Day 20 Essential Docker Cheat Sheet for DevOps Engineers

3 min read


docker --versionCheck the installed Docker version.
docker infoDisplay system-wide information about Docker.


docker pull <image>Download an image from Docker Hub (or a registry).
docker imagesList all images on the local machine.
docker rmi <image>Remove an image from the local machine.
docker build -t <name>:<tag> <path>Build an image from a Dockerfile in the specified path.
docker tag <source> <target>Tag an image for easier reference.


docker run <options> <image>Create and start a container from an image.
docker psList running containers.
docker ps -aList all containers (running and stopped).
docker stop <container>Stop a running container.
docker start <container>Start a stopped container.
docker restart <container>Restart a running container.
docker rm <container>Remove a stopped container.
docker exec -it <container> <command>Run a command inside a running container.
docker logs <container>View logs for a specific container.


docker volume create <volume-name>Create a new volume.
docker volume lsList all Docker volumes.
docker volume inspect <volume-name>View detailed information about a volume.
docker volume rm <volume-name>Remove a specific volume.


docker network lsList all Docker networks.
docker network create <network-name>Create a new network.
docker network inspect <network-name>View detailed information about a network.
docker network rm <network-name>Remove a specific network.

Docker Compose

docker-compose upStart all services defined in docker-compose.yml.
docker-compose up -dStart services in detached mode.
docker-compose downStop and remove all services, networks, and volumes.
docker-compose psList the status of all services.
docker-compose logs <service>View logs for a specific service.
docker-compose buildBuild images for services defined in docker-compose.yml.
docker-compose scale <service>=<num>Scale a specific service to a defined number of replicas.

Useful Options

-dRun the container in detached mode (in the background).
-itAllocate a pseudo-TTY and keep STDIN open (interactive mode).
--rmAutomatically remove the container when it exits.
-p <host_port>:<container_port>Map a port on the host to a port in the container.
--name <container_name>Assign a name to the container.

Common Tasks

Accessing Container Shell

docker exec -it <container> /bin/bash

Removing Unused Images and Containers

docker system prune

Building and Running an Application

  1. Create a Dockerfile in your project directory.

  2. Build the image:

     docker build -t <image-name> .
  3. Run the container:

      docker run -d -p <host_port>:<container_port> <image-name>

    This cheat sheet covers the most commonly used Docker commands for managing containers, images, networks, volumes, and Docker Compose. Let me know if you'd like further details or examples!

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Hi there! I'm Fauzeya 👩‍💻, a passionate DevOps Engineer with a background in Computer Science Engineering🎓. I’m committed to enhancing security🔒, efficiency⚙️, and effectiveness in software development and deployment processes. With extensive knowledge in cloud computing☁️, containerization📦, and automation🤖, I aim to stay updated with the latest tools and methodologies in the DevOps field. Currently, I’m on a journey to deepen my understanding of DevOps I enjoy sharing my learning experiences and insights through my blog, 📝where I cover topics related to DevOps practices, tutorials, and challenges. I believe in continuous growth and learning and am excited to connect with fellow tech enthusiasts and professionals🤝. Let’s embark on this journey together!🚀