What the heck is "this" Keyword in JavaScript

Keyur ChaudhariKeyur Chaudhari
4 min read

Key insights:

  • Global Scope: In the global context, this refers to the global object (e.g., window).

  • Function Context: Inside regular functions, this behaves differently in strict and non-strict modes, returning undefined or the global object.

  • Methods: In object methods, this refers to the object itself, allowing access to its properties.

  • Call, Apply, Bind: These methods allow sharing of functions between objects by altering the this context.

  • Arrow Functions: Arrow functions do not have their own this, inheriting it from their enclosing lexical context.

  • DOM Elements: In DOM event handlers, this refers to the HTML element that triggered the event.

The Global Scope

To begin, let's examine how "this" behaves in the global scope. In JavaScript, when you reference "this" at the top level of your code, it refers to the global object. In a web browser, this global object is the window.

For example:

    console.log(this); // Outputs: Window

In Node.js, however, the global object is different and is referred to as global.

Thus, the value of "this" can vary depending on the environment in which your JavaScript code is executing.

Understanding "this" Inside Functions

Next, let's explore how "this" behaves inside functions. When you define a function and call it, the value of "this" inside that function will depend on how the function is called.

In non-strict mode, if you log "this" within a function, it will also refer to the global object:

    function test() {
    test(); // Outputs: Window

However, if you enable strict mode by adding "use strict"; at the top of your function, "this" will be undefined:

    'use strict';
    function test() {
    test(); // Outputs: undefined

This behavior is a result of this substitution, which states that if "this" is null or undefined in non-strict mode, it defaults to the global object.

Strict Mode vs Non-Strict Mode

Understanding the difference between strict and non-strict mode is crucial. In non-strict mode, the value of "this" can be the global object, but in strict mode, it becomes undefined if it's not explicitly bound to an object.

To recap:

  • In global space, "this" refers to the global object.

  • In a function, "this" can refer to the global object in non-strict mode but is undefined in strict mode.

How "this" Works in Object Methods

Now, let's discuss how "this" behaves within object methods. When a function is defined inside an object, it's considered a method, and "this" will refer to that object when the method is called:

    const obj = {
        name: 'My Object',
        getName: function() {
    obj.getName(); // Outputs: My Object

Here, "this" refers to "obj", the object in which the method is defined.

Sharing Methods with Call, Apply, and Bind

To share methods between objects, JavaScript provides three functions: call, apply, and bind. Each of these allows you to set the value of "this" explicitly:

  • call: Calls a function with a specified this value and arguments.

  • apply: Similar to call, but accepts an array of arguments.

  • bind: Returns a new function with a specified this value.

For example:

    const student1 = {
        name: 'Alice',
        printName: function() {

    const student2 = {
        name: 'Bob'

    // Using call
    student1.printName.call(student2); // Outputs: Bob

In this case, "this" inside printName refers to student2 instead of student1.

Arrow Functions and "this"

Arrow functions behave differently than traditional functions. They do not have their own "this" context; instead, they inherit "this" from their enclosing lexical context. This means that "this" within an arrow function refers to the same value as it does outside the function:

    const obj = {
        value: 42,
        getValue: function() {
            const arrowFunc = () => {
    obj.getValue(); // Outputs: 42

Here, "this" in the arrow function refers to the "obj" object, demonstrating how arrow functions capture the "this" value from their enclosing context.

"this" in the DOM

Finally, when working with the DOM, "this" can refer to the HTML element that triggered an event. For example:

    document.getElementById('myButton').onclick = function() {
        console.log(this); // Refers to the button element

In this case, when the button is clicked, "this" will refer to the button element itself.

Thanks for reading, and if you found this guide helpful, please share it with fellow developers and keep practicing to solidify your understanding of "this" in JavaScript!

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Written by

Keyur Chaudhari
Keyur Chaudhari

Frontend Engineer with 6+ years of experience developing scalable and efficient web applications. Looking to be a better software engineer everyday.