Scrapy with Sample Output

Anix LynchAnix Lynch
43 min read

Table of contents

1. Introduction to Scrapy

What is Scrapy?

Scrapy is an open-source web scraping framework for Python. It is designed for fast and efficient extraction of data from websites, handling large-scale scraping projects with ease.

Features and Advantages

  1. Fast and Efficient:

    • Built-in support for asynchronous requests, making it faster than most scraping libraries.
  2. Structured Data Handling:

    • Uses Items and Pipelines to process and store data efficiently.
  3. Flexible and Extensible:

    • Customize behavior with middlewares and settings.
  4. Built-in Support for Pagination:

    • Handles multi-page scraping and recursive crawling.
  5. Export Options:

    • Save data in formats like JSON, CSV, XML, or directly into databases.

Use Cases for Scrapy in Job Scraping

  • Extracting job titles, descriptions, and companies from websites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and

  • Automating data collection for job analysis and trend insights.

  • Collecting job board data for market research or career planning.

Scrapy Workflow

  1. Create a Project:

    • Initialize a Scrapy project with the necessary files and folders.
  2. Write a Spider:

    • Define the logic for scraping, including target URLs and data extraction.
  3. Run the Spider:

    • Execute the spider to collect data.
  4. Store the Data:

    • Save extracted data into structured formats like JSON or CSV.

Example: Setting Up and Running Scrapy

1. Install Scrapy

Install Scrapy using pip:

pip install scrapy

Verify the installation:

scrapy --version

2. Create a Scrapy Project

Run the following command to create a Scrapy project:

scrapy startproject job_scraper

Directory Structure:


3. Create a Spider

Navigate to the spiders folder and create a new spider file, e.g.,

Code Example: Basic Spider

import scrapy

class JobSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "job_spider"
    start_urls = [""]

    def parse(self, response):
        # Extract job titles
        job_titles = response.css('h2.job-title::text').getall()
        for title in job_titles:
            yield {"Job Title": title}

4. Run the Spider

Navigate to the project directory and run the spider:

scrapy crawl job_spider -o jobs.json

Sample Output (jobs.json):

    {"Job Title": "Data Scientist"},
    {"Job Title": "Machine Learning Engineer"},
    {"Job Title": "AI Researcher"}

5. Features Demonstrated

  • Asynchronous Requests: Multiple pages are crawled simultaneously.

  • CSS Selectors: Used to extract job titles from the page.

  • Data Export: Saved in JSON format for analysis.

2. Installing Scrapy

1. Scrapy Installation on macOS

Step 1: Install Prerequisites

Scrapy requires Python and some system dependencies.

  1. Install Homebrew (if not already installed):

     /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Install Python:

     brew install python
  3. Install libxml2 and libxslt:

     brew install libxml2 libxslt
  4. Ensure pip is up to date:

     python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Step 2: Install Scrapy

Install Scrapy using pip:

pip install scrapy

If you want to install it in a virtual environment (recommended), create and activate a virtual environment first:

python3 -m venv scrapy_env
source scrapy_env/bin/activate
pip install scrapy

2. Verifying the Installation

Run the following command to verify that Scrapy is installed successfully:

scrapy --version

Expected Output:

Scrapy 2.x.x

3. Setting Up the Environment

Step 1: Create a New Scrapy Project

  1. Navigate to the directory where you want to create your project:

     cd ~/projects
  2. Create a new Scrapy project:

     scrapy startproject job_scraper
  3. Navigate to the newly created project:

     cd job_scraper

Directory Structure:


Step 2: Install Additional Dependencies

Install any additional dependencies your project might need, such as:

  • playwright for JavaScript-rendered content:

      pip install scrapy-playwright
      playwright install
  • pandas for data processing:

      pip install pandas

4. Testing the Installation

Run the default Scrapy command to test the environment:

scrapy list

Expected Output:

No spiders found

This indicates Scrapy is installed and the project is set up correctly. You can now create your first spider.

Quick Troubleshooting

  1. Issue: Command scrapy not found.

    • Ensure Scrapy is installed in the correct Python environment.

    • Activate the virtual environment if used:

        source scrapy_env/bin/activate
  2. Issue: Missing dependencies (libxml2, libxslt).

    • Install using Homebrew:

        brew install libxml2 libxslt

3. Creating a Scrapy Project

1. Directory Structure of a Scrapy Project

After creating a Scrapy project, it follows this structure:

    scrapy.cfg           # Project configuration file
    job_scraper/         # Main module for your Scrapy project         # Define data models for scraped items   # Middleware for processing requests/responses     # Define how to process/store scraped data      # Project-wide settings
        spiders/         # Folder containing spider definitions

2. Key Components of a Scrapy Project


  • The spiders define the logic for crawling websites and extracting data.

  • They specify starting URLs, how to parse responses, and how to follow links.


  • Items are Python classes that structure the scraped data.

  • They define fields such as job title, company, and location.


  • Pipelines process scraped data before storage.

  • Examples: Cleaning data, saving to a database, or exporting to files.


  • Middlewares process requests and responses.

  • Examples: Rotating proxies, adding custom headers.


  • Settings configure the Scrapy project (e.g., download delays, concurrent requests).

  • Custom settings can be applied for each spider.

3. Creating Your First Scrapy Project

Step 1: Create a New Project

Run the following command to create a Scrapy project:

scrapy startproject job_scraper

Navigate to the project directory:

cd job_scraper

Step 2: Define an Item

Open and define fields for the job data you want to scrape:

import scrapy

class JobScraperItem(scrapy.Item):
    title = scrapy.Field()
    company = scrapy.Field()
    location = scrapy.Field()
    link = scrapy.Field()

Step 3: Create a Spider

Inside the spiders/ directory, create a file named

import scrapy
from job_scraper.items import JobScraperItem

class JobSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "job_spider"
    start_urls = [""]

    def parse(self, response):
        # Loop through job cards
        for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
            item = JobScraperItem()
            item['title'] = job.css('h2.job-title::text').get()
            item['company'] = job.css('').get()
            item['location'] = job.css('span.job-location::text').get()
            item['link'] = response.urljoin(job.css('a::attr(href)').get())
            yield item

Step 4: Configure Settings

Open and configure as needed:

  • Enable JSON or CSV export:

      FEEDS = {
          'jobs.json': {'format': 'json'},
  • Set a download delay to prevent bans:


Step 5: Run the Spider

Run your spider:

scrapy crawl job_spider

Output will be saved to jobs.json as configured in

Sample Output (jobs.json):

    {"title": "Data Scientist", "company": "TechCorp", "location": "San Francisco, CA", "link": ""},
    {"title": "Machine Learning Engineer", "company": "AI Corp", "location": "New York, NY", "link": ""}

4. Running Your Project and Verifying Outputs

Check the Data

Ensure the scraped data matches the structure defined in


  • Use the Scrapy Shell to debug selectors:

      scrapy shell ""

    Example command in shell:


4. Writing and Running Spiders

1. Creating a Spider

What is a Spider?

A spider in Scrapy is a class that defines how a website will be scraped:

  • The URLs to scrape.

  • How to extract data.

  • How to follow links.

Code Example: Creating a Spider

Navigate to the spiders/ directory and create a file, e.g.,

import scrapy

class JobSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "job_spider"  # Unique name for the spider
    start_urls = [""]  # Initial URLs to scrape

    def parse(self, response):
        pass  # Logic for extracting data goes here

2. Defining start_urls

Purpose of start_urls:

  • It lists the initial URLs the spider will visit.

You can add multiple URLs:

start_urls = [

3. Sending Requests and Receiving Responses

Scrapy automatically sends GET requests to start_urls and passes the response to the parse method.

Code Example: Extracting Response Status

def parse(self, response):
    print(f"Visited {response.url}, Status: {response.status}")

Sample Output:

Visited, Status: 200

4. Extracting Data from Job Listings

Using CSS Selectors

CSS selectors allow you to extract elements based on tags, classes, or IDs.

Example: Extracting Job Titles

def parse(self, response):
    job_titles = response.css('h2.job-title::text').getall()  # Get all job titles
    for title in job_titles:
        yield {"Job Title": title}

Using XPath

XPath is a more powerful alternative for selecting elements.

