Spawn: Direct Cross-Script Calling Method in CKB Virtual Machine

10 min read

This post was originally a talk delivered at Common Knowledge Conference (CKCON) 2024 in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Wanbiao Ye (Mohanson) is a blockchain engineer at Cryptape, specializing in low-level VM and compiler development. His work spans multiple key projects, including the RISC-V VM for Nervos, WebAssembly VMs, an AOT compiler, and a Gameboy simulator. He has also built SDKs for major blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and CKB.

The live stream recording is available on YouTube.

Introducing Spawn—one of the exciting new features in CKB Script development, now available as part of the CKB’s Meepo hard fork. Meepo has introduced a range of enhancements, with Spawn standing out as a major innovation.

In CKB Script, Spawn refers to a concept and a set of syscalls for creating new processes. Unlike the exec syscall introduced during CKB’s first hard fork in 2022, Spawn enables direct cross-script calls, simplifying development process while offering greater control and optimization.

Why Spawn

During the 2022 hard fork, we introduced the exec syscall into CKB Virtual Machine, enabling the loading and executing of a new Script within the current execution space. While powerful, exec can be inefficient, especially when preserving the current execution space is necessary. With exec, all state information of the current Script is discarded. When Script A calls Script B using exec, Script A's context is lost, as illustrated below:

      +----------+   Exec   +----------+
----->+ Script A +--------->+ Script B +---->
      +----------+          +----------+

We aim to preserve the context of Script A. Ideally, when Script B executes, Script A should be able to retrieve B's execution result and then continue its own execution. This process is illustrated below:

----->+ Script A +--------------+----------->
      +-----+----+              ^
            |                   |
            | Spawn             | Exit
            v                   |
      +----------+              |
      | Script B +--------------+

This is where Spawn comes in, fulfilling exactly this purpose.

Development of Spawn in CKB Virtual Machine

The Spawn syscalls in the CKB-VM draw inspiration from Linux standards, offering an efficient method for process creation and using familiar terms like "process," "pipe," and "file descriptor." We've dedicated considerable effort to make this new technology user-friendly, enabling developers to build multi-process applications with the same ease as on a local system.

Please note that what process refers to in CKB-VM is different from that in an operating system: in CKB-VM, each running Script is considered a process, essentially an entity with its own independent execution space. However, at the OS level, CKB-VM remains a single-process, single-threaded program.
                    +--------------------+          .--.
                    | Hi, CKB, This is   |         .-    \
                    | 0. Process         |        /_      \
           +-----+  | 1. Pipe            |       (o        ) +-------+
           | CKB |  | 2. File Descriptor |     _/          | | Linux |
           +-----+  +--------------------+    (c       .-. | +-------+
             ___                  ;;          /      .'   \
          .''   ``.               ;;         O)     |      \
        _/ .-. .-. \_     () ()  / _          `.__  \       \
       (o|( O   O )|o)   ()(O)() |/ )           /    \       \
        .'         `.      ()\  _|_            /      \       \
       /    (c c)    \        \(_  \          /        \       \
       |             |        (__)  `.______ ( ._/      \       )
       \     (o)     /        (___)`._      .'           )     /
        `.         .'         (__)  ______ /            /     /
          `-.___.-'            /|\         |           /     /
          ___)(___            /  \         \          /     /
       .-'        `-.                       `.      .'     /
      / .-.      .-. \                        `-  /.'     /
     / /  ( .  . )  \ \                         / \)| | | |
    / /    \    /    \ \                       /     \_\_\_)
    \ \     )  (     / /                     (    /
     \ \   ( __ )   / /                        \   \ \  \
    /   )  //  \\  (   \                        \   \ \  \
(\ / / /\) \\  // (/\ \ \ /)                     )   \ \  \
 -'-'-'  .'  )(  `.  `-`-`-                     .'   |.'   |
       .'_ .'  `. _`.                      _.--'     (     (
     oOO(_)      (_)OOo                   (__.--._____)_____)

Overview of Spawn Functions

In the CKB-VM, Spawn is primarily implemented through the spawn() and spawn_cell() functions, offering nearly the same functionality with the one key distinction: spawn_cell() locates the Script using the code_hash and hash_type, while spawn() requires the developer to provide an absolute index and source.

