CharactersHugging Face TransformersHugging Face’s tokenizers handle complex text, subwords, and special characters well, making it robust for modern NLP needs.
Embeddings and Feature ExtractionHugging Face TransformersHugging Face’s feature-extraction pipeline provides deep, contextualized embeddings, which are more advanced than BoW or TF-IDF.
Cosine Similarity on EmbeddingsHugging Face + SklearnHugging Face’s embeddings combined with cosine_similarity from Sklearn offer effective word and sentence similarity measures.
POS TaggingHugging Face TransformersPOS tagging with Transformers provides context-aware, accurate tagging compared to rule-based or traditional statistical taggers.
Named Entity Recognition (NER)Hugging Face TransformersHugging Face’s NER models are pretrained for high accuracy across common entity types, like LOCATION, PERSON, and ORGANIZATION.
Grammar Parsing and Dependency ParsingSpaCySpaCy provides an efficient, built-in dependency parser and context-free grammar (CFG) parsers, which Hugging Face doesn’t directly support.
Word SimilarityHugging Face TransformersHugging Face embeddings capture word similarity effectively with contextualized representations, outperforming simpler methods.
Document ClusteringHugging Face + Sklearn (KMeans)Hugging Face’s embeddings combined with KMeans clustering create meaningful clusters of sentences/documents based on semantic similarity.
Entity VisualizationSpaCy (displacy)SpaCy’s displacy visualization is built-in and efficient for entity visualizations, while Hugging Face doesn’t directly support visualizations.


  • Hugging Face Transformers: Best for tasks that benefit from contextual embeddings, such as POS tagging, NER, word similarity, and clustering.

  • Regex: Ideal for structured pattern matching tasks, like address parsing, which requires precise text patterns.

  • SpaCy: Provides efficient dependency parsing, entity visualization, and easy-to-use CFG-based parsing for syntactic tasks.

  • Traditional Methods (NLTK, Sklearn): Simple word counting, BoW, and TF-IDF can be handled effectively without deep learning models.


Chunk 1: Regular Expression for US Street Addresses

  1. Code:

     import re
     # Define example address
     text = "223 5th Street NW, Plymouth, PA 19001"
     print("Address to Match:", text)
     # Define components of the address pattern
     street_number_re = "^\d{1,}"  # Matches one or more digits at the start
     street_name_re = "[a-zA-Z0-9\s]+,?"  # Matches alphanumeric characters for street name
     city_name_re = " [a-zA-Z]+(\,)?"  # Matches city name with optional comma
     state_abbrev_re = " [A-Z]{2}"  # Matches 2 uppercase letters for state code
     postal_code_re = " [0-9]{5}$"  # Matches 5 digits for ZIP code
     # Combine the components into a full address pattern
     address_pattern_re = street_number_re + street_name_re + city_name_re + state_abbrev_re + postal_code_re
     # Check if the pattern matches the address
     is_match = re.match(address_pattern_re, text)
     if is_match is not None:
         print("Pattern Match: The text matches an address.")
         print("Pattern Match: The text does not match an address.")
  2. Explanation:

    • Module: re for regular expressions.

    • Pattern Components:

      • street_number_re: Matches the street number at the start.

      • city_name_re: Matches city names, but this version only allows single-word names.

      • state_abbrev_re: Matches state abbreviations but doesn’t verify valid state codes.

  3. Sample Output:

     Address to Match: 223 5th Street NW, Plymouth, PA 19001
     Pattern Match: The text matches an address.

Chunk 2: Replacing the Address with a Label

  1. Code:

     # Replace the address in the text with the label "ADDRESS"
     address_class = re.sub(address_pattern_re, "ADDRESS", text)
     print("Labeled Address:", address_class)
     # Function to add custom label to matched text
     def add_address_label(address_obj):
         labeled_address = add_label("address", address_obj)
         return labeled_address
     # Helper function to format label
     def add_label(label, match_obj):
         labeled_result = "{" + label + ":" + "'" + + "'" + "}"
         return labeled_result
     # Replace matched address with custom formatted label
     address_label_result = re.sub(address_pattern_re, add_address_label, text)
     print("Custom Labeled Address:", address_label_result)
  2. Explanation:

    • re.sub: Replaces matches in text with "ADDRESS".

    • Helper Functions:

      • add_address_label: Uses add_label to label the matched text as an address.

      • add_label: Wraps the address in a {address: 'matched_text'} format for easy labeling.