Example: Extracting Job Titles with XPath

def parse(self, response):
    job_titles = response.xpath('//h2[@class="job-title"]/text()').getall()
    for title in job_titles:
        yield {"Job Title": title}

Extracting Multiple Fields

You can scrape job titles, companies, locations, and links in one loop.

Code Example:

def parse(self, response):
    for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
        yield {
            "Job Title": job.css('h2.job-title::text').get(),
            "Company": job.css('').get(),
            "Location": job.css('span.job-location::text').get(),
            "Link": response.urljoin(job.css('a::attr(href)').get()),

Sample Output:

    {"Job Title": "Data Scientist", "Company": "TechCorp", "Location": "San Francisco, CA", "Link": ""},
    {"Job Title": "AI Engineer", "Company": "AI Corp", "Location": "New York, NY", "Link": ""}

5. Running Spiders Using scrapy crawl

Step 1: Run the Spider

Run the following command to execute the spider:

scrapy crawl job_spider

Step 2: Export Data to a File

Export data directly to JSON, CSV, or XML:

scrapy crawl job_spider -o jobs.json  # Export to JSON
scrapy crawl job_spider -o jobs.csv   # Export to CSV

Step 3: Debugging in Scrapy Shell

Use the Scrapy Shell to debug selectors:

scrapy shell ""

Example commands in shell:

response.css('h2.job-title::text').getall()  # Get all job titles
response.xpath('//h2[@class="job-title"]/text()').getall()  # Using XPath

Key Takeaways

  1. Spider Basics:

    • Name your spider uniquely.

    • Use start_urls for the initial requests.

  2. Data Extraction:

    • Use CSS and XPath selectors to extract structured data.
  3. Running and Exporting:

    • Use scrapy crawl to run spiders and export data in desired formats.

5. Data Extraction with Scrapy

1. CSS Selectors vs. XPath

How to Choose Between CSS and XPath

  • CSS Selectors:

    • Simple and readable syntax.

    • Ideal for extracting data based on tag names, classes, or IDs.

    • Supported in most browsers for quick testing.

  • XPath:

    • More powerful and flexible.

    • Ideal for selecting elements based on advanced conditions (e.g., siblings, specific attributes).

    • Useful when elements are deeply nested or don’t have unique classes/IDs.

Combining CSS and XPath

You can mix both in a spider for robust data extraction.

Code Example: Combining CSS and XPath

def parse(self, response):
    job_cards = response.css('div.job-card')  # CSS Selector for job cards
    for job in job_cards:
        title = job.css('h2.job-title::text').get()  # CSS for title
        company = job.xpath('.//span[@class="company-name"]/text()').get()  # XPath for company name
        yield {"Title": title, "Company": company}

2. CSS Selectors

Selecting Elements

  • By Tag Name: Select elements by their HTML tag:

  • By Class: Select elements with a specific class:

  • By ID: Select elements with a specific ID:

  • By Attribute: Select elements with a specific attribute:


Extracting Text

  • Use ::text to extract the text content of an element:


Extracting Attributes

  • Use ::attr(attribute) to extract the value of an attribute:


Code Example: CSS Selectors

def parse(self, response):
    for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
        yield {
            "Title": job.css('h2.job-title::text').get(),
            "Company": job.css('').get(),
            "Location": job.css('span.job-location::text').get(),
            "Link": response.urljoin(job.css('a::attr(href)').get()),

3. XPath Selectors

Basic XPath Syntax

  • By Tag Name: Select all <h2> elements:

  • By Class or Attribute: Select elements with a specific class or attribute:

  • Text Content: Select elements based on their text:

      //h2[text()="Data Scientist"]
  • Partial Match: Use contains() for partial matches:

      //h2[contains(@class, "title")]

Extracting Text

Use text() to extract the text content of an element:


Extracting Attributes

Use @attribute to extract the value of an attribute:


Code Example: XPath Selectors

def parse(self, response):
    for job in response.xpath('//div[@class="job-card"]'):
        yield {
            "Title": job.xpath('.//h2[@class="job-title"]/text()').get(),
            "Company": job.xpath('.//span[@class="company-name"]/text()').get(),
            "Location": job.xpath('.//span[@class="job-location"]/text()').get(),
            "Link": response.urljoin(job.xpath('.//a[@class="apply-link"]/@href').get()),

4. Using text() and @attribute in XPath

Extracting Direct Text

  • Extract text directly inside a tag:


Extracting Attribute Values

  • Extract attributes like href:


Combining Conditions

  • Extract elements that satisfy multiple conditions:

      //h2[@class="job-title" and contains(text(), "Engineer")]

5. Comparison of CSS and XPath

Ease of UseSimple syntaxMore complex but flexible
Partial MatchesLimited supportFully supported with contains()
HierarchyLimited parent-child selectionRobust parent-child and sibling selection
AttributesSimple with ::attr()Flexible with @attribute
TestingCan test in browser DevToolsRequires XPath testing tools

Key Takeaways

  1. CSS Selectors:

    • Best for straightforward structures.

    • Use ::text and ::attr() for text and attribute extraction.

  2. XPath:

    • Best for complex conditions and nested elements.

    • Use text() and @attribute for fine-grained control.

  3. Combination:

    • Use both CSS and XPath selectors in a spider for optimal results.

6. Handling Pagination in Scrapy

1. Identifying Pagination Patterns

Types of Pagination

  1. Next Button:

    • A link or button to the next page, e.g., <a href="/jobs?page=2">Next</a>.
  2. Numbered Links:

    • Links for specific pages, e.g., <a href="/jobs?page=1">1</a>.

How to Identify Pagination

  1. Inspect the website's pagination element using browser DevTools.

  2. Look for a href attribute that changes across pages.

  3. Verify if URLs are relative or absolute.

2. Extracting href Attributes for the Next Page

If the pagination uses a "Next" button:

def parse(self, response):
    # Extract the next page link
    next_page = response.css('').get()  # Update CSS selector as per website
    if next_page:
        yield response.follow(next_page, self.parse)

Using XPath:

next_page = response.xpath('//a[@class="next"]/@href').get()

3. Sending Requests to Subsequent Pages

Scrapy's response.follow() handles relative and absolute URLs seamlessly.

Example: Following Pagination Links

def parse(self, response):
    # Extract job data
    for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
        yield {
            "Title": job.css('h2.job-title::text').get(),
            "Company": job.css('').get(),
            "Location": job.css('span.job-location::text').get(),
            "Link": response.urljoin(job.css('a::attr(href)').get()),

    # Follow the next page
    next_page = response.css('').get()
    if next_page:
        yield response.follow(next_page, self.parse)

4. Implementing Recursive Crawling

Using start_requests

You can override the start_requests method to handle initial requests or pagination logic.

Example: Crawling Multiple Pages from Start

def start_requests(self):
    base_url = ""
    for page in range(1, 6):  # Crawl pages 1 to 5
        yield scrapy.Request(url=f"{base_url}{page}", callback=self.parse)

Using a Custom Callback Function

Custom callbacks help when the pagination logic is complex or requires separate parsing for links.

Example: Callback for Parsing Subsequent Pages

def parse(self, response):
    # Extract job data
    for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
        yield {
            "Title": job.css('h2.job-title::text').get(),
            "Company": job.css('').get(),
            "Location": job.css('span.job-location::text').get(),
            "Link": response.urljoin(job.css('a::attr(href)').get()),

    # Follow pagination
    next_page = response.css('').get()
    if next_page:
        yield response.follow(next_page, callback=self.parse_next_page)

def parse_next_page(self, response):
    # Extract data from the next page
    for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
        yield {
            "Title": job.css('h2.job-title::text').get(),
            "Company": job.css('').get(),
            "Location": job.css('span.job-location::text').get(),
            "Link": response.urljoin(job.css('a::attr(href)').get()),

    # Continue following pagination
    next_page = response.css('').get()
    if next_page:
        yield response.follow(next_page, callback=self.parse_next_page)

When a website lists page numbers, iterate over all available links.