The function signatures are as follows:

pub fn spawn(
    index: usize,
    source: Source,
    place: usize,
    bounds: usize,
    spgs: &mut SpawnArgs,
) -> Result<u64, SysError>;
pub fn spawn_cell(
    code_hash: &[u8],
    hash_type: ScriptHashType,
    argv: &[&CStr],
    inherited_fds: &[u64],
) -> Result<u64, SysError>;


From a low-level perspective, spawn_cell() is simply a wrapper around spawn(). Therefore, I will primarily focus on spawn() function, the parameters for which are explained as follows:

  • index: an index value denoting the index of entries to read.

  • source: a flag denoting the source of Cells or witnesses to locate, possible values include:

    • 1: input Cells

    • 0x0100000000000001: input Cells with the same running Script as current Script

    • 2: output Cells

    • 0x0100000000000002: output Cells with the same running Script as current Script

    • 3: dep Cells

  • place: A value of 0 or 1:

    • 0: read from Cell data

    • 1: read from witness

  • bounds: high 32 bits means offset; low 32 bits means length. If length equals to zero, it reads to end instead of reading 0 byte.

  • spawn_args: pass data during process creation or save return data. It is a structure with four members:

    • argc: contains the number of arguments passed to the program

    • argv: a one-dimensional array of strings

    • process_id: a pointer used to save the process_id of the child process

    • inherited_fds: an array representing the file descriptors passed to the child process. It must end with zero. For example, if you want to pass fd1 and fd2, you need to construct an array [fd1, fd2, 0].

The arguments used here—index, source, bounds, place, argc, and argv—are identical to those used in exec().


Like Linux, CKB-VM uses pipes and file descriptors to pass data between processes. Here's how it works:

pub fn pipe() -> Result<(u64, u64), SysError>;

The pipe() function creates a pipe—a unidirectional data channel used for interprocess communication. It returns a tuple of two file descriptors representing the pipe's ends. The first descriptor refers to the read end, while the second refers to the write end. When data is written to the write end, the CKB-VM buffers it until it's read from the read end.

              /~          ~\     +--------------------------------------------+
             |    //^\\//^\|     | Pipe create a unidirectional data channel, |
           /~~\  ||  o| |o|:~\   | data can be written to or read from a pipe |
          | |6   ||___|_|_||:|   +--------------------------------------------+
           \__.  /      o  \/'
            |   (       O   )
   /~~~~\    `\  \         /
  | |~~\ |     )  ~------~`\
 /' |  | |   /     ____ /~~~)\
(_/'   | | |     /'    |    ( |
       | | |     \    /   __)/ \
       \  \ \      \/    /' \   `\
         \  \|\        /   | |\___|
           \ |  \____/     | |
           /^~>  \        _/ <
          |  |         \       \
          |  | \        \        \
          -^-\  \       |        )


The read() function attempts to read up to the number of bytes specified by length from the file descriptor fd into the buffer, returning the actual number of bytes read.

pub fn read(fd: u64, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, SysError>;


The counterpart to the read() function is write(). This syscall writes data to a pipe through a file descriptor. It writes up to the number of bytes specified by length from the buffer, returning the actual number of bytes written.

pub fn write(fd: u64, buffer: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, SysError>;


The child Script uses this function to verify its available file descriptors. A file descriptor must— and can only—belong to one process. The file descriptor can be passed when using the spawn() function, as I demonstrated when introducing the spawn().

pub fn inherited_fds() -> Vec<u64>;


This syscall manually closes a file descriptor. After calling it, any attempts to read from or write to the file descriptor at the other end will fail.

pub fn close(fd: u64) -> Result<(), SysError>;


The last function is wait(). The syscall pauses execution until the process specified by pid has completed.

pub fn wait(pid: u64) -> Result<i8, SysError>;


The Spawn family of syscalls can return five distinct errors. Most of them are self-explanatory and typically occur when you pass incorrect arguments or attempt to double-close a file descriptor.

pub enum SysError {
    /// Failed to wait. Its value is 5.
    /// Invalid file descriptor. Its value is 6.
    /// Reading from or writing to file descriptor failed due to other end closed. Its value is 7.
    /// Max vms has been spawned. Its value is 8.
    /// Max fds has been created. Its value is 9.

