NLTK vs. Hugging Face #6: Sentiment Analysis, Text Classification, and Entity Extraction

Anix LynchAnix Lynch
10 min read

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HuggingFace Code

Comparison Table

Here’s a comparison table summarizing when to use Hugging Face Transformers, traditional ML tools (e.g., Sklearn), or other NLP tools (e.g., Regex, SpaCy) for various NLP tasks based on the consolidated code and its components.

TaskBest ToolReason
Data LoadingHugging Face DatasetsProvides a wide range of preprocessed NLP datasets (e.g., IMDB, Wikipedia) ready for machine learning.
TokenizationHugging Face TokenizersHandles subwords, special characters, and complex text, ideal for deep learning models like BERT.
Bag of Words / Frequency CountingSklearn / RegexSimple counting is efficiently handled by Sklearn’s TF-IDF or traditional Regex, which are lightweight.
Embedding GenerationHugging Face TransformersOffers contextual embeddings with deep models, providing better performance than traditional TF-IDF.
Sentiment AnalysisHugging Face Sentiment PipelinePretrained, state-of-the-art models (e.g., BERT) for high accuracy in binary sentiment analysis.
Accuracy and Confusion Matrix CalculationSklearnSimplified functions for evaluation metrics like accuracy and confusion matrix, easily combined with any model.
Named Entity Recognition (NER)Hugging Face NER PipelineOffers pretrained NER models (like bert-large-cased) for accurate entity extraction on a variety of tasks.
Clustering (Sentence Similarity)Hugging Face + Sklearn (KMeans)Hugging Face embeddings combined with KMeans clustering in Sklearn produce clusters based on semantic similarity.
Visualization (Clustering)MatplotlibEffective and flexible for displaying clustered data and other results in Python.
Multi-Class ClassificationHugging Face TransformersHugging Face supports multi-class classification with adaptable deep learning models if needed.
Regex-Based Text ProcessingRegexIdeal for structured text patterns (e.g., address formats), with efficient syntax for custom matching.

Summary of Tool Recommendations:

  • Hugging Face Transformers: Best for complex NLP tasks that benefit from contextual information (sentiment analysis, NER, embeddings).

  • Sklearn: Efficient for evaluation (accuracy, confusion matrix) and simpler, traditional ML tasks (like KMeans clustering).

  • Hugging Face Datasets: Ideal for accessing large, pre-labeled NLP datasets quickly.

  • Matplotlib: A go-to choice for visualizing clusters, accuracy metrics, and other outputs in Python.

  • Regex: Retains a strong use case for structured, rule-based text matching, especially for custom patterns like addresses.

Chunk 1: Import and Load Movie Review Data, Split into Train/Test

  1. Code:

     import os
     import nltk
     from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
     from sklearn.datasets import load_files
     from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
     # Define path to movie review dataset
     path = './movie_reviews/'
     max_tokens = 1000  # Set limit for most common words in TF-IDF
     # Load dataset - reviews are split into 'pos' and 'neg' folders
     movie_reviews = load_files(path)
     labels = movie_reviews.target_names  # Get labels (positive/negative)
     # Split data into training and testing sets, with 20% data for testing
     movies_train, movies_test, sentiment_train, sentiment_test = train_test_split(,, test_size=0.20, random_state=42
  2. Explanation:

    • load_files: Loads all text files in movie_reviews and labels them based on the folder names (pos, neg).

    • Parameters:

      • test_size=0.20: Keeps 20% of the data for testing.

      • random_state=42: Ensures reproducible results by setting a seed.

  3. Sample Output:

    • Data is split and ready for TF-IDF processing.

Chunk 2: Vectorizing Text Using TF-IDF

  1. Code:

     # Initialize TfidfVectorizer with 1000 most common words, tokenizer
     vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=0.1, tokenizer=nltk.word_tokenize, max_features=max_tokens)
     # Transform training data into TF-IDF format
     movies_train_tfidf = vectorizer.fit_transform(movies_train)
  2. Explanation:

    • TfidfVectorizer: Converts text into TF-IDF matrix, capturing word importance based on term frequency.

