The Memory-Efficient Guide to Blazing Fast CSV Filtering with PHP

Juan MillanJuan Millan
2 min read

When it comes to processing large CSV files, memory consumption can quickly become a bottleneck. Loading a 10-million-line CSV file into memory? That's a recipe for an out-of-memory error. But what if I told you that you could Filter such a file using just 2MB of RAM and process it in few seconds.

Before diving into performance testing, you'll need a substantial dataset. Here's how to generate a 10-million-line CSV using the Faker library

composer require fakerphp/faker

Generate dataset script whit Faker

Now that we have a dataset, we must start by reading it, the most efficient way is to use a Generator which is also an Iterator, this provide elegant approach to memory-efficient CSV processing. They're perfect for processing large datasets because they maintain their state between iterations without keeping the entire dataset in memory.

function readLines() : Generator
    $file = fopen(__DIR__.'/data.csv', 'r');

    while (($data = fgetcsv($file)) !== false) {
            yield Record::fromArray($data);

Now the next key piece is Filters, PHP provides the built-in FilterIterator class, which efficiently implements the filtering logic while maintaining memory efficiency when working with large datasets.

lets create a some filters:

class AgeFilter extends FilterIterator {

    public function __construct(
        Iterator $iterator,
        private readonly int $age
    ) {

    public function accept(): bool
        return $this->current()->age == $this->age;
class GenderFilter extends FilterIterator {

    public function __construct(
        Iterator $iterator,
        private readonly string $gender
    ) {

    public function accept(): bool
        return $this->current()->gender == $this->gender;

Next, we need to create a filter chain to process the previous result. To simplify this task, we can leverage the PipelineFilterIterator library.

composer require millancore/pipeline-iterator
use Millancore\PipelineIterator\PipelineFilterIterator;

$iterator = PipelineFilterIterator::create(readLines())
    ->filter(GenderFilter::class, 'F')
    ->filter(AgeFilter::class, 30);

foreach($iterator as $item) {
   echo $item->name.PHP_EOL;

* Records: 10.000.000
* File size: 227 MiB
* Time: 7.65 seconds
* Memory: 2 MB

It's that simple! This approach ensures our filters are reusable, testable, and easily combinable to suit your needs.


You can use built-in Filters as CallbackFilterIterator or RegexIterator

 # Regex filter names containing 'ana'
 ->filter(RegexIterator::class, '/ana/')

To use RegexIterator the class must implement __toString to apply the filter.


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Written by

Juan Millan
Juan Millan