Example: Extracting All Pagination Links

def parse(self, response):
    # Extract job data
    for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
        yield {
            "Title": job.css('h2.job-title::text').get(),
            "Company": job.css('').get(),
            "Location": job.css('span.job-location::text').get(),
            "Link": response.urljoin(job.css('a::attr(href)').get()),

    # Follow numbered pagination links
    pagination_links = response.css('').getall()
    for link in pagination_links:
        yield response.follow(link, callback=self.parse)

6. Full Example: Handling Pagination

Spider Example: Scraping a Job Website

import scrapy

class JobSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "job_spider"
    start_urls = [""]

    def parse(self, response):
        # Extract job data
        for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
            yield {
                "Title": job.css('h2.job-title::text').get(),
                "Company": job.css('').get(),
                "Location": job.css('span.job-location::text').get(),
                "Link": response.urljoin(job.css('a::attr(href)').get()),

        # Follow the next page
        next_page = response.css('').get()
        if next_page:
            yield response.follow(next_page, callback=self.parse)

Command to Run Spider:

scrapy crawl job_spider -o jobs.json

Sample Output (jobs.json):

    {"Title": "Data Scientist", "Company": "TechCorp", "Location": "San Francisco, CA", "Link": ""},
    {"Title": "AI Engineer", "Company": "AI Corp", "Location": "New York, NY", "Link": ""},

Key Takeaways

  1. Identify Pagination Patterns:

    • Inspect next buttons or numbered links using browser DevTools.
  2. Follow Pagination Links:

    • Use response.follow() for seamless crawling across pages.
  3. Recursive Crawling:

    • Implement callbacks to handle dynamic or complex pagination logic.
  4. Use start_requests:

    • For iterating over predefined URL patterns.

7. Storing and Exporting Data in Scrapy

1. Structuring Scraped Data Using Items

Why Use Items?

  • Provides a structured way to define fields for your scraped data.

  • Easier to maintain and process data consistently.

Defining Items

Open in your Scrapy project and define fields for the data you want to scrape.

Code Example: Defining Job Fields

import scrapy

class JobScraperItem(scrapy.Item):
    title = scrapy.Field()
    company = scrapy.Field()
    location = scrapy.Field()
    link = scrapy.Field()

2. Using ItemLoaders for Data Pre-Processing

Why Use ItemLoaders?

  • Pre-process scraped data before storing it.

  • Clean and format data (e.g., stripping whitespace, converting cases).

Example: Using ItemLoaders

Modify your spider to use ItemLoaders:

Code Example: Applying Pre-Processing

from scrapy.loader import ItemLoader
from job_scraper.items import JobScraperItem

class JobSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "job_spider"
    start_urls = [""]

    def parse(self, response):
        for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
            loader = ItemLoader(item=JobScraperItem(), selector=job)
            loader.add_css('title', 'h2.job-title::text')
            loader.add_css('company', '')
            loader.add_css('location', 'span.job-location::text')
            loader.add_css('link', 'a::attr(href)')
            yield loader.load_item()

Output Example After Pre-Processing:

    "title": "Data Scientist",
    "company": "TechCorp",
    "location": "San Francisco, CA",
    "link": ""

3. Exporting Data

Scrapy supports exporting data directly in formats like JSON, CSV, and XML.

Exporting to JSON

Run the spider and specify the output format:

scrapy crawl job_spider -o jobs.json

Sample Output (jobs.json):

    {"title": "Data Scientist", "company": "TechCorp", "location": "San Francisco, CA", "link": ""},
    {"title": "Machine Learning Engineer", "company": "AI Corp", "location": "New York, NY", "link": ""}

Exporting to CSV

Run the spider with CSV format:

scrapy crawl job_spider -o jobs.csv

Sample Output (jobs.csv):

Data Scientist,TechCorp,San Francisco,CA,
Machine Learning Engineer,AI Corp,New York,NY,

Exporting to Excel via Pipelines

You can save data in Excel format (.xlsx) by installing and using openpyxl.

Step 1: Install openpyxl

pip install openpyxl

Step 2: Modify Update the pipeline to save data to Excel.

Code Example: Excel Pipeline

import openpyxl

class ExcelPipeline:
    def open_spider(self, spider):
        # Create a new workbook and sheet
        self.workbook = openpyxl.Workbook()
        self.sheet =
        self.sheet.title = "Jobs"
        # Define headers
        self.sheet.append(["Title", "Company", "Location", "Link"])

    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        # Append data row
        self.sheet.append([item['title'], item['company'], item['location'], item['link']])
        return item

    def close_spider(self, spider):
        # Save the workbook"jobs.xlsx")

Step 3: Enable the Pipeline in

    'job_scraper.pipelines.ExcelPipeline': 300,

Run the Spider:

scrapy crawl job_spider

Output: jobs.xlsx with structured job data.

4. Appending Data to Existing Files

To append data without overwriting:

For JSON and CSV

  • Use the FEEDS setting with append mode in
    'jobs.json': {
        'format': 'json',
        'overwrite': False,
        'encoding': 'utf8',
    'jobs.csv': {
        'format': 'csv',
        'overwrite': False,
        'encoding': 'utf8',

For Excel

Modify the pipeline to open and append to an existing file.

Code Example: Append Data to Excel

import openpyxl

class ExcelPipeline:
    def open_spider(self, spider):
            # Try to load existing workbook
            self.workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook("jobs.xlsx")
            self.sheet =
        except FileNotFoundError:
            # Create a new workbook if file doesn't exist
            self.workbook = openpyxl.Workbook()
            self.sheet =
            self.sheet.append(["Title", "Company", "Location", "Link"])

    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        self.sheet.append([item['title'], item['company'], item['location'], item['link']])
        return item

    def close_spider(self, spider):"jobs.xlsx")

Key Takeaways

  1. Structured Data with Items:

    • Define fields to ensure consistent data structure.

    • Use ItemLoaders for pre-processing.

  2. Exporting Data:

    • Easily export data to JSON, CSV, or Excel.
  3. Appending Data:

    • Use FEEDS settings or modify pipelines to prevent overwriting.
  4. Excel Integration:

    • Utilize openpyxl for storing data in .xlsx files.

8. Working with APIs

1. Identifying API Endpoints from Job Websites

Why Use APIs?

  • APIs provide structured data (e.g., JSON or XML) directly, eliminating the need for HTML parsing.

  • Faster and more efficient compared to scraping web pages.

Steps to Identify API Endpoints

  1. Inspect Network Requests:

    • Open browser DevTools (F12 in Chrome/Firefox).

    • Navigate to the Network tab and perform an action (e.g., searching for jobs).

    • Look for API calls in the XHR or Fetch filters.

  2. Analyze Request and Response:

    • Examine the URL, HTTP method (GET/POST), headers, and payload.

    • Check if the response contains JSON data relevant to your needs.

  3. Validate Endpoint Accessibility:

    • Copy the API URL and try sending a request using a tool like Postman or curl.

2. Sending Authenticated API Requests with Scrapy

Step 1: Understand Authentication Requirements

  • No Authentication: Some APIs are open and can be accessed directly.

  • Token-Based Authentication: APIs like LinkedIn require an API key or OAuth token in the headers.

Step 2: Include Headers for Authentication

Add required headers to your Scrapy request.

Example: Adding API Key to Headers

class JobApiSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "job_api_spider"
    start_urls = [""]

    def start_requests(self):
        headers = {
            "Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY",
            "User-Agent": "Scrapy/1.0 (+",
        for url in self.start_urls:
            yield scrapy.Request(url, headers=headers, callback=self.parse)

    def parse(self, response):
        data = response.json()  # Extract JSON data from the API response
        for job in data.get('results', []):
            yield {
                "Title": job.get('title'),
                "Company": job.get('company'),
                "Location": job.get('location'),
                "Link": job.get('url'),

3. Extracting Structured JSON Data

Step 1: Parse the JSON Response

Scrapy provides a response.json() method to parse JSON directly.