    • Parameters:

      • min_df=0.1: Ignores words in fewer than 10% of documents.

      • max_features=1000: Limits features to the 1,000 most common words.

  3. Sample Output:

    • TF-IDF matrix ready for training the classifier.

Chunk 3: Training Naive Bayes Classifier

  1. Code:

     from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
     # Initialize and train the Naive Bayes classifier on TF-IDF matrix
     classifier = MultinomialNB(), sentiment_train)
  2. Explanation:

    • MultinomialNB: Naive Bayes classifier for word frequencies, typically effective in text classification.
  3. Sample Output:

    • Model trained on the training dataset.

Chunk 4: Testing and Accuracy Calculation

  1. Code:

     from sklearn import metrics
     # Transform test data using the same TF-IDF vectorizer
     movies_test_tfidf = vectorizer.transform(movies_test)
     sentiment_pred = classifier.predict(movies_test_tfidf)
     # Calculate and print accuracy
     accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(sentiment_test, sentiment_pred)
     print("Naive Bayes Accuracy:", accuracy)
  2. Explanation:

    • accuracy_score: Measures how often the classifier’s predictions match the true labels.

    • Transforms test data into TF-IDF format before prediction.

  3. Sample Output:

     Naive Bayes Accuracy: 0.82

Chunk 5: Confusion Matrix

  1. Code:

     from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
     # Display confusion matrix to view misclassifications
     conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(sentiment_test, sentiment_pred)
     print("Confusion Matrix:\n", conf_matrix)
  2. Explanation:

    • Confusion Matrix: Displays counts of true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives.
  3. Sample Output:

     Confusion Matrix:
     [[150  30]
      [ 35 185]]

Chunk 6: SVM Classification with Pipeline

  1. Code:

     from sklearn.svm import SVC
     from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
     # Build SVM pipeline with TF-IDF and SVM model
     svc_tfidf = Pipeline([
         ("tfidf_vectorizer", TfidfVectorizer(stop_words="english", max_features=1000)),
         ("linear svc", SVC(kernel="linear"))
     # Train and evaluate SVM model, sentiment_train)
     sentiment_pred = svc_tfidf.predict(movies_test)
     accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(sentiment_test, sentiment_pred)
     print("SVM Accuracy:", accuracy)
  2. Explanation:

    • Pipeline: Sequentially processes TF-IDF and SVM classification, simplifying model training.

    • SVC with linear kernel: Uses linear SVM for binary classification.

  3. Sample Output:

     SVM Accuracy: 0.8125

Chunk 7: Confusion Matrix for SVM

  1. Code:

     # Display confusion matrix for SVM
     conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(sentiment_test, sentiment_pred)
     print("SVM Confusion Matrix:\n", conf_matrix)
  2. Explanation:

    • Confusion Matrix: Shows performance of the SVM model on test data.
  3. Sample Output:

     SVM Confusion Matrix:
     [[145  35]
      [ 30 190]]

Chunk 8: Multi-Class with One-vs-Rest Strategy (Preparation)

  1. Code:

     from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier
     # Initialize OneVsRestClassifier with SVM as base model
     model = OneVsRestClassifier(SVC())
  2. Explanation:

    • OneVsRestClassifier: Extends binary classifiers like SVM to multi-class by training separate models for each class.
  3. Sample Output:

    • Model is set up for multi-class classification, though the movie reviews data here is binary.

Chunk 9: Conditional Random Field (CRF) Training

  1. Code:

     import sklearn_crfsuite
     from spacy_crfsuite import read_file
     # Load CRF training data
     train_data = read_file("examples/")
     # Initialize CRF extractor and set up config
     from spacy_crfsuite import CRFExtractor
     crf_extractor = CRFExtractor(component_config={"cv": 5, "n_iter": 50, "random_state": 42})
     # Train CRF model
  2. Explanation:

    • CRFExtractor: Applies CRF for sequence labeling tasks, such as named entity recognition.

    • Parameters:

      • cv=5: Five-fold cross-validation.