Among these errors, a notable one is OtherEndClosed. It allows us to implement a function like read_all(fd) -> Vec<u8> to read all the data from the pipe at once. Many programming languages provide similar functions in their standard libraries, and you can easily implement this functionality yourself in the CKB-VM.

pub fn read_all(fd: u64) -> Result<Vec<u8>, SysError> {
    let mut ret = Vec::new();
    let mut buf = [0; 256];
    loop {
        match syscalls::read(fd, &mut buf) {
            Ok(data) => ret.extend_from_slice(&buf[]),
            Err(SysError::OtherEndClosed) => break,
            Err(err) => return Err(err),


Let's walk through a basic example of using Spawn. Imagine we want to deploy a public library on the chain, which is quite simple: it receives input parameters, concatenates them, and returns the result to the caller. Let’s see how to implement it.

The main code only consists of the following four lines, where:

  • The first line obtains the file descriptor.

  • The second line gathers and concatenates all the arguments.

  • The third line writes the result to the file descriptor.

  • The last line closes the file descriptor.

pub unsafe extern "C" fn main() -> u64 {
    let fds = inherited_fds();
    let out = ARGS.join("");
    write(fds[0], out.as_bytes());
    return 0;

So, how to use this library? Follow the following code:

  • The first line defines the arguments to be passed to the child Script.

  • The second line creates a pipe.

  • The third line calls the spawn() function, passing in the arguments and the writable file descriptor.

  • The fourth line reads all the data from the readable file descriptor.

  • The last line uses the wait() function to wait until the child Script exits.

pub unsafe extern "C" fn main() -> u64 {
    let argv = ["Hello", "World!"];
    let fds = pipe();
    let pid = spawn_cell(code_hash, hash_type, &argv, &[fds[1]]);
    let data = read_all(fds[0]);
    assert_eq!(&data, b"Hello World!");
    return 0;

Enhanced Efficiency With Spawn’s Pipes

Since spawn() operates within its own memory space, independent of the parent process, it can mitigate certain security risks, particularly in scenarios involving sensitive data.

While some other blockchain virtual machines, such as EVM, also offer cross-contract call functions, these calls tend to be quite expensive, especially when invoking child contracts repeatedly. This is primarily because it requires continuously creating and destroying a virtual machine to complete each call, pictured as below:

----->+ Script A +---+------+------------+------+-------+------+------->
      +----------+   |      ^            |      ^       |      ^
                     |      |            |      |       |      |
              Create |      | Destroy    |      |       |      |
                     v      |            v      |       v      |
                   +-+------+-+        +-+------+-+   +-+------+-+
                   | Script B |        | Script B |   | Script B |
                   +----------+        +----------+   +----------+

In contrast, CKB-VM implements pipes, allowing multiple calls to a child Script while only creating and destroying its execution space once. This approach significantly enhances efficiency as shown below:

----->+ Script A +----+------------------+------+-------+------+-------+------->
      +----------+    |                  |      ^       |      ^       ^
                      |                  | Pipe |       | Pipe |       |
              Create  |                  |  IO  |       |  IO  |       | Destroy
                      v                  |      |       |      |       |
                   +--+-------+          v      |       v      |       |
                   | Script B |----------+------+-------+------+-------+

Typical Use Cases

Spawn has several potential applications, and we believe it's particularly advantageous in the following scenarios:

  • Public Library: Spawn enables the development of common libraries, allowing different Scripts to reuse shared code. This approach simplifies Script development and substantially reduces deployment costs. For instance, we could publish diverse cryptographic algorithms on CKB as public libraries.

  • Large Script Management: When your Script's binary size exceeds 500K, it surpasses CKB's maximum transaction size limit for Script deployment. In such cases, you can leverage Spawn to divide and deploy your Script logic separately, effectively circumventing this limitation.


The Spawn family of functions in the CKB-VM offers an efficient, flexible, and secure method for process creation, particularly in scenarios involving complex Scripts. Using Spawn can boost system performance and security. By mastering the use of spawn(), developers can more effectively manage Scripts while building decentralized applications, unlocking new possibilities in blockchain development.

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