Example: Extracting Data

def parse(self, response):
    data = response.json()  # Parse JSON response
    for job in data['jobs']:
        yield {
            "Title": job['title'],
            "Company": job['company']['name'],
            "Location": job['location'],
            "Link": job['link'],

Sample API Response:

    "jobs": [
            "title": "Data Scientist",
            "company": {"name": "TechCorp"},
            "location": "San Francisco, CA",
            "link": ""
            "title": "AI Engineer",
            "company": {"name": "AI Corp"},
            "location": "New York, NY",
            "link": ""


    "Title": "Data Scientist",
    "Company": "TechCorp",
    "Location": "San Francisco, CA",
    "Link": ""

4. Storing API Results in CSV or JSON Formats

Export to JSON

Run the spider and save the output directly:

scrapy crawl job_api_spider -o jobs.json

Export to CSV

Save the output in CSV format:

scrapy crawl job_api_spider -o jobs.csv

Sample CSV Output (jobs.csv):

Data Scientist,TechCorp,San Francisco, CA,
AI Engineer,AI Corp,New York, NY,

5. Full Example: Using LinkedIn API

Step 1: Get API Access

  • Create a LinkedIn Developer Account.

  • Register an application to get your client ID and client secret.

  • Authenticate using OAuth to obtain an access token.

Step 2: Use LinkedIn API for Job Data

LinkedIn API requires an access token in the headers.

Spider Example:

class LinkedInJobSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "linkedin_jobs"
    start_urls = [""]

    def start_requests(self):
        headers = {
            "Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
        for url in self.start_urls:
            yield scrapy.Request(url, headers=headers, callback=self.parse)

    def parse(self, response):
        data = response.json()
        for job in data['elements']:
            yield {
                "Title": job['title'],
                "Company": job['companyName'],
                "Location": job.get('location', 'Remote'),
                "Link": job['applyUrl'],

Command to Run Spider:

scrapy crawl linkedin_jobs -o linkedin_jobs.json

6. Key Considerations for API Scraping

Advantages of Using APIs

  • Structured Data: Easier to extract and process.

  • Stability: Less prone to breakage compared to scraping HTML.

  • Efficiency: Faster data retrieval.


  • Rate Limits: APIs often limit the number of requests per minute/hour.

  • Authentication: Some APIs require complex OAuth authentication.

  • Paid Access: Certain APIs charge for higher usage tiers.

Best Practices

  1. Respect Rate Limits:

    • Use the DOWNLOAD_DELAY setting in Scrapy:

        DOWNLOAD_DELAY = 2  # Delay of 2 seconds between requests
  2. Retry Failed Requests:

    • Enable the Retry Middleware in

        RETRY_ENABLED = True
        RETRY_TIMES = 3
  3. Store Data Efficiently:

    • Use pipelines to save data directly into databases (e.g., MongoDB or PostgreSQL).

Key Takeaways

  1. Identify APIs:

    • Use DevTools to find API endpoints.

    • Test API calls with tools like Postman.

  2. Authentication:

    • Add required headers for token-based APIs.
  3. Data Extraction:

    • Use response.json() to parse structured JSON responses.
  4. Exporting Results:

    • Save results in JSON or CSV for analysis.
  5. Best Practices:

    • Respect rate limits and handle retries gracefully.

9. Scrapy Shell

1. What is the Scrapy Shell and How to Use It?

What is the Scrapy Shell?

The Scrapy Shell is an interactive command-line environment for testing and debugging scraping logic. It allows you to:

  • Fetch web pages.

  • Inspect HTML responses.

  • Experiment with CSS and XPath selectors.

  • Test data extraction logic before implementing it in spiders.

How to Start the Scrapy Shell

Run the Scrapy Shell for a specific URL:

scrapy shell ""

2. Using the fetch() Command to Inspect Responses

Fetch a URL

If you’re already in the shell, use the fetch() command to load a webpage:


Inspect the Response

After fetching a URL, the response is stored in the response object. You can inspect the response attributes:

  • Check the status code:



  • View the response URL:


  • Check the HTML content:

      print(response.text[:500])  # Display the first 500 characters

3. Experimenting with CSS and XPath in the Shell

Using CSS Selectors

You can test CSS selectors directly in the shell:

  • Select all job titles:



      ['Data Scientist', 'AI Engineer', 'Machine Learning Engineer']
  • Extract a specific attribute:



      ['/job/123', '/job/456', '/job/789']

Using XPath

Test XPath expressions for the same results:

  • Select all job titles:



      ['Data Scientist', 'AI Engineer', 'Machine Learning Engineer']
  • Extract specific attributes:



      ['/job/123', '/job/456', '/job/789']

Using Both CSS and XPath

You can use both CSS and XPath to locate elements and test which works better for your target website.

Example: Get Job Titles with CSS and XPath

# CSS Selector

# XPath

4. Debugging Using Scrapy Shell

Inspecting Issues

If your spider isn’t working as expected, use the shell to debug:

  1. Fetch the URL that’s causing the issue:

  2. Inspect the structure of the HTML:

  3. Test your selector logic:

    • CSS:

        response.css('div.job-card h2.job-title::text').getall()
    • XPath:


Check Element Presence

Sometimes, elements are missing or incorrectly targeted:




This confirms that the element is not present in the HTML.

Check for Errors in Responses

If a request fails, you can inspect the response:

response.status  # HTTP status code
response.headers  # Response headers

5. Example Workflow in Scrapy Shell

Step 1: Start the Shell

scrapy shell ""

Step 2: Inspect the Response

  • View the HTML content:


Step 3: Experiment with Selectors

  • Extract job titles:

  • Extract links:


Step 4: Debug Complex Selectors

  • Test XPath for deeply nested elements:


Step 5: Verify Pagination

  • Test the next page selector:


Key Takeaways

  1. Scrapy Shell Basics:

    • Use the shell for quick debugging and experimentation.
  2. fetch() Command:

    • Fetch and inspect responses dynamically.
  3. Testing Selectors:

    • Experiment with CSS and XPath to ensure data extraction works.
  4. Debugging:

    • Inspect missing elements or incorrect logic before modifying your spider.

10. Advanced Techniques for Job Scraping

1. Handling Dynamic JavaScript-Rendered Websites

Some job websites use JavaScript to load content dynamically. Scrapy alone cannot render JavaScript, but libraries like scrapy-playwright can help.

1.1 Using scrapy-playwright for Rendering JavaScript

Step 1: Install scrapy-playwright

pip install scrapy-playwright

Step 2: Enable scrapy-playwright in Settings Add the following to your

    'scrapy_playwright.middleware.ScrapyPlaywrightDownloadHandler': 543,

PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSER_TYPE = "chromium"  # Options: chromium, firefox, webkit

Step 3: Use playwright in Your Spider

import scrapy

class DynamicJobSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "dynamic_job_spider"

    def start_requests(self):
        yield scrapy.Request(
            meta={"playwright": True},  # Enable Playwright for this request

    def parse(self, response):
        # Extract job data from JavaScript-rendered content
        for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
            yield {
                "Title": job.css('h2.job-title::text').get(),
                "Company": job.css('').get(),
                "Location": job.css('span.job-location::text').get(),
                "Link": response.urljoin(job.css('a::attr(href)').get()),

1.2 Scraping Job Pages with Infinite Scrolling

For websites with infinite scrolling:

  1. Use Playwright to scroll and load content dynamically.

  2. Capture the full page content.

Code Example: Infinite Scrolling

from import PageCoroutine

class InfiniteScrollSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "infinite_scroll"

    def start_requests(self):
        yield scrapy.Request(
                "playwright": True,
                "playwright_page_coroutines": [
                    PageCoroutine("evaluate", "window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)"),
                    PageCoroutine("wait_for_timeout", 5000),  # Wait for more content to load

    def parse(self, response):
        for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
            yield {
                "Title": job.css('h2.job-title::text').get(),
                "Company": job.css('').get(),
                "Location": job.css('span.job-location::text').get(),
                "Link": response.urljoin(job.css('a::attr(href)').get()),

2. Logging into Websites to Scrape Hidden Job Listings

Many job websites require user authentication to access full job details.