      • n_iter=50: Runs 50 iterations for model training.

  3. Sample Output:

    • Model training begins with the specified configurations.

Chunk 10: Testing the CRF Model

  1. Code:

     # Example CRF prediction
     example = {"text": "show some good Chinese restaurants near me"}
     tokenizer.tokenize(example, attribute="text")
  2. Explanation:

    • process: Extracts entities from the text using the trained CRF model.

    • Tokenizer: Tokenizes text to prepare it for CRF processing.

  3. Sample Output:

    • Outputs tagged tokens based on the CRF-trained entities.

This code file covers text vectorization, classification using Naive Bayes and SVM, confusion matrix analysis, and CRF-based entity extraction, with clear explanations for each step. Let me know if further clarification is needed!

Hugging Face Code

Chunk 1: Import and Load Movie Review Data, Split into Train/Test

  1. Code:

     import os
     from transformers import AutoTokenizer, pipeline
     from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
     from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, confusion_matrix
     from datasets import load_dataset
     # Load movie review dataset from Hugging Face Datasets library
     dataset = load_dataset("imdb")  # IMDB dataset of movie reviews
     # Split data into training and testing sets
     movies_train, movies_test = train_test_split(dataset['train'], test_size=0.20, random_state=42)
  2. Explanation:

    • Modules: datasets (Hugging Face) for loading IMDB data.

    • Parameters:

      • test_size=0.20: Sets aside 20% of data for testing.

      • random_state=42: Ensures reproducibility of data split.

  3. Sample Output:

     Loaded IMDB dataset and split into training and testing sets.

Chunk 2: Tokenizing Text Using Hugging Face Tokenizer

  1. Code:

     # Load tokenizer from Hugging Face
     tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")
     # Example review text to demonstrate tokenization
     example_text = "This movie was fantastic and had great acting."
     # Tokenize example text
     tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(example_text)
     print("Tokens:", tokens)
     # Convert tokens to TF-IDF-like vector with frequencies
     token_counts = {token: tokens.count(token) for token in tokens}
     print("\nToken Counts:", token_counts)
  2. Explanation:

    • Tokenizer: BERT tokenizer for text processing.

    • Tokens to Counts: Counts token frequencies to approximate a Bag of Words.

  3. Sample Output:

     Tokens: ['this', 'movie', 'was', 'fantastic', 'and', 'had', 'great', 'acting', '.']
     Token Counts: {'this': 1, 'movie': 1, 'was': 1, 'fantastic': 1, 'and': 1, 'had': 1, 'great': 1, 'acting': 1, '.': 1}

Chunk 3: Sentiment Analysis with Hugging Face’s Pre-trained Pipeline

  1. Code:

     # Initialize sentiment-analysis pipeline
     sentiment_pipeline = pipeline("sentiment-analysis")
     # Predict sentiment for example review
     sentiment = sentiment_pipeline(example_text)
     print("\nSentiment Prediction:", sentiment)
  2. Explanation:

    • Sentiment Analysis Pipeline: Pre-trained pipeline for binary sentiment prediction (positive/negative).

    • Parameters: The pipeline requires no additional parameters and returns sentiment with a confidence score.

  3. Sample Output:

     Sentiment Prediction: [{'label': 'POSITIVE', 'score': 0.9998}]

Chunk 4: Batch Sentiment Prediction for Train/Test Split

  1. Code:

     # Batch predictions for training and test sets
     train_texts = [sample['text'] for sample in movies_train]
     test_texts = [sample['text'] for sample in movies_test]
     # Predict sentiment labels for training and testing data
     train_preds = [sentiment_pipeline(text)[0]['label'] for text in train_texts]
     test_preds = [sentiment_pipeline(text)[0]['label'] for text in test_texts]
     # Convert labels to numerical values for accuracy calculations
     train_labels = [1 if label == 'POSITIVE' else 0 for label in train_preds]
     test_labels = [1 if label == 'POSITIVE' else 0 for label in test_preds]
     print("Training and testing predictions completed.")
  2. Explanation:

    • Batch Processing: Applies sentiment predictions across the training and testing text samples.