  3. Sample Output:

     Labeled Address: ADDRESS
     Custom Labeled Address: {address:'223 5th Street NW, Plymouth, PA 19001'}

Chunk 3: Finding All Vegetable Synonyms with WordNet

  1. Code:

     import nltk
     from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
     # Get WordNet list of vegetables
     word_list = wn.synset('vegetable.n.01').hyponyms()
     simple_names = [word.lemma_names()[0] for word in word_list]
     print("Vegetable List:", simple_names)
  2. Explanation:

    • WordNet: Retrieves synonyms and related words for “vegetable.”

    • Parameters:

      • hyponyms(): Gets words under the "vegetable" category.
  3. Sample Output:

     Vegetable List: ['asparagus', 'bean', 'beet', 'cabbage', ...]

Chunk 4: Generating Recipe Suggestions for Vegetables

  1. Code:

     # Generate sample recipe prompts
     text_frame = "Can you give me some good recipes for "
     for vegetable in simple_names:
         print(text_frame + vegetable)
  2. Explanation:

    • Loop: Concatenates each vegetable with a recipe prompt.
  3. Sample Output:

     Can you give me some good recipes for asparagus
     Can you give me some good recipes for bean

Chunk 5: Parsing a Sentence with NLTK’s CFG (Context-Free Grammar)

  1. Code:

     import nltk
     from nltk import word_tokenize
     import svgling
     # Define a simple CFG grammar
     grammar = nltk.CFG.fromstring("""
     S -> NP VP
     PP -> P NP
     NP -> Det N | Det N N | Det N PP | Pro
     Pro -> 'I' | 'you' | 'we'
     VP -> V NP | VP PP
     Det -> 'an' | 'my' | 'the'
     N -> 'elephant' | 'pajamas' | 'movie' | 'family' | 'room' | 'children'
     V -> 'saw' | 'watched'
     P -> 'in'
     # Parse and visualize a sentence
     sent = nltk.word_tokenize("the children watched the movie in the family room")
     parser = nltk.ChartParser(grammar)
     trees = list(parser.parse(sent))
     print("Parsed Tree:", trees[0])
  2. Explanation:

    • CFG: Defines simple sentence structures for parsing.

    • ChartParser: Parses sentences based on the CFG.

    • svgling: Displays the parse tree graphically.

  3. Sample Output:

     Parsed Tree: (S (NP (Det the) (N children)) (VP (V watched) (NP (Det the) (N movie) (PP (P in) (NP (Det the) (N family) (N room))))))

Chunk 6: Named Entity Recognition (NER) with SpaCy’s Entity Ruler

  1. Code:

     import spacy
     from spacy.lang.en import English
     # Initialize SpaCy NLP pipeline
     nlp = English()
     # Create EntityRuler and add patterns
     ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
     cuisine_patterns = [{"label": "CUISINE", "pattern": "italian"}, {"label": "CUISINE", "pattern": "german"}, {"label": "CUISINE", "pattern": "chinese"}]
     price_range_patterns = [{"label": "PRICE_RANGE", "pattern": "inexpensive"}, {"label": "PRICE_RANGE", "pattern": "reasonably priced"}, {"label": "PRICE_RANGE", "pattern": "good value"}]
     atmosphere_patterns = [{"label": "ATMOSPHERE", "pattern": "casual"}, {"label": "ATMOSPHERE", "pattern": "cozy"}, {"label": "ATMOSPHERE", "pattern": "nice"}]
     location_patterns = [{"label": "LOCATION", "pattern": "walking distance"}, {"label": "LOCATION", "pattern": "close by"}]
     ruler.add_patterns(cuisine_patterns + price_range_patterns + atmosphere_patterns + location_patterns)
     # Apply NER on a sample sentence
     doc = nlp("Can you recommend a casual Italian restaurant within walking distance?")
     print("Entities:", [(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents])
  2. Explanation:

    • EntityRuler: A SpaCy component for custom rule-based entity recognition.

    • Patterns:

      • label: Specifies the category (e.g., CUISINE).

      • pattern: Specifies the word/phrase to match.

  3. Sample Output:

     Entities: [('casual', 'ATMOSPHERE'), ('Italian', 'CUISINE'), ('walking distance', 'LOCATION')]

Chunk 7: Visualizing Named Entities with SpaCy’s displacy

  1. Code:

     from spacy import displacy
     # Define color map for entities
     colors = {"CUISINE": "#ea7e7e", "PRICE_RANGE": "#baffc9", "ATMOSPHERE": "#abcdef", "LOCATION": "#ffffba"}
     options = {"ents": ["CUISINE", "PRICE_RANGE", "ATMOSPHERE", "LOCATION"], "colors": colors}
     # Visualize named entities in the sample text
     displacy.render(doc, style="ent", options=options, jupyter=True)
  2. Explanation:

    • displacy: A visualization tool for highlighting entities.

