πŸš€ Outsmarting GitHub Actions: A Cost-Effective Approval Workflow Without Breaking the Bank

Sohag HasanSohag Hasan
8 min read

A Cost-Effective Approval Workflow Without Breaking the Bank

In the world of continuous deployment, every second (and every penny) counts. Today, I'm going to show you a clever GitHub Actions hack that can save your team time and money while maintaining rock-solid deployment controls.

The Problem with Traditional Approval Workflows

Manual workflow approvals in GitHub Actions are great in theory, but they come with a hidden cost. While the workflow waits for human approval, you're burning through your Actions minutes - essentially paying for waiting time. Not very efficient, right?

Introducing the Issue-Based Approval System

What if we could create an approval workflow that:

  • Costs nothing while waiting

  • Provides clear tracking

  • Offers granular access control

  • Works seamlessly with your existing GitHub workflow

Let me introduce you to our ingenious solution: an Issue-Based Deployment Approval System.

✨ How It Works: The Science Behind the Magic

Workflow Trigger

  1. When code is pushed to the dev branch or a pull request is merged

  2. An automatically created GitHub issue prompts for deployment approval

Approval Mechanism

  • Only specific team members or team roles can approve

  • Approval is as simple as commenting "approve" or "LGTM" on the issue

  • Built-in security checks verify the approver's identity


  • Once approved, the deployment runs immediately

  • The approval issue is automatically closed

  • A comment tracks who approved and what was deployed

A real world example

Action Approval Issue

Wanna see if it’s true, check it here: https://github.com/sohag-pro/action-approval/issues/8

Action Implemented Repo: https://github.com/sohag-pro/action-approval

Please give a ⭐ if you find it helpful.

I'll share the two key workflow files that make this magic happen:

1. Issue Creation Workflow

.github/workflows/create-approval-issue.yml file

name: Create Approval Issue

      - dev
    types: [closed]
      - dev
  issues: write
  contents: read

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true || github.event_name == 'push'
      - name: Create Approval Issue
        uses: actions/github-script@v7
          script: |
            let commitSha = '';
            if (context.eventName === 'pull_request') {
              commitSha = context.payload.pull_request.merge_commit_sha;
            } else {
              commitSha = context.sha;

            const shortSha = commitSha.substring(0, 7);

            const issueBody = `
            Please review and approve the deployment to staging.

            ### Approval Instructions
            - Only authorized team members can approve this deployment
            - Authorized approvers:
              - @sohag-pro
              - Members of teams: devops, senior-developers

            To approve, comment with one of these keywords: "approve", "LGTM"

            Metadata (do not modify):
              "commit_sha": "${commitSha}",
              "branch": "dev",
              "triggered_by": "${context.eventName}"

            const issue = await github.rest.issues.create({
              owner: context.repo.owner,
              repo: context.repo.repo,
              title: `Deploy to Staging needs approval - ${shortSha}`,
              body: issueBody,
              labels: ['deployment-approval']
            console.log(`Created issue #${issue.data.number}`);

πŸš€ Create Issue Workflow Explanation


  1. push: When a new commit is pushed to the dev branch.

  2. pull_request: When a pull request targeting the dev branch is merged.


  • issues: write: To create an issue.

  • contents: read: To read repository information.

Job: create-approval-issue

  • Runs-on: ubuntu-latest.


  • The job runs if:

    • A pull request was merged (github.event.pull_request.merged == true).

    • Or the event is a push.


  1. Create Approval Issue:

    • Uses the actions/github-script action.

    • Extracts the commit SHA:

      • If the trigger is pull_request, it uses the merge_commit_sha of the pull request.

      • Otherwise, it uses the SHA of the latest pushed commit (context.sha).

    • Creates a short SHA (first 7 characters) for readability.

    • Constructs an issue body that includes:

      • Instructions for the approval process.

      • Metadata (commit SHA, branch, trigger source) in JSON format.

    • Creates a new issue with:

      • Title: Deploy to Staging needs approval - <short SHA>.

      • Body: Approval instructions and metadata.

      • Label: deployment-approval.


This workflow automates the creation of a tracking issue for deployment approval:

  • Ensures all deployments to staging are documented and require explicit approval.

  • Simplifies the process for authorized users to approve a deployment by commenting on the issue.

Key Highlights:

  • Uses metadata for traceability (e.g., commit SHA, branch, and event source).

  • Directly ties deployments to commits or merge events for better tracking.

  • Encourages controlled deployments via a formal approval workflow.

2. Deployment Approval Workflow


name: Deploy to Staging

    types: [created]
    if: |
      contains(github.event.issue.title, 'Deploy to Staging needs approval')

  issues: write
  contents: read
  pull-requests: read

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    if: |
      contains(github.event.issue.title, 'Deploy to Staging needs approval') &&
      (contains(github.event.comment.body, 'approve') || contains(github.event.comment.body, 'LGTM'))
      - name: Check Approver
        id: check-approver
        uses: actions/github-script@v7
          script: |
            // Define allowed approvers
            const ALLOWED_APPROVERS = [

            // Define allowed teams (team slugs)
            const ALLOWED_TEAMS = [

            const commenter = context.payload.comment.user.login;
            console.log(`Comment by: ${commenter}`);

            // First check if user is directly in allowed list
            if (ALLOWED_APPROVERS.includes(commenter)) {
              console.log('Approver is in allowed users list');
              core.setOutput('status', 'authorized');

            // Check if user is member of allowed teams
            let isTeamMember = false;
            for (const team of ALLOWED_TEAMS) {
              try {
                const { data: isMember } = await github.rest.teams.getMembershipForUserInOrg({
                  org: context.repo.owner,
                  team_slug: team,
                  username: commenter

                if (isMember.state === 'active') {
                  console.log(`Approver is member of team: ${team}`);
                  isTeamMember = true;
              } catch (error) {
                console.log(`Error checking membership in team ${team}:`, error.message);

            if (isTeamMember) {
              core.setOutput('status', 'authorized');
            } else {
              console.log('User not authorized to approve deployments');
              core.setOutput('status', 'unauthorized');

