Is your organization DevOps Ready?

Sameer iSameer i
2 min read

Are you prepared to evaluate your DevOps performance?

In today’s competitive landscape, simply being a DevOps practitioner isn’t enough—you need to outpace your competitors by refining key skills. But are you ready to tackle this challenging and highly context-dependent task?

To assess your organization’s software delivery expertise is mature enough, here are the KEY QUESTIONS that should be asked to check where you stand

Pre-qualification Assessment

  1. What challenges do you face regarding your infrastructure, deployment strategy, and automation processes?

  2. What type of assistance do you expect from the DevOps team?

  3. Are you able to dedicate time to development, or are you often handling unexpected issues?

  4. Do you have established SLAs? How critical are your applications?

  5. What would an ideal application setup look like for you? What is the main goal or objective?

  6. How is your DevOps team structured? Do you have a separate operations team?

  7. Do you have a preferred way of collaborating with the DevOps team?

  8. To what extent is your deployment process automated?

  9. Does your organization have an on-call system in place?

  10. Are your applications hosted on-premises or in the cloud? Are they designed for the cloud?

  11. How do you handle downtime during deployments? What methods do you use, such as canary, A/B testing, or blue-green deployments?

  12. Do you conduct security audits for your infrastructure?

  13. How are changes managed in your production environment?

  14. What strategies do you use to monitor your infrastructure?

DevOps Maturity Index

Every "yes" response is worth the specified number of points. The sum of the points determines the final score.

Worth 3 Points:

  1. Do you use a CI system or version control?

  2. Are code, documents, and procedures reviewed by peers?

  3. Do you monitor your systems both internally and externally?

  4. Have you implemented a backup and disaster recovery plan, and tested it within the past year?

  5. Is there a change management process for your environments?

Worth 2 Points:

  1. Is your infrastructure management fully automated?

  2. Is the deployment process for applications entirely automated?

  3. Do developers have access to production environments?

  4. Do you utilize software for work tracking and organization?

  5. Are application logs actively managed?

  6. Is there consistency between your development and production environments?

Worth 1 Point:

  1. Is your infrastructure capable of self-healing?

  2. Is your infrastructure immutable?

  3. Was a security audit conducted within the past year?

  4. Do you run smoke tests for your services?

So What level your organization is at?

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Sameer i
Sameer i