    • Label Conversion: Converts positive labels to 1 and negative labels to 0 for compatibility with accuracy calculations.

  3. Sample Output:

     Training and testing predictions completed.

Chunk 5: Calculating Accuracy and Confusion Matrix

  1. Code:

     # Calculate accuracy for test set
     accuracy = accuracy_score([sample['label'] for sample in movies_test], test_labels)
     print("Test Set Accuracy:", accuracy)
     # Calculate and display confusion matrix
     conf_matrix = confusion_matrix([sample['label'] for sample in movies_test], test_labels)
     print("\nConfusion Matrix:\n", conf_matrix)
  2. Explanation:

    • Accuracy: Measures how well the sentiment predictions match the true labels.

    • Confusion Matrix: Displays correct and incorrect predictions for each class.

  3. Sample Output:

     Test Set Accuracy: 0.88
     Confusion Matrix:
     [[190  35]
      [ 30 185]]

Chunk 6: Named Entity Recognition (NER) with Hugging Face

  1. Code:

     # Initialize NER pipeline
     ner_pipeline = pipeline("ner", model="dbmdz/bert-large-cased-finetuned-conll03-english")
     # Example sentence for NER
     ner_example = "Leonardo DiCaprio starred in Inception, directed by Christopher Nolan."
     # Perform NER
     ner_result = ner_pipeline(ner_example)
     print("\nNamed Entities:", [(entity['word'], entity['entity']) for entity in ner_result])
  2. Explanation:

    • NER Pipeline: Extracts entities like PERSON, LOCATION, etc., using a pretrained NER model.

    • Parameters:

      • model="dbmdz/bert-large-cased-finetuned-conll03-english": Model fine-tuned for entity recognition.
  3. Sample Output:

     Named Entities: [('Leonardo', 'PER'), ('DiCaprio', 'PER'), ('Inception', 'MISC'), ('Christopher', 'PER'), ('Nolan', 'PER')]

Chunk 7: Document Clustering Using Hugging Face Embeddings with KMeans

  1. Code:

     from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     # Define example sentences for clustering
     sentences = [
         "Can you recommend a casual Italian restaurant within walking distance?",
         "Looking for an inexpensive German restaurant nearby.",
         "Show me some recipes for asparagus and broccoli.",
         "What's a good family movie to watch tonight?"
     # Initialize embedding pipeline
     embedding_pipeline = pipeline("feature-extraction", model="bert-base-uncased")
     # Get embeddings for each sentence
     sentence_embeddings = [embedding_pipeline(sentence)[0][0] for sentence in sentences]
     # Apply KMeans clustering
     kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2)
     labels = kmeans.fit_predict(sentence_embeddings)
     # Plot clusters
     plt.scatter(range(len(labels)), labels, c=labels, cmap='viridis')
     plt.title("Sentence Clustering with KMeans on BERT Embeddings")
     plt.xlabel("Sentence Index")
     plt.ylabel("Cluster Label")
  2. Explanation:

    • Embedding Pipeline: Converts sentences into embeddings.

    • KMeans Clustering: Groups sentences by similarity, with results plotted for visualization.

  3. Sample Output:

    • A scatter plot of clustered sentences based on semantic similarity.

Chunk 8: Multi-Class Classification Setup with Hugging Face

  1. Code:

     # Placeholder for Multi-Class Classification with Hugging Face
     # While Hugging Face does support multi-class, IMDB dataset is binary.
     # Multi-class setup would require a different dataset and labels.
     print("Multi-class setup available for Hugging Face with appropriate datasets.")
  2. Explanation:

    • Multi-Class Setup: Hugging Face Transformers support multi-class tasks if needed.

    • This code is a placeholder as the IMDB dataset is binary.

  3. Sample Output:

     Multi-class setup available for Hugging Face with appropriate datasets.

This Hugging Face-based approach uses pretrained pipelines for sentiment analysis, tokenization, entity recognition, embeddings, and clustering, achieving comparable results to traditional methods while providing deep learning-powered insights.

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Written by

Anix Lynch
Anix Lynch