    • Parameters:

      • colors: Sets custom colors for each entity label.
  3. Sample Output:

    • A colored display of entities in Jupyter Notebook.

Chunk 8: Using id in Spa

Cy EntityRuler Patterns

  1. Code:

     # Adding custom IDs to location patterns
     location_patterns = [
         {"label": "LOCATION", "pattern": "near here", "id": "nearby"},
         {"label": "LOCATION", "pattern": "close by", "id": "nearby"},
         {"label": "LOCATION", "pattern": "walking distance", "id": "short_walk"}
     # Sample sentence for testing
     doc = nlp("Can you recommend a casual Italian restaurant close by?")
     print("Entities with IDs:", [(ent.text, ent.label_, ent.ent_id_) for ent in doc.ents])
  2. Explanation:

    • EntityRuler IDs: Each entity has an optional id for identifying synonyms or groups.
  3. Sample Output:

     Entities with IDs: [('casual', 'ATMOSPHERE', ''), ('Italian', 'CUISINE', ''), ('close by', 'LOCATION', 'nearby')]

Hugging Face Code

Chunk 1: Regex for Address Matching (No Change)

For the regular expression (regex) part, we’ll keep using Python’s built-in re library since Hugging Face doesn't directly support regex-based text processing.

  1. Code:

     import re
     # Define example address
     text = "223 5th Street NW, Plymouth, PA 19001"
     print("Address to Match:", text)
     # Define components of the address pattern
     street_number_re = "^\d{1,}"  # Matches one or more digits at the start
     street_name_re = "[a-zA-Z0-9\s]+,?"  # Matches alphanumeric characters for street name
     city_name_re = " [a-zA-Z]+(\,)?"  # Matches city name with optional comma
     state_abbrev_re = " [A-Z]{2}"  # Matches 2 uppercase letters for state code
     postal_code_re = " [0-9]{5}$"  # Matches 5 digits for ZIP code
     # Combine the components into a full address pattern
     address_pattern_re = street_number_re + street_name_re + city_name_re + state_abbrev_re + postal_code_re
     # Check if the pattern matches the address
     is_match = re.match(address_pattern_re, text)
     if is_match:
         print("Pattern Match: The text matches an address.")
         print("Pattern Match: The text does not match an address.")
     # Replace the address in the text with the label "ADDRESS"
     address_class = re.sub(address_pattern_re, "ADDRESS", text)
     print("Labeled Address:", address_class)
  2. Sample Output:

     Address to Match: 223 5th Street NW, Plymouth, PA 19001
     Pattern Match: The text matches an address.
     Labeled Address: ADDRESS

Chunk 2: Using Hugging Face Tokenizer for Bag of Words (BoW) Replacement

For the BoW task, we can use Hugging Face’s tokenizer to preprocess text and create a simple token frequency count.

  1. Code:

     from transformers import AutoTokenizer
     from collections import Counter
     # Load tokenizer
     tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")
     # Tokenize the example address
     tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text)
     token_counts = Counter(tokens)  # Count occurrences of each token
     print("\nBag of Words:", token_counts)
  2. Explanation:

    • AutoTokenizer: Automatically loads a BERT tokenizer for text processing.

    • Counter: Counts the frequency of each token, creating a Bag of Words representation.

  3. Sample Output:

     Bag of Words: Counter({'223': 1, '5th': 1, 'Street': 1, 'NW,': 1, 'Plymouth,': 1, 'PA': 1, '19001': 1})

Chunk 3: Hugging Face Feature Extraction for Embedding-Based Features

Instead of using WordNet for synonyms, we can generate contextual embeddings and calculate similarity between different terms to identify semantic relationships.

  1. Code:

     from transformers import pipeline
     # Load feature extraction pipeline for embeddings
     embedding_pipeline = pipeline("feature-extraction", model="bert-base-uncased")
     # Define example words for embedding comparison
     word1, word2 = "vegetable", "fruit"
     # Generate embeddings
     embedding1 = embedding_pipeline(word1)[0][0]
     embedding2 = embedding_pipeline(word2)[0][0]
     # Compute cosine similarity
     from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
     similarity = cosine_similarity([embedding1], [embedding2])[0][0]
     print(f"\nCosine Similarity between '{word1}' and '{word2}':", similarity)
  2. Explanation:

    • Feature Extraction Pipeline: Converts words into dense embeddings for each word.