2.1 Using FormRequest for Login Forms

Code Example: Submitting a Login Form

from scrapy.http import FormRequest

class LoginSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "login_spider"
    start_urls = [""]

    def parse(self, response):
        # Send a POST request to login
        return FormRequest.from_response(
            formdata={"username": "your_username", "password": "your_password"},

    def after_login(self, response):
        # Scrape job listings after successful login
        if "Welcome" in response.text:
            yield scrapy.Request(

    def parse_jobs(self, response):
        for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
            yield {
                "Title": job.css('h2.job-title::text').get(),
                "Company": job.css('').get(),
                "Location": job.css('span.job-location::text').get(),

2.2 Extracting CSRF Tokens Dynamically

Many websites use CSRF tokens for form submissions.

Code Example: Extract CSRF Tokens

def parse(self, response):
    csrf_token = response.css('input[name="csrf_token"]::attr(value)').get()
    return FormRequest.from_response(
            "username": "your_username",
            "password": "your_password",
            "csrf_token": csrf_token,

3. Extracting Job Listings from Tables

Some websites display job data in HTML tables. Scraping these requires parsing rows (<tr>) and columns (<td>).

3.1 Scraping Tabular HTML Structures

HTML Example:

<table class="job-table">
        <td>Data Scientist</td>
        <td>San Francisco, CA</td>
        <td>AI Engineer</td>
        <td>AI Corp</td>
        <td>New York, NY</td>

Code Example: Scraping Table Data

class TableJobSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "table_job_spider"
    start_urls = [""]

    def parse(self, response):
        rows = response.css('table.job-table tr')[1:]  # Skip header row
        for row in rows:
            yield {
                "Title": row.css('td:nth-child(1)::text').get(),
                "Company": row.css('td:nth-child(2)::text').get(),
                "Location": row.css('td:nth-child(3)::text').get(),


    {"Title": "Data Scientist", "Company": "TechCorp", "Location": "San Francisco, CA"},
    {"Title": "AI Engineer", "Company": "AI Corp", "Location": "New York, NY"}

3.2 Parsing and Cleaning Table Data

Clean and normalize data before storing it.

Code Example: Data Cleaning

def parse(self, response):
    rows = response.css('table.job-table tr')[1:]  # Skip header row
    for row in rows:
        title = row.css('td:nth-child(1)::text').get().strip()
        company = row.css('td:nth-child(2)::text').get().strip()
        location = row.css('td:nth-child(3)::text').get().strip()
        yield {
            "Title": title,
            "Company": company,
            "Location": location,

Key Takeaways

  1. Dynamic Content:

    • Use scrapy-playwright for JavaScript-rendered pages and infinite scrolling.
  2. Authentication:

    • Use FormRequest to log in and access hidden job listings.

    • Dynamically extract CSRF tokens for secure login forms.

  3. Tabular Data:

    • Extract structured data from HTML tables and clean it for consistent storage.

11. Managing Scrapy Settings

Efficient Scrapy settings can improve scraping performance while reducing the risk of being blocked by target websites.

1. Configuring Settings for Efficient Scraping

1.1 Controlling Concurrency and Delays

  • CONCURRENT_REQUESTS: Specifies the number of concurrent requests sent by Scrapy. The default is 16.

  • DOWNLOAD_DELAY: Sets a delay between requests to the same domain to avoid triggering rate limits.

Example Settings in

CONCURRENT_REQUESTS = 8  # Reduce concurrency for sensitive websites
DOWNLOAD_DELAY = 2  # Add a 2-second delay between requests

1.2 Enabling AUTOTHROTTLE for Dynamic Rate Limiting


    • Dynamically adjusts request rates based on the server’s response times.

    • Helps reduce the chances of getting banned by websites.

Example Settings in

AUTOTHROTTLE_START_DELAY = 1  # Initial download delay
AUTOTHROTTLE_MAX_DELAY = 10  # Maximum delay in case of high latency
AUTOTHROTTLE_TARGET_CONCURRENCY = 2.0  # Average concurrent requests
AUTOTHROTTLE_DEBUG = True  # Enable debug logging for auto-throttling

How It Works:

  • Scrapy monitors server response times and adjusts the request rate accordingly.

  • Ensures efficient scraping while reducing server load.

2. Setting Custom Headers and User Agents

2.1 Why Set Custom Headers?

  • Default headers can trigger bans if the website identifies Scrapy as a bot.

  • Mimic real user behavior with custom headers and user agents.

2.2 Setting Custom Headers

Example Settings in

    'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
    'Accept-Language': 'en',

Add Custom Headers in the Spider:

class JobSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "job_spider"
    start_urls = [""]

    def start_requests(self):
        headers = {
            'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.159 Safari/537.36',
        for url in self.start_urls:
            yield scrapy.Request(url, headers=headers, callback=self.parse)

2.3 Rotating User Agents

Install the scrapy-user-agents library to easily rotate user agents:

pip install scrapy-user-agents

Enable in

    'scrapy_user_agents.middlewares.RandomUserAgentMiddleware': 400,

3. Rotating Proxies for Avoiding Bans

3.1 Why Rotate Proxies?

  • Prevent websites from blocking your IP address during large-scale scraping.

  • Proxies can mask your IP and distribute requests across multiple addresses.

3.2 Adding Proxies to Scrapy

Option 1: Manually Specify Proxies

class ProxySpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "proxy_spider"
    start_urls = [""]

    def start_requests(self):
        proxies = ["http://proxy1:8080", "http://proxy2:8080"]
        for url in self.start_urls:
            proxy = proxies[0]  # Rotate proxies manually
            yield scrapy.Request(url, meta={"proxy": proxy}, callback=self.parse)

Option 2: Using a Proxy Middleware

Install scrapy-rotating-proxies:

pip install scrapy-rotating-proxies

Enable in


    'rotating_proxies.middlewares.RotatingProxyMiddleware': 610,
    'rotating_proxies.middlewares.BanDetectionMiddleware': 620,

4. Full Settings Example

# Concurrency and Delay

# Auto-throttle

# Custom Headers
    'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
    'Accept-Language': 'en',

# Rotating User Agents
    'scrapy_user_agents.middlewares.RandomUserAgentMiddleware': 400,

# Rotating Proxies

    'rotating_proxies.middlewares.RotatingProxyMiddleware': 610,
    'rotating_proxies.middlewares.BanDetectionMiddleware': 620,

Key Takeaways

  1. Concurrency and Delays:

    • Control request rates with CONCURRENT_REQUESTS and DOWNLOAD_DELAY.

    • Use AUTOTHROTTLE for dynamic rate limiting.

  2. Custom Headers and User Agents:

    • Mimic browser behavior to avoid detection.

    • Use scrapy-user-agents for rotating user agents automatically.

  3. Rotating Proxies:

    • Distribute requests across multiple proxies to prevent IP bans.

    • Use scrapy-rotating-proxies for seamless proxy management.

12. Error Handling and Debugging in Scrapy

1. Common Scrapy Errors and Solutions

1.1 HTTP Errors

  • 404 (Not Found):

    • The requested page doesn't exist.

    • Solution: Check if the URL is correct or dynamically constructed.

  • 403 (Forbidden):

    • The server blocked your request, likely due to bot detection.

    • Solution:

      • Rotate user agents or proxies.

      • Add headers that mimic real browsers.

      • Slow down requests using DOWNLOAD_DELAY.

  • 500 (Internal Server Error):

    • The server encountered an error.

    • Solution:

      • Retry the request.

      • Verify if the server is overloaded.

Enable HTTP Error Logging in

HTTPERROR_ALLOWED_CODES = [403, 500]  # Log these codes without stopping

1.2 Selector Errors

  • Empty Results from CSS or XPath Selectors:

    • The selectors don't match the target elements.

    • Solution:

      • Use the Scrapy Shell to debug selectors.

      • Ensure elements are loaded before scraping (e.g., JavaScript-rendered pages).

Example Debugging in Shell:

scrapy shell ""

1.3 Missing or Unexpected Data

  • The structure of the website may have changed.

  • Solution:

    • Regularly update selectors and test scraping logic.

2. Logging and Debugging Scrapy Spiders

2.1 Configuring Logging

Scrapy provides built-in logging to track spider activity.

