Structuring APIs the RESTful Way: Building a Solid Framework

gayatri kumargayatri kumar
6 min read

In the previous part, we built a basic API using Node.js and Express. Now, it’s time to take things further by structuring our API according to REST principles. REST (Representational State Transfer) is a design approach that makes APIs more reliable, consistent, and easy to use.

We’ll cover REST, its core principles, and apply them to our Space Mission Info API, allowing for more structured and flexible data management. Let’s get started!

What is REST? – Structuring APIs for Simplicity and Scalability

REST is an architectural style that defines a set of constraints for creating web services. RESTful APIs follow these constraints, ensuring they are scalable, stateless, and easy to interact with.

Here’s a breakdown of the core REST principles:

  1. Client-Server: REST separates the client (which requests data) from the server (which responds with data). This keeps the API’s logic independent of the client’s code, allowing both to evolve independently.

  2. Stateless: REST APIs don’t store client data between requests. Each request is treated as a new interaction, so all necessary information must be provided with each request.

  3. Uniform Interface: REST APIs follow a consistent, predictable structure, making them easier to understand and interact with. For instance, common HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) are used for specific actions.

  4. Resource-Based: Each piece of data in a REST API is treated as a resource (like a “mission” or “astronaut”), and it is identified by a unique URL.

  5. Layered System: REST allows for multiple layers between the client and server (e.g., authentication or caching layers), improving scalability and security.

In our Space Mission Info API, we’ll use REST principles to structure our routes, making the API more intuitive and scalable.

Expanding Our API – Adding More HTTP Methods

Now that we’ve covered the basics of REST, let’s enhance our API by adding new HTTP methods to handle a variety of interactions.

Recap of HTTP Methods

  • GET: Retrieve data without modifying it.

  • POST: Add new data.

  • PUT: Update existing data.

  • DELETE: Remove data.

Let’s implement these methods in our API, ensuring each one follows RESTful principles.

Setting Up PUT and DELETE Routes – Updating and Removing Missions

In previous part, we created routes for retrieving and adding missions (GET and POST). Now, we’ll add PUT and DELETE routes to allow users to update and remove missions.

Step 1: Setting Up the PUT Route for Updating a Mission

The PUT method is used to update an existing resource. In our API, we’ll allow users to update mission details by specifying the mission’s ID.

Add the following code to index.js:

// Import Express
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.use(express.json()); // Middleware to parse JSON data

// Mission data
let missions = [
    { id: 1, name: "Apollo 11", destination: "Moon", launchDate: "1969-07-16" },
    { id: 2, name: "Voyager 1", destination: "Interstellar space", launchDate: "1977-09-05" },
    { id: 3, name: "Mars Rover", destination: "Mars", launchDate: "2003-06-10" }

// PUT route to update a mission by ID
app.put('/missions/:id', (req, res) => {
    const missionId = parseInt(;
    const updatedData = req.body;

    // Find the mission to update
    const mission = missions.find(m => === missionId);
    if (mission) { = ||;
        mission.destination = updatedData.destination || mission.destination;
        mission.launchDate = updatedData.launchDate || mission.launchDate;

        res.status(200).json(mission); // Respond with updated mission data
    } else {
        res.status(404).json({ message: "Mission not found" });


  • PUT /missions/: Updates a specific mission based on its ID.

  • Retrieves the ID from the request URL, which helps identify the mission to update.

  • req.body: Contains the new mission details (name, destination, launchDate).

  • res.status(200): Responds with a 200 OK status and the updated mission data if successful.

  • res.status(404): Responds with a 404 Not Found status if the mission ID doesn’t exist.

Step 2: Setting Up the DELETE Route to Remove a Mission

The DELETE method allows us to remove a resource. We’ll use it to delete a mission based on its ID.

Add this route to index.js:

// DELETE route to remove a mission by ID
app.delete('/missions/:id', (req, res) => {
    const missionId = parseInt(;

    // Filter out the mission to delete
    const missionIndex = missions.findIndex(m => === missionId);
    if (missionIndex !== -1) {
        const deletedMission = missions.splice(missionIndex, 1); // Remove mission from array
        res.status(200).json(deletedMission[0]); // Respond with deleted mission data
    } else {
        res.status(404).json({ message: "Mission not found" });


  • DELETE /missions/: Deletes a specific mission based on its ID.

  • Retrieves the ID from the request URL.

  • res.status(200): Responds with a 200 OK status and the deleted mission data if successful.

  • res.status(404): Responds with a 404 Not Found status if the mission ID doesn’t exist.

With these routes, our Space Mission API now supports retrieving, adding, updating, and deleting missions in a structured, RESTful way.

Exploring RESTful URL Structures – Resource-Based Endpoints

To keep our API RESTful, each route should represent a specific resource (in our case, “missions”) and use HTTP methods to perform actions on that resource.

Here’s a recap of the RESTful URL structure for our API:

HTTP MethodURLAction
GET/missionsRetrieve all missions
POST/missionsAdd a new mission
GET/missions/Retrieve a mission by ID
PUT/missions/Update a mission by ID
DELETE/missions/Delete a mission by ID

This structure is intuitive and predictable, making it easy for developers to understand what each route does without needing additional documentation.

Testing the API with POSTMAN – Sending Requests

To test our API, we can use Postman, a popular tool for sending and testing HTTP requests. Here’s a quick overview of how to test each route:

  1. GET /missions: Retrieve all missions.

  2. POST /missions: Add a new mission.

    • Send a POST request to http://localhost:3000/missions with JSON data in the body:

          "name": "New Mission",
          "destination": "Venus",
          "launchDate": "2025-01-01"
    • You should receive a 201 Created status with the new mission data.

  3. PUT /missions/:id: Update an existing mission.

    • Send a PUT request to http://localhost:3000/missions/1 with updated JSON data:

          "name": "Updated Apollo 11"
    • You should receive a 200 OK status with the updated mission details.

  4. DELETE /missions/:id: Remove a mission by ID.

Using Postman, you can see the status codes and responses for each request, helping you test if the API is behaving as expected.

Space Mission API Interaction Flow

Here’s a flowchart summarizing the request-response flow in our Space Mission Info API:

       [ Client (e.g., Postman) ]
   |        HTTP Method           |
   |   - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE   |
       [ API Server (Express) ]
          Processes Request
   |           Response           |
   |  - 200, 201, 404 status      |
         [ Client (Receives Response) ]

This flow illustrates how our API processes different HTTP methods and responds with status codes based on the request outcome.

Structuring APIs with REST Principles

In this part, we learned about REST principles and how they help structure APIs in a predictable, scalable way. We added new PUT and DELETE routes to our API, making it fully interactive and allowing users to retrieve, add, update, and delete data in a RESTful manner.

In the next part, we’ll expand further by implementing error handling, validation, and exploring more advanced concepts to make our API robust and secure.

Stay tuned for the next part, where we’ll enhance our API with error handling and data validation to make it more reliable and user-friendly!

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Written by

gayatri kumar
gayatri kumar