      - name: Handle Unauthorized User
        if: steps.check-approver.outputs.status == 'unauthorized'
        uses: actions/github-script@v7
          script: |
            const approver = context.payload.comment.user.login;
            await github.rest.issues.createComment({
              owner: context.repo.owner,
              repo: context.repo.repo,
              issue_number: context.payload.issue.number,
              body: `❌ @${approver} is not authorized to approve deployments. Please wait for approval from an authorized team member.`
            core.setFailed('Approval must come from an authorized user or team member');

      - name: Extract commit SHA
        id: extract-sha
        if: steps.check-approver.outputs.status == 'authorized'
        uses: actions/github-script@v7
          script: |
            const issueBody = context.payload.issue.body;
            const match = issueBody.match(/"commit_sha":\s*"([a-f0-9]+)"/);
            if (!match) {
              core.setFailed('Could not find commit SHA in issue body');
            const commitSha = match[1];
            core.setOutput('commit_sha', commitSha);
            console.log(`Extracted commit SHA: ${commitSha}`);

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
        if: steps.check-approver.outputs.status == 'authorized'
          ref: ${{ steps.extract-sha.outputs.commit_sha }}

      - name: Verify correct commit
        if: steps.check-approver.outputs.status == 'authorized'
        run: |
          current_sha=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
          expected_sha=${{ steps.extract-sha.outputs.commit_sha }}
          if [ "$current_sha" != "$expected_sha" ]; then
            echo "Error: Checked out SHA ($current_sha) does not match expected SHA ($expected_sha)"
            exit 1
          echo "Verified correct commit SHA: $current_sha"

      - name: Deploy to Staging
        if: steps.check-approver.outputs.status == 'authorized'
        run: |
          echo "Deploying commit ${{ steps.extract-sha.outputs.commit_sha }} to staging..."
          # Add your deployment commands here

      - name: Close Approval Issue
        if: steps.check-approver.outputs.status == 'authorized'
        uses: actions/github-script@v7
          script: |
            const issue_number = context.payload.issue.number;
            const deployedSha = '${{ steps.extract-sha.outputs.commit_sha }}';
            const approver = context.payload.comment.user.login;

            // Close the issue
            await github.rest.issues.update({
              owner: context.repo.owner,
              repo: context.repo.repo,
              issue_number: issue_number,
              state: 'closed'

            // Add completion comment
            await github.rest.issues.createComment({
              owner: context.repo.owner,
              repo: context.repo.repo,
              issue_number: issue_number,
              body: `βœ… Deployment to staging completed successfully!\n\nDeployed commit: ${deployedSha}\nBranch: dev\nApproved by: @${approver}`

This GitHub Actions workflow automates the deployment of a commit to a staging environment based on approval comments in a GitHub issue. Here's a breakdown of its components:

πŸ€– Deploy workflow explanation


  • Event: issue_comment is created.

  • Condition: The issue title must contain the phrase "Deploy to Staging needs approval". The action runs only if this condition is met.


The workflow uses:

  • issues: write (to interact with issues and comments),

  • contents: read (to fetch repository data),

  • pull-requests: read.


1. process-approval:

  • Runs-on: ubuntu-latest.

  • Condition: The issue must meet the following:

    • Title contains "Deploy to Staging needs approval".

    • The comment body includes the keywords approve or LGTM.


  1. Check Approver:

    • Uses the actions/github-script action.

    • Checks if the commenter:

      • Is in the list of allowed users (sohag-pro, tech-lead, devops-engineer), or

      • Belongs to one of the allowed teams (devops, senior-developers).

    • If authorized:

      • Sets the status to authorized.
    • If unauthorized:

      • Adds a comment rejecting the user's approval and fails the job.
  2. Handle Unauthorized User:

    • Posts a rejection comment if the user isn't authorized.
  3. Extract Commit SHA:

    • Extracts the commit_sha from the issue body using regex.

    • Fails if no valid SHA is found.

  4. Checkout the Repository:

    • Checks out the repository using the extracted commit_sha.
  5. Verify Correct Commit:

    • Ensures the checked-out commit matches the extracted SHA.
  6. Deploy to Staging:

    • Executes deployment commands for the staging environment (placeholder for real deployment logic).
  7. Close Approval Issue:

    • Closes the issue and adds a success comment with details:

      • Deployed commit SHA,

      • Branch name,

      • Approver's GitHub handle.


  • Ensures controlled deployment to staging by verifying the approver's identity and explicitly approving the commit.

  • Tracks the deployment process through issue comments and statuses.

Key Highlights:

  • Implements a strict approval mechanism.

  • Utilizes team-based and individual-based authorization.

  • Automatically documents deployment activities in the related issue.

πŸ’‘ Key Benefits

  • Cost-Effective: Only pay for actual deployment time

  • Secure: Strict access controls

  • Transparent: Clear audit trail of who approved what

  • Flexible: Easy to customize for your team's needs

Real-World Implementation Tips


  2. Add more detailed logging for compliance

  3. Consider adding more approval keywords

  4. Implement additional security checks as needed


This workflow demonstrates how a little creativity can solve real DevOps challenges. By thinking outside the traditional CI/CD box, we've created a solution that's not just clever, but genuinely useful.

Ready to Level Up Your Deployment Game? πŸš€

Fork the workflows, adapt them to your needs, and watch your deployment process transform!

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Written by

Sohag Hasan
Sohag Hasan

WhoAmI => notes.sohag.pro/author