Example Logging Configuration in

LOG_FILE = 'scrapy_log.txt'  # Save logs to a file

Log Output Example:

INFO: Scrapy 2.x.x started
INFO: Spider opened
INFO: Crawled (200) <GET> (referer: None)
WARNING: Response status code 403 for

2.2 Adding Custom Logs

Add logs within your spider to monitor specific events.

Code Example:

class JobSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "job_spider"
    start_urls = [""]

    def parse(self, response):"Visited: {response.url}")
        if response.status == 403:
            self.logger.warning(f"403 Forbidden: {response.url}")
        for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
            yield {"title": job.css('h2.job-title::text').get()}

3. Retrying Failed Requests

Enable Retry Middleware

Scrapy retries failed requests by default. Configure it in

RETRY_TIMES = 3  # Number of retries
RETRY_HTTP_CODES = [500, 502, 503, 504, 403, 408]  # Retry these status codes

Using Proxies for Retries

Combine retries with rotating proxies to increase success rates.

Example in

    'rotating_proxies.middlewares.RotatingProxyMiddleware': 610,
    'rotating_proxies.middlewares.BanDetectionMiddleware': 620,

4. Handling Timeouts

Timeout Settings

Set time limits for requests to avoid hanging indefinitely.

Configuration in

DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT = 15  # Timeout in seconds

Detect and Retry Timeouts

Enable retrying for timeout errors:

RETRY_HTTP_CODES.append(408)  # Add 408 (Request Timeout) to retry codes

5. Handling CAPTCHA Challenges

5.1 Detecting CAPTCHA

If your response contains a CAPTCHA page:

  • Check for elements like <div class="captcha"> or specific keywords.

Code Example: Detect CAPTCHA

def parse(self, response):
    if "captcha" in response.text.lower():
        self.logger.warning(f"CAPTCHA encountered at {response.url}")
    # Proceed with scraping

5.2 Bypassing CAPTCHA

  1. Use Third-Party CAPTCHA Solvers:

Install the anticaptchaofficial Python library:

pip install anticaptchaofficial

Code Example: Solve CAPTCHA Using 2Captcha

from anticaptchaofficial.recaptchav2proxyless import recaptchaV2Proxyless

def solve_captcha(site_key, page_url):
    solver = recaptchaV2Proxyless()
    return solver.solve_and_return_solution()

def parse(self, response):
    site_key = response.css('div.g-recaptcha::attr(data-sitekey)').get()
    captcha_solution = solve_captcha(site_key, response.url)"CAPTCHA Solved: {captcha_solution}")
  1. Use Playwright for JavaScript CAPTCHA:

    • Use scrapy-playwright to render CAPTCHA pages and solve simple challenges.

6. Full Error Handling Example

Spider Code:

import scrapy
from scrapy.http import Request

class JobSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "job_spider"
    start_urls = [""]

    def parse(self, response):
        if response.status == 403:
            self.logger.warning(f"403 Forbidden: {response.url}")

        for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
            yield {
                "Title": job.css('h2.job-title::text').get(),
                "Company": job.css('').get(),

        # Follow pagination
        next_page = response.css('').get()
        if next_page:
            yield response.follow(next_page, self.parse)

Settings Example (

# Retry Settings
RETRY_HTTP_CODES = [500, 502, 503, 504, 403, 408]

# Timeout

# Logging
LOG_FILE = 'scrapy_log.txt'

# Throttling

Key Takeaways

  1. HTTP Errors:

    • Handle 403 with headers, proxies, or user agents.

    • Retry 500 and timeout errors using retry middleware.

  2. Logging:

    • Use custom logs to monitor spider behavior and debug issues.
  3. CAPTCHA Challenges:

    • Detect CAPTCHAs and use external solvers or Playwright.
  4. Timeouts:

    • Set a DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT and retry timeouts when necessary.

13. Scrapy Item Pipelines

1. Enabling Pipelines in Scrapy Settings

To use item pipelines, you must enable them in the file by defining their priority. Pipelines with lower numbers are executed first.

Example in

    'job_scraper.pipelines.ValidationPipeline': 100,
    'job_scraper.pipelines.CleaningPipeline': 200,
    'job_scraper.pipelines.JsonPipeline': 300,  # For JSON output
    'job_scraper.pipelines.PostgreSQLPipeline': 400,  # For PostgreSQL storage

2. Processing Scraped Data in Pipelines

Pipeline Template

All pipelines must implement the process_item method:

class YourPipeline:
    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        # Process and transform the item
        return item

2.1 Saving Data Locally

a. Saving to JSON Save each scraped item as a JSON line in a file.

Code Example: JSON Pipeline

import json

class JsonPipeline:
    def open_spider(self, spider):
        self.file = open('jobs.json', 'w')

    def close_spider(self, spider):

    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        line = json.dumps(dict(item)) + "\n"
        return item

b. Saving to CSV Save data to a CSV file.

Code Example: CSV Pipeline

import csv

class CsvPipeline:
    def open_spider(self, spider):
        self.file = open('jobs.csv', 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8')
        self.writer = csv.DictWriter(self.file, fieldnames=["title", "company", "location", "link"])

    def close_spider(self, spider):

    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        return item

2.2 Storing Data in PostgreSQL

Step 1: Install PostgreSQL Python Driver

pip install psycopg2-binary

Step 2: Define the PostgreSQL Pipeline This pipeline connects to a PostgreSQL database and inserts scraped data into a table.

Code Example: PostgreSQL Pipeline

import psycopg2

class PostgreSQLPipeline:
    def open_spider(self, spider):
        self.conn = psycopg2.connect(
        self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()

        # Create table if it doesn't exist
            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS jobs (
                title TEXT,
                company TEXT,
                location TEXT,
                link TEXT

    def close_spider(self, spider):

    def process_item(self, item, spider):
            INSERT INTO jobs (title, company, location, link)
            VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)
        """, (item['title'], item['company'], item['location'], item['link']))
        return item

3. Writing Custom Pipelines for Validation and Cleaning

3.1 Validation Pipeline

Ensure that mandatory fields (e.g., title, company) are not empty. Drop items if required fields are missing.

Code Example: Validation Pipeline

class ValidationPipeline:
    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        if not item.get('title'):
            raise scrapy.exceptions.DropItem(f"Missing title in {item}")
        if not item.get('company'):
            item['company'] = "Unknown"  # Assign default value
        return item

3.2 Cleaning Pipeline

Standardize and clean the scraped data, such as removing extra spaces or formatting fields.

Code Example: Cleaning Pipeline

class CleaningPipeline:
    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        # Strip whitespace
        item['title'] = item['title'].strip()
        item['company'] = item['company'].strip()
        item['location'] = item['location'].strip()

        # Normalize location format
        if "remote" in item['location'].lower():
            item['location'] = "Remote"
        return item

4. Full Example

Here’s an example setup with pipelines for validation, cleaning, and saving to JSON and PostgreSQL.

Pipeline Code (

import scrapy
import json
import psycopg2

class ValidationPipeline:
    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        if not item.get('title'):
            raise scrapy.exceptions.DropItem(f"Missing title in {item}")
        if not item.get('company'):
            item['company'] = "Unknown"
        return item

class CleaningPipeline:
    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        item['title'] = item['title'].strip()
        item['company'] = item['company'].strip()
        item['location'] = item['location'].strip()
        if "remote" in item['location'].lower():
            item['location'] = "Remote"
        return item

class JsonPipeline:
    def open_spider(self, spider):
        self.file = open('jobs.json', 'w')

    def close_spider(self, spider):

    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        line = json.dumps(dict(item)) + "\n"
        return item

class PostgreSQLPipeline:
    def open_spider(self, spider):
        self.conn = psycopg2.connect(
        self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS jobs (
                title TEXT,
                company TEXT,
                location TEXT,
                link TEXT

    def close_spider(self, spider):

    def process_item(self, item, spider):
            INSERT INTO jobs (title, company, location, link)
            VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)
        """, (item['title'], item['company'], item['location'], item['link']))
        return item

Settings (

    'job_scraper.pipelines.ValidationPipeline': 100,
    'job_scraper.pipelines.CleaningPipeline': 200,
    'job_scraper.pipelines.JsonPipeline': 300,
    'job_scraper.pipelines.PostgreSQLPipeline': 400,

5. Output Examples


    {"title": "Data Scientist", "company": "TechCorp", "location": "San Francisco, CA", "link": ""},
    {"title": "AI Engineer", "company": "AI Corp", "location": "Remote", "link": ""}

PostgreSQL Table:

| title              | company    | location           | link                        |
| Data Scientist     | TechCorp   | San Francisco, CA  | |
| AI Engineer        | AI Corp    | Remote             | |

Key Takeaways

  1. Validation and Cleaning:

    • Use custom pipelines to ensure data quality.
  2. Local Storage:

    • Save data as JSON or CSV using dedicated pipelines.
  3. Database Storage:

    • Store data in PostgreSQL for advanced querying and analysis.
  4. Pipeline Priority:

    • Order pipelines in for sequential processing.