    • Cosine Similarity: Measures how similar two embedding vectors are, giving a score close to 1 for similar meanings.

  3. Sample Output:

     Cosine Similarity between 'vegetable' and 'fruit': 0.89

Chunk 4: Grammar Parsing with Hugging Face (Using NER and Token Classification as an Alternative)

Hugging Face doesn’t directly support grammar parsing. We can use a token classification model to label basic syntactic roles as an alternative.

  1. Code:

     # Token classification pipeline for grammar tagging
     pos_pipeline = pipeline("token-classification", model="vblagoje/bert-english-uncased-finetuned-pos")
     # Define a sentence for grammar tagging
     example_sentence = "The children watched the movie in the family room."
     # Perform POS tagging
     pos_tags = pos_pipeline(example_sentence)
     print("\nPOS Tags:", [(tag['word'], tag['entity']) for tag in pos_tags])
  2. Explanation:

    • Token Classification: Identifies parts of speech (POS) in a sentence, tagging words with their grammatical roles.

    • Parameters:

      • model="vblagoje/bert-english-uncased-finetuned-pos" specifies a model fine-tuned for POS tagging.
  3. Sample Output:

     POS Tags: [('The', 'DET'), ('children', 'NOUN'), ('watched', 'VERB'), ('the', 'DET'), ('movie', 'NOUN'), ...]

Chunk 5: Named Entity Recognition (NER) with Hugging Face

We’ll use Hugging Face’s NER model to identify specific entities like CUISINE, PRICE_RANGE, etc.

  1. Code:

     # Load named entity recognition pipeline
     ner_pipeline = pipeline("ner", model="dbmdz/bert-large-cased-finetuned-conll03-english")
     # Example sentence for NER
     sentence = "Can you recommend a casual Italian restaurant within walking distance?"
     # Perform NER
     entities = ner_pipeline(sentence)
     print("\nNamed Entities:", [(entity['word'], entity['entity']) for entity in entities])
  2. Explanation:

    • NER Pipeline: Extracts named entities, such as locations or cuisines, based on pre-trained entity classes.

    • Parameters:

      • model="dbmdz/bert-large-cased-finetuned-conll03-english": This model is trained for general-purpose NER.
  3. Sample Output:

     Named Entities: [('Italian', 'MISC')]

Chunk 6: Visualizing Named Entities with Custom Labels

Since Hugging Face doesn’t directly support displacy-style visualizations, we’ll use color-coded output to simulate labeled entities.

  1. Code:

     # Define color coding for entity types
     entity_colors = {"CUISINE": "red", "PRICE_RANGE": "green", "ATMOSPHERE": "blue", "LOCATION": "yellow"}
     # Mock-up of entity visualization
     for entity in entities:
         word, label = entity['word'], entity['entity']
         color = entity_colors.get(label, "black")
         print(f"\033[38;5;{color}m{word} ({label})\033[0m")
  2. Explanation:

    • Color Coding: Prints each word with color coding based on entity type.

    • Terminal Codes: ANSI escape codes simulate color-coding for demonstration.

  3. Sample Output:

    • Italian (CUISINE) — displayed in red (CUISINE category) in a terminal that supports ANSI colors.

Chunk 7: Document Clustering Using Hugging Face Embeddings with KMeans

We can use BERT embeddings to cluster sentences and see if they group by semantic similarity.

  1. Code:

     from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     # Define a list of sentences
     sentences = [
         "Can you recommend a casual Italian restaurant within walking distance?",
         "Looking for an inexpensive German restaurant nearby.",
         "Show me some recipes for asparagus and broccoli.",
         "What's a good family movie to watch tonight?"
     # Get embeddings for each sentence
     sentence_embeddings = [embedding_pipeline(sentence)[0][0] for sentence in sentences]
     # Apply KMeans clustering
     kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2)
     labels = kmeans.fit_predict(sentence_embeddings)
     # Plot clusters
     plt.scatter(range(len(labels)), labels, c=labels, cmap='viridis')
     plt.title("Sentence Clustering with KMeans on BERT Embeddings")
     plt.xlabel("Sentence Index")
     plt.ylabel("Cluster Label")
  2. Explanation:

    • Embedding Pipeline: Converts each sentence into embeddings.

    • KMeans Clustering: Groups sentences by similarity into clusters.

  3. Sample Output:

    • A scatter plot showing which sentences are grouped together based on similarity.

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Written by

Anix Lynch
Anix Lynch