this in JavaScript: A Comedy of Contexts

Ah, JavaScript. The land of quirky rules, unexpected behaviors, and, of course, the enigmatic this. Let’s dive into the various personalities of this and see why it’s both your best friend and the source of your debugging nightmares.

What Exactly is this?

In JavaScript, this is like a method actor — its identity changes depending on the scene it’s in. It usually refers to an object, but which object? That depends on the circumstances. Let’s break it down:

  1. In an Object Method: this is the object that’s doing the talking.

  2. Alone in the Code: this is the global object (or undefined in strict mode).

  3. In a Regular Function:

    • Non-strict mode: this is the global object

    • Strict mode: this is undefined

  4. In Event Handlers: this is the element that got clicked, poked, or prodded.

  5. When Called with call(), apply(), or bind(): this gets a custom-tailored suit and does whatever you explicitly tell it to.

1. this in Object Methods

Imagine this as the VIP of an object’s methods — it’s always pointing back to the object.


const car = {
  brand: "Toyota",
  getBrand: function () {
    return this.brand; // It's me, the car!

console.log(car.getBrand()); // Outputs: Toyota

Here, this is the car object itself.

2. this in the Global Context

Out in the open, this likes to go big or go home.

  • Non-strict mode:

      console.log(this); // Outputs: window
  • Strict mode:

      "use strict";
      console.log(this); // Outputs: undefined (strict mode doesn’t play games)

Here, this is either your browser’s window object or… a blank stare from the void.

3. this in Regular Functions

When it comes to regular functions, this behaves like a well-meaning but clueless intern — it just defaults to the global object. Unless you’re in strict mode, in which case this has no idea what’s going on.


function showThis() {

showThis(); // Outputs: global object or undefined (in strict mode)

“Who, me? No idea what I’m doing here!”

4. this in Arrow Functions

Arrow functions? They’re the laid-back millennials of the JavaScript world. They don’t bother with their own this — they just borrow it from their surroundings.


const obj = {
  name: "Alice",
  arrowFunc: () => {
    console.log(; // Not me, buddy.

obj.arrowFunc(); // Outputs: undefined (inherits global or undefined in strict mode)

Arrow functions say, “I’m not getting involved. Whatever this you have, I’m good with it.”

5. this in Event Handlers

Event handlers are like chameleons — this changes to match the element receiving the event.


document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click", function () {
  console.log(this); // Outputs: the button element

But throw an arrow function into the mix, and it’s like hiring a babysitter who refuses to leave their couch:

document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click", () => {
  console.log(this); // Outputs: global object or undefined

Arrow functions in event handlers? They’re like, “Nah, I don’t do buttons.”

6. Taking Control of this with call(), apply(), and bind()

When JavaScript gets too free-spirited with this, you can reign it in using call(), apply(), or bind().


You politely ask this to be someone else — and it agrees.

function greet(greeting) {
  console.log(`${greeting}, I am ${}`);

const person = { name: "John" };, "Hello"); // Outputs: Hello, I am John


Same deal as call(), but the arguments arrive in bulk, like Costco.

greet.apply(person, ["Hi"]); // Outputs: Hi, I am John


You tie this down for later use. It’s commitment-phobic, but you’ve got a workaround.

const boundGreet = greet.bind(person, "Hey");
boundGreet(); // Outputs: Hey, I am John

“Bound and ready to go!”

Key Takeaways

  • this is the ultimate shapeshifter. Its value depends entirely on where and how it’s invoked.

  • If this starts acting out, you can discipline it with call(), apply(), or bind().

  • Arrow functions are the Zen monks of JavaScript — they simply borrow this from their surroundings and refuse to argue.

Mastering this takes patience, practice, and maybe a few dozen consolatory cups of coffee, but once you do, you’ll feel like a JavaScript ninja. Or at least like someone who knows where they are in the grand cosmic joke that is this.

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Maneeshwar Karne
Maneeshwar Karne

Learning web devlelopment