14. Deploying Scrapy Projects

1. Deploying Spiders to Scrapy Cloud

Scrapy Cloud is a cloud-based platform by Scrapinghub for deploying, scheduling, and monitoring Scrapy spiders.

1.1 Install the shub CLI

pip install shub

1.2 Authenticate with Scrapy Cloud

Run the following command and enter your Scrapy Cloud API key:

shub login

1.3 Deploy Your Spider

In your Scrapy project directory, deploy the spider to Scrapy Cloud:

shub deploy

Output Example:

Packing version 1.0
Deploying to Scrapy Cloud project '12345'
Spider deployed:

1.4 Schedule a Spider

After deployment, schedule the spider from the Scrapy Cloud dashboard or using the shub CLI:

shub schedule my_spider

2. Using scrapyd to Manage and Schedule Spiders

scrapyd is a service for running Scrapy spiders remotely, managing deployments, and scheduling jobs via an HTTP API.

2.1 Install scrapyd

pip install scrapyd

2.2 Start the scrapyd Service

Run scrapyd to start the server (default port: 6800):


2.3 Deploy Your Spider to scrapyd

Step 1: Install scrapyd-client

pip install scrapyd-client

Step 2: Configure Deployment Create a scrapy.cfg file in your project directory:

default = my_project.settings

url = http://localhost:6800/
project = my_project

Step 3: Deploy the Spider


2.4 Schedule Spiders with scrapyd

Use curl or a Python script to schedule a spider on scrapyd.

Command Example:

curl http://localhost:6800/schedule.json -d project=my_project -d spider=my_spider

Python Example:

import requests

response =
    data={"project": "my_project", "spider": "my_spider"}

3. Running Spiders on Cloud Platforms

You can deploy Scrapy spiders to cloud platforms like AWS or GCP for better scalability.

3.1 Running Spiders on AWS

Step 1: Install AWS CLI

pip install awscli

Step 2: Set Up an EC2 Instance

  • Launch an EC2 instance with an appropriate image (e.g., Amazon Linux or Ubuntu).

  • SSH into the instance and install Python, Scrapy, and necessary dependencies:

      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
      pip install scrapy

Step 3: Run Your Spider Upload your Scrapy project to the instance and run the spider:

scrapy crawl my_spider

3.2 Running Spiders on GCP

Step 1: Install Google Cloud CLI

curl -O<version>-linux-x86_64.tar.gz

Step 2: Launch a Virtual Machine

  • Create a VM instance in the Google Cloud Console.

  • SSH into the instance and set up Python, Scrapy, and dependencies.

Step 3: Run Your Spider Transfer your Scrapy project to the VM and execute the spider:

scrapy crawl my_spider

4. Scheduling Scrapy Jobs

4.1 Using cron

Step 1: Open crontab

crontab -e

Step 2: Add a Job Schedule your spider to run at a specific time (e.g., every day at midnight):

0 0 * * * cd /path/to/scrapy/project && scrapy crawl my_spider

4.2 Using APScheduler

Install APScheduler:

pip install apscheduler

Code Example: Schedule a Spider

from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler
from subprocess import call

def run_spider():
    call(["scrapy", "crawl", "my_spider"])

scheduler = BlockingScheduler()
scheduler.add_job(run_spider, "interval", hours=24)  # Run every 24 hours

except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

Run the script to keep the scheduler active.

Key Takeaways

  1. Scrapy Cloud:

    • Use shub to deploy and schedule spiders on Scrapy Cloud.
  2. scrapyd:

    • Manage and schedule spiders remotely using scrapyd.
  3. Cloud Platforms:

    • Run spiders on AWS or GCP for scalability.
  4. Job Scheduling:

    • Use cron for simple scheduling or APScheduler for more flexibility.

15. Tips and Tricks for Efficient Scraping

1. Using Spider Arguments for Flexible Spiders

Why Use Spider Arguments?

  • Spider arguments allow you to pass dynamic parameters to spiders at runtime, making them more flexible.

Example: Define Spider with Arguments

Modify your spider to accept arguments:

import scrapy

class JobSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "job_spider"

    def __init__(self, location=None, job_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.location = location
        self.job_type = job_type

    def start_requests(self):
        url = f"{self.location}&type={self.job_type}"
        yield scrapy.Request(url, self.parse)

    def parse(self, response):
        for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
            yield {
                "title": job.css('h2.job-title::text').get(),
                "company": job.css('').get(),
                "location": self.location,
                "type": self.job_type,

Run the Spider with Arguments

scrapy crawl job_spider -a location="New York" -a job_type="Data Scientist"


    "title": "Data Scientist",
    "company": "TechCorp",
    "location": "New York",
    "type": "Data Scientist"

Why Use Custom Callbacks?

  • Custom callbacks allow you to handle links and responses differently based on their context.
class JobSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "job_spider"
    start_urls = [""]

    def parse(self, response):
        for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
            job_link = job.css('a::attr(href)').get()
            yield response.follow(job_link, self.parse_job)

    def parse_job(self, response):
        yield {
            "title": response.css('h1.job-title::text').get(),
            "company": response.css('').get(),
            "description": response.css('div.job-description').get(),

3. Debugging CSS and XPath Selectors with the Scrapy Shell

Why Use Scrapy Shell?

  • Scrapy Shell helps you test CSS and XPath selectors interactively, making it easier to debug and refine your extraction logic.

Example Workflow:

  1. Start the Scrapy Shell:

     scrapy shell ""
  2. Test CSS Selectors:

     response.css('div.job-card h2.job-title::text').getall()


     ['Data Scientist', 'AI Engineer', 'ML Developer']
  3. Test XPath Selectors:



     ['Data Scientist', 'AI Engineer', 'ML Developer']
  4. Inspect the Full HTML of a Node:


4. Writing Reusable Standalone Spiders

Why Create Standalone Spiders?

  • Standalone spiders can be reused across multiple projects with minimal changes.

Example: Reusable Spider

Create a base spider class with configurable attributes:

class ReusableSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "reusable_spider"

    def __init__(self, base_url=None, selectors=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.base_url = base_url
        self.selectors = selectors

    def start_requests(self):
        yield scrapy.Request(self.base_url, self.parse)

    def parse(self, response):
        for item in response.css(self.selectors['item']):
            yield {
                "title": item.css(self.selectors['title']).get(),
                "link": response.urljoin(item.css(self.selectors['link']).get()),

Run the Spider with Arguments:

scrapy crawl reusable_spider -a base_url="" -a selectors='{"item":"div.job-card","title":"h2.job-title::text","link":"a::attr(href)"}'

5. Best Practices for Reusable Spiders

  • Use Variables for Selectors:

    • Define selectors in or pass them as arguments.
  • Handle Common Scenarios:

    • Add logic for pagination, error handling, and retries.
  • Separate Logic:

    • Use item pipelines to clean data instead of adding all processing to spiders.

Key Takeaways

  1. Spider Arguments:

    • Add flexibility to spiders by accepting arguments at runtime.
  2. Custom Callbacks:

    • Use callbacks to handle different pages and links contextually.
  3. Scrapy Shell:

    • Debug and refine your selectors interactively.
  4. Reusable Spiders:

    • Write spiders that can adapt to different use cases with minimal changes.

16. Building a Job Scraper for, Indeed, and LinkedIn

1. Analyzing the Structure of Job Websites

Key Data Points

For job websites, we typically extract:

  • Job Titles: The role being advertised.

  • Companies: The employer or organization.

  • Locations: Where the job is based or if it’s remote.

  • Links: Direct URLs to job details.

Identifying Pagination Patterns

  1. Look for "Next" Buttons or Pagination Links:

    • HTML example:

        <a class="next" href="/jobs?page=2">Next</a>
  2. Dynamic APIs:

    • Inspect network requests in browser DevTools for APIs providing job data.

2. Writing Spiders for

Step 1: Analyze

  • Inspect the structure of job cards on the website:

      <div class="job-card">
          <h2 class="job-title">Data Scientist</h2>
          <span class="company-name">TechCorp</span>
          <a href="/job/123" class="job-link">View Job</a>

Step 2: Create the Spider

Spider Code for

import scrapy

class AIJobsSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "aijobs"
    start_urls = [""]

    def parse(self, response):
        for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
            yield {
                "title": job.css('h2.job-title::text').get(),
                "company": job.css('').get(),
                "link": response.urljoin(job.css('a.job-link::attr(href)').get()),

        # Handle pagination
        next_page = response.css('').get()
        if next_page:
            yield response.follow(next_page, self.parse)

Run the Spider

scrapy crawl aijobs -o aijobs.json

3. Writing Spiders for Indeed

Step 1: Analyze Indeed

  • Identify job cards and key data points:

      <div class="job_seen_beacon">
          <h2 class="jobTitle">Data Scientist</h2>
          <span class="companyName">TechCorp</span>
          <div class="companyLocation">San Francisco, CA</div>
          <a href="/rc/clk?jk=abc123" class="jobTitle-link">View Job</a>

Step 2: Create the Spider

Spider Code for Indeed:

import scrapy

class IndeedSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "indeed"
    start_urls = [""]

    def parse(self, response):
        for job in response.css('div.job_seen_beacon'):
            yield {
                "title": job.css('h2.jobTitle::text').get(),
                "company": job.css('span.companyName::text').get(),
                "location": job.css('div.companyLocation::text').get(),
                "link": response.urljoin(job.css('a::attr(href)').get()),

        # Handle pagination
        next_page = response.css('a[aria-label="Next"]::attr(href)').get()
        if next_page:
            yield response.follow(next_page, self.parse)

Run the Spider

scrapy crawl indeed -o indeed.json

4. Writing Spiders for LinkedIn

Step 1: Analyze LinkedIn

LinkedIn heavily relies on JavaScript for rendering job data. Scrapy alone cannot scrape it effectively. Use one of these approaches:

  • API: Requires developer access and an access token.

  • Selenium: Automates browser interaction for dynamic content.

Step 2: Using Selenium for LinkedIn

Install Selenium and WebDriver

pip install selenium

Code Example: LinkedIn Spider with Selenium

from scrapy import Spider
from scrapy.http import HtmlResponse
from selenium import webdriver
from import Service
from import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
import time

class LinkedInSpider(Spider):
    name = "linkedin"

    def __init__(self):
        self.driver = webdriver.Chrome()

    def start_requests(self):
        url = ""
        time.sleep(5)  # Wait for the page to load
        html = self.driver.page_source
        response = HtmlResponse(url=url, body=html, encoding='utf-8')

    def parse(self, response):
        for job in response.css('li.result-card'):
            yield {
                "title": job.css('h3.result-card__title::text').get(),
                "company": job.css('h4.result-card__subtitle::text').get(),
                "location": job.css('span.job-result-card__location::text').get(),
                "link": job.css('a.result-card__full-card-link::attr(href)').get(),

    def closed(self, reason):

Step 3: Run the Spider

Ensure you have the appropriate WebDriver installed (e.g., ChromeDriver for Chrome).

scrapy crawl linkedin -o linkedin.json

5. Key Takeaways


    • Pure HTML scraping with Scrapy is sufficient.

    • Focus on job cards and pagination.

  • Indeed:

    • Scrape job titles, companies, and locations with pagination handling.

    • Handle URLs carefully as they might be relative.

  • LinkedIn:

    • Use Selenium for JavaScript-rendered content or APIs for structured data.

Focus Areas for Your Use Case

Here’s how to address each focus area step by step, tailored to job scraping.

1. CSS vs. XPath Selectors


  • Learn how to extract job-related data from real websites using both CSS and XPath.

CSS Selectors:

CSS is intuitive and efficient for most scraping tasks.

Example: Extracting Job Titles



['Data Scientist', 'AI Engineer', 'ML Developer']

XPath Selectors:

XPath provides more power for complex HTML structures.

Example: Extracting Job Titles



['Data Scientist', 'AI Engineer', 'ML Developer']

2. Pagination


  • Enable spiders to navigate multi-page job listings.

Recursive Crawling Example:

class PaginationSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "pagination"
    start_urls = [""]

    def parse(self, response):
        # Extract job data
        for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
            yield {
                "title": job.css('h2.job-title::text').get(),
                "company": job.css('').get(),
                "link": response.urljoin(job.css('a::attr(href)').get()),

        # Follow pagination links
        next_page = response.css('').get()
        if next_page:
            yield response.follow(next_page, self.parse)

Test Pagination Logic:

Use Scrapy Shell to debug pagination links.

scrapy shell ""

3. APIs and Dynamic Content


  • Extract data from APIs or render JavaScript-heavy pages.

Using APIs:

APIs often return structured JSON data.

Example: Requesting Job Data from an API

import scrapy
import json

class APISpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "api_spider"
    start_urls = [""]

    def parse(self, response):
        data = json.loads(response.text)
        for job in data['jobs']:
            yield {
                "title": job['title'],
                "company": job['company'],
                "location": job['location'],
                "link": job['url'],

Handling JavaScript-Rendered Pages:

Use scrapy-playwright to scrape dynamic content.

Example: Scraping with Playwright

import scrapy

class PlaywrightSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "playwright_spider"
    start_urls = [""]

    def start_requests(self):
        for url in self.start_urls:
            yield scrapy.Request(url, meta={"playwright": True})

    def parse(self, response):
        for job in response.css('div.job-card'):
            yield {
                "title": job.css('h2.job-title::text').get(),
                "company": job.css('').get(),

4. Data Storage


  • Save job data in structured formats (JSON, CSV).

Saving to JSON

import json

class JsonPipeline:
    def open_spider(self, spider):
        self.file = open('jobs.json', 'w')

    def close_spider(self, spider):

    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        line = json.dumps(dict(item)) + "\n"
        return item

Saving to CSV

import csv

class CsvPipeline:
    def open_spider(self, spider):
        self.file = open('jobs.csv', 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8')
        self.writer = csv.DictWriter(self.file, fieldnames=["title", "company", "location", "link"])

    def close_spider(self, spider):

    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        return item

5. Deployment


  • Automate spider execution using scrapyd or cloud platforms.

Using scrapyd:

Deploy and schedule spiders on a local or remote scrapyd instance.

Deploy Spider to scrapyd:


Schedule Spider:

curl http://localhost:6800/schedule.json -d project=my_project -d spider=my_spider

Using Cron Jobs:

Automate spider execution with cron.

Example Cron Job:

0 0 * * * cd /path/to/scrapy/project && scrapy crawl my_spider

Using Cloud Platforms:

Run spiders on AWS or GCP for scalability.

Example on AWS EC2:

  • SSH into the instance, upload your project, and execute:

      scrapy crawl my_spider

Key Steps for Your Use Case

  1. Practice CSS and XPath selectors:

    • Extract job data interactively with Scrapy Shell.
  2. Master Pagination:

    • Scrape multiple pages dynamically.
  3. Use APIs or scrapy-playwright:

    • Handle modern job boards with JavaScript-rendered content.
  4. Save Data:

    • Use pipelines to export job listings in JSON or CSV.
  5. Automate Deployment:

    • Schedule jobs with scrapyd or cloud platforms.
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Written by

Anix Lynch
